2019-2020年高二下学期开学考试英语试卷 含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高二下学期开学考试英语试卷 含答案II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks,use one word that best fits each blank. Residents of southern California are trying to get used to skyrocketing prices for gasoline. The average price for 87 octane economy gas is $2.22, almost 30 percent higher today than it was 12 months ago. The(21)_(low) gas price in the Southland right now is $2.09 a gallon at the Seashell station inArcadia. The station manager, Everett, said the reason his gas is cheaper than elsewhere is (22)_he bought a lot of gas two years ago at(23)_(reduce) prices, so he is passing his savings on to his customers.The lines at the Seashell station often run 10 to 20 vehicles long. The police have been here several times (24)_cars block traffic onHorsetrail Drive. Everettsaid, “I tell people in line that the Barco station a block away is only $2.14, (25)_theyd rather wait and save 5 cents. Its OK with me, of course. I dont mind (26)_(make) money.”A young man pumping gas was said(27)_(wait) in line for 20 minutes. When asked why he didnt go a block away where there were no lines, he said, “Every penny counts. When I bought this 99 Bummer, gas was only $1 a gallon, which was pretty cheap. So,(28)_ _I only get eight miles per gallon, I wasnt paying that much to fill my tank. But todays prices are killing me. I drive to work, and I drive to the grocery store. Thats it. I used to drive around the neighborhood just to show off my wheels, but I(29)_never do that any more now.”Section BDirections: plete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. A. traditional B. unpleasant C. applying D. technicallyAB. effect AC. undoubtedly AD. Fixed BC. remainingBD. resistant CD. advances ABC. launchedHow would you like to wear the same underwear for weeks? Owing to the work that has gone into developing intelligent materials, this may not be as _30_ as it sounds. Self-cleaning clothes have now been created, and these new materials provide _31_ resistance to dirt aswellas water. As a result, they require much less cleaning than traditional materials.The creation of self-cleaning clothes provides an example of how nature helps scientists develop better products. This self-cleaning nature is known as the lotus effect. The name es, of course, from the lotus leaves, which are famous for growing in muddy lakes and rivers while remaining almost _32_ clean. By observing nature, scientists are _33_ the qualities of the lotus leaves to the materials they have engineered. Because of this, some remarkable new products have been _34_. Among them are special windows that are _35_ to dirt and water. A special _36_ on these windows notonlyprevents dirt from sticking to their surfaces, but also allows dust to be easily washed off by the rain. In fact, these new windows have already been _37_ to some cars. Even when traveling at high speed through rain, these cars never have to use their windshield wipers (雨刮器)。Although we have already seen some practical applications, even more dramatic _38_ will be made in the future, and they will, perhaps, change our world pletely. Undoubtedly, technology is an important development, and it will have an even bigger _39_ on our lives.III. Reading prehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.The famous American inventor Thomas Alva Edison once claimed that genius was one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration(汗水). Now, it seems, there is scientific evidence to _40_ his claim. The idea that geniuses such as Shakespeare, Mozart, and Picasso possessed certain inborn talents is a false belief, according to a study by a British psychologist and his colleagues. After examining outstanding performance in the arts and sports, these researchers concluded that _41_ is determined by opportunity, encouragement, training, motivation, self-confidence, and most important of all _42_. Even people who were not thought to be _43_ with any special talent could, after having received training, reach levels _44_ considered attainable (可获得的) only by gifted individuals. Talent is a false belief, and it is time that people got rid of it,” they said. This theory a dramatic _45_ with traditional beliefs has been _46_ by academics worldwide. In fact, studies of acplished artists and mathematicians, and top tennis players and swimmers, have reported few early signs of _47_ in these people before any parental encouragement. No case has been found of anyone reaching the highest levels of achievement without _48_ himself or herself to thousands of hours of serious training. Even those who are believed to be exceptionally talented whether in music, mathematics, chess, or sports have needed lengthy periods of instruction and practice to achieve their highest level of success. The persistent false belief that some people reach high levels of performance without spending numerous hours practising _49_ much to the fact that their practice is usually outside the casual observers view, stated one scientist. The importance of practice has been noticed in athletics. For instance, differences in the position of certain muscles were once thought to be _50_ predictors of athletic performance. However, the differences in the proportion of certain muscle fibers(组织)that are _51_ for success in long-distance running are largely the result of extended practice in running. What makes a genius then? one may ask. _52_, there is no clear answer. What is known, however, is that nurture is at least as important as nature. _53_, a supportive environment will do far more for a childs prospects of success than any inborn gifts. This is a message that most of us will find _54_ even if we havent won the gene lottery, ourfateisstillinourownhands.40.A.makeB.challengeC.supportD.dismiss41.A.excellenceB.harmonyC.negotiationD.response42.A.educationB.practiceC.fortuneD.character43.A.satisfiedB.concernedC.decoratedD.gifted44.A.preciouslyB.practicallyC.previouslyD.primarily45.A.breakB.associationC.partnershipD.relief46.A.doubtedB.concludedC.mentionedD.applauded47.A.acplishmentB.treasureC.diligenceD.inspiration48.A.adaptingB.attachingC.linkingD.devoting49.A.carriesB.leavesC.owesD.connects50.A.creativeB.reliableC.naturalD.active51.A.essentialB.suitableC.possibleD.feasible52.A.UnlikelyB.SimilarlyC.HopefullyD.Unfortunately53.A.TosumupB.InotherwordsC.ForexampleD.Inaddition54.A.misleadingB.puzzlingC.fortingD.amusingSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several question or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A) If scientists could create a pill that let you live twice as long while remaining free of diseases, would you take it ? If one considers only the personal benefits that longer life would bring, the answer might seem like a no-brainer: People could spend more time with loved ones; watch future generations grow up; learn new languages or try different careers. But what about society as a whole ? would it be better off if life spans were doubled? The question is of growing importance, and serious debate about it goes back GCLAs School of Public Health, answered the question with a firm “Yes”. A doubted lifespan, Stock said, would “give us a chance to recover from our mistakes, lead us towards longer-term thinking and delay the start of expensive diseases of aging. It would also raise productivity through adding to our prime years.” Callahan, a co-founder of the Hastings Center in New York, didnt share Stocks enthusiasm. For one thing, he said, doubling life spans wont solve any of our current social problems. “We have war, poverty, all sorts of issues around, and I dont think any of them would be at all helped if people lived longer,” Callahan said in a telephone interview. “The question is , What will we get as a society? I suspect it wont be a better society.” Other point out that a doubling of the human lifespan will affect society at every level. Ideas about marriage and work will change in fundamental ways, they say, as will attitudes toward the young and the old.55. In Paragraph 2, “a no-brainer” most probably refers to _.A. something ing to mind naturallyB. someone unwilling to thinkC. something difficult to bear in mindD. someone having a low IQ56. According to Stock, a doubled lifespan would result in people_.A. thinking less frequentlyB. having fewer diseases of agingC. making more mistakesD. working productively longer57.Whats Callahans attitude towards the impact of peoples longer lives on society?A. NeutralB. NegativeC. CasualD. Supportive58. Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?A. Aging: Burden or TreasureB. Base of Society: the Old or the YoungC. Longer Lives: For or AgainstD. A Doubled Lifespan: Possible or Not(B) ATTENTION, ALL OUR NEW STUDENTS Wele to West Lakes Institute of Technology. You are strongly advised to adhere to the following three basic rules on this, you first day, of the second semester: 1. Wear your pre-admission student number on your lapel(衣服的翻领) at all times. 2. Do not enter any classrooms where classes are already in progress. 3. When asked to produce basic information about yourself, be ready to show your green enrollment acceptance advice slip.Students who have pre-paid the enrollment fee Form 9:00 am to 10:00 am (no later) you should visit the foyer of the Old Chapel building to receive your new student information kit. Once you have your kit, you are not required until 10:30 am, so you can relax in the Student Center until you are called over the PA system. Students who are yet to pay the enrollment Go directly to the Admissions Centre and be prepared to pay your enrollment fee ($150-cash only) to the New Admissions Officer. You will be asked for your address and your pre-admission student number (the number on your green enrollment acceptance advice slip). Note that this is NOT the number which is later displayed on your student card. Once you have paid your enrollment fee, follow the instruction above for students who have pre-paid their fee. Student Cards Student cards will not be issued until Thursday. Photographs, however, will be taken on Monday afternoon. Make your way to the Library at the following times: 1:00pm-Film and Photographic Arts 3:15pm-Hotel & Hospitality 1:45pm-Marketing 4:00pm-Fashion & Design 2:30pm-Travel & Tourism 4:45 pm -all other Art students Photographs of students in all other courses will be taken Tuesday afternoon. Wele Address The Director of the college will address all new students in the Main Hall at around 10:45 am. When you hear the announcement that directs you to assemble in the Main Hall, make your way swiftly past the canteen area, through the courtyard and into the Hall. No food or drinks are allowed in the Main Hall. Lunch The canteen is situated on the ground floor of the student building. Since the canteen is also used by members of the public, you will be asked to produce your enrollment acceptance advice slip. Failure to do this will result in all purchases being charged for at non-discount prices. Cooked lunches are served only between 12:15pm and 1:30pm 59. Who are intended readers of the passage? A. parents B. teacher C. students who have graduated D. students who are going to be registered60. According to the passage, students who have already paid the fee_. A. should give their address and student number to the New Admissions Officer B. can enter any classroom to have a rest C. are required to their kit before 9 oclock D. can have a minimum of 30 minutes to relax getting the knit 61. We can learn from the text that “students enrollment acceptance advice slip”_. A. displays the same number of that on the student card B. allows student to buy things in canteen at a lower price C. is only essential to students who havent paid the fee in advance D. is required when taking the pictures use for the student card 62. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text? A. Marketing students can get their student cards at 1:45,Monday afternoon B. Students are allowed to have their lunch at 12:30 pm in the Hall. C. The assembly call will be made before the wele address begins. D. Students can get their student cards from the Library.(C)On October 24, 1929-“Black Thursday”- a wave of panic selling of stocks swept the New York Stock Exchange. The Great Depression began. By 1932, thousands of banks and businesses had failed. Industrial production was cut in half, farm ine had fallen by more than half, wages had decreased 60 percent, new investment was down 90 percent and one out of every four workers was unemployed. The Republican president, Herbert Hoover was unable to take measures to deal with the economic collapse. So in the 1932 election, he was defeated by Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt, who promised “a New Deal for the American people”. Within the “Hundred Days”, Roosevelt rushed through Congress a number of laws to aid the recovery of the economy. The Civilian Conservation Corps put young men to work in reforestation and flood.The Federal Emergency Relief Administration aided state and local relief funds. The Agricultural Adjustment Administration paid farmers to reduce production, thus raising crop prices. The Tennessee Valley Authority built a network of dams in the Tennessee River area to generate electricity, control floods and manufacture fertilizer. The National Recovery Administration regulated fair petition among businesses and ensured bargaining rights and minimum wages for workers.The Social Security Act of 1935 established contributory old age and survivors pensions, as well as a joint federal state program of unemployment insurance.The Work Progress Administration was one of the most effective of the New Deal measures. Financed by taxes collected by the federal government, the WPA created millions of jobs by undertaking the construction of roads, bridges, airports and other public buildings. It kept workers in the job, thus preserving their skills and their self-respect.The New Deal programs did not end the Depression. But the economy improved as a result of this program of government intervention.63. According to the passage, “Black Thursday” is the day _. A. of selling stocks B. of reducing industrial production C. the Great Depression began D. the New Deal was implemented64. The New Deal is a number of laws _. A. to make young people plant trees and build dams B. to aid state and local relief funds C. to deal with workers D. to deal with economic problems65. The WPA was an effective measure because _. A. it provided workers jobs of building roads and airports B. it preserved workers skill and self-respect C. it provided financial aids to workers D. it ensured workers minimum wages66. Roosevelt made his New Deal programs effective through _. A. his presidential power B. government taxation C. congress reputation D. government intervention第二卷 (共22分)I.TranslationDirections: translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1. 开车时,要确保喜好安全带。(sure)2. 由于缺乏资金和人力,好几条地铁的建造将推迟。(lack)3. 这些旧照片总使我回想起我们一起度过的艰难岁月。(remind)4. 我们非常关心食品质量,因为他与每一个人的健康都息息相关。(concern)5. 对学生们而言,要紧的不是沉溺于网络,而是鼓励他们多参加社会实践。(matter)Keys:21-29 lowest that reduced because but making to have waited even if will30-39 B A BC C ABC BD AD CD AC AB40-44 CABDC 45-49 ADADC 50-54 BADBC55-58ADBC59-62 DDBC6366 CDBD翻译:1.Be sure to fasten your seat belt when driving.2.the construction of several subways will be delayed for lack of fund and labor. 3. these old photos always remind me of the hard time we spent together. 4. we are concerned about the quality of food because it is close related to everyones health. 5. what matters to studentsis not their being addicted to internet but encouraging them to participate in more social practice.

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