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2019-2020年高中英语第二册上Artandarchitecture(1)I. Brief Statements Based on the Unit In this unit, Ss will read about art and architecture, learn to express preferences, learn about the Past Participle used as Object plement, and learn to write a review of a painting. In the first period, Ss will learn to express preferences by making dialogues with the help of the given expressions. Also they will do some listening practice to improve their listening ability. In the second period, Ss will read a passage about modern architecture. They will learn about some famous architects and their works as well as some famous buildings in the world. In this period, Ss will learn some useful words and expressions, too. In the third period of this unit, the useful words are revised first and also Ss will learn to use a new sentence pattern:A is to B what C is to D. Ss can master it after finishing the practice provided in this part. The grammar item is the Past Participle used as Object plement. This is an important item. Teacher should give some explanations to help Ss understand it and then after Ss finish the exercises they will master it better. Teacher may provide more practice if necessary. In the fourth period, Ss will do some reading and writing practice to improve their integrating skills. After the study of this unit, Ss may know more about art and architecture and they will also make progress in their listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities. II .Teaching Goals 1. Talk about art and architecture. 2. Learn to express preferences. 3. Learn about the Past Participle(2) : used as Object plement. 4. Write a review of a painting. III. Teaching Time: Four periods IV. Background Information 1. The Great Wall of China In 221 B.C. the First Emperor started to build a great wall right across the north of his empire. He wanted to keep the tribes of Huns and Tartars outside his country. There were earlier walls built in some places by different kings of China, but the First Emperor, now that he ruled all China, decided to plete the wall. He decided to make it run right across from Tibet to the sea, a distance of over 1 500 miles. It took seven years to build. The Great Wall ran across wild, steep, mountainous country, over the mountains and down the valleys. North and west of it there were only wild mountains and deserts, and south and east there were the rich Yellow River plains. It was built higher than a double-decker bus. In most places it was wide enough for eight men to march side by side along the top. It was built of stones and clay. There were huge blocks of stones on the sides, and on the top there were more stones. Cars could travel along the top. About every two hundred yards there were tall, strong towers where soldiers could keep watch for the enemy, and where they could light fires to signal to each other. There were always soldiers inside these towers, winter and summer, keeping guard against attacks from the Huns. There were a few well-guarded gateways with huge wooden gates, strengthened with iron nails. These connected the main roads of China to other roads through the mountains and across the desert. The Great Wall has often been rebuilt through the centuries, and much of it is still standing today. Visitors can still see it running like a snake across the country and can still walk along the top. Much of the traffic which passes through the ancient gateways has not changed much. But today, as well as horses and carts there are motor cars and trucks. To build such an enormous wall across such wild and mountainous country without any modern tractors or other heavy machines was very difficult. All the Emperors builders were thousands of men, often prisoners of war. They lifted the earth in buckets and dragged the stones in teams with ropes over their shoulders. They worked in such wild and distant places that it was difficult to supply them with enough food or to make proper shelters in which they could sleep. Thousands of workers died and were buried in the clay inside the wall. The people hated the Emperor for his cruelty but he made them finish the wall. Many people were seized and forced to work on the wall far away from their homes. Many of them never came back. Superstitious people who believed in magic used to say that the Emperor had ridden across the mountains on magic horses. The wall appeared under him as he went along. Wherever the horse stamped its foot, a watch-tower appeared. But the wall was not made by magic. It was made by the work and lives of thousands of men. 2. The Yellow Crane Tower On May 20, 1985 the newly-rebuilt Yellow Crane Tower(Huanghe Tower) was pleted and opened to the public. The rebuilding of the tower took four years and cost 15 million yuan. This five-storeyed building stands on the top of the Snake Hill(Mount She) by the Changjiang River in Hubei Province. It is 51.4 metres high. In the halls of the first four storeys there are many pictures, portraits and wall-paintings. They are about fairy tales, Chinese history and the history of the tower. Do you know when the tower was first built? And why do we call it “The Yellow Crane Tower”? There is a legend that long long ago an old man named Wang Zhian rode on the backof a yellow crane, flew away from the tower and later became an immortal being. It is also said that another man named Fei Wenyi returned to the tower to have a rest with the help of a yellow crane. Another story goes like this: a window by the name of Xin set up a public house by the Snake Hill in Wuchang. A Taoist often came to drink here. Each time he was allowed to drink without payment. Once before leaving, the Taoist drew a yellow crane on the wall with a piece of orange skin. The yellow crane flew down off the wall and danced happily immediately after the people clapped their hands. On hearing the news many, many people came here for a drink. Mrs Xin got richer and richer. So she decided to build a tower in memory of the crane. It was named the Yellow Crane Tower. In fact, the Yellow Crane Tower was first built more than 1 600 years ago. That is in the early years of the Three-Kingdom Period. It stood on the south bank of the Changjiang River in Wuchang. In the beginning, the tower was only used by the armies, but after a certain period of time it was open to the public. The tower has been destroyed and rebuilt many times, and it has been a well-known historical building for centuries. Many poets wrote excellent poems in praise of the tower. However, before liberation, the Yellow Crane Tower was not well protected. When Wuhan was liberated, only a very shabby tower remained. In October 1981, the government decided to rebuild the Yellow Crane Tower, and now on the top of the Snake Hill stands a new magnificent five-storeyed Yellow Crane Tower, overlooking the beautiful river city of Wuban. Who says that the Yellow Crane had flown away and would never e back? With the rapid development of our socialist country, the Yellow Crane Tower is reborn! Seeing the great Yellow Crane Tower, everyChinese should certainly have a sense of national pride. The First Period Teaching Aims: 1. Improve the students listening ability. 2. Improve the students speaking ability. 3. Learn and master some useful words and expressions. Teaching Important Point: Train the students listening and speaking abilities. Teaching Difficult Points: 1. How to help students to improve their listening ability. 2. How to help students to learn to express preferences. Teaching Methods: 1. Discussion to make the students talk about art and architecture. 2. Individual or pair work to make the students practise their speaking ability. 3. Listening practice to improve the students listening ability. Teaching Aids: 1. a tape recorder 2. a projector 3. the blackboard Teaching Procedures: Step I Greetings and Warming-up Greet the whole class as usual. T: (Walk to one student)Wang Jing, where do you live? S: I live at No. 26 Zhonghua Street. T: What kind of house do you live in? A traditional house or an apartment? S: I live in an apartment. T: Do you like living in an apartment? S: Yes. T: Can you tell us why? S: Its clean and safe, and its easy to keep warm in winter, since it has the heating system. T: Whats the disadvantage of living in an apartment? S: Its not convenient for you to carry things home and its not easy for you to get sunlight. T: OK. Please sit down. (Walk to another student.)Li Xiao, what kind of house do you live in? Do you live in an apartment, too? S: No. I live in a traditional house. T: Do you like living in a traditional house? S2: Not very much. Because its not safe when there is nobody at home, and it gives you much trouble to keep warm in winter, but it has some advantages. Its convenient for you to carry things home, and you can take exercise in the yard. If you like, you can keep some pets, such as a dog, a cat and so on. And you can grow some flowers, too.Its very interesting. T: Good. I must pay a visit to your house one day. Now, look at the questions on the screen and have a discussion in pairs. (Show the following on the screen.) Questions: If you were free to design your own dream house, what would your house look like? What materials would you use? Explain why you made certain choices about your dream house. (After the discussion, collect their answers.) S3: lf I were free to design my own dream house, I would like it to look modern and fortable. I would lay a wooden floor in the rooms. I would have a glass tea table placed in the kitchen. I would like some modern steel chairs designed in special styles. I would have a set of leather sofa in the living room. S4: I have a different opinion. I would like my dream house to look traditional. I like wooden furniture very much. I would have a wooden floor laid first. And then I would buy some wooden furniture, such as a wooden tea table, some wooden chairs, a big wooden bed and one wooden bookcase. I would have two Chinese traditional paintings put up on the wall in my living room. And I would place a pair of cloisonn vases in the living room. 1 think wooden furniture makes people feel friendly and peaceful. S5: T: All your designs are wonderful. Youre all good architects. This unit is about art and architecture. What words and phrases do you think will be useful when you want to talk about them? Who knows? S6: I think“pattern, style, modern, material, traditional, be made of, be covered by” are useful. T: Good. Who can tell us more? S7: Let me try. High, low, steel, be famous for, look like, and so on. T: Very good. Now, work in groups of four and find out the history of art and architecture, names of artists and architects, famous buildings and works of art in the world. (A moment later, teacher may ask some students to say their answers.) Step II Speaking T: Now, please open your books and turn to Page 17. Look at the two pictures. What do you see? Ss: Modern buildings and a traditional house. T: Just now, we talked about their advantages and disadvantages. Now, please work in pairs to make a short dialogue. Tell each other which you prefer and try to explain why you prefer one thing to the other. (Students prepare for a while.) T: Are you ready? Ss: Yes. T: Which pair volunteers to act our your dialogue? Ss: Let us try. (The pair acts out their dialogue. Teacher then shows the following on the screen. ) T: Very good. Now, please look at the screen. What beautiful chairs they are! Do you like them? Ss: Yes. T: Which do you like better? (Ss may have different answers.) T: OK. Now, please turn to Page 18 and look at the sample dialogue in Speaking and some useful expressions on Page 19. Theyre useful when you are making your dialogue expressing preferences. Read them carefully and then make a dialogue with your partner. (A moment later, ask some students to act out their dialogues.) Sample dialogue: A: Do you prefer classical chairs or do you like modern chairs better? B: Id rather have modern chairs. A: Can you tell me why? B: In my opinion, modern chairs are lighter and more colorful. dont like the hard wooden chairs which I think are unfortable. A: I really prefer classical chairs. I like seeing something old and classical and I like the different designs of the chairs. Step III Preparation for Listening T: OK. Weve talked much about art and architecture. And we also designed our own dream houses. Now, imagine that youre moving into your new house, but you need to buy some furniture. What kind of furniture would you like to buy and why do you prefer them? Have a short discussion in pairs, please. (Allow the students a few minutes to prepare for the dialogue and ask one or two pairs to act out if time permits. ) Step IV Listening T: Well done. Now, well do some listening practice. Youll listen to a talk between Amy and Danny. They want to buy some furniture for their new house. They visit a shop and talk with the sales assistant about their taste and preferences. Before we listen to the tape, lets go through the requirements together. (Help Ss to know what to do and make them guess the answers. ) T: OK. Now, youve known what to do. Listen carefully and finish the exercises by yourself first and then cheek your answers with your partner. (Play the tape twice for Ss to listen and finish the exercises and then play it a third time for students to check their answers. At last cheek the answers with the whole class. ) Step V Summary and Homework T: Today weve learnt how to express preferences. Who can write the useful expressions on the blackboard? S: Let me try. (Write some on the blackboard. ) T: Good. Who has anything else to add? S: Ill try. (Write some other expressions on the blackboard. ) T: Good. After class, you should try to use them more to learn them by heart. They are very useful. In the next period, well read more about architecture. Please remember to preview the reading passage. OK. Thats all for today. See you tomorrow! Ss: See you tomorrow! Step VI The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard Unit 3 Art and architecture The First Period Useful expressions: Id rather I dont get excited about Im much more interested If you ask me, then In my opinion I prefer something that I really prefer I like seeing something I wouldnt feel happy if What I like is Im not very interested in. I cant stand Step VII Record after Teaching The Second Period Teaching Aims: 1. Train the students reading ability. 2. Learn some useful words and expressions 3. Learn more about art and architecture. Teaching Important Points: 1. Help the students to understand the passage better. 2. Learn and master the important words and phrases in this period. Teaching Difficult Points: 1. How to help the students improve their reading ability and understand the passage better. 2. How to master the important language points in the passage. Teaching Methods: 1. Discussion to help Ss understand what theyve learnt better. 2. Fast reading to get the general idea of the text. 3. Careful reading to understand the passage better. 4. Explanation to help Ss master some language points. Teaching Aids: 1. a tape recorder 2. a projector 3. the blackboard Teaching Procedures: Step I Greetings Greet the whole class as usual. Step II Pre-reading (Show the following on the screen. ) T: Look at the screen, please. What do you see? Ss: Tianan men. T: Yes. Last summer I went to Beijing and visited it. It is beautiful, isnt it? Ss: Yes. T: Is it modern architecture or classical architecture? Ss: Its classical Chinese architecture. T: OK. Now, please look at another picture on the screen. (Show the following on the screen.) T: Do you know what it is? Ss: Yes, its the Opera House in Sydney. T: Is it classical or modern? Ss: Modern. T: What does it look like? Ss: It looks like ship sails or seashells. T: OK. Look at the screen. Here are some other pictures. Some of them are classical and the others are modern. Look carefully and then tell me which you prefer. (Show the following pictures on the screen.) T: OK. Who would like to tell us your opinion? S: I like modern architecture better because it makes you get excited and encouraged when you see it. T: OK. Who has a different opinion? S: In my opinion, I think classical architecture can make you relax and make you feel close to nature. And you can find many beautiful things in it. Many parts are carefully designed and constructed. I like classical architecture better. T: Good. Today, well read more about architecture. First, open your books and turn to Page 19. Look at the pictures in Pre-reading and the title of the text “Modern architecture” and finish Ex. 2 quickly. Then check your answers in pairs. (A few minutes later, ask some students to say their answers. ) Step III Reading and Understanding T: By now, weve talked much about architecture. Now, lets read the passage. First of all, read the new words after me, please. (Teacher teaches the students to read the new words in this period. Then students read the words by themselves for a moment. At last, ask some students to read the words. ) T: Now, read the passage quickly. Youll find two words in bold. Try to find out what they refer to. (Three minutes later, ask two students to say their answers. ) T: OK. Have you finished? Ss: Yes. T: OK. Who can tell us what “them” in the fourth paragraph refers to? S: I can. It refers to “modern buildings”. T: Do you agree? Ss: Yes. T: Now, how about the word “that” in the sixth paragraph? Who knows? S: Ill have a try. It refers to the sentence: Nature doesnt have any straight lines. T: Do you think his/her answer is right? Ss: Yes. T: Very good! Now, you know two architects are mentioned in the passage. And the passage also talks about their works, which were inspired by looking at nature. Read the passage again. This time, you should read it carefully to find out who they are and what inspired them. Are you clear? Ss: Yes. T: (A few minutes later.)Lets stop here. Who can tell us who the two architects are? S: Theyre Frank Lloyd Wright and Antonio Gaudi. T: Yes, quite right. Do you know what inspired them? S: Frank Lloyd Wright was inspired by Japanese seashells and Antonio Gaudi was inspired by fish, dragons and so on. T: Very good. Please sit down. We know that Beijing will host the xx Olympic Games. This passage also talks about the new Olympic Stadium in Beijing. People call it “The Birds Nest”. Do you know why? S: Because viewed from the top, it looks as if the stadium is covered by a gray net of steel, and it looks just like a birds nest made of tree branches. T: Thats right. We know traditional and modern architectures make use of different materials. Who can tell us what they are? S: Let me try. They are: earth, stones, bricks, wood, steel, concrete, glass and so on. T: Who can divide them into two groups? S: We can divide them into natural materials and modern materials. Earth, bricks, stones and wood are natural materials. Steel, glass and concrete are modern materials. T: (Write them down on the blackboard.)Very good. Now, think carefully. What other materials belong to these groups? If anybody knows,please e to write them down on the blackboard. (Ss may have various answers.) Step IV Discussion and Explanation T: Read the passage again silently and then have a discussion about the questions in Ex. 5 and Ex. 6 on Page 21 in groups of four.


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