2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 4 Making the news期末知识梳理 新人教版必修5.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 4 Making the news期末知识梳理 新人教版必修5一、训练导入I.考纲单词写出下列考纲词汇的词性和汉义(如果不止一个词性学生自行增补词性及相应汉义)1.editor 2.delighted 3.assist 4.eager 5.concentrate 6.update 7.inform 8.meanwhile 9.case 10.accuse 11.demand 12.publish 13.gifted 14.housewife15.crime 16.edition 17.senior 18.chief 19.approve 20.appointmentII.核心短语1concentrate_集中;全身贯注于2in_以防万一3_of在前面4_as to (do sth.)为了(做)5on ones_独自,靠自己,独立6be get absorbed_注意,全身贯注于7make an_约会,预约8have a good_for对有敏感的嗅觉9keep sth. in_记住10be_to应当二、知识精讲I.重点词汇 1. concentrate vt.集中;聚集典例1)Authority was concentrated in the president. 政权集于总统一身 2)We concentrated on the task before us. 我们专注于眼前的任务重要用法concentration n. 集中, 专心with deep concentration专心concentrate ones attention on upon 把注意力集中在2. course n.过程;进程;课程;一道菜典例a course of medical treatments. 医学治疗的一个疗程a short -term course短期班a dinner of five courses有五菜的正餐3. trade 1) vi.交易, 买卖, 经商, 对换, 购物vt.用.进行交换 2) n.行业;贸易;商业典例1)He is engaged in trade.他经商。2)This is the trick of the trade. 这是经商的诀窍。 3)England trades with nearly all the countries in the world.英国几乎与世界上所有的国家进行贸易往来。重要用法trade in做.生意, 经营trade sth. for sth.以.换取.; trade sth. with sb. 同某人交换某物4. defend vt.防护,护卫; 以行动, 语言或文字替.辩护或答辩典例1) defend the motherland保卫祖国2) The accused man had a lawyer to defend him. 被告有一律师为他辩护。 重要用法defend against保卫; 抵抗defend from保护, 保卫(使不受伤害)5. senior adj.年长的;高年级的;高级的n.年长者,长辈典例senior staff高级职员a senior officer高级军官a senior high school高中senior student高年级学生she has a good relationship with her senior.重点用法be senior to比年长6. approve vt. 赞成;称许;批准典例1) Her father will never approve of her marriage to you. 他父亲永远不会同意她和你结婚。2) Congress approved the budget. 国会批准了国家预算。polish vt.擦亮;磨光;润色典例1) Silver polishes easily with this special cloth. 用这块特殊的布能很容易把银擦亮。2) When handed in, the article needs polishing. 文章交上去前得进行修改。7. employ vt. 雇用, 用, 使用典例1) He is employed in an international pany.他在一家跨国公司任职。2) She is good at employing her time.她善于利用时间。重点用法in the employ of sb. =in sb.s employ受.雇用out of employ失业8. intention n. 意图, 目的典例1) The leader has no intention of cooperating with such a small pany.领导无意与小公司合作。2) If Ive hurt your feeling, it was quite without intention. 如果我伤了你的感情那完全是无意的。重点用法by intention故意without intention无意中, 不是故意地have no intention of doing . 无意做.II.重点词组 1.on ones own 独自;独立 解释 on ones own 意为“独自”的 同by oneself; 不同于”of ones own” “自己的”典例1) She got the job on her own.她靠自己获得了这份工作。2) Anyone who can solve the puter problem on his own will be admitted to our working group. 任何能独立解决这个电脑问题的人可以被录取到我们这个工作组。2. have a good “nose” for sth. 探查发现某事物的能力典例1) Experienced teachers often have sharp noses for students problem. 有经验的老师通常对学生问题很敏感。2) As a reporter, Jane has a nose for a story. 作为记者,简善于发现题材。短语归纳 have an eye for对有鉴赏能力have a good ear for对会欣赏have a gift for有方面的天赋3. be supposed to应当;认为必须 典例1) You are supposed to e here early.你应该早点过来的。2) He was supposed to have passed the driving license but failed.他本该通过驾照考试的,但失败了。4. look forward to盼望 典例1)Many senior students are looking forward to graduation due to the heavy burden. 由于不堪重负许多高中生期待着毕业.2)The daughter is looking forward to seeing her parents after many years departure.分开多年后,女儿渴望见到她的父母亲。短语归纳含介词to的短语 stick to 坚持 lead to 导致, 通向 pay a visit to 参观 sentence sb. to 宣判某人 e to 谈到, 涉及 see to 处理,负责 be up to 总计 devoteto 致力于 get down to 开始 /着手2) The drivers carelessness led to the traffic accident.5. be/feel guilty of有罪;因负疚典例1) The naughty boy felt guilty of what he had done to the teacher.那调皮的男孩为他对老师所做的事情而感到内疚。2) The child felt guilty of telling a lie and said “sorry” to his mother. 那小孩因为撒谎而内疚,并向他母亲表示歉意。 短语归纳feel sorry for 同情6. so as to 以致;为了典例1) The journalist raised his hand so as to earn a chance to ask the question to the spokesperson.那名记者举手想获得向新闻发言人提问的机会。2) The mother covered the baby so as to protect him from being hurt.母亲护着婴儿为了保护他免受伤害。短语归纳 soas to如此以致于in order to 为了III.重点句型 Not only am I interested in photograph, but I took a course at university, so its actually of special interest to me. 我不仅仅只是对摄影感兴趣,在大学里我还专修过摄影呢,所以对此我真是特别感兴趣.解释 not onlybut also .不但而且,当否定的短语not only放在句首,句子用倒装.典例1)By reciting many articles, we can not only improve our writing skill but also train our memory.通过背诵一些文章,我们不仅能够提高写作能力,还可以训练我们的记忆.2)Not only does she do well in her job, but she is always ready to help others.她不仅工作出色,还乐于助人.三、语法突破倒装句一、倒装的意义及分类倒装的语法意义及分类英语句子按“主语+谓语”的顺序排列,叫陈述语序,如果是谓语或谓语的一部分放在主语之前,就是倒装语序。使用倒装一是语法结构的需要,二是加强语气起强调作用,即:修辞需要。倒装又分两种:整个谓语放在主语前,叫全部倒装;部分谓语(情态动词、联系动词、助动词)放在主语前,谓语主体部分仍在主语之后,叫部分倒装。其结构如下:完全倒装(谓语动词+主语)Away went the boss部分倒装(助动词情态动词+主语+谓语)Never shall I forget that girl注意:1语法倒置是必需的,否则就会造成“语法错误”;修辞倒置仅表达效果不同,倒置与否可以是随意的。2前置:感叹句(what。how置句首)、the morethe more,句型、引导从句的连词等这都是语法需要。The harder you work, the happier you feel. 你越努力工作,就越觉得快乐。(表语提前) The more you study, the more you know. 你学得越多,就明白越多。(宾语提前) 提示: 有时从句倒装,主句不倒装。 I like the painting better the more I look at it. 我越看这幅画,就越喜欢它。二、倒装的基本用法类别基本用法例 句部分倒装1 在疑问句中2提示:如果疑问代词在句中做主语,句子不要倒装。Does Jack like to eat fish 杰克喜欢吃鱼吗?When will they go to the Great Wall 他们什么时候去长城?Who is not ing to dinner tonight 今晚谁不来吃饭?2在省去if的虚拟条件句中Were he here(=If he were here),you could see him假如他在这里,你就能见到他。Had I known(=If I had known)the answer,I would have told you我要是知道答案,就会告诉你啦。3以only修饰的副词,介词短语或状语从语放在句首时,表示强调句时要倒装。如不在句首或虽在句首但不修饰状语时用正常语序Only then did I realize the importance of English.直到那时我才意识到英语的重要性。Only in this way can you make progress in your English.只有通过这种方式你学英语才会取得进步。Only when he is seriously ill does he ever stay in bed. 只有他病重时,他才待在床上。)在only状语从句主句结构中,主句用倒装结构但从句用正常语序。)only修饰主语,不倒装。Only Tom knows the answer.只有汤姆知道答案。4在以often,always, then,once,now and then等作状语的词位于句首的句子里Many a time have I seen her taking a walk alone. 我多次看到她独自一人在散步。Often did she e to my house in the past. 过去她常到我家来。5以never,hardly,nor,seldom,little,not only,notuntil,no soonerthan等否定词位于句首时要倒装,不在句首则用正常语序Hardly had he started to leave when it began to rain. 他刚要离开,天就下起了雨。Scarcely had he sat down when his mobile phone rang. 他刚坐下,手机就响了。No sooner had he handed in his paper than he realized his mistakes. 他刚交卷就意识到出错了。Not a single word of English can he speak. 他连一个英语单词都不会说。Little does he care about his clothes. 他不在乎穿着。6.由as引导让步状语从句要用部分倒装或前置。Pretty though she is, she is not clever虽然她很漂亮,但是她不聪明。Disabled as he was, he tried his best to serve the people. 虽然他残疾了,但他仍尽力为人民服务。Child as he is, he speaks fluent English. 虽然他是个孩子,但能讲流利的英语。 (名词单数前不用不定冠词a)Shortest as he is, he is the richest of the three. 虽然他是三个人中最矮的,却是最富有的。Try as she may, she wont pass it. 尽管愿意再试,她还是不会通过的。Attentively as I listened, I still couldnt understand what he said at the meeting. 尽管我专心听了,我还是不懂他在会议上说的话。7.在“so.that.“such.that.”结构中的so或such位于句首时,其主句要倒装。So excited was he that he could not say a word. 他如此激动以至于一句话都说不出来。Such was his anger that he lost control of himself. 他是如此地生气,以至于他不能控制自己了。8在某些表示祝愿句中May you have a good journey!祝你一路顺风!May our friendship be ever lasting! 愿我们的友谊长存!【特别提示】注意掌握until的以下三种句式:1Jack didnt understand why his mother was angry with him until she told him everything 直到母亲把一切都告诉杰克之后,他才明白母亲为什么生他的气。2Not until she told him everything did Jack understand why hi8 mother wasangry with him3It was not until his mother told him everything that Jack understood why his mother was angry with him【考题印证】1.(xx江西卷)32Never before seen anybody who can play tennis as well as Robert.A. had sheB. she had C. has sheD. she has【解析】特殊句式,倒装C 。Never放句首,句子要用部分倒装结构,从后面的can可以看出是描写现在的情况,用现在时态,这里用完成时,句意:她从来都没有看到过任何人打网球和Robert一样好的。2.(xx辽宁卷)32. Not until he retired from teaching three years ago having a holiday abroad. A. he had considered B. had he considered C. he considered D. did he consider【解析】D。特殊句式倒装。Not until位于句首时句子要倒装,consider having a holiday abroad这个动作发生在retire之后,所以用一般过去时。3(xx天津卷)Only after Mary read her position the second time_ the spelling mistake.A. did she noticeB. she noticedC. does she notice D. she has noticed【解析】A。考查Only+状语位于句首时,句子要部分倒装,notice是发生在read之后的动作,故用一般过去时。【真题体验】1. (xx,重庆卷)Unsatisfied_with the payment,he took the job just to get somework experienceAthough was he R though he was C he was though D.was he though2.(xx,山东卷)So sudden_that the enemy had n0 time to escapeA.did the attack B the attack did Cwas the attack Dthe attack was3.(xx,陕西卷)Little_about her own safety,though she was in great danger herselfA.did Rose care B Rose did care C Rose does care Ddoes Rose care4.(xx,四川卷)We laugh at jokes,but seldom_about how they workA.we think B think we C we do think Ddo we think5.(xx,江西卷)Not until he left his home_to know how important the family was for him.A.did he begin B had he begun Che began Dhe had begun6(xx四川卷)We laugh at jokes, but seldom about how they work. A. we think B. think we C. we do think D. do we think 【答案解析】1.【解析】B。考查though引导让步状语从句时的倒装。该句前后是让步关系,由though引导从句,所以将从句中的表语(unsatisfied)提前构成倒装结构。2.【解析】C。考查so*that结构中的倒装。当“so+形容词”位于句首,表示“如此以致”时,主句部分要倒装。So sudden为形容词,故使用系动词was。3.【解析】A。考查部分倒装乞little表示否定,位于句首要使用部分倒装句式,根据从句语境可知要使用一般过去时态。4.【解析】D。考查否定副词seldom位于句首时的部分倒装。seldom为否定副词,放在句首,应使用部分倒装,故选择D。5.【解析】A。not until放在句首要用部分倒装,翻译为“直到才”;又begin发生在left之后或同时发生,故排除过去完成时,采用一般过去时。6.【解析】D。考查倒装。seldom为否定副词放句首, 用部分倒装, 故选D。句意为 “我们因笑话而笑, 但很少去思考笑话怎样让我们笑。”二、全部倒装类别基本用法例 句全部倒装1 在there be 结构中可以用在这类句型中的动词除be外,还可用 live,happen,exist,remain,stand等等作这类句型的谓语。There are thousands of people gathering on the square. 广场上聚集着成千上万的人。There stand two white houses by the river. 河滨矗立着两座白房子。There existed some doubt among the students. 学生中有些怀疑。2Here/There/Nowvi.(常为e,go)主语(必须是名词)此句型中here/there用来唤起注意 Here es the bus汽车来了。There goes the bell. 铃响了。Now es my turn. 轮到我了。Then came the order to take off. 起飞的命令到了。注意:这种句型不能用现在进行时。here句中也可用系动词。如:Here are some story books I want. Here is what you asked for,or you are looking for.这就是我要的故事书。(我找了好久)Here we are.This is the station.咱们到了,这就是火车站。“Give me some paper.” “Here you are.”“给我点纸。” “给你。”3为了生动地描写动作,in,out,down,up,over,away,off,back作状语置于句首倒装,但必须是在以名词作主语的句中。 主语比较长,也就是说主语不能是很短的人称代词,谓语为不及物动词e, go,run ,rush,etc。句式为:副词vi.主语(必须是名词)Out rushed the tiger from among the bushes.老虎从灌木丛里冲了出来。In came the rose fragrance through the windows.玫瑰花香透过窗户飘了进来。Away ran the thief(注意:Away he ran)注意在完全倒装的结构里,如果主语是人称代词,则用正常语序。 Out she went. 她走了。 Here we are. 我们到了。4在直接引语后注明引语是何人所说的,且主语是名词时“They must be in the fields now,” thought Xiao Lin.“他们准是下地了。”小林想道。“Help! Help!” cried the little girl.小姑娘叫道:“救命!救命!5主语过长,或为了强调表语、状语或是上下文紧密衔接时Such was Albert Einsteina simple mall 0f great achievementsSuch were the facts事实就是如此。6当句首状语为表示地点的介词词组时,也常用全部倒装句式为:介词短语vi.主语(必须是名词)。In the middle of our school stands a high building.在学校中央有一座高楼。South of the city lies a big swimming poo1From the room came a frightening soundAt the top of the hill stands an old temple7.表语放在句首,表语常为形容词、分词、副词、介词短语。要求主语比较长,也就是说主语不能是很短的人称代词。句式为:表语系动词主语(必须是名词)。Lucky is she who was admitted to a famous university last year. 她很幸运,去年被一所名牌大学录取。Gone are the days when he was looked down upon. 他被人看不起的日子一去不复返了。Present at the meeting are some well-known scientists. 一些知名的科学家出席了会议。8. .以so开头,用 “so助动词/情态动词/系动词主语”表示前面叙述的情况也适合于另一个人或物,意为“也,同样,也如此”。表示前面叙述的否定情况也适合于另一个人或物Society has changed and so have the people in it.社会变了,人也变了。用“neither/nor助动词/情态动词/系动词主语”。 1)当so表示对前句内容的肯定、符合,或进一步强调前面所说的情况,或者赞同前面的说法时,应用自然语序。意为 “的确,正是”。Tom works hard.汤姆工作很卖力。So he does and so do you.的确如此,你也是。2)倒装部分的助动词、情态动词、连系动词的时态和形式要与前句相一致。If you dont go,neither/nor shall I.(If you dont go,I shall not go.)你不去,我也不去。 注意:如果前面所说的内容既有肯定又有否定,或前后的谓语动词形式不一致时,用“It is the same with +主语”结构或用“So it is with +主语”结构。He worked hard, but didnt pass the exam. So it was with his sister. 他很努力,但没有通过考试。他妹妹也是这样。(既有肯定又有否定) She is a teacher and she enjoys teaching. So it is with Mr Li. 她是老师,热爱教书。李先生也是这样。(谓语一个是系动词,一个是行为动词)【考题印证】1.(xx四川卷)5This is not my story, nor _ the whole story. My story plays out differently.A. is there B. there is C. is it D. it is 【解析】 C 本题考查倒装句。nor位于句首引起部分倒装,排除B、D;再根据句意“这并不是(关于)我的故事,它也不是故事的全部。我的故事的结局不同。”选代词it。故答案选C。2.(xx,上海卷)Hearing the dog barking fiercely,away_Afleeing the thief Bwas fleeing the thiefCthe thief was fleeing Dfled the thief【解析】D。考查倒装。表示方位的副词away位于句首,句子要使用完全倒装。该句陈述过去的瞬间动作,故用一般过去时。3.(xx,陕西卷)John opened the doorThere_he had never seen beforeA a girl did stand Ba girl stood Cdid a girl stand Dstood a girl【解析】D。考查倒装结构。there放在句首,且主语为名词,故采用全部倒装结构。【真题体验】1.(xx重庆卷)33The headmaster will not permit the change in the course, nor_ it a thought.A. does he even given B. he even gives C. whether D. he will even given2.(xx山东卷)31. I dont know about you, but Im sick and tired of this weather. _. I cant stand all this rain. A. I dont care B. Its hard to sayC. So am II hope not 3.(xx,重庆卷)At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River_,one of the ten largest cities in ChinaAlies Chongqing B Chongqing lies C does lie Chongqing Ddoes Chongqing lie4.(xx,福建卷)For a moment nothing happened then_and shouting togetherA voices had e R carrie voices C voices would e Ddid voices e5.(xx重庆卷33)At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River_, one of the ten largest cities in China.A. lies ChongqingB. Chongqing liesC. does lie ChongqingD. does Chongqing lie6.(xx江西卷33). Not until he left his home to know how important the family was for him.A. did he begin B. had he begun C. he began D. he has began7.(xx四川卷9)We laugh at jokes,but seldom about how they workAwe think Bthink we Cwe do think Ddo we thinkA. lies ChongqingB. Chongqing liesC. does lie ChongqingD. does Chongqing lie9.(xx湖北)Only if people of all the countries are united _(我们才能解决)the existing problems in the world. (solve)10.(xx0陕西卷)John opened the door . There _ he had never seen before. A. a girl did stand B. a girl stood C. did a girl stand D. stood a girl【答案解析】1.【解析】C。特殊句式倒装结构空白处前为否定词“nor”位于句首,句子应该使用部分倒装结构,而且根据语境空白处应使用一般将来时,C选项符合题意。因此,正确答案为C选项。2.【解析】C。特殊句式;倒装。根据后面一句中的I cant stand all this rain可知,此处与上一句中的Im sick and tired of the weather表达同样的感受,因此应该用So am I,表示“我也是”。选项A和D都与后面一句话矛盾;B的意思是“很难说”,不符合句意。3.【解析】A。表示方位的地点状语提前,句子采用完全倒装,故选择A。4.【解析】B。考查全部倒装。表示时间的副词now,then及表示方位的副词here,there置于句首,并与e,go,arrive等表示位移变化的动词连用,且主语不是人称代词,要采用全部倒装。5.【解析】A。考查倒装。表示方位的地点状语提前,句子完全倒装,所以选A项。6.【解析】A。not until所引导的状语(从句)放在句首要用部分倒装, 翻译为直到, 所以begin发生在left之后或同时发生。7.【解析】D。考查倒装。seldom为否定副词放句首,用部分倒装,故选D。句意为“我们因笑话而笑,但很少去思考笑话怎样让我们笑。”8.【解析】A。考查倒装。表示方位的地点状语提前,句子完全倒装,所以选A项。9.【解析】will we be able to solve/can we solve. 倒装句only位于句首修饰状语从句要倒装。根据 “主将从现”的原则可以确认主句的助动词是“will”, 或者使用情态动词“can” 10.【解析】D 。考查倒装句。Here, There, Thus, Then等副词位于句首, 且当句子的主语是名词时, 句子用全部倒装句, 选D。四、单元自测第一节 单项选择( )1.please state your name, age and .A entertainment B acmodation C occupation D training( )2. how do you we will to to Beijing for our holidays? -I think wed better fly there. Its much more fortable.A insist B suppose C want D suggest( )3.If he finished his dinner a little sooner, he wouldnt have missed the 8;30 train.A would have B was C had D had been( )4.Id love to go on the voyage to Tahiti with Robin, but I doubt if we could something like that.A afford B offer C permit D receive( )5.Fast as you do , you cant finish the in two hours.A appointment B assignment C exception D access( )6.when he was very young, my chemistry teacher took in reading detective stories.A happiness B delight C joy D like( )7.we really him for courage to say that he was wrong.A admired B excused C disagreed D hated( )8.how about the book you are reading?- Good indeed.It many problems we have e across in our study.A says B talks C covers D refers( )9.she intends to make teaching her .A situation B position C employment D profession( )10.The fans were to have a look at the singer, waiting outside the hotel.A eager B worried C sad D satisfied( )11.He asked us to him carrying through his plan.A help, in B help,on C assist ,in D assist ,on ( )12.students should by all means their studies though there are a lot of entertainments inviting them. A devote to B fix on C concentrate on D pay their attention( )13.not noly Spanish, but how to type.A does she speak, she also knows B she speaks, does she knowC does she speak, does she also know D she speaks, she knows( )14.professor Hawkin asks his students to read the newspaper to keep of current events.A watched B observed C informed D noticed( )15.the meeting will begin in 10 minutes, we can sing a few song.A though B however C besides D meanwhile ( )16. Little about his own safety, though he was in great danger himself.A does he care B did he care C he cares D he cared ( )17.he suggested that we the work before the weekend.A finished B should finish C to finish D finishing( )18.they stopped me of the door.A go out B going out C to go out D to going out( )19. the spors meet we have been looking forward to finally.A es B has e C ing D have e( )20.when a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it .A breaks B has broken C were broken D had been broken( )21. Dont use words, expressions or phrases only to people with specific knowledge. A being known B having been known C to be known D known( )22. no need for her to go there if she doesnt want to .A there is B it was C it is D there was( )23.she was so in her job that she didnt hear anybody knocking at the door.A attracted B absorbed C drawn D concentrated( )24.the engineers on repair work to the bridge.A set to B set about C set off D set down( )25.I dont smoking in bed.A approve B approve of C agree D appoint( )26. sleep for a longer time the next morning, Jane turned off the alarm.A In order to B So as to C So that D In order that( )27.the newspaper her the accused.A protected,with B proteced,for C defended,for D defended, against( )28.the doctor warned Pat against smoking as soon as possible and .A so it was with Pat B so did Pat C so Pat did D Pat does so ( )29. this kind of books is intended children only.A for B as C with Dup( )30.Im sure Andrew will win the first prize in the final.- I think so. He for it months.A is preparing B was preparing C had been preparing D has been preparing 第二节完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分;满分30分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Several months ago I was involved in a car accid


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