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2019-2020年高中英语Unit8AdventurePeriodone课堂讲义北师大版必修More and more people around the world are taking part in some dangerous activities.Of course,many people have climbed the highest mountains or explored unknown parts of the world.Now,however,there are people who want to get quick pleasure from a dangerous activity,which may only last a few minutes or even seconds.I think bungee jumping is a good example of such an activity.You jump from a high place 200 metres above the ground with an elastic rope tying to your ankles.You fall at up to 150 kilometres an hour until the rope stops you from hitting the ground.It is said that 2,000,000 people around the world have now tried bungee jumping.Other activities,such as jumping from the tall buildings and diving into the sea from the top ofhigh rocks are as dangerous as bungee jumping.Why do people take part in such activities?Some scientists think it is because life in modern society has bee safe and boring.Now life has little excitement.1bungee jumping蹦极2elastic rope弹力绳3ankle n脚踝1How many people around the world have now tried bungee jumping?2,000,000 (people around the world have now tried bungee jumping)2What activities are as dangerous as bungee jumping?Activities such as jumping from the tall buildings and diving into the sea from the top of high rocks are as dangerous as bungee jumping.Period OneWarmup & Lesson 1Adventure Holidays.单词检测1adventure n奇遇,冒险的经历2major adj.较重要的;较严重的majority n大多数3wild adj.野生的;狂热的4tiring adj.令人疲劳的tired adj.疲劳的;陈旧的5extra adj.特别的;额外的6optional adj.可选择的,非强制的7organisation n组织,团体,机构organise v组织8unfortable adj.不舒服的,不自在的fortable adj.舒服的,舒适的9luggage n行李10acmodation n住所,住处11maximum adj.最大的,最多的12altitude n高度,海拔13differ vi.不同于,有区别difference n区别,不同different adj.不同的,有区别的14anxious adj.忧虑的,担心的.短语检测1take off起飞2go down落下;(物价等)下跌3on the horizon在地平线上4right now就在此刻5differ from不同于1The food cooking on the fire smells great and while you are having a hot cup of tea,you relax and watch the sun go down.烤在火上的食物散发着诱人的香味,你喝着一杯热茶,轻松地欣赏着日落。2As well as the group guide,all teams have cooks and porters.除了导游外,所有长途徒步队都配有厨师和搬运工。3While on a hiking trip,our cooks prepare delicious meals.在徒步旅行中,我们的厨师会备好美味食品。4And our porters carry your luggage,which means that you can simply enjoy the experience.搬运工会帮助搬运你们的行李,这样就意味着你们能尽情享受这次经历了。5For people who prefer to spend some time on the coast,we can organise your travel and acmodation too.如果你宁愿在海边多停留些日子,我们也可以为你安排旅行和食宿。.课文阅读理解1The first paragraph is written to .Atell an interesting storyBsuggest the journey is easyCattract travelers to joinDintroduce the Himalayas答案C2Cooks and porters are arranged in order to .Ahelp the hikers to live on themselvesBdeal with the hikers plaintsCmake tourists stay longer than expectedDmake the hikers fortable答案D3Special offers mentioned in the fifth paragraph refer to .Asome prepared giftsBacmodation or hotelsCtrips to other placesDtents for camping答案C.课文语法填空With food 1.cooking(cook) on the fire and a hot cup of coffee in your hand,you relax and watch the sun go down the 2.amazing(amaze) Mount Qomolangma.If youre looking for experiences like this,Adventure xx is 3.the organisation for you.We have 4.experienced(experience) guides to make sure the hiking trip is 5fortable(fort) and safe.As well as the group guide,we have cooks and porters,6.which means you can simply enjoy the experience.Good travel 7.arrangements(arrange) are also important.We organize all the 8.flights(flight) and acmodation for you.9.If you dont want to go straight home afterwards,therere special offers for you!The hike costs 2,500 10.including(include) all flights and acmodation.Maximum group size is 15 people.1major adj.较大的;主要的;vi.主修,专修(大学的某一科目);n.少校;成年人;大学主修科目,主修专业(1)(原句)The presenter went round the world visiting all the major capitals.节目主持人周游世界,游览所有的大的首都。(2)The major part of my homework was correct.我的家庭作业大部分都做对了。归纳拓展major in sth.主修,专修(大学里的某一科目)majority n.大多数,大部分a/the majority ofmost of大多数的minor adj.次要的minority n.少数,小部分(3)He intended to major in English in the future.他打算将来以英语为专业。(4)The majority was in favour of the proposal.大多数人赞同这个建议。即时跟踪写出下列句子中major的词性及汉语意思(1)The play is a major success.adj.巨大的,较重要的(2)He planned to take chemistry as his major.n.主修专业(3)She majored in history at Stanford.vi.主修2acmodation n住宿,留宿,膳宿供应(通常用复数表示)(1)(原句)Acmodation is in fortable hotels in Beijing and Lhasa,hostels on the hiking trip,and oneor twoperson tents for camping.在北京和拉萨,食宿都在舒适方便的酒店;在旅途中则住酒店,并且营地配有单或双人帐篷。归纳拓展(1)make/provide acmodations for为提供住宿arrange ones acmodation给某人安排住处(2)acmodate v为提供住宿;容纳;适应acmodate.toadapt.to使适应acmodate sb.with.向某人提供(2)The hotel provides acmodation for up to 100 people.这家宾馆最多可为100人提供住宿。(3)The hall can only acmodate 200 people.这个大厅只能容纳200人。即时跟踪(1)用acmodate的正确形式填空This hospital has acmodations for 300 patients.The new apartment is large enough to acmodate over two hundred people.(2)无论走到哪里他都能适应新环境。Wherever he goes,he can acmodate himself to new circumstances.3prefer vt.宁愿;较喜欢(1)(原句)For people who prefer to spend some time on the coast,we can organise your travel and acmodation too.如果你宁愿在海边多停留些日子,我们也可以为你安排旅行和食宿。归纳拓展(1)prefer to do/doing.更喜欢做prefer sb.to do.喜欢让某人做prefer doing A to doing Bprefer to do A rather than do Bwould do A rather than do Bwould rather do A than do B和B相比更喜欢做A(2)preference n偏爱;爱好have a preference to优先考虑(2)After all,all kids prefer to be praised rather than be scolded.毕竟,所有的孩子喜欢表扬而不是批评。(3)Do you have a preference for a particular food?你偏爱某一种特别的食物吗?即时跟踪(1)The children preferred cycling to the countryside to staying at home all the day.(句型转换)The children would rather cycle to the countryside than stay at home all the day.The children preferred to cycle to the countryside rather than stay at home all the day.The children would cycle to the countryside rather than stay at home all the day.(2)如今,儿童常爱看电视而不爱看书。Nowadays,children often prefer watching TV to reading.4differ vi.不同于,有区别(1)(原句)How do the tourists differ from local people?游客与当地人有什么不同?归纳拓展(1)differ from不同于;和不同differ in在方面不同(2)difference n不同;区别make a difference有差别,有影响tell the difference between A and B 分清A和B(3)different adj.不同的be different from.in.在方面与不同(2)Their house differs from mine in having no garage.他们的房子和我的不同,区别在于他们的房子没有车库。(3)There are many differences between living in the city and living in the country.住在城市和住在乡下有很多不同之处。 (4)It doesnt make any difference to me whether you go or stay.你是去是留对我都无所谓。即时跟踪(1)用适当的介词填空French differs from English in this respect.The two squares differ in color but not in size.What I will choose is quite different from what you suggested.(2)锻炼对你的健康状况有很大的影响。Exercise can make a big difference to your state of health.(3)我从来都分不清这对双胞胎。I can never tell the difference between the twins.5anxious adj.忧虑的,担心的;渴望的(1)(原句)From that moment they started to feel anxious and they slept badly that night.从那时起他们开始感到担心而且那天晚上也没有睡好觉。归纳拓展(1)be anxious about sth.为某事忧虑,担心be anxious for sth.渴望某事be anxious to do.渴望做,急于做(2)anxiety n担忧,忧虑with anxiety焦虑地(2)He is very anxious about the results of the exam.他很担心考试的结果。(3)I am anxious there to be plenty of discussion.我渴望能有充分的讨论。注意:anxious意为“渴望的”时,后面可接that从句,从句要用虚拟语气,即“(should)动词原形”形式。(4)I am anxious that he should avoid the mistake.我渴望他能避免错误。易混辨析anxious/eager(1)anxious强调“担心的,忧虑的”,对结果表示不安。(2)eager强调对成功的渴望,含有积极的意义。即时跟踪(1)用anxious,eager填空He is still absent,so I am quite anxious about his health.She is eager for her parents approval.(2)佩吉急切地想表明她能承担额外的职责。Peggy is anxious to show that she can cope with extra responsibility.(3)她焦急得精神都快错乱了。She was driven almost out of her mind with anxiety.take off起飞;脱去(衣服);移去(remove);(事业)腾飞;受欢迎(1)(原句)Ive been on planes lots of times and it always feels great,especially when you take off!我已经坐过很多次飞机了,一直感觉很棒,尤其是飞机起飞的瞬间!(2)The new dictionary has really taken off.这本新词典已经开始畅销了。归纳拓展take away (from)拿走,移走,减去take back取回,带回;认错,收回说过的话take down拿下,取下;记下take in带进,领入;吸收,吸入;欺骗take on承担,从事;呈现,具有;开始雇佣take over继承,接管take up开始从事;把继续下去;着手处理;占据,占去(3)Reporters took down every word of her speech.记者们记下了她演讲的每一句话。(4)Dont believe himhell try to take you in.别相信他他会骗你的。(5)Jack took over the pany after John retired.约翰退休后,杰克接管了这家公司。即时跟踪用take短语的正确形式填空(1)Im sorry.I take back what I said just now.(2)He read out the news and his secretary took it down.(3)He took off his hat and bowed politely as he passed.1现在分词作定语(1)(原句)The food cooking on the fire smells great and while you are having a hot cup of tea,you relax and watch the sun go down.烤在火上的食物散发着诱人的香味,你喝着一杯热茶,轻松地欣赏着日落。归纳拓展(1)cooking on the fire 为现在分词短语作后置定语,修饰the food。现在分词(短语)作定语表主动或正在进行。(2)不定式to do 作定语表主动、将来;不定式to be done表被动、将来;过去分词done表被动、完成;现在分词being done 表被动、正在进行。(2)The girl sitting beside me is my cousin.坐在我旁边的姑娘是我的表妹。(3)Have you got anything to send?你有什么东西要寄吗?(4)Have you read the novel written by Dickens?你读过狄更斯的小说吗?(5)Listen!The song being sung is very popular with the students.听!现在正在唱的这首歌在学生中非常流行。即时跟踪(1)用所给动词的正确形式填空Lets first find a room to put(put) the things in.The man shaking(shake) hands with Mr.Li visited our class yesterday.He is a student loved(love) by all the teachers.(2)The building built will be the third Teaching Building of our school.(单句改错)built前加being2as well as的用法(1)(原句)As well as the group guide,all teams have cooks and porters.除了导游外,所有的队伍都有厨师和搬运工。归纳拓展本句为简单句。as well as the group guide为介词短语,意为“除之外还”。(1)as well as常用来连接两个并列成分,如名词、形容词、动词、介词,通常不位于句首,作“也,还”解。它强调的是前一项,后一项只是顺便提及。因此连接并列名/代词作主语时,谓语动词与前一项一致;翻译时要先译后面,再译前面。而用not only.but also.连接时,谓语动词与后一项一致。(2)as well as用来表示同级比较,指“与一样好”。(2)While in Chongqing,we have to pay for food as well as acmodation.在重庆期间,我们除了付住宿费外,还得付饭钱。(3)I as well as my friends am ready to help you,when you are in trouble.你遇到困难时,我和我的朋友愿意帮助你。(4)You look as well as you did ten years ago.你看起来还和十年前一样好。即时跟踪(1)He speaks not only English and French but also Spanish.(句型转换)He speaks Spanish as well as English and French.(2)The teacher as well as his students are going to plant trees tomorrow.(单句改错)areis3状语从句的省略(1)(原句)While on a hiking trip,our cooks prepare delicious meals.在徒步旅行中,我们的厨师会备好美味食品。归纳拓展While on a hiking trip为省略句,补充完整应为While we are (going) on a hiking trip。在when,while,unless,if等引导的状语从句中,如果从句主语与主句主语一致或从句主语是it,且谓语动词含有be动词时,可省略从句的主语及be动词。常见的结构:(1)连词主句(2)在if it is possible,when it is necessary等类似结构中,it is常可省略。(2)When (you are) in doubt,ask the chairman himself.有疑问时,询问主席本人。(3)If (it is) possible,well build another railroad in this area.如有可能,我们要在这个地区再建一条铁路。即时跟踪句型转换(1)After she took the medicine,she felt much better.After taking the medicine,she felt much better.(2)Unless they were asked to answer questions,the students were not supposed to talk in Prof.Lis class.Unless asked to answer questions,the students were not supposed to talk in Prof.Lis class.(3)She looked anxious as though she was in trouble.She looked anxious as though in trouble.单词拼写1At a high altitude(海拔),the temperature is usually low.2We had a few anxious moments before we knew the results of the exam.3WTO is an international organisation,of which China is an important member.4Is English an optional(选修的) lesson,or does everyone have to learn it?5When you are used to being busy,you may feel unfortable if you have nothing to do.6To finish the project ahead of time,we need to work an extra hour every day.选词填空1He came in and took off his coat.2The Titanic hit the iceberg and went down.3Hes not in the office right now and you can call back later.4He differs from his brother in looks.5Are you still thinking about moving?Is it necessary to move again?.完成句子1告诉正在外面玩耍的孩子不要弄出太多噪音。Tell the children playing outside not to make too much noise.2她不但是摄影师还是个天才音乐家。She is a talented musician as well as being a photographer.3当横穿街道时务必小心。Be careful when crossing the street.4她宁愿和我们走而不愿留下。She preferred to go with us rather than stay behind.5我喜欢这家出版社出版的大部分图书。I like most of the books published in this publishing house.语境填词A)用所提供单词的正确形式填空1Keeping a house is a tiring(tire) job.2That hard chair is unfortable(fort) to sit on.3When her son returned she was at last free from anxiety(anxious)4It makes no difference(differ) which road you take.5The suggestion was voted down by a large majority(major)B)填写空白处所需的内容(1个单词)6How does Chinese chess differ from western chess?7Go down the road till you reach the traffic lights.8Id prefer to go in summer rather than in winter.9The mon man in every country is anxious for world peace.10She majored in maths and physics at university.阅读理解It was an extremely hot day.My younger brother Walt and I had decided to go swimming in the stream behind Mr Blickezs house,because it would be the only way to cool ourselves down.Across his farm and through some woods was a deep swimming hole supplied by several cold springs(泉)The only problem with our plan was that this farm was guarded by a huge mean Hereford bull(公牛)Mr Blickez had told us that Elsie,the animals name,was the meanest bull in town,maybe even the county,and we believed in him.But the hotter it got,the more we thought there was reason to doubt about what he said.For one thing,we remembered Mr Blickez liked telling tall tales; for another,Elsie seemed like a strange name for a bull.Finally,I talked Mom into asking permission for us to walk through the farm,and Mr Blickez finally agreed.On our way across the farm,we stopped at the fence to admire the swimming hole.The sun shone brightly across the cool waters.We couldnt wait to get there.Suddenly,Walt shouted loudly.Elsie had run to him and was licking(舔) his back.I immediately hid under the fence.However,when I looked up,I saw that Elsie wasnt a big mean bull at all.He was just a friendly young cow,and he was going to keep licking my brothers back as long as he stood still.When we discovered the truth,we were so happy.We then ran to the swimming hole and jumped in.The water was just as wonderful as we had dreamed.After that day,we had many good days and we often visited our secret swimming hole guarded by the socalled “big mean bull”11The author and his brother decided to go to swim because .Athere was no water to take a shower at homeBthe weather was so hot that they couldnt stand itCMr Blickez invited them to his house for swimmingDthey wanted to try their newlyfound swimming hole答案B解析细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的“My younger brother Walt and I had decided to go swimming in the stream behind Mr Blickezs house,because it would be the only way to cool ourselves down.”可知,由于天太热他们无法忍受,唯一让他们凉爽的方法就是去游泳。故选B。12What was the problem faced by the author and his brother?AThey didnt know where to swim.BThey had to face a very mean bull.CTheir mother didnt want them to swim.DThey didnt know how to get to the stream.答案B解析细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句“The only problem with our plan was that this farm was guarded by a huge mean Hereford bull(公牛)”可知,对于他们的计划唯一的问题是他们不得不面对一只公牛。故选B。13What can we know about Mr Blickez?AHe often tells lies.BHe is very shy.CHe is an honest man.DHe is very kind to children.答案A解析推理判断题。根据文章第二段中的“For one thing,we remembered Mr Blickez liked telling tall tales.”可知,Mr Blickez喜欢撒谎。tell tall tales撒谎,瞎说。故选A。14When Elsie saw the authors brother,she .Atried to attack himBimmediately ran awayCshowed her friendlinessDtried to drive him away答案C解析细节理解题。根据文章第三段最后一句“He was just a friendly young cow,and he was going to keep licking my brothers back as long as he stood still.”可知,只要作者的弟弟站着不动,Elsie就会一直舔他的后背,表示他的友好。故选C。.完形填空Columnist Dave Barry says this about his father,“My dad would try anythingcarpentry(木匠活),electrical wiring,roofing and so on.From watching him,I learned a lesson that still 15 to my life today:No matter how difficult a task may seem, 16 youre not afraid to try it,you can do it.”I learned from my parents the value of “going for it”“ 17 ventured(冒险),nothing lost” is the motto of too many of us.Many people are so afraid to 18 that they never venture beyond the familiar.“Better to be safe than sorry” has 19 too many people in the cocoon(保护膜) of their 20 zones.A delightful 21 tells that Col.Robert Johnson of Salem,New Jersey,announced that he would take a 22 risk.He let the town know that he would 23 a wolf peach on the steps of the country courthouse at noon on September 26,1820.“Why would he take such a chance?” asked the 24 people.Scientists and doctors had long declared the wolf peach to be 25 .If the wolf peach was too ripe and warmed by the sun,they told him he would be exposing himself to brain fever.Should he somehow 26 the experience,the skin of the 27 would stick to the lining of his stomach (他的胃黏膜) and 28 cause cancer.Nearly 2,000 people 29 the square to see Col.Johnson eat the “poisonous” peachnow known as the tomato.Col.Johnson believed his 30 was small,but it must be taken if the 31 about the peach were to be 32 .Who has acplished anything worthwhile 33 taking a risk?Much like the tortoise,it makes 34 only when it sticks its neck out.15A.refers BappliesCtends Dleads答案B解析由句意可知作者从父亲身上学到的信念仍旧适用于现在。apply to适用于。故选B。16A.if BsinceCalthough Dunless答案A解析根据常识,无论一个任务看起来多么难,假如你不害怕尝试,你就能完成它。故选A。17A.Anything BSomethingCNothing DEverything答案C解析根据下文“.they never venture beyond the familiar.”可知,很多人从不冒险做自己不熟悉的事情,因此很多人的格言就是“不冒险,不失去”。故选C。18A.fail BwinCsucceed Dleave答案A解析根据下文“.they never venture beyond the familiar.”可知,人们从不冒险做自己不熟悉的事情,因为他们害怕失败。故选A。19A.turned BtrappedCforbidden Dforced答案B解析根据句中“in the cocoon(保护膜)”可知,“安全总比遗憾好”把人们困在了保护膜中。trap把困在.。故选B。20Afortable BmiserableCsurprising Dunimportant答案A解析根据句中“Better to be safe than sorry.”可知,人们宁愿被困在舒适区的保护膜中。fortable舒适的。故选A。21A.novel BmessageCjoke Dstory答案D解析根据下文可知,下文讲述了Col.Robert Johnson冒险证明西红柿没有毒的故事。故选D。22A.private BpublicCsecret Dnational答案B解析根据下一句“He let the town know that.”可知,他让全镇人都知道他要证明西红柿是没有毒的,因此他要当众冒险。故选B。23A.buy BsellCeat Dcut答案C解析根据倒数第三段中的“.see Col.Johnson eat the poisonous peach”可知,此处指吃有毒的西红柿。故选C。24A.puzzled BdisappointedCangry Dhappy答案A解析根据句中“Why would he take such a chance?”可知,人们对于Col.Robert Johnson冒着生命危险试吃西红柿感到很困惑。puzzled困惑的。故选A。25A.delicious BsmellyCsalty Dpoisonous答案D解析根据下文“.eat the poisonous peach”可知,当时的科学家和医生们都认为西红柿是有毒的。poisonous有毒的。故选D。26A.enjoy BsurviveCunderstand Dknow答案B解析根据上文,当时的科学家和医生认为,假如Col.Robert Johnson从这次试吃西红柿的经历中活下来了,西红柿的皮也会粘在他的胃粘膜上,最终导致癌症。survive从中活下来。故选B。27A.wolf BseedCpeach Dbody答案C解析根据上句中“the wolf peach”可知,此处选C。28A.eventually BfirstlyClately Dhardly答案A解析由句意可知大家认为西红柿的皮粘在胃粘膜上最后可能会导致癌症。eventually最终,最后。故选A。29A.arrived BdecoratedCsurrounded Dcrowded答案D解析根据上文,人们对Col.Robert Johnson的冒险感到很困惑,因此也都挤过来看他试吃西红柿。crowd拥挤。故选D。30A.audience BriskCfruit Dsize答案B解析根据上文“risk”可知,此处指Col.Robert Johnson认为自己中毒的风险是很小的,故选B。31A.myths BingredientsCprizes Dprices答案A解析联系全文及结合生活常识可知,人们对wolf peach的说法是荒诞的。故选A。32A.changed BadoptedCremoved Dgrasped答案C解析根据常识,他冒险试吃西红柿是为了消除人们对wolf peach的荒诞看法。remove消除。故选C。33A.without BforCwith Dex


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