2019-2020年高考英语 完型填空——议论文专题复习.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语 完型填空议论文专题复习Good advice is like medicine for the soul. What kind of 1 have you recently received? Who do you go to got advice? Do you have a mentor(顾问)? A mentor is a 2 adviser.Parents, teacher and friends are often great 3 .Sports figures, public officials, and nationally know figures van also be good 4 of mentors, but a person with whim you are a personal relationship will most likely be able to 5 you the best advice.Mentors teach things that seem to be 6 sense. Proverbs are wise old sayings that are mon in every language and 7 , and can sometimes be 8 for a nonnative to understand. For example, all that 9 is not gold(some things are not as 10 as they appear ).Advice 11 in newspapers and magazines are another way to 12 advice. Talk shows on radio and television are also very popular. Americans and Canadians love to 13 themselves. Many people are not 14 to ask for help or 15 about a problem in order to receive advice. People generally will 16 their own experience to 17 their friends. Overing a difficult situation is 18 respecter in North America. People love to heat motivational (积极的) stories and 19 . One proverb, a friend in need is a friend indeed, shares the concept that a true friend will help you out in times of 20 .1.A. successB. measure C. position D. advice2.A. devoted B. united C. trustedD. expected3.A. interviewers B. mentors C. followers D. petitors4.A. examples B. mentors C. manners D. services5.A. consider B. exchange C. adapt D. offer6.A. present B. attractive C. mon D. particular7.A. experience B. difference C. culture D. behavior8.A. simple B. difficult C. natural D. brief9.A. glitters B. packages C. acts D. forces10.A. different B. negative C. primary D. valuable11.A. columns B. materials C. wonders D. add12.A. reduce B. add C. keep D. get13.A. enjoy B. teacher C. express D. defeat14.A. brave B. afraid C. honest D. lucky15.A. talk B bring. C. care D. look16.A. remind B. suggest C. cline D. share17.A. lead to B. set free C. help out D. take over 18.A. originally B. highly C. equally D. closely 19.A. encouragement B. sadness C. movement D. adventure 20.A. happiness B. trouble C. excitement D. nature (2)Parents not only give birth to us but take plenty of pains to bring us up. 1 meeting our many . 2 needs, they also assume significant 3 :educating us to bee real men and women.Whenever we succeed, they will be proud of us and whenever we make mistakes, they will be strict with us, asking us to be courageous enough to 4 our faults and 5 us never to make them again. When we need something, they will try their best to get it for us. When we are ill, they will 6 a doctor and take care of us, however busy they are. 7 , parents are only too 8 to give us everything that they can.As our parents give us so much, we should be 9 to them. 10 when there are misunderstandings, we should 11 to municate with them 12 , 13 quarrelling with them. Because we are living in a 14 time from our parents, we certainly have different opinions and .15 , we should show each other more understanding 16 the generation gap will not be so large.In conclusion, we must know how to 17 what our parents have given us. 18 and understanding are the most important and they lay the foundation for a 19 family. As we bee more and more mature, we must study hard to 20 our parents love.1. A. Except forB. ConsideringC. BesidesD. Supposing 2. A. psychological B. physical C. chemical D. political3. A. responsibilityB. meaning C. expansion D. contribution 4. A. admireB. acknowledge C. adopt D. adjust5. A. allowing B. forbidding C. encouraging D. wanting 6. A. send out B. send in C.send upD. send for 7. A. In a word B. In fact C. As a result D. To be frank 8. A. willing B. unwilling C. hopeful D. helpful 9. A. respectful B. respectable C. regretful D. admirable 10. A. Therefore B. still C. Even D. Otherwise 11. A. force B. advise C. manage D. try 12. A. deeply B. eagerly C. politely D. possibly 13. A. rather than B. more than C. other than D. less than 14. A. single B. different C. lucky D. happy 15. A. love B. wishes C. ideas D. lifestyles 16. A. in case B. as long as C. so that D. furthermore 17. A. value B assume C. take D. return 18. A. encouragementB. promotion C. profit D. munication 19. A. valuableB. awkward C. proud D. harmonious 20. A respect B. repay C. keep D. accept(1)答案与解析:1D 本文的主题就是讲获取建议,根据前后内容可知。2C 既然你要找一个顾问,那他一定是个值得你信任的人3B 从上文提示 “Do you have a mentor (顾问)?A mentor is a adviser 可以知道此处是“父母,老师,朋友经常是你最好的顾问”。4A 前面提到是体育明星等,显然是顾问的好例子来列举的。5D offer sb. advice “(主动)给某人提供建议。6C 根据下文内容知道,这里指的是mon sense 常识 7C 谚语通常是产生于各种语言和文化中的。8B 很显然,一个谚语对非母语的人来说,理解是困难的。9A 考查动词区别,这里glitter意思是 发光,构成谚语,意思就是 发光的不一定都是金子。10D 这句是对前面谚语的解释。 “有些东西并不象表面上的那样有价值。”显然只有valuable 符合句子意思。11A 从后面的 “in newspapers and magazines” 可以知道是报纸杂志上的 “建议专栏”。12D 从建议专栏获取建议。13C 根据前一句知道“脱口秀”非常受欢迎。美国人和加拿大人喜欢表达自己的心声。express oneself 意思是表达自己的心声。其他几个选项的搭配和原文不符。enjoy oneself 玩得开心,teach oneself, 自学。defeat oneself 打败自己。14B 从下文“ in order to receive advice.” 可以知道他们为了获取建议不害怕寻求帮助或谈论自己的问题。15A 这里是谈论自己的问题。16D 根据后面的experience 知道这里应该是指分享自己的经历。share “分享“,remind “提醒”suggest 建议 clone 克隆。17C 这里应该是 帮助朋友摆脱困境。所以用 help out.18. B 这里是说十分受尊重,highly 高度地,很。19A 从前面的motivational stories 可知应该是积极向上的内容,所以A正确。20B 既然是帮助朋友,当然是在他们处于困境的时候。(2)1-5CBABC 6-10DAAAC 11-15DCABD 16-20CADDB


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