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Chapter 8 Translation of Passive Voice,英语的被动语态比汉语被动语态使用多,使用广。尤其在医学文献中,由于人们所关心注意的是行为的对象, 即疾病和患者,而很少是行为者本身,即医务人员,所以被动语态就用得更多。 *常用被动句型的翻译:教材P98。,Exercises,1. 你的牙龈好像发炎了。 Your gums seem to be inflamed. 2. 不是每个病例都同样处理的。 Every case is not treated in the same way. 3. 高血压无法根治,但可以控制,使它不致对心脏和其他系统造成损害。 High blood pressure cannot be cured. However, it can be brought under control, so that it may not cause damage to the heart and other body systems.,4. 人们进行了大量的科学研究以确定抽烟是否有害于健康。 Numerous scientific studies have been conducted to determine whether smoking is a health hazard. 5. 有人认为,就引起肝脓肿而言,蛔虫仅次于溶组织阿米巴。 Lumbricoides has been said to be second only to E. histolytica in producing liver abscesses.,6. 人们相信,许多药物都有副作用。 Many drugs are believed to have side effect. 7. 克隆技术可拯救稀有濒危动物。 Rare and endangered animals can be saved by cloning. 8. 太阳供给我们光和热。 Light and heat can be given to us by the sun.,9. 近代科学发现得出这样的结论,物质可以产生能量,能量又可以产生物质。 Modern scientific discoveries lead to the conclusion that energy may be created from matter and that matter, in turn, may be created from energy. 10. 有人指出人体内不同种类的蛋白质可多达100,000种。 It is pointed that there may be as many as 100,000 different sorts of proteins in a mans body.,11. 已经嘱咐过那病人要定时量血压。 It was ordered that the patients blood pressure should be taken regularly. 12. 建议患佝偻病的儿童常晒太阳。 It is recommended that the children suffering from rickets should be exposed to sunlight more often.,13. 当吸进烟雾时,所有这些物质都沉淀在肺膜上。 As the smoke is breathed in, all these components form deposits on the membranes of the lungs. 14.必须采取有效措施防止血吸虫病蔓延。 Effective measures must be taken to prevent schistosomiasis from spreading.,15. (人们)正在做出巨大的努力来完善外科手术,解决移植排斥问题,以提高手术的存活率。 Great efforts are being made to perfect surgical techniques and solve the problem of rejection with a view to raising the survival rate. 16. 电子产生的是X射线,它使医生能透视病人的身体。 Produced by electrons are the X-rays, which allow the doctor to look inside a patients body.,17.这个决定不是轻易做出的。 The decision was not taken lightly. 18. 他的尸体是在小道的尽头发现的。 His body was found at the end of the alley.,


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