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企业单位宣传材料,企业广告文,是一种具有推广和宣传企业形象的应用文体,通过一定的传媒进行宣传、介绍,达到引起客户的业务意向或消费者的购买欲望。,四个鲜明的特点: 1.实用性 2.程式化的文章格式 3.多样化的表现手法 4.言简意赅,本公司重合同、守信用,(欢迎)海内外企业家前来洽谈业务。 Our company makes a point of observing contracts and maintaining our commercial integrity, and (warmly welcomes) enterpreneurs from both home and abroad to have business talks with us. make a point of doing sth-do sth because one considers it important or necessary,(自1990年起),公司已经(连续三年)在中国 进出口额 最大的500家外资企业中进入前30位。 For three consecutive years since 1990, our company has been listed as one of the top 30 enterprises among Chinas 500 largest foreign trade companies in import-export volumes.,公司年产(150万 至 180万)双鞋,远销美国、加拿大、欧共体诸果、中南美洲、东欧诸国、中东地区、俄罗斯、东南亚以及中国香港等(40多个国家和地区)。 The companys annual output of shoes (ranges from) 1.5 to 1.8 million pairs. These have been exported to more than 40 countries and regions (such as) America, Canada, the EEC countries, the Central and South America, the East European countries, the Middle East, Russia, Southeast Asia and Chinas Hong Kong SAR.,事业的成败在于人,生产出优秀的产品之前,首先培养优秀的人才,公司极为重视对人的培养和教育,事实表明,在企业经营方针的指导下,全体员工具有一种精神的凝聚力,公司的每一项活动都是围绕培养人而展开的。 The quality of staff is the key to success. Without well-trained qualified workers, there are no high-quality products. (This belief keeps) our company giving the first priority to staff-training and staff-education. It has proved that the companys operation policy can unite all staff in spirit. The companys central task lies in how to train employees.,As the success of a career depends on man, a company can have ability to produce good products only after having cultivated excellent talents. Our company emphasizes the cultivation of its staff. It has been shown that under the guidance of the companys business policy, all the staff are united in spirit and every activity of the company focuses on the cultivation of the staff.,我司经营的品种中有(举世闻名)的贝雕工艺品;(色彩艳丽)、(种类繁多)的人造花卉;令人(爱不释手)的小工艺品;(体态生动活泼)的各式玩具;(款式新颖)、(穿着舒适)的各种工艺鞋;(稀有名贵)的钻石珠宝;(技艺精湛)、(巧夺天工)的玉石雕刻;(格调高雅)的抽丝工艺品与50余类商品。 Our famous products include () carvings, a variety of colorful artificial flowers, () small arts and crafts articles, lively toys, fashionable and comfortable shoes, rare jewelry, meticulous jade carvings and sophisticated embroideries. ( wonderful workmanship ( or superb craftsmanship) excelling nature ),Our company deals in more than 50 kinds of goods including the world-famous shell-carved arts, various bright-colored artificial flowers, attractive crafts, varieties of toys in different poses, comfortable art shoes in novel designs, precious and expensive jewelry and diamonds, skillfully-carved jade and elegant silk-drawing arts.,天津(国际)经济贸易展览中心是由中国、德国、日本(合资经营)的综合性大型国际展览与经济、贸易、旅游中心,它(坐落在)中国天津国际经济、贸易、旅游中心,是举办(各种规模和类型的)国际展览会、博览会及国际会议的理想场所。 The Tianjin World Economy Trade & Exhibition Center is (a first class) (modern ) comprehensive exhibition and trade center (jointly operated) by China, Germany and Japan. Located in the central part of the area for international economy, trade and tourism, the Center is the most ideal place for various kinds of international exhibitions, trade fairs and conventions.,我公司自20世纪70年代末期开始已经陆续在海外建立了一批独资、合资企业和代表机构,(在原油海外销售渠道的基础上,为进一步强化这些海外企业的职能和为公司向国际化经营发展创造条件),公司已着手在亚洲、欧洲、美洲地区组建三个独立的跨国集团公司,实行自主经营,独立核算,自负盈亏。 In the late 1970s, we established a number of representative offices, joint ventures and wholly-owned subsidiaries overseas. (We will strengthen the offices so as to use the existing sales channels for internationalizing our activities). We are planning to create three multinational companies in Asia, Europe and America. They will be entirely independent units responsible for their own profits and losses.,知人善任,惟才是用-集团始终坚持人才为公司之本的观念,努力建全员工招聘、培训、使用、激励和淘汰机制, 注重尊重人才、重用人才、用好人才的良好风气。公司荟萃了一批具有高知识水准和良好行业素质的专业人才,他们已成为公司最宝贵的财富,为公司在国际国内激烈的竞争中保持卓越的业绩打下了坚实的基础。,All Talents Are Welcome Here. The Group insists on the idea that talents are the foundation of the Group. We bend on the careful work of recruiting, training, employing, encouraging and unemployment system. (be bent on) We respect real talents, assigning talents important posts. The Group has a group of technicians with high knowledge and good professional morality, who are the wealth of the group. (Their excellent work) enables us to achieve a better result in the fierce competition at home and abroad.,惠州市是广东省辖城市,位于广东省的东南部,珠江三角洲的东端,属于今日珠江三角洲经济开放区。战国时期属楚国,隋朝称“循州”并设府。公元1021年改称惠州。据方兴纪要载:惠州“东接长汀,北连赣岭,控潮梅之襟要,半广南之辅翼,大海横陈,群山拥后,诚岭南之名郡也。,Huizhou city is located at the south-eastern part of Guangdong province and the east part of Pearl River Delta, which is under provincial administration. It is an open zone of economic developments. It has been an administration prefecture named Xunzhou ever since the Sui Dynasty (581-618AD). After 1021 it was named Huizhou until now. The city is a very important spot for her strategic and geographic position.,逶迤秦岭,气象峥嵘;(潺潺山泉,峭壁奇峰)。蓝天白云,鸟唱蜂鸣。走进秦岭,你就像回归了远古,走进了童话般的境界。这里是中国南北的分界线,是长江、黄河两大水系的分水岭。这里资源丰富,动、植物种类繁多,单种子植物就有122类,671属,1,988种,药用植物种类510种,闻名世界的蜂蜜上品山花密就出产在这崇山峻岭中。 在秦岭山脉北坡,关中平原西端,闻名遐迩的陕西宝鸡市高新技术开发区,坐落着一家专门研究蜂乳生物科学、生产“老大”牌系列蜂乳蜜酒饿生产厂家陕西黑马蜂乳生物技术发展有限公司。,Shaanxi Dark House Honey Biological Development Co., Ltd. is on the north slope of Qingling Mountain. Qingling Mountain, located in central China, has a varied climate and grand landscapes. It is a place where visitors can enjoy blue skies and white clouds. The region abounds with living things. There are 1,988 different species of vegetables and 510 species of medicinal herbs. World famous quality honey is also produced here.,Shaanxi Dark House Honey Technology and Development Company, Ltd., located in the high-tech development area of Baoji city, Shaanxi province, specializes in researches on honey bio-science and produces series of “No.1” brand honey wine. It is north of Qinling Mountains and west of Guangzhong plain.,“西湖宾馆是中外合作的三星级酒店,由香港海龙酒店有限公司投资经营。宾馆在惠州市芳华洲,四面环湖景色(怡人)。宾馆的外形是根据惠州西湖的天然景色特别设计,房间的装饰建设均达国际先进水平。宾馆设有豪华中西餐厅、宴会厅、酒廊的士高、电子游戏娱乐室、芬兰浴美容健身中心。宾馆交通方便,免费车辆接送宾客穿梭市中心。宾馆并设置电传、图文传真、直拔国际电话等服务,实为旅游商务之理想居所。(西湖宾馆委任香港酒店专业人才负责管理及统筹),开业四年来分别荣获省外经贸委“质量、品种、效益”优秀企业和惠州市“花园式单位”等光荣称号。 地址: 广东省惠州市芳花洲 电话: 2228111 传真: 2228332 香港办公室: 九龙弥敦道363-373号恒成商业大厦 1310室 香港电话: 3-321305-8 传真:3-7807582,The West Lake Hotel is a three-star hotel of international standards, which is an investment by Hong Kong Sea Dragon Hotel Co., Ltd. It is situated right at the famous West Lake, Huizhou. The wonderful lake view, ( lots of bushes, greens and trees), create a kind of peaceful atmosphere, which is promising a relaxing holiday.,All our rooms are equipped with a combination of oriental and western facilities. Sitting in the nice garden, enjoying the sauna and massages, or having fun in dancing halls, disco and the video game centre, our guests can also enjoy either local or western food in the luxurious Chinese of Western Restaurant and, afterwards a drink in the night club. The means of transportation are very convenient.,You can take the Shuttle Bus to reach anywhere downtown. Inside the hotel telex, fax, IDD services are all available, which makes an ideal dwelling place for travel and business. Since its establishment the hotel gained Excellent Enterprise Prize for its high quality, efficiency and varieties and also obtained an honorable title of “Garden Unit” by Huizhou Municipal Government.,Add: Fong Wah Island, Huizhou, Guangdong Tel: 2228111 Fax: 2228332 Hong Kong Agency: Room 1310,Henchen Building 362-373 Nathan Road, Kowloon. Tel: 3-321305-8 Fax:3-7807582,罗浮山是中国十大名山之一,素称岭南第一山。她也是我国著名的道教圣地,并被称为第七洞天、三十四福地。罗浮山风景区位于广东省博罗县城西北角,距广州市92公里,离惠州65公里,风景区于1988年被省政府批准为省级风景名胜区,是旅游、观光、会议、度假胜地。 罗浮山旅游开发总公司于1985年正式成立,并被国家审定为二类旅行社,是县属全民所有制企业。公司现有员工300多人,有高中低档兼备的客房、餐厅,可容1000多人就餐,500多人住宿,博罗县对外开放及经济发展战略的重要窗口之一。 法人代表、总经理:杨怀玉 地址:广东省博罗县罗浮山朱明洞旅游区内 电话:6660178、6660638,The Luofushan Mountain is among the ten most famous mountains in China and always regarded as NO.1 at the south of the Five Ridges. She is also the famous Taoists Holy Place in our country, enjoying the fame of the Seventh Sky and 34th Treasured Land, The Luofushan scenic spot is situated at the north-western tip of Boluo County, Guangdong province, with a distance of 92 kilometers to Guangzhou, and 65 kilometers to Huizhou. Approved as a provincial level scenic spot by the provincial government in 1988,it is very nice place for tourism, visiting, meetings and vacation.,The Luofushan Tourist Development Corporation, established in 1985, is a Grade II Travel Agency by the country and a state-own enterprise under the administration of the county. The corporation has a staff of 300 people. There are guest rooms and dining halls of high, normal and low levels with the capacity of over 1000 dining seats and over 500 beds. Now the corporation has become strategic windows opening to the outside world and economic development in Boluo County.,Legal Representative, General Manager Yang HuaiYu Add: Zhumingdong Tourists Spot of Luo fushan Mountain, Boluo County, Guangdong Province Tel:6660178,6660638,


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