河北省邢台市桥东区九年级英语全册Unit5WhataretheshirtsmadeofSectionA1a_2d课件 人教新目标版.ppt

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河北省邢台市桥东区九年级英语全册Unit5WhataretheshirtsmadeofSectionA1a_2d课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
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河北省邢台市桥东区九年级英语全册Unit5WhataretheshirtsmadeofSectionA1a_2d课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第2页
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河北省邢台市桥东区九年级英语全册Unit5WhataretheshirtsmadeofSectionA1a_2d课件 人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
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Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?,shirt,tie,trousers,shoes,blouse,skirt,boots,Section A(1a-2d) Talk about the clothes. What are these things usually made of?,Words chopstick 筷子 coin 硬币 fork 叉子 blouse (女士)衬衫 silver 银器 glass 玻璃 cotton 棉花 steel 钢铁 fair 展览会 ;交易会 environmental 自然环境的 grass 草 leaf 叶子 produce 生产 widely 普遍地 be known for 以闻名 process 加工,重点知识 1. be made of / from / in / by / into 【例句】 The desk is made of wood. 这桌子是木头做成的。 Paper is made from wood. 纸是用木头做成的。 The iPhone5 is made in America. 这款iPhone5手机是美国制造的。 Was the cake made by your mother? 蛋糕是你妈妈做的吗? Steel can be made into all kinds of things. 钢铁可以被制成各种各样的物品。 【结论】be made of 用制造的 (从成品中仍可看得出原材料),如例句;be made from 用制造的(从成品中看不出原材料),如例句;be made in 在制造,后常接表示地点或时间的名词,如例句。be made by 由 / 被 (人)制作,后接表示人的名词或代词;be made into (某物)被制成。,Read the conversation.,produce: 指农作物产量“出产”,或自然地“生长出;长出; 结出(果实) e.g.The region produces over 80% of the countrys rice.这个地区出产整个国家50%以上的大米。 【链接】grow “种植;使生长”着重指种植以后的栽培、生长过程。 The plants grow from seeds。这些植物从种子生长而来。,Listen 2a and write shorts answers to the questions. Where is the art and science fair? Do Nick and Marcus have to pay to go? What is the model plane make of? What is the painting made from?,.,Group Discussion (小组讨论),Things Materials chopsticks a. wood window b.glass Blouse c. silk,友情提醒:运用想象, 大胆回答!,Talk about what products are made of,Practice A: Hey, do you think this stamp looks OK? B: Hmm. Yes, I think its quite pretty. Is it made of paper? A: ,Homework,1. Finish the exercise on your workbook. 2. Recite the dialogue 2d.,

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