五年级英语下册 Unit 3 Spring Begins from March教案 陕旅版.doc

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Unit3 Spring Begins from March lets learn more教学目标1、能听说熟读课文,语音语调准确自然流利。2、能应用there are four seasons in a year,each season has three months.谈论四季月份的划分。3、能在实际生活中灵活自如的运用所学词汇和句型描述季节月份的划分,培养学生热爱大自然的情感。学情分析此阶段的学生天真活泼,好奇心强,有较强的模仿能力,具有可塑性强的特点,学生有一定的英语词汇积累但是记得不牢固,需要不断的对学生进行旧知识的唤醒和新知识的输入,education must be fun,学生是学习的主体,在教学中要为学生创设活泼的语言环境,让学生积极的参与学习,敢于展示自己,成为学习的主人。重点难点重点:能听说熟读课文,语音语调准确自然流利。难点:能应用there are four seasons in a year,each season has three months.谈论四季月份的划分。教学过程【导入】letsdoitOnehammerisworking, dingdingdongdingdingdongtwohammersareworking, dingdingdongdongdingdingdong,threehammersareworking, dingdingdongdongdingdingdong,fourhammersareworking, dingdingdongdongdingdingdong【活动】Easy,Easy,Itssoeasy!1+1+1+1=?【讲授】Think,Think.LetmethinkHow many seasons are there in a year?【活动】我真快!3+3+3+3=?【讲授】我真棒!、How many months are there in a year?2、How many months are there in each season?【活动】win,win,icanwin1、Which months are in Spring?2、Which months are in summer?3、Which months are in autumn?4、Which months are in winter?【讲授】Find,Find,Icanfind1、Spring begins from_.Spring is from_to_.2、summer begins from_summer is ffrom_to_.3、autumn begins from_.autumn is from_to_.4、winter begins from_.winter is from_to_.【活动】listen,listen,icanlistenThere are _ seasons in a year. Each season has_months.Spring_ _ March. Summer is from June to_.Autumn begins_September. Winter is_December_February. New Year is in the _month of the year.then how many months _ there in _year?Do you know?【测试】Doyouknow1、Howmanyseasonsarethereinayear?2、Howmanymonthsarethereineachaseason?3、Howmanymonthsarethereinayear?【作业】WritingImitate writing a short passage:There are four seasons in ayear.each season has three months.begins from. .is from.to.writting: my favorite season 1、why? :weather?, clothes?,do? 2、months?(begins from. be from .to.)


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