五年级英语下册 Unit 1 My Day一课一练 人教PEP.doc

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Unit 1 My day一、看图片选短语,并译成汉语。A. do morning exercises ( ) B. eat breakfast ( ) C. have English class ( ) D. play sports( ) E. eat dinner ( ) 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._二、选词填空,并读一读。sports, exercises , have English class , breakfast , dinner 1. When do you _(上英语课)? 2. I play _(进行体育运动)at 6 oclock . 3. We eat _(吃早饭) at 7 oclock a . m . 4. When do you do morning _(早锻炼) ? 5. Lets eat _(吃晚饭) together .三、选一选,读一读。( )1.你们常常三点钟上英语课吗? A. Lets eat breakfast.( )2.我通常六点钟进行体育运动。 B. When do you do morning exercises?( )3.我们一起吃早饭吧。 C. Usually I play sports at 6oclock.( )4.你什么时候早锻炼? D. We eat dinner at 8 oclock p.m.( )5.我们晚上八点吃晚饭。 E. Do you often have English classat 3 oclock?Period 2 Section A lets try lets talk 一、选一选,读一读。 1. _ do you get up?(A. When B. What) At 6 oclock .2. Classes start _ 3 oclock.(A. in B. at) 3. We eat dinner _.(A. go home B. at home) 二、选择合适的句子补全对话,并读一读。Hi,Bird.1._2._I get up at 6:00 p.m 3._When do you go to bed?4._. A. Oh, its too late.B. Hi, Owl.C. When do you get up?D. Oh, I go to bed at 6 oclock a.m. 三、为下面的句子选择正确的翻译。( )1. When do you finish class in the morning?( )2. We finish class at 1 oclock.( )3. Classes start at 3 oclock.( )4. When do you usually eat dinner in Spin?A. 你们上午的课到几点结束?B. 三点钟开始上课。C. 你们在西班牙通常几点钟吃晚饭?D. 我们一点钟结束上午的课。 Period 3 Section B Lets learn Do a survey一、 选择正确的词组,并读一读、译一译。A. go for a walk( ) B. take a dancing class ( )C. clean my room ( ) D. go shopping( ) 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._二、为下列句子选择相应的答语。( )1. When do you go to bed?( )2. When do you eat breakfast?( )3. What do you do?( )4. What do you do on the weekend?A. At 7:oo a.m.B. I Often read books.C. At 9:00 in the evening.D. Im a student.三、选出翻译正确的一项。1. When do you finish class in the morning?A. 你们早上什么时间上课? B.你们早上什么时间放学? 2. When do you go back to school after lunch? A. 你午餐后什么时间回学校? B. 你午餐后什么时间离开学校? 3. I often go shopping with my father on the weekend. A.周末我通常跟我爸爸一起去购物。 B.周末我通常跟我妈妈一起跳舞。 4. Thats too late! A. 太迟了! B. 那真是太好了!Period 4 Section B Lets try Lets talk一、选择恰当的单词填空,并读一读。 1. Its 7:00 p.m. Lets eat _. A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner 2. What do you do on the weekend? I like music. I often _ on the weekend. A. play football B. play the pipa C. play sports 3. I often _ my homework _ 7:00 p.m. A. do; in B. does; at C. do; at 4. Thats _ late! A. too B. to C. many 5. I always _class at 8 oclock. A. get B. start C. do二、选择合适的选项,补全对话。Tom: 1._Jay: I often watch TV and play football.Tom: 2._ Jay: Yes. What about you?Tom: 3._Jay: 4._Lets play ping-pong together next weekend.Tom: OK!A: I usually play ping-pong with my friends.B: What do you do on the weekend?C: I like sports.D: That sounds like a lot of fun.三、连词成句。 1. the , in , your , finish , you , class, When , do , morning (?) 2. finish ,We , at , oclock , class , 1 (.) 3. you , on , What , do , the , weekend , do (?) 4. go , I ,with , father , shopping , often , my (.) Period 5 Section A lets spell P6 Section B read and write P9 一. 圈出你所听到的单词。(老师任意读出每组中的一个单词)A. class cloudy uncle B. clothes people clever C. play eggplant please D. classroom playground plateE. clean clear player F. clock plate uncle二按要求完成下列各题并读一读。 1、I often _(购物)on the weekend.(根据汉语提示填空) 2、I always play ping-pong on Sundays.(译成中文) _ 3、watch , TV , my , I , with , sometimes , mum(.)(连词成句) 4、What do you do on the weekend?(根据实际情况回答)三. 阅读短文,判断句子正( A)误( B )。 Hello, Im Li Lei. My weekend is very busy. I usually get up at 6:30 in themorning. I eat breakfast at 7 oclock. Then I do morning exercises at 8 oclock. I often do my homework on Saturday morning. I play sports in the afternoon. I usually clean my room on Sunday morning. In the afternoon I often read books and watch TV. This is my weekend. ( ) 1. Li Lei gets up at 6:30 in the morning. ( ) 2. Li Lei eats breakfast at 7:30. ( ) 3. Li Lei often reads books on Saturday morning. ( ) 4. Li Lei can clean the room.Period 6 main scene Section B Lets check Lets wrap it up P10 一、听一听,选一选。(教师可任意读) ( ) 1. A. play sports B. play games ( ) 2. A. eat dinner B. eat breakfast ( ) 3. A. do morning exercise B. do homework( ) 4. A. go shopping B. go to school( ) 5. A. take a trip B. take a dancing class二、补全单词,然后译成中文,并把单词按格式抄在四线格上。1. br_ _kfast( ) 2. ex_ _cises( ) 3.d_ _cing ( ) 4. d_ _ner ( ) 5. sh_ pping ( ) 6. wh_n ( ) 7. usu_lly ( ) 8. sp_ _ts ( ) 三、根据图片选择对话。 1._ 2._ 3._A. When do you do morning exercises? At 8:00 a.m.B. What do you do on Sundays? I often go swimming. C. What do you do on the weekend? I clean my room.四、连词成句。 1. do , weekend , do , on , What , the(?) 2. usually , have , I , English , 9:00 , at , class(.) 3. Sunday , together , Lets , hiking , next , go(.) 4. morning , do , When , you , exercises , do(?)


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