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2019-2020年高中英语第一册上Unit11ThesoundsoftheworldPeriod2一词语填空1. Sea water _ (包含)salt. 2. The old and young all wear new clothes _.(在节日期间)3. The husband and wife have much _.(共同之处)4. Music is a _(通用的,全世界的) language. Do you think so?5. Every member of the band must follow the _ (节拍)very closely.6. You should keep up the _(传统) friendship.7. Would you please give me a _(简明扼要的)introduction?8. All the students have their own _(特性).9. Therere a _ of(许多种类) tapes here. You can take whatever you like.10. We should _ (把结合起来) theory with practice.二选择题1. You can learn English _.A. by the radio B. by the radio C. on radio D. on the radio2. The blues _ part of African-American culture since then.A. has been B. have been C. is been D. is3. Dad bined his visit _ England _ a tour of Scotland.A. in; to B. of; to C. of; with D. to; with4. I dont like the way_.A. which she talks B. what she talks C. she walks D. of walk5. Japan, China and so on arent _ countries.A. spoken English B. English-speaking C. English-spoken D. speaking-English6. The jeans are very _ young people.A. pop; to B. pop; with C. popular; with D. popular; to7. _ the corner of the street, a taxi hit a boy student. How terrible!A. To B. On C. In D. At8. Football is _ game.A. a universal B. an universal C. an universe D. a universe9. He said it was the second time he _ in Tibet.A. am B. have been C. had been D. was10. What about Mr. Li _ us a Japanese song? Good idea.A. sing B. singing C. to sing D. sang 三阅读理解 There once lived a king who liked listening to jokes. He said , “Ill give a bag full of gold to the person who can tell the best story. Theres only one rule : it must be a story which I cannot believe ; if I believe it then I wont give away the bag of gold. ” People came to the king from all parts of the country . They brought strange and wonderful stories. The king sat in his palace and listened to all the stories. He enjoyed them very much, but to each person he said, “I can believe the story . It could happen and may be true. So I wont give you the bag of gold. ”At last a poor old man came to the palace . He was carrying a huge stone jar. The old man went into the kings room and said , “ Oh, King, your good father was once a poor man and my father was rich . They were very good friends. My father gave your father a large jar, like this one, and it was full of gold. Your father promised to give back the gold when he became rich. But he didnt give it back . Now I am poor and you are rich. And I want the gold . ”The king said, “I dont believe that story. The jar is very big. There isnt enough gold in all my country to fill the jar with. My father didnt tell me anything about the jar of gold. ”“ All right, ” the old man said. “Never mind. If you dont believe the story, give me the bag of gold, please . ”The king remembered the rule, and he had to give the old man the bag of gold. 1. What did the king want to do at the beginning of the story ?A. He wanted to make a joke about others. B. He wanted to give his people some gold. C. He wanted to find a good storyteller. D. He wanted to set up a new rule for his people . 2. The king would give a bag of gold to the person who told _. A. a strange story B. an unbelievable story C. the best story in the world D. a story which could bee true 3. Why did the old man e to the palace ?A. He tried to have his fathers gold back. B. He wished to get the bag of gold. C. He wanted to please the king by telling him a story .D. His father had been a friend of the kings fathers . 4. What reason did the king give for not believing the old mans story ?A. The jar couldnt be used to hold gold . B. There wasnt so much gold in the country. C. His father didnt tell him about a jar of gold. D. Both B and C . 5. From the story we can see the old man was _. A. clever B. poor C. stupid D. a cheat 四短文改错Miss Sullivan could teach Helen Keller to speak until 1._some other important things have been learned. The little 2._ girl had to learn she couldnt always do that she wished 3. _ to do. She had to learn how to control her feelings. The teaching began. Sometimes there was a real fighting 4._between the wild child with the strong young teacher. At 5._ the last, Miss Sullivan won. She had been successful in 6. _ show Helen that she loved her and wanted to help her. 7._The child and her teacher became friend. The friendship 8._continued until the teachers die, fifty years later. 9._The day Helen accepted Miss Sullivan as 10._ her friend was really a great day in Helens life. 参考答案一1. contains 2. during festivals 3. in mon 4. universal 5. beat 6. traditional7. brief 8. characteristics 9. variety 10. bine二1-5 D A D C B 6-10 C D A C B三. 1-5 A B B D A 6-10 B D C D A四1. could后加 not 2. have-had 3. that-what 4. 5. with and 6. 去掉the 7. show-showing 8. friend friends 9. die-death 10 .day 后加 when


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