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2019-2020年高中英语第一册上Unit12ArtandliteraturePeriod2一词语填空1. The couple t_ the orphan very badly. How cruel they are!2. He had s_ on his forehead in a car accident, so its easy to recognize him.3. They asked a s_ of questions, but I couldnt answer so many questions at a time.4. When I was abroad, I make a lot of f_ with the foreigners.5. Therere 7 w_ of the world, including the Great Wall in China.6. This is an open s_. So I know it very well though you wont tell me.7. Dont _ (自找麻烦)until trouble troubles you.8. Just now I c_(碰到) an old friend of mine in the park.9. The black fought bravely _(为奴隶制度而斗争).10. You are _ (欢迎你来)China. We Chinese are friendly. 二选择题1. A series of _ made after the first one was shown. A. film is B. films is C. film are D. films are 2. They have _ friends since they met in Shanghai. A. made B. bee C. been D. turned3. I _ what she said, because I _ him. A. believe, believe B. believe, believe in C. believe in, believe D. believe in, believe in 4. Dont be afraid _ my health, Ill recover in a few days. A. of B. to C. for D. that5. You are wele to _ my puter. A. using B. use C. / D. B and C6. He is afraid _ the tree, for he is afraid _ down from it. A. to climb, of falling B. to climb, to fall C. of climbing, to fall D. of climbing, of falling7. The glass _ with care because its easy to break. A. must treat B. must be treated C. can treat D. can be treated8. Harry Potter is a boy _ a scar _ his forehead, whom you will recognize very easily. A. with, in B. of, on C. has, on D. with, on9. A library, together with its many books, _given to the school as a gift. A. has been B. are C. have D. were10. Im sorry that I dont have much money with me. We need to find a cheap inn._.A. Dont worry. Its my treat today B. Well, thats troubleC. Thats OK. You dont need to pay D. Never mind. Lets go三阅读理解 Class 5A was the worst class in Hill Valley High School. The students were badly behaved and had no interest in their lessons. When a new headmaster came to work at the school, he decided to do something about the class. On the second day of school he left his office and walked to 5As classroom. He did not need to know where it was. He could hear them, who were making a terrible noise. He stood outside the classroom for a few moments and looked inside through the window. He was very angry at what he saw. Some boys were fighting. Other students were throwing things at one another. The headmaster had experienced badly behaved classes before. He knew what to do. he would go into the classroom, take hold of the biggest boy in the class and punish him. This would be an example to the others. He took a deep breath and opened the classroom door. The students paid no attention to him. “Silence!”He shouted at the top of his voice. This time the students stopped what they were doing and looked at him. Quickly he walked up to the oldest-looking boy in the room. He was also the noisiest and had been shouting at the others at the top of his voice. He took hold of him by the ear and pulled him to the front of the class. “I am going to punish you as an example to the others,”he said,“Now go to my office and wait for me.” Then he turned to the class and lectured them about how they should behave in school. When he had finished, he said,“Does anyone have any questions?” One of the students put up her hand.“Yes, sir. I have. When can we have our teacher back?” 1. The headmaster _. A. followed the sound to find 5As classroom B. apologized to 5A for the noise C. got very angry with the teacher of class 5A. D. had been at the school for several years 2. What did the headmaster decide to do? A. To plain to the board of directors B. To punish everyone in the class C. To make an example of the boy who looked the oldest D. To pay attention to their plaints 3. The boy the headmaster chose _. A. agreed not to shout in class again B. explained that he was the teacher C. thanked himD. wasnt student at all四短文改错One day, I was cooking in the kitchen as the 1. telephone rings. I went to answer it immediately. 2. She was my close friend, Lisa. When we were talking3. on a phone, the fire alarm sounded. I ran back to the4. kitchen. The room full of smoke and the beef was badly5. burnt. I quickly turned off the gas, opening all the 6. windows, and then went out of the house. In my7. surprise, two fire engines were outside my house. I8. was rather worried. I told about the firemen that it 9. was my careless cooking which caused the heavy smoke.10. 参考答案一 1. treated 2. scars 3. series 4. friends 5. wonders 6. secret 7. ask for trouble 8. came across 9. against slavery 10. wele to二1-5 D C B C D 6-10 A B D A A三A C D四1. as-when 2. rings-rang 3. She-It 4. a-the 5. full 前加was 6. opening-opened 7. In-To 8. 9. 去掉 about 10. which-that

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