高中英语 unit4 warming up reading教学课件 新人教版必修2.ppt

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wildlife,protection,Unit 4,Can you tell me the names of the animals in English?,bear,peacock,parrot,kangaroo,rabbit,penguin,lion,mouse,butterfly,frog,tortoise,bat,whale,dog,What do you think of animals?,animals,loyal,fierce,beautiful,clever,quick,lovely,cute,gentle,dangerous,Do you love animals? What is your favorite? Why?,I love/ like because,it is lovely/ interesting/ loyal/pretty/cute/ clever,it is my friend/ it can help me /,Are you familiar with the following animals?,milu deer,lion,Amazon parrot,Tiger,South China tiger,antelope,Only 20 of them are left in the wild,苏门答腊虎,rhinoceros,tortoise,Crocodile /krkdail/,小嘴狐猴(Mouse lemur): The smallest monkey in the world.,穿山甲 anteater,Endangered Koala Bear,Golden monkey,Panda,red-crowned crane,elephant,Why are animals in danger?,A slim panda,Lack of food,A dead dolphin,pollution,Polar bear,Global Climate Change,Elephant,Environment Being Destroyed,Animals Own Enimies,Causes of Endangerment,hunting,Pollution,Food shortage,disease,Destroy of habitation(栖息地),Reasons of endangered animals,What do people do to them?,Have a look !,People kill them for their _ .,skin,People keep them in cages for_ .,fun,On holidays, so many people take photos with them until they are too tired to move.,A large number of antelopes were killed.,What has happened to the antelope?,They are killed for the wool that is taken from under their stomachs.,Every year over_ antelopes are killed.,Now there are only_ antelopes left.,29,000,72,000,Water pollution cause the death of fish,Factories give off a great deal of poinsonous gas,Too many trees were cut down and forests were destroyed for wood or farmland,rubbish contaminate(污染),A REPORT ON SOME WILDLIFE IN CHINA,Animal,Problem,One home in China,No. before concern,No. after concern,Not enough food; loss of bamboo growing areas,Wolong Nature Reserve, Sichuan Province,Nearly all disappeared,About 1600 after bamboo areas set up to help them grow,Disappeared from China,Nanhaizi Milu Park,Beijing,None,About 2500 after brought back from UK,Too much hunting in the 1950s,Baishanzu National Natural Protection Zone,Zhejiang Province,Very few,About 30-40 after being left in peace with no hunting,Detail reading: now lets read the passage .,Reading,How Daisy learned to help wildlife,A girl flew to somewhere in a flying carpet.,Now ,please look at three pictures and try to explain them in your own words.,The girl met an elephant with a camera in hand.,No rain forest, no animals and no drugs.,The girl met a monkey.,This passage is mainly about:,Daisys dream. In her dream, she met an antelope, an elephant, and a monkey. Through this dream, she had learned how to help wildlife.,I. Listen to tape and try to get some ideas of the text:,(1).There has been a steady decrease in the number of visitors. (2).We have decreased our demand for paper. (3).The number of whales has decreased sharply this year,(1):游客的数量持续下降. (n. 减少,减弱,减轻),(2):我们减少了用纸的需求.(vt 减少,降低),(3).今年鲸的数量急剧下降.(vi 变少,下降),increase,Words and expressions for warming up,1.decrease,2. As a result 结果,因此.做状语 e.g. He ate some bad fish. As a result ,he fell ill . as a result of 由于 的原因=because of as a result of 后接名词/动名词/what引导的宾语从句 e.g. As a result of what he said ,mother got very angry. result from:起因;由来 result in : 导致;造成,3. die out (动,植物物种)灭绝 e.g. This kind of bird is dying out. die短语: die of 死于(多内因) die from 死于(多外因) die down 变弱;逐渐消失 be dying for 渴望得到,4. 1).endanger 使 遭受危害 e.g. Smoking endangers health. 2)in danger 处于危险之中 e.g. The patient is in danger. be in danger of 有 危险 be out of danger 脱离危险 endangered adj. 濒危的 dangerous 危险的,例. I hear Tim once was _ of losing his life, but now he is _. A. in danger, out of danger B. in the danger, out of the danger C. in danger , out of a danger D. in the danger, out of danger,1.respond a).vi.回答;响应;做出反应 搭配 respond to对作出回应或反应 例:Has he responded to your letter? (他给你回信了吗?) b) vt.回答 其后常接that从句 例:He responded that he did not think that way *response n.,Words and expressions for reading,2.distant adj. a).久远的,远离的 常与from搭配使用。 例: His college is distant from his hometown.(他的大学离他的家乡很远)。 b)关系不密切的;远亲的 例:He is a long distant relative.(他是我的远房亲戚) c). 冷淡的;疏远的 例: She is always very distant towards Anne.(他对安妮总是很冷淡)。 distance n. 距离,间隔,The structure of this passage,The first stop Purpose: to see some _ Place: _ Animal: _ Situation: being hunted for the wool beneath its stomach and numbers are _ rapidly,endangered wildlife,Tibet,Tibetan antelope,decreasing,part one,3. in relief 如释重负 relief from sth. 减轻 eg. The drug gives some relief from pain. 这种药可以减轻一些痛苦。,4. burst into laughter 突然笑起来 burst into 突然.起来 eg. The aircraft crashed and burst into flames. 飞机突然坠地起火。 习惯用语 burst into tears 突然哭起来 burst into flames 突然起火 burst into song 突然唱起来,5. mercy n. 仁慈;慈悲 show mercy to sb. 对某人起了怜悯之心 e.g. They showed mercy to their enemies. 他们对敌人很仁慈。 at the mercy of 任处置;无能为力 e.g. The ship was at the mercy of the storm. 那只船在暴风雨中失去控制。 have mercy on / upon 同情,怜悯,6. They allowed tourists to hunt only a certain number of animals if they paid the farmers. 考点 certain 形容词,在句中作定语,表示“一定(数量的)”。certain 还有“无疑的,确定的”的意思,在句中作表语,常用结构:be certain to do sth; be certain of / about sth; It is certain that .; 主语+ be certain +that .。还可表示“某个,某些,某种”,常用作定语,如:for certain reasons,a certain Mr. Brown。,考例 Wait till you are more _. Its better to be sure than sorry. (1997 全国) A. inspired B. satisfied C. calm D. certain 点拨 考查具体语境中的词义辨析。inspired有灵感的;satisfied 满意的;calm平静的;certain 无疑的,确定的。,The second stop Purpose: to go to a place with wildlife _ Place: Zimbabwe Animal: African _ Situation: used to be hunted while now being protected by farmers making money from _,protection,elephant,tourism / tourists,part two,疑难语句细解 7.It shows the importance of wildlife protection,but Id like to help as the WWF suggests.这体现了野生动植物保护的重要性,不过,我还想按照世界野生生物基金会的建议来帮助你们。 【要点指南】 句中as the WWF suggests是方式状语从句。as引导 方式状语从句时,意为“按照;像那样”。 When in Rome,do as the Romans do.入乡随俗。,8.This protects me from mosquitoes.,Protect from 保护免受的伤害 from=against是介词,后接名词,代词,动名词.,太阳镜能够保护你的眼睛免受阳光的伤害,例:The sunglasses can protect your eyes from the sunlight.,开放思维:,Keep sb.from doing,Stop sb.(from)doing,Prevent sb.(from)doing,阻止某人做某事,9. It contains a powerful drug which affects mosquitoes 它含有一种强效的药物可以防止蚊虫叮咬。 这句话中的powerful是以-ful结尾的形容词,该词 的反义词为powerless,即去-ful加-less。以-ful结 尾的形容词的反义词形式基本上遵照这一变化规 则。如: careful / careless fearful / fearless helpful / helpless hopeful / hopeless useful / useless,10affect vt. influence 影响;感动;(指疾病等)侵袭某人或某物;感染 提示 affect常用作动词,effect常用作名词,两个词只有一个字母的区别。 搭配 (1)have.effect on.对产生影响 (2)of no effect(作表语)没有作用 (3)come into effect生效 (4)put.into effect 使生效 派生 affection n感情,11.attention n. 不可数名词,注意,关注;注意力 搭配 下列各种搭配中的to均为介词,后跟名词和动名词。 (1)pay attention to注意 (2)give/devote ones attention to致力于 (3)concentrate ones attention on把某人的注意力放在 (4)attract/draw ones attention吸引/引起某人的注意力 (5)turn ones attention to把注意力转向,12. appreciate vt. 1) 感激;感谢 eg. I appreciate your help. 我感谢你的帮助。 2) 鉴赏;欣赏;赏识 eg. Do you appreciate good wine? 你会鉴赏好酒吗? 3) 察觉;意识到 eg. We appreciate the danger ahead. 我们意识到危险临头。,13.No rain forest, no animals and no drugs. 没有雨林就没有动物,也就没有药物。 no no 没有就不; 不便无; 不不 No fire, no smoke. 无火不冒烟。/事出有因。 No pains, no gains.不劳无获。 No song, no supper. 不唱歌,没晚饭。/不干活,没饭吃。/不劳动,不得食。,The third stop Purpose: to go to a place where the WWF is involved Place: _ Animal: _ Situation: The monkey can use the millipede insect to protect itself from _.,rainforest,monkey,mosquitoes,part three,Fast reading :,antelope,Tibet,elephant,Zimbabwe,Rain forest,monkey,Tibet: Daisy began to cry.,Zimbabwe: Then she smiled.,Thick rain forest: Daisy was amazed.,saw_,Daisy flew to,Tibet,Zimbabwe,Rain forest,_ used to make sweater,killed for _,Every year over_killed,fur,wool,29,000,_ used to hunt them,now farmers _ them,farmers,like,A _ insect affects mosquitoes,No _,no _and no _,rain forest,animals,drugs,millipede,antelope,saw_,elephant,saw_,monkey,Skimming: fill in the form,paragraph 1 Daisy visited Tibet where antelopes have been over-hunted. paragraph 2-3 Daisy visited Zimbabwe where elephants have been over-hunted paragraph 4-5 Daisy visited a rain forest which needs to be protected.,main idea,What places did Daisy go? Tibet China B. rain forest C. WWF D. Zimbabwe,2.How many animals did she meet? What are they? A. antelope B. elephant C. mosquitoes D. monkey,3.What helps Daisy meet the wildlife? A.By a flying chair B.By a flying broom(扫把) C.By a flying carpet,Ways to help the wild animals,Stop hunting,Stop pollution,Protect their habitat,What should we do to help wild animals?,What is Jack Chens suggestion?,When the_ stops, The_ can, too.,buying,killing,

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