三年级英语下册 Lesson 18 教学设计 冀教版.doc

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三年级英语下册 Lesson 18 教学设计 冀教版.doc_第1页
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三年级英语下册 Lesson 18 教学设计 冀教版.doc_第2页
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Lesson 18 教学设计一、教学设计思路在学习新课以前通过视频 “two cats”回顾上节课的重点知识,组织学生通过游戏形式练习运用上节课的口语词汇和句子。通过课件的展示学习新知识(参考优秀课件)。创设情景,组织学生进行对话和练习。教师指导完成相关练习。二、教学目标:1.知识目标:(1)要求学生掌握下列单词noodles、dumplings、 soup、rice (2)能理解并能口头运用句子:Would you like some ? Yes, please. / No, thanks.2. 能力目标:培养学生在真实的环境中运用英语口语的能力。3. 情感目标:使学生了解更多的用餐礼节。提醒学生注意用餐时的礼节。三、教学重难点本课的四个单词和句子,要求学生能够将单词和句子灵活运用,注意单词的发音和拼写。四、教学媒体computers, radio, pictures, cards五、教学过程:Step oen:Class Opening and Review1. GreetingTeacher:“Hello, boys and girls! How are you today?”(Encourage the class to reply)Class: “”2. ReviewWatch the video “two cats” After the video, ask the class say out these words and sentences “food, fish, eat, drink” “Im hungry. I want to eat. Im thirsty. I want to drink.”3. Practice in the group: Make a dialogue using the food pictures they have:A: Im hungry. I want to eat fish/chicken/meat. What about you?B: Im hungry, too. I want to eat Step two:New Lesson1. Teacher: I have much food. They are delicious. Mmmgood! Do you want to eat .OK? Lets eat. Lets learn.Show the pictures: noodle, dumplings, soup, rice Let students read after teacher several times.2. Teacher: Do you like them? Whats your favourite food, noodles, dumplings, soup or rice?Students: 3. Play a guessing game: Teacher: Guess, whats this? If you are right, the picture is for you. OK?4. Present the dialogue by using computer.Teacher: Today, Jenny comes to Li Mings house. What do they eat? Listen carefully!Explain the meaning of the words “ some more”5. Practice Practise the dialogue in two.A: Would you like some ? B: Yes, please. /No, thanks.6. Act it out. Give the best group a present.7. 学唱第三部分的歌谣。


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