高考英语总复习 Unit1-2课件 牛津译林版选修10.ppt

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,选修10 Units 12,扣考纲话题诵读,固考基教材梳理,课后限时检测,析考点重难突破,话题30 历史与地理 话题词汇 【常见单词】 1geography n地理 2ancestor n祖先 3discovery n发现 4culture n文化 5ancient adj.古代的,6civilized adj.文明的 7fascinating adj.魅力无穷的 8historical adj.历史的 9invent v发明 10present v呈现,【常见短语】 1date back to 追溯到 2be set in 以为背景 3unique features 独有的特色 4beyond imagination 超出想象 5It is universally acknowledged that. 众所周知,经典语篇 【写作要求】 (2014咸阳四县市联考)北京是中国的首都,也是一个有着悠久历史的城市,每年都会吸引世界各地的大批游客来参观。请根据以下要点以Beijing为题写一篇用英语介绍北京的短文。 1地理位置:中国北部; 2面积:1万6千多平方公里; 3人口:大约1695万; 4气候:夏季炎热多雨,冬季寒冷干燥,春秋短促;,5基本情况:是中国文化、商业、旅游中心;许多大型活动在此举行,最著名的是2008年奥运会;具有悠久的历史和丰富的旅游资源;最著名的名胜古迹有天坛、故宫、颐和园、长城等。 要求:1.词数:不少于100; 2不要逐句翻译,可适当增加细节,使行文连贯。 _ _ _,【参考范文】 Beijing, the capital of China, is an ancient city with a long history and every year it attracts thousands of visitors all over the world.Located in the north of China, Beijing covers an area of about 16 thousand square kilometers.It has a population of more than 16.95 million.In the north, the weather in each season is clearly identified.Especially in the city of Beijing, summer is always hot and rainy while winter is cold and dry;the period of spring and autumn is relatively.,As a cultural, educational and commercial center of China, lots of huge events are held here every year and the most famous one is the 2008 Olympic Games.Beijing not only has ancient civilization but also possesses rich traveling resources such as the imperial palace, the Temple of Heaven, Summer palace and the Great Wall, which have seen the development of Beijing and expect your visiting.,一试身手 【句型转换】 1将句型改为含有定语从句的复合句。 Beijing, the capital of China, is an ancient city with a long history,_ _.,which attracts thousands of visitors from various,places in the world,2将句型改为倒装句。 _but also possesses rich traveling resources such as the imperial palace, the Temple of Heaven, Summer palace and the Great Wall, which have seen the development of Beijing and expect your visiting.,Not only does Beijing have ancient civilization,【完成句子】 1全世界都知道树木对我们来说是不可或缺的。 _trees are essential to us. 2该城堡建于14世纪。 The castle_. 3这部电影以中世纪时的一个英国小镇为背景。 The film_ in the Middle Ages.,It is universally acknowledged that,dates back to the 14th century,is set in an England town,一、单词速览 1._ prep. 超出(之外);非所能及;在(或向)的那一边 2_ adj. 传统的,常规的,依照惯例的 3_ n. 费用,开销 4_ adj. 难熬的;困难的;严厉的;坚强的 5_ n. 租金 vt. 租用,租借;出租,beyond,conventional,expense,tough,rent,6_ vt. 抢劫,掠夺,盗取 7_ adj. 灵活的,有弹性的 8_ n. 货币,通货 9_ vt. 阐明,澄清,使更清晰易懂 10_ n. 同情,赞同,支持 11_ vt. 偿还;报答 _ n. 偿还债务;分期偿还额,rob,flexible,currency,clarify,sympathy,repay,repayment,12_ n. 创造力 _ vt. 创造,创作;造成 _ adj. 富有创造力的 _ n. 创造者;创建者 13_ vi.& vt. 选择(做某事);选举 _ n. 选举 14_ vt.& vi. 削弱,减弱 _ adj. 虚弱的,creativity,create,creative,creator,elect,election,weaken,weak,15_ n. 救护车 16_ n& v. 繁荣,激增 17_ n. 冲突 18_ n. 困境 19_ adj. 永久的 20_ n. 荣幸,ambulance,boom,collision,dilemma,permanent,privilege,【看单词,学构词】 在14.weaken中,en 为常见的构成动词的后缀。 接在某些形容词后面构成动词,有“做”、“使”、“成为”、“使变成”等含义。例如:shorten(使缩短), darken(使黑,变黑),deepen(加深,使深),broaden(加宽),sharpen(削尖),sweeten(使变甜),richen(使富),thicken(使变厚),quicken(加快),soften(使软化),blacken(使变黑),harden(变硬,硬化),weaken(变弱),fasten(使固定),widen(变宽)。,接在某些名词后构成动词,有“使”、“使变成”等含义。例如:frighten(恐吓),hasten(加快),heighten(提高),lengthen(延长),strengthen(加强)等。,二、短语快译 1._ 促使,迫使 2_补上,补做 3_实施,把付诸实践 4_迫切要求,反复争取 5_迁移中,行进中 6_变成,put pressure on sb.(to do sth.),catch up on,put sth.into practice,push for,be on the move,turn into,7_是明智的,是有道理的 8_迎合,满足需要 9_处于关键时刻 10_除之外,在上面 11_充其量,至多 12_成为重要新闻 13_亲人 14_口口相传,make sense,cater to sb./sth.,at a crossroads,on top of,at best,make a headline,ones (own) flesh and blood,word of mouth,15_提高认识 16_毫无疑问 17_解释原因;占比例 18_利用 19_部分地 20_开始从事;喜欢,raise awareness of,beyond doubt,account for,take advantage of,in part,take to,三、句式构建 1that 引导同位语从句 _,“Give a man a fish,and you feed him for a day.Teach a man to fish,and you feed him for the rest of his life.”有句俗语是这样说的:“授人以鱼,三餐之需;授人以渔,终生之用。”,There is a saying that goes,2where 引导定语从句 Angela,21,adds,“Id love to stay_ _ ,but there are no good jobs.”21岁的安杰拉补充道:“我挺乐意住在我长大的社区里,但是那里没有好的工作”,in the community,where I grew up,3one代替前面提到的可数名词的单数形式 Another big industry,and_ that is growing annually,is the tourism industry.另外一个大的行业,而且是每年都在增长的一个行业是旅游业。,one,解析6个考纲单词 1beyond prep.超出(之外);非所能及;在(或向)的那一边 (教材P2)There is beyond doubt an amazing achievement,but is it enough?毋庸置疑,这是惊人的成就,但是这就足够了吗?,beyond ones power 超出某人的能力 beyond ones reach 在某人够不着的地方 beyond praise 夸不胜夸 beyond belief 难以置信 Its beyond his power.这是他力所不及的。 The plates on the upper shelf were beyond_my_reach.我伸手也够不着上层架子上的盘子。 She was beautiful beyond_belief. 她漂亮得令人难以相信。,2expense n费用,开销 (教材P5)Aid agencies like projects such as water buffalo banks,as the main expense for helping a village is the cost of one water buffalo.作为帮助村子的主要费用,援助机构如水牛银行的付出仅仅是一头水牛的价格。 at sb.s expense/at the expense of 由某人付钱,归付费;嘲弄,捉弄;在损害的情况下 spare no expense 不惜一切代价,He worked long hours at_the_expense_of his health. 他长时间工作牺牲了健康。 He spared_no_expense in building a villa for himself. 他不惜工本为自己建了一幢别墅。,3repay vt.偿还,报答 (教材P9)Therefore,these countries will never be able to repay the money. 因此,这些国家永远没有能力偿还这些钱。 repay sb./sth. 归还;偿还;清偿 repay sb.for sth. 报答,酬报,I can never repay you for your kindness. 我永远也报答不完你的恩惠。 Ill repay_you_all_the_money you lent me next week. 我下周还你借给我的所有的钱。,4elect vt.& vi.选择(做某事);选举 (教材P19)Across the USA,people are noticing the same thing: young people are electing to live in cities.在美国,人们都注意到了同样的事情:年轻人都选择住在城市里。 elect sb.to be/as (the) 身份 选举某人为 elect to do sth. 决定做某事 The artist must elect to fight for freedom or slavery. 一个艺术家必须就为自由还是为奴役而奋斗做出决定。 He is elected_to_be the leadership of the party. 他被推举为党的领导。,5sympathy n同情,赞同,支持 (教材P31)It both makes us feel sympathy for them,and also makes us think about why we tend to have prejudice against other people just because they have a different culture or a different way of life.这既让我们同情他们,又让我们思考为什么我们仅仅因为别人有不同的文化或者选择了不同于我们的生活方式就往往会对他们产生偏见。 have/feel sympathy for sb. 同情某人 be in sympathy with 赞同,支持 out of sympathy 出于同情,Gorky had great sympathy for the poor and the downtrodden.高尔基非常同情穷人和受蹂躏的人。 Many people are in_sympathy_with your views. 许多人赞同你的看法。 Out_of_sympathy for the homeless children he gave them a bed for the night.出于对无家可归的孩子们的怜悯,他让他们留宿过夜。,6rob vt.抢劫, 掠夺, 盗取 (1)rob sb. of sth. 抢劫某人某物 rob sp.of sth. 抢劫某地某物 (2)robber n. 抢劫犯; 劫匪 (3)robbery n. 抢劫 The robbers robbed a jewellery shop and their robbery hit the city. 劫匪抢劫了一家珠宝店, 他们的抢劫轰动了全市。,He robbed_the_shop_of_3,000 yuan. 他从这家商店抢了3 000元。 He was_robbed_of_his car and mobile phone. 他的汽车和手机都被抢了。,单词对点集训 .单词拼写 1We decided that we should _(选举)a new sales manager. 2You should _(偿还)your debt. 3Few children remained in the school _(超过)the age of 15 then. 4We should save unnecessary _(开支) 5She never expressed any _(同情)when I was injured.,6The _(租金)for the apartment is $80 a month. 7They devised a plan to _(抢劫)a bank. 8Changes in policy have _(削弱)the power of the trade unions. 【答案】 1.elect 2.repay 3.beyond 4.expense 5sympathy 6.rent 7.rob 8.weakened,.单项填空 1During the tenday vacation,they traveled to many parts of France _ their own expense. Aon Bwith Cat Din 【解析】 at ones own expense意为“自费”。 【答案】 C,2Mothers holding jobs outside the home should have _ schedules to make it easier to care for their children. Aheavy Bsmooth Cflexible Dcomplex 【解析】 考查形容词辨析。句意:在外上班的母亲的日程计划应具有弹性,这样可以使照看孩子更加容易。heavy重的,超出一般的;smooth平滑的,平稳的;flexible灵活的,可变动的;complex复杂的。 【答案】 C,3If you dont buy insurance for your car,you may _ losing everything when it gets destroyed in an accident. Adelay Bdeny Cavoid Drisk 【解析】 考查动词辨析。句意:如果你不为你的车买保险,当车在事故中毁坏时,你可能冒着失去一切的风险。risk doing sth.冒险做某事;delay推迟;deny否决;avoid避免。 【答案】 D,4She was in a _ over whether to tell her son the truth that he was adopted or not. Adilemma Bprocedure Cprocess Dmanner 【解析】 考查名词辨析。句意:对于是否要告诉儿子他是被收养的这个事实, 她感到左右为难。dilemma“(进退两难的)窘境, 困境”, 符合句意。 【答案】 A,5To the passengers anger,they were robbed _ all their money. Aof Boff Cfrom Daway 【解析】 句意:让乘客们生气的是,他们被抢走了所有的钱。rob sb.of sth.抢走某人某物,是固定搭配。 【答案】 A,6(2014合肥市高中毕业班综合练习)Elizabeth has already achieved success _ her wildest dreams. Aat Bbeyond Cwithin Dupon 【解析】 句意:Elizabeth获得了大大超出她的预料的成功。beyond ones wildest dreams表示“大大超出预料”,beyond超出。 【答案】 B,7The contract says they offer a company six months free _ if it signs a threeyear lease. Aemployment Brent Cpay Dhire 【解析】 句意:合同上说如果租赁三年,他们会免除公司六个月的租金。rent租金;employment雇用,职业;pay薪水;hire租用。 【答案】 B,8I am _ you in your love for country life. Ain need of Bin praise of Cin sympathy with Din honour of 【解析】 句意:我完全赞同你对乡村生活的热爱。in sympathy with“赞同,支持”,符合句意。 【答案】 C,分析2个高考短语 1put pressure on sb.(to do sth.)促使,迫使 (教材P2)The concert also made the headlines around the world,and put great pressure on politicians and statesmen to do something about the problem of world hunger.音乐会也受到了全世界媒体的极大关注,这给政客和政治家施加了巨大压力,迫使他们为世界饥荒问题采取行动。,under pressure 在压力之下 under the pressure of 在逼迫下,因迫不得已 pressure sb.to do sth. 对某人施加压力使其做某事 pressure sb.into doing sth. 迫使某人做某事 He works well under pressure. 他在有压力的情况下工作很出色。 He changed his mind under the pressure of others. 他在别人的逼迫之下改变了主意。 Dont let yourself be_pressured_into_making a hasty decision.不要勉强自己仓促做决定。,2catch up on 补上,补做 (教材P9)As a result,these countries are always struggling to catch up on their repayments. 结果,这些国家总是奋力地去弥补他们偿还的债务 catch up with 跟上;赶上 catch hold of 抓住;抓牢 catch ones eye/attention 引起注意 catch on 理解,弄明白,I dont quite catch_on.我不很理解。 Drive fastertheyre catching up with us. 开快点他们要赶上我们了。 He caught_hold_of her wrists so she couldnt get away.他抓住她的手腕,使她无法挣脱。,短语对点集训 .选词填空 account for;take to;push for;in vain;take advantage of;relate to;apply to;(be) faced with;on the scene;contrary to 1The university asked me to provide all the information _ my academic achievements. 2_ a difficult decision,she doesnt know what to do next. 3Girls _ half of the students in Class One. 4I _ her the moment I met her.,5Not content with the policy,he _ reforming it. 6I have tried very hard to find a solution to the problem,but _. 7The new technology _ farming. 8When the fire broke out,firefighters were _ immediately. 9If you _ your spare time,you will be able to catch up with the top students. 10_ what many people think,many cats dislike milk.,【答案】 1.relating to 2.Faced with 3.account for 4took to 5.is pushing for 6.in vain 7.was applied to 8on the scene 9.take advantage of 10.Contrary to,.单项填空 1(2014盐城质检)Not until we saw the manager did we know that the bank _ the company for the purpose of reducing its borrowings. Atook part in Bcaused damage to Cput pressure on Ddrew attention to 【解析】 句意:直到我们见到经理,我们才知道为了减少借贷,银行对这家公司施加了压力。put pressure on给施加压力;take part in参加;cause damage to对造成损害;draw attention to引起对的注意。 【答案】 C,2The local people continued to _ the better management of the limited water resources in the area. Aanswer for Bpush for Caccount for Dcater for 【解析】 考查动词短语辨析。句意:当地人继续努力争取更好地管理这个地区的有限的水资源。answer for因而受罚,对负责; push for奋力争取; account for是的原因,导致; cater for满足(需要),迎合,为(宴会、婚礼等)提供食品、服务。根据题意可知选B项。 【答案】 B,3It can be easy to _ such bad habits as smoking and heavy drinking,but it is not so easy to quit. Aslide into Bturn into Cput into Ddraft into 【解析】 句意:染上抽烟酗酒的坏习惯可能很容易,但戒掉不容易。slide into(使)滑入,溜进,不知不觉地陷入;turn into变,成为;put into使进入,输入,驶入;draft into征召入(伍);根据句意,A项正确。 【答案】 A,4We spent the evening _ each others news. Acatch up with Bcatching up with Ccatching up on Dcatching up in 【解析】 catch up with赶上,追上;catch up on在此句 中意为“了解(已发生的事情)”;get caught up in被卷入,陷入。 【答案】 C,5(2014黄山市仿真)Improving your spoken English by talking much with foreigners from Britain would _,for practice makes perfect. Amake sense Bmake sure Cmake believe Dmake public 【解析】 句意:通过和来自英国的外国人多谈话来提高你的英语口语是明智的,因为熟能生巧。make sense是明智的,是有道理的;make sure确保;make believe假装;make public公开。 【答案】 A,剖析2个高考句型 1(教材P6)Another big industry,and one that is growing annually,is the tourism industry.另外一个大的行业,而且是每年都在增长的一个行业是旅游业。 句法分析:one是代词,相当于an industry。that is growing annually是定语从句修饰one。one常在句中起替代作用,以免重复。,that/one/it用法: (1)that表示特指,指代前面提到过的那类事物(不指代人)。既可以替代可数名词(复数形式为those),也可以替代不可数名词,替代可数名词单数时其作用有时等于the one。 (2)one表示泛指,代替前面提到过的同类人或物,但不是同一个;它只能替代可数名词,复数形式是ones。 (3)it表示特指,指代前面提到过的那个事物(是同一个)或一种情景,用于指可数名词单数或不可数名词。,The student who does best in the exam is not always the one with the best brain. 考试成绩好的学生不总是最聪明的。 I hope there are enough glasses for_each_guest_to_have_one.我希望有足够的杯子,每位客人一个。 We are studying in a school with_trees_all_around_it. 我们在一个周围有树的学校学习。,高考链接 (2014山东高考)Susan made_ clear to me that she wished to make a new life for herself. Athat Bthis Cit Dher 【解析】 本题考查代词的运用。句意:苏珊清楚地跟我表明她希望为自己创造新的生活。分析句子结构可以看出,该句中包含一个that引导的从句,而且根据语境可知,that从句的内容就是苏珊向我表明的事情,所以后置的that从句实际上是made的真正宾语,故用形式宾语it指代that从句,所以选C。其余代词均不能用作形式宾语。 【答案】 C,(2014浙江高考)An average of just 18.75 cm of rain fell last year,making _ the driest year since California became a state in 1850. Aeach Bit Cthis Done 【解析】 本题考查替代词。句意:去年平均降雨量仅为18.75厘米,使其成为自1850年加利福尼亚成为州以来最干旱的一年。由语境可知,此处考查的是代词的替代,替代前面提到的1ast year,为同名同物的指代,用it。each每一;this这个;one一个,泛指“同类当中的一个”。 【答案】 B,2(教材P19)Angela,21,adds,“Id love to stay in_the_community_where_I_grew_up,but there are no good jobs.”21岁的安杰拉补充道:“我挺乐意住在我长大的社区里,但是那里没有好的工作” 句法分析:in the community where I grew up,其中where I grew up(in which I grew up)属于定语从句。,where引导从句: (1)where引导定语从句时,其前面有名词作先行词,where可换成“介词which”。 (2)where引导状语从句时,其前面无先行词,where不能换成“介词which”。 (3)where 也可引导主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句和同位语从句。 That was where we camped last time. 那就是我们上次野营的地方。(表语从句) The driver asked me where I wanted to go. 司机问我想上哪儿去。(宾语从句),After the war,a new school building was set up where there had once been a theatre.战后,一所新的学校在剧院的旧址上建立了起来。(状语从句) You should make it a rule to leave things at the place where_you_can_find_them_again.你应该养成一个习惯,把东西放在你能再找到的地方。(定语从句) Where_you_are_from is not important. 你从哪里来并不重要。(主语从句),句型对点集训 .单项填空 1Maybe you have been to many famous restaurants,but nowhere else _ on such nice ducks. Ayou can feast Bcan you taste Cyou can taste Dcan you feast 【解析】 nowhere是表示否定意义的副词,位于句首时句子应用部分倒装语序,feast意为“尽情地吃,饱餐”,接宾语时要用介词on。 【答案】 D,2(2014株洲模拟)House prices vary from place to place and are usually high _ there are famous schools. Awhere Bsince Cwhen Dwhether 【解析】 考查连词。句意:各地的房价不同, 有名校的地方, 房价通常很高。根据句意可知, 此处需要用where引导地点状语从句。 【答案】 A,3WHO and CDC say there is no evidence _ the bird flu H7N9 will spread between human beings. Awhich Bthat Cwhy Dwhether 【解析】 句意:世界卫生组织和疾病预防控制中心都说没有证据表明H7N9禽流感会在人与人之间传播。分析句子结构可知, 空格处引导同位语从句, 从句不缺少句子成分, 句意完整, 所以选that。 【答案】 B,4(2011重庆高考)Silly me!I forget what my luggage looks like. What do you think of _ over there? Athe one Bthis Cit Dthat 【解析】 句意:我真笨!我忘了我的行李什么样子了。你认为那边那个是你的吗?首先将本题改为“What do you think of the luggage over there?”thatthe不可数名词;the onethe可数名词;it指代同名同物。根据over there 可知D项正确。 【答案】 D,.完成句子 1这是礼堂,医学会议将在此召开。 This is a hall _. 2你们班的班主任比他们班的年轻又有活力。 The headteacher in your class is younger and more active _. 【答案】 1.where the medical conference will be held 2than the one in theirs,


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