2019春五年级英语下册 Unit 3 Writing Home Lesson 13《Let’s Buy Postcards》教案3 (新版)冀教版.doc

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2019春五年级英语下册 Unit 3 Writing Home Lesson 13《Let’s Buy Postcards》教案3 (新版)冀教版.doc_第1页
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2019春五年级英语下册 Unit 3 Writing Home Lesson 13《Let’s Buy Postcards》教案3 (新版)冀教版.doc_第2页
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2019春五年级英语下册 Unit 3 Writing Home Lesson 13《Let’s Buy Postcards》教案3 (新版)冀教版.doc_第3页
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Lesson 13 Lets Buy Postcards!一、教学目标:1.知识目标:学习单词postcard、letter 、email、much及句型Lets buy postcards? This postcard has a picture of _. I want to send a postcard to_. May I see that postcard? How much is that postcard?2.能力目标:能够读、写、说出并听懂postcard、letter 、email,能运用所学句型表达自己的意愿,在情景中熟练准确运用句子。3.情感目标:学会与他人合作,引导鼓励全面参与,大胆开口说,让人人在课堂中有所收获。二、教学重点、难点:在小组合作自由创设的情景中恰当运用所学句型。三、教学准备:课件、postcard、letter、e-mail实物、自制明信片、录音机四、教学过程:Step 1: Class Opening and ReviewGreetings: Im very happy to see you again. Are you ready for class? Lets begin.2. Revision:T:(拿出一张卡片)Look! Whats this?S1: This is a picture.T: Whats on it?S2: Its a cat.T: Yes, its a cat. We can also say “It has a cat on it”.(板书此句型)教师用同样的方式对其它图片进行问答。设计意图:教师通过问答引导学生掌握句型,为下一步的学习作好铺垫。Step 2: New Concepts1T: Look at the screen, I have a friend. She is a lovely girl. Her name is Lee. She lives in Shanghai. She is far from me. I miss her very much. How to connect with her? Who can help me? C:写信,打电话,写电子邮件,写明信片设计意图:以与远方的朋友联系,让学生为自己想办法,很自然地引出新授内容-通讯工具。2.T:(手拿出一张明信片提问) Whats this? C: This is a picture.T: This is not a picture. This is a postcard. (教授单词postcard)T:(手拿出两张明信片提问) What are these? C: These are postcards.(区分postcard和postcards)T: Yes. These are postcards. ( 手拿出一张明信片教授句型)A postcard has a picture on it. This postcard has a picture of the Palace Museum. This postcard has a picture of the Summer Palace. (学生反复练读。)(出示幻灯片4,提问)Whats the postcard have?(让学生完成两个句子。)T:(出示书信的背面,提问) Whats this? C:This is 一张纸。T: Yes, this is a piece of paper. (把书信翻过来再问) Whats this?C:This is a piece of paper.T: No,this is not a piece of paper. This is a letter. (教授并板书新词letter, 并强调e)T: The word “letter” has two meanings. “A、B、C、D” are letters, whats the meaning? 设计意图:通过引导让学生认识letter的两种意思,学生自己猜出来比老师直接教授要容易理解。Read the letter together. (读信的内容)And then ask “Where do we write a letter?”C: We write a letter on paper. (强调“paper”是不可数名词,我们可以说 “a piece of paper”)T: Next picture, whats this?C: This is a computer.T: Yes, the computer is very useful in our modern life. For example, we can play computer games or we can write an email on a computer. (出示幻灯片 an email并板书新词email.强调此处用冠词“an”。)T: Where do we write an email?C: We write an email on a computer.听录音跟读No.1T:(指着手中明信片):This postcard has a monkey on it .My friend likes Monkey King very much. Now I have a good idea. I want to send this postcard to her. (边说边做动作,演示send,让学生通过观察、猜测send的意思,板书教授新句型)I want to send a postcard to_.3PracticeT: Who do you want to send the postcard? Talk about it in pairs.Then ask some of them to show and talk about their postcards. 4TextFollow the audiotape, read together.Answer some questions.(1)Where are Jenny 、Danny and Li Ming? What do they want to buy?(2)What does Jennys postcard have? Who does she want to send it to?(3)What does Li Mings postcard have? (4)How many postcards does Danny take? How much is a postcard? Act out the dialogue in groups.设计意图:听录音,做事情,整体感知语言内容,在这个过程中,学生有事可做,并且有积极的思维活动。最后找学生展示答案,以便其他学生检查自己的答案。Step 3: Group work.1T:Heres a dialogue for you.(分角色朗读对话)2.知识拓展: Make a dialogue: (A is a clerk, B is a customer.)A: Can I help you?B:I want to buy some postcards. I want to send this postcard to _. May I see that postcard, please? A: Here you are. B: Thank you. How much for this postcard?A: _ yuan. B: Ill take _, please. A: Here you are. B: Thank you. A: You are welcome.设计意图:给学生提供用得上的句型和交际用语,依据所学内容小组合作编对话。在小组合作的过程中,为学生提供相互交流、共同学习的机会。学生间互相帮助,共同完成任务3. Ask several groups to show.Step 4: Practice1.出示幻灯片11、12,看图片完成句子。A: What does this postcard have?B: It has a picture of _ on it.A: How much is it? B: Its _.A: Who do you want to send it to?B: I want to send it to my _.A: What does this postcard have?B: It has a picture of _ on it.A: How much is it? B: Its _.A: Who do you want to send it to?B: I want to send it to my _.2.补全单词并连线l _ tt _ r 明信片_m_ _ l 电子邮件p_stc_rd 信3. Fill in the blanks.(1)You write an _ on a computer. (2)I want to _ this postcard _ my mum and dad.(3)How _for this postcard? Five yuan. 4. Homework.Make a postcard. Use the following structures to talk about your postcards with your parents.My postcard has _ on it. . I want to send this _ to_.Step 5: Class Closing T: Boys and girls, now everyone has bought a postcard. We will learn how to write a postcard next lesson. Thats all for today. Goodbye everyone.六、板书设计:Lesson 13 Lets Buy Postcards!letter email postcardA postcard has a _ on it. .I want to send this postcard to_.How much is that postcard? Its _yuan.


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