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2019-2020年高中英语第二册上Unit9SavingtheearthPeriod4一译句1我们将有可能看到更少的战争。(there is a chance that.)_.2我不认识汤姆,他也是。(neither/ nor)_.3他只有在晚上12点才能入睡。(only)_.4告诉我你认为最严重的问题是什么?(what do you think)_.5我们必须充分利用每一分钟去工作。(make use of.)_.二选择题1. _, the young man decided to serve the people heart and soul from then now. A. Highly thought of B. Highly thinking of C. Well thought about D. thought well of 2. Every minute has been made use_ to drive every day. A. of learning B. of to learn C. to learn D. learning 3. The boy fell into the river. Lets help him _ it. A. with B. out from C. out of D. from out 4. I advised that girl _ flowers during the sports meeting. A. wear B. weared C. should wear D. both A and C 5. _ is wrong _ waste paper on the playground. A. It, to throw B. That, throwing C. This , throw D. He, of throwing 6. I couldnt recognize him, for he is not _ he used to be. A. who B. that C. what D. which 7. The pictures of the picnic_ memories of our class trip last year. A. called up B. reminded C. turned up D. came up8. Though we have worked out the plan, the hardest part is putting it into _. A. fact B. really C. practice D. dead9.Im sure that building is on fire._.Well, look at the smoke pouring out from under the roof.Oh, my god! B. Oh yes, but what to do C. Dont be silly D. So what10. Thank again, Tom. Surely you must apologize to Mr. Johnson._Dad! Its not my fault. A. However B. Since C. But D. While三阅读理解Paul Boytons career reads like a science-fiction adventure. He was once mistaken for a sea monster, was involved in the Mexican Revolution, and fought in the Franco-Prussian War. He prospected for diamonds in South Africa and for gold in California. As a lifeguard, he saved seventy-one lives.Then Boyton met C.S. Merrian, who had invented a waterproof suit, and immediately made plans. First, he floated thirty miles to the Irish coast. Bigger things were in store. In England, he floated down the Thames River and gave a mand performance for the monarch at that time, Queen Victoria. He floated from England to France and through Germany, Italy, and Spain. He began to use an umbrella to float by “wind power.” In a war between Chile and Peru, Boyton became the first frogman. He also floated down six rivers in America. And these were not all his acplishments. Boyton helped establish Coney Island amusement Park and invented its famous water ride, “Shoot the Chute”1. The best title is _.A. Wind Power-a New Way to TravelB. Coney Island and Its Many Rides C. How C.S. Merrian Helped Paul BoytonD. The Amazing Feats of Paul Boyton2. Boyton floated down six rivers in _.A. England B. Asia C. America D. Spain3. The story suggests that Paul Boyton lived _ A. an uneventful life B. with his family C. in Asia D. many years ago4. The word “establish” in the second paragraph means _ A. set up B. get ride ofC. end D. find四书面表达假如你叫李明, 你的英国朋友Mike 将从外地乘火车来你校(十二中)参观。请按图写一封信告诉他从火车站到你校怎么走。要求:1. 所给词汇必须全部用上。2. 尽量采用多种表达方式, 避免语言呆板。3. 字数: 100 字左右。1.火车站 2.十字路口 3.红绿灯 4.公园 5.银行 6.约100米 7.十二中 1234567参考答案一1. There is a chance that we will see fewer wars.2. I dont know Tom, neither does he .3. Only at 12 oclock in the night can he fall asleep.4. Please tell me what you think the most serious problem is.5. We must make full use of every minute to work.二1-5 A B C D A 6-10 C A C C C三D C D A四 One possible version:April 5, xxDear Mike, Wele to our school. Now let me tell you how to get to our school.After getting out of the railway station, you should turn left. Later youll e to a crossing. Just go straight on until the traffic lights. Then you should turn right. Its not long before you see a park on your left hand. Then go on till the second turning you should turn left. By the way, there is a bank on the opposite. After turning left, go along the street about 100 meters, our school is just on the left side. You wont miss it.Wish you have a good journey! Yours sincerely, Liming

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