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2019-2020年高中英语每日一题第3周description和quarrel含解析新人教版 高考频度:难易程度:1. The purse found on the playground matches the made by Mary, so it must be hers.A. directionB. descriptionC. expressionD. instruction【参考答案】B 2. Do you like the wine in our restaurant, sir? Yes, any description. I will e again with my best friend.A.beyondB.inC.overD.for【参考答案】A【试题解析】考查介词。beyond description难以形容,无法描述。根据答语第二句可知此处表示这个饭店的酒很好。【知识拓展】description n. 描写,描绘,形容 describe v. 描述,描写,叙述give sb a brief description of.向某人简要地描述beyond description难以描述;无法形容give/make a description of.对加以描述3. Did you quarrel the English teacher the low grades yesterday? I apologized him for it and he forgave me. A.about; about; forB.with; over; to C.over; about; withD.on; about; with【参考答案】B【知识拓展】quarrel n.& vi. 争吵;吵架。常见的搭配:quarrel with sb./sth.不赞同,反对quarrel with sb.about/over sth. have a quarrel with sb.about/over sth.因某事与某人争吵I used to quarrel a lot with my parents,but now we get along just fine together. 我以前老是和我父母吵架,不过我们现在相处得很好。Dont quarrel with her about/over parenting education. 不要就家教问题和她争吵。1. Please read the _ on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine.A. explanationsB. instructionsC. descriptionsD. introductions2. Why do you suggest we buy a new machine? Because the old one has been damaged . A. beyond reachB. beyond repairC. beyond controlD. beyond description3. We had a short on whether or not to accept the offer.A. debateB. quarrelC. puzzleD. influence4. She likes to quarrel _ neighbors _ little things.A. with; forB. to; aboutC. with; aboutD. about; with1. B【解析】考查名词辨析。explanation解释;instruction说明(指对某种产品的用法,用量进行说明);description描述;introduction介绍。句意:请仔细阅读药瓶上的说明,按量服用。故B选项正确。2. B【解析】本题考查介词beyond的用法。beyond repair 无法修理,修不好。3. A【解析】考查名词辨析。句意:关于是否接受那个提议,我们进行了简短的辩论。debate辩论,争论,符合句意。quarrel争吵;puzzle谜,疑问;influence影响。4. C【解析】quarrel with sb about/over sth为固定搭配,表示“因某事而某人争吵”。贵有恒何必三更眠五更起,最无益只怕一日曝十日寒。_

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