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单元重点小结,重点句型,重点语法,功能,走近高考,拓展阅读,1.I am pleased to have this chance today to talk to you about the United Nations,or the UN, more often referred to. 我很高兴今天有机会跟大家谈谈联合国,联合国也叫UN 这个名称更常用。 2and to contribute small amounts of money to the people who are taking part in order to . 捐赠一小部分钱给这些参加的人们,为了让这个项目运作起来。 3.I did not know very much about what they did before. . 我对他们以前做的事并不是很了解。 我也是。,as it is,get the project going,Neither did I,重点句型,重点语法,功能,走近高考,拓展阅读,4. there were more people donating money to charities! 要是有更多的人捐款给慈善机构多好! 5.Arrived here everything was in chaos. 到达这里后发现一切都是乱糟糟的。,If only,to find,重点句型,重点语法,功能,走近高考,拓展阅读,虚拟语气() 1.错综虚拟语气 If I were you,I . 如果我是你,我就在法国度假。 2.用otherwise/with/without/but for等代替条件句 Im too busy now, . 我现在太忙了,否则我会帮你做的。 3.even if/as if/if only引导的虚拟语气句 Nicholas is smiling . 尼古拉斯在笑,好像他对此一无所知似的。,would spend my holiday in France,otherwise I would help you do the work,as if he knew nothing about it,重点句型,重点语法,功能,走近高考,拓展阅读,4.wish/would rather后面的宾语从句 I wish . 我但愿世界上没有战争。 5.表示建议、要求等虚拟语气句 The situation . 情况要求每人都要到场。,there were no wars in the world,required that everyone be present,重点句型,重点语法,功能,走近高考,拓展阅读,Talking about the weather(谈论天气) 1. It looks like its going to be sunny.今天看来像是个晴天。 2.Yes,its much better than yesterday.是的,比昨天好多了。 3.They say were going to get some rain later.据说待会儿要下雨。 4.I think its going to be a nice day.我想今天会是一个晴天。 5.Its certainly a big improvement over yesterday.肯定比昨天大有好转。 6.But its supposed to get cloudy and windy again this afternoon.但是,据说今天下午又要转阴刮风了。 7.Well,the worst of the winter should be over.哦,冬天最糟糕的日子总该结束了。 8.It seems to be clearing up.看来天要放晴了。,重点句型,重点语法,功能,走近高考,拓展阅读,9.I really dont think this weather will last.我确实认为这样的天气长不了。 10.Lets just hope it doesnt get cold again.但愿不会再冷。 11.I wish it would stay this way for the weekend.但愿整个周末都能保持这样的好天气。 12.As long as it doesnt snow!只要不下雪就行啊!,重点句型,重点语法,功能,走近高考,拓展阅读,短文改错解题技巧,一、命题特点 短文改错在命题时主要从词法错误、句法错误和行文逻辑三个方面进行命题,一般情况下,10处错误中,缺词一处,多词一处,其余八处是词法、句法或者行文逻辑方面的错误。常见设题角度有以下几种:,重点句型,重点语法,功能,走近高考,拓展阅读,1.一致关系:包括主谓一致、时态一致、代词指代等。 2.平行结构:包括动词与动词相配、形容词与形容词相配、分词与分词相配、不定式与不定式相配等。 3.非谓语动词的用法:如不定式符号to的省略、过去分词与现在分词的误用等。 4.多余词:常常是介词、副词等的多余。 5.词性的混用:文中使用了错误的词类,导致了句法错误,如使用动词原形作主语等。 6.行文逻辑判断:文中使用了错误的逻辑标志词或过渡词,如在表示顺承关系时使用了however或but等。,重点句型,重点语法,功能,走近高考,拓展阅读,二、解题技巧 1.通读全文,把握大意。在理解全文的基础上,关注全篇的时态、人称及行文逻辑。 2.分句阅读,逐句找错误。在纠错时要仔细读懂每一个句子,从词法、句法和行文逻辑三个方面进行考虑,并关注常考类型的设题角度。 3.回读全文,复核答案。带着答案,回读全文,检查有无不符合逻辑、语句不通顺、不符合英语习惯的表达等问题,然后进行适当调整。,重点句型,重点语法,功能,走近高考,拓展阅读,The meaning of the word “volunteer” may be a little different in different countries,but it usually means “one who offers his or her services”.Volunteers may work within their own countries or in other countries.They are often people with a strong wish to help those who are less fortunate than themselves.Volunteers dont expect any kind of pay. Here are stories of two volunteers coming to Nepal to help:,重点句型,重点语法,功能,走近高考,拓展阅读,“I came to Nepal not knowing what to expect but it turned out to be the most rewarding1 experience of my life.First of all,Kamal,my translator2,was wonderful and he always tried his best to make me feel comfortable.The first few days in Chitwan,I wasnt sure what to do with myself since there was no program in place.Then Kamal came and made me realize that my trip would be what I would make of it.Now I have plans to work to fund a factory for women.This trip has truly changed my life.I will definitely be back to Nepal.”,重点句型,重点语法,功能,走近高考,拓展阅读,“I was able to see some of the major attractions of Nepal through the program offered by Fun-NEPAL.I was able to volunteer in a farming community teaching Math and English.There,I experienced first-hand how they live,what they eat,and how they observe their religious3 beliefs.Not only did I immerse4 myself in Nepalese culture learning their traditions,customs and beliefs,I also made a lot of friends.It was a travel adventure I will never forget and I will always cherish5 in my heart!”,重点句型,重点语法,功能,走近高考,拓展阅读,词海拾贝 1.rewardingrIwdI adj. 值得的 2.translatortrnzleIt(r) n.翻译员 3.religiousrIlIds adj. 宗教的 4.immerse Ims vt. 沉浸 5.cherishterI vt. 珍爱,重点句型,重点语法,功能,走近高考,拓展阅读,1.What can we learn from the first paragraph? A.Volunteers only work within their own countries. B.Volunteers offer to help in order to get some money. C.Volunteers often help those who are very lucky. D.Volunteers often offer to help without expecting any pay. 2.If you were given a chance to be a volunteer,what would you do?,答案:D,答案:I would try my best to help those who are in need.,


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