2019-2020年高中英语 Unit11 SectionⅢ What’s in the Papers?课时跟踪检测 北师大版必修4.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit11 Section Whats in the Papers?课时跟踪检测 北师大版必修4.完成句子1很奇怪,他已经三天没来上学了。Its_strange_that he has been absent from school for three days.2新的职工退休金计划正在考虑中。A new retirement pension plan for employees is now under_consideration.3你从证据中得出什么结论?What_conclusion do you draw from the evidence?4不要挡道,那辆车会撞着你的。Dont stand in_the_way;_the car will knock you down.5如果你早点出发的话,你就不会迟到了。If you had started early, you_wouldnt_have_been_late.单项填空1The chair is _, please take it away.Ain this wayBin the wayCon the way Dby the way解析:选B。in this way“用这种方法”;on the way“在途中”;by the way“顺便说一下”。in the way“挡道”,符合句意。2I never saw him, _ I can remember, reading anything but newspapers.Aas far as Bas soon asCunless Duntil解析:选A。考查连词。句意:根据我的印象,我从来没见过他阅读除报纸以外的东西。as far as I can remember表示“据我所记得的”,符合语意。3If she _ an hour earlier, she wouldnt have been caught in the rain.Ahas returned BreturnedCwill return Dhad returned解析:选D。考查虚拟语气。从“wouldnt have been caught”可知空处表示与过去事实相反,因此从句应用过去完成时。4Trucks _ with food and medicine waited at the border.Aloaded BcontainedCcarried Dcovered解析:选A。满载食品和药品的卡车在边界上等待。be loaded with“满载”,此处loaded为过去分词作定语。contain“包含;容纳”,不与with连用。carry“运载”为及物动词,直接加宾语。be covered with“覆盖着”,不符合语境。故选A。5As far as I can see, there is only one possible way to _ the danger.Akeep up with Bput up withCmake up to Dkeep away from解析:选D。句意:据我所知,那是远离危险的唯一可行的方法。keep away from“远离”,符合句意。keep up with“跟上”; put up with“提出”; make up to“讨好”。6One of the advantages of living on the top floor of a tall building is that you can get a good_.Asight BsceneCview Dimage解析:选C。考查词语辨析。view强调从某个角度所看到的“景色”;sight“视力,视线”;scene表示自然存在或者布置的景色,场景;image“影像,形象”。故C项正确。7You must take everything into _ when you want to do a difficult task.Aobservation BregardCcounting Dconsideration解析:选D。句意:在你想做一项困难的工作时,你一定要把每件事都考虑在内。take sth.into consideration“考虑”。8(xx新课标全国卷)It is by no means clear _ the president can do to end the strike.Ahow BwhichCthat Dwhat解析:选D。考查名词性从句的引导词。句中it是形式主语,主语从句中缺少do的宾语,故选择what作为主语从句的引导词且充当从句中谓语动词do的宾语。.阅读理解安徽、河南专用The Canadian Childrens Book Centre is thrilled to announce a major new Canadian children s literature award. The Monica Hughes Award will honor excellence in the childrens science fiction and fantasy genre (类型) and es with a $5,000 cash prize which will be awarded annually beginning in October xx. The award is funded by HarperCollins Canada in memory of the late Monica Hughes, the author of over forty books, many of which are works of science fiction and fantasy for young readers.David Kent, president of HarperCollins Canada, said, “We are excited to honor Monica Hughes and support Canadian authors by funding this brand new award recognizing excellence in fantasy and science fiction writing for children and young adults.” To be considered for the award, a book must be an original work in English, aimed at readers aged 8 to 16.The Monica Hughes Award is organized and administered by the Canadian Childrens Book Centre, a national, nonprofit organization founded in 1976 to encourage the reading and writing of Canadian books for young readers. “This new award will recognize all the elements that make for a great scientific novel. The winning book will be recognized for its great writing style as well as for a story rich in imagination,” said Charlotte Teeple, Executive Director of the Canadian Childrens Book Centre, who is pleased that HarperCollins Canada is allowing them to honor the late Monica Hughes in such a fitting way.The three judges for the award are Dr Michael Johnstone, professor of science fiction literature at the University of Toronto, Deirdre Baker, columnist and coauthor of A Canadian Guide to Childrens Books, and Melanie Fishbane, online merchandiser for kids and teens at Indigo Book & Music Inc.语篇解读:Canadian Childrens Book Centre最近宣布设立一个新的奖项来奖励优秀的儿童科幻作品。1The Monica Hughes Award is named after _.Aa writer Ba business panyCa university Da literature organization解析:选A。细节理解题。从第一段的in memory of the late Monica Hughes, the author of over forty books可知奖项的名字来自一位作家的名字。2Which of the following books is most likely to be considered by the judges for the Monica Hughes Award?AA book written by a teenage girl about her reallife experience.BA book in French about what the world will be like in the future.CAn English book describing school life in the future with high technology.DA scientific novel written for experts in the scientific field.解析:选C。推理判断题。从第二段的“by funding this brand new award recognizing excellence in fantasy and science fiction writing for children and young adults . a book must be an original work in English, aimed at readers aged 8 to 16”可知只有C项符合评奖条件。3What are Charlotte Teeples words mainly about?AThe features of good childrens books.BWhat will happen to the winning book.CWhat kinds of books are bestsellers.DHow the winner will be chosen.解析:选D。推理判断题。第三段中Charlotte Teeple所说的话主要是描述获奖作品将具备哪些优秀条件,即评选获奖作品的标准。4What is the main purpose of the passage?ATo encourage people to write scientific novels.BTo introduce a new literature award.CTo promote a new way for writers to earn money.DTo honor a great writer who has died.解析:选B。作者意图题。文章实际上是一则新闻,主要介绍了新奖项的成立及其基本情况,包括由谁出资、由谁组织、由谁评奖、设立原因及目的等。福建专用A篇同安徽、河南专用BRoom 1The celebrity (名人) footwear section is probably the most popular in the entire museum.Started in the 1950s there is a wide variety of shoes and boots belonging to everyone from queens and presidents to pop stars and actors! Most visitors find the celebrities choice of footwear extremely interesting.Room 2Most of our visitors are amazed and shocked by the collection of “special purpose” shoes on exhibition here at the Museum of Footwear.For example, there are Chinese shoes made of silk that were worn by women to tie their feet firmly to prevent them from growing too much!Room 3As well as shoes and boots, the museum also exhibits shoeshaped objects.The variety is unbelievable.For example, there is a metal lamp that resembles a pair of shoes, and Greek wine bottles that look like legs!The Footwear LibraryPeople e from all over the world to study in our excellent footwear library.Designers and researchers e here to look up information on anything and everything related to the subject of footwear.语篇解读:本文向人们介绍了一个展示各类鞋的博物馆,在这里,你可以看到各种各样的鞋。5Where would you find a famous singers shoes?ARoom 1. BRoom 2.CRoom 3. DThe Footwear Library.解析:选A。细节理解题。文章分别介绍三个展室和鞋类图书馆。根据三个展室中的Room 1 部分的信息可知,可以在该展室内找到一位著名歌星的鞋子。6All exhibits in each room _.Ashare the same themeBhave the same shapeCare made of the same materialDbelong to the same social class解析:选A。推理判断题。前三个方框分别介绍三个不同的展室,这三个展室均有各自的主题:名人鞋类、特殊用途鞋类、鞋状物品。故每个展室中的展品都有着相同的主题。7Which of the following is true according to the text?AThe oldest exhibits in Room 1 were made in the 1950s.BRoom 2 is the most visited place in the museum.CRoom 3 has a richer variety of exhibits than the other two.DResearchers e to the Footwear Library for data.解析:选D。推理判断题。一号展室中的“Started in the l950s”说的是该展室创办的时间,而不是展品的年代,故A错。根据第一个方框中的首句可知,一号展室应该是整个博物馆游客最多的地方,故B错。C项表述在文中无依据,可排除。根据第四个方框中的最后一句可知,人们来此是为了查阅资料,故选D。 8The purpose of the text is to get more people to _.Ado research Bdesign shoesCvisit the museum Dfollow celebrities解析:选C。写作目的题。文章主要向人们介绍了一个展示各种鞋子的博物馆。根据文章内容可知,本文主要是为了吸引更多的游客来参观这个博物馆。.选做题任务型读写(安徽专用)Throughout history, body decoration has been popular although its expression has varied from culture to culture. People decorate their bodies b, dye and style their hair; pierce (刺穿) their ears or other body parts; paint their faces; and even tattoo (纹身) parts of their bodies. In this story, a Japanese girl explains why people like body art.The first time I got my ears pierced was when I was 18 years old. I didnt have any special reason to do that; then I wanted to get them pierced again and again. This feeling came up repeatedly. I thought of three reasons why some people tend to have body art.One reason why people have body art is that they want to have something that is their own thing and different from what others have. Usually tattoos have some meanings and express their identities and characters. As I had my ears pierced more and more, I felt like that I could distinguish myself more from other people. Also, some people have body art done for a memory like a birthday or graduation from school.When you have holes pierced or tattoos done, it is unavoidable to feel pain. I think another reason why people have body art is to show their bravery. As you have more holes pierced and tattoos done, you have to endure much more pain.The last reason is that it may be todays trend. Many have them for fashion, and so do I. And this trend is heading to extremes such as burning or cutting.Some people say a natural born body is the most beautiful. It depends on each person to decide whether body art is beautiful or not. Like the view of art varies from person to person, the view of body art varies from person to person.IntroductionIt has been (1)_ that people have some parts of their body (2)_. A Japanese girls experienceShe got her ears pierced when she was 18 years old, without any special reason.She wanted to get her ears pierced (3)_Possible(4)_People with body art want to (5)_ themselves from others. They have different tattoos on their bodies to show their identities and (6)_Some people have body art done for a (7)_People have body art to show that they are (8)_People have body art because they think it is (9)_Peoples opinionsPeoples views of body art are (10)_ from each other.答案:1.popular2.decorated3.repeatedly4.reasons5.distinguish/tell6.characters7.memory8.bravery9.trendy/fashionable10.different短文填词(福建专用)I still remember the winter vacation last year, when I paid a v_ to a mountain village in a suburb of 1._Handan. No sooner had I got off the bus _ I was2._ greatly surprised to see all the _ (变化) . 3._It was better than I had been expected. Now every family can drink clean r_ water. The villagers neednt 4._carry water _ (自己) any more. Firewood is 5._no longer _(使用) for cooking. Marsh gas, a new 6._cheap clean energy, m_ it very convenient to cook 7._and light. All the families have color TV sets, and _ a 8._result they can e_ plays at home. What impressed 9._me most was _ the best building in the village is the10._ school, where all children can receive good education. I hope the mountain village will bee better and better.答案:1.visit2.than3.changes4.running5.themselves6.used7.makes8.as9.enjoy10.that任务型阅读(河南专用)I worked for a short time as a cashier (出纳员) at a restaurant a few months ago. _1_ One night, just before Christmas, I found a large black wallet on the floor near one of the tables. I guess I should have checked it to find out who was the owner, but I was busy at the time. Also, I imagined that if the wallet contained anything valuable, the owner would be back.An hour later a man came up to the counter (柜台). _2_ I asked him to describe the lost wallet, and after he described it exactly, I gave him the wallet. He expressed his sincere thanks when I handed it to him. He asked me if I had opened it, and when I told him “No”, he opened it right away and showed that it contained nearly $800 in cash (现金). _3_“A reward for your honesty,” he said and then turned and walked away._4_ I began wondering whether I would have been so honest if I had known what was in the wallet! I thought that if there had been no way to find the owner and no one had returned to claim (认领) it, I might have kept it. But it also came into my mind that I had in fact saved someones Christmas plans by finding and returning the wallet. _5_ The good feeling it gave me was worth more than anything money could buy.A. He looked quite worried and asked if anyone had found a wallet.BLater I thought about it again.CTo my surprise, he took out a twentydollar bill and handed it to me.D. So I didnt return the wallet until the owner returned.EI wanted to be honest, so I didnt care much about money.FI also helped clear off the tables when it was especially busy.G. For quite a long time I kept happy whenever I thought about it.答案:15FACBG短文改错(河南专用)Dear editor,I am a high school student. A few days before, one of my good friend told me that he was going to stop school. He said that he wanted to start his owns business. I tried my best to get him to change his mind, and failed. I realize it is difficult of me to change his mind. He is not doing good in his studies. The process is more important than the result is. Now there are only 90 days being left before the test. I am not sure his decision is right or wrong. Im looking forward to your help. I needed your advice.Gao Fei答案:第二句:beforeago; friendfriends第三句:ownsown第四句:andbut第五句:offor第六句:goodwell第七句:去掉result后面的is第八句:去掉being第九句:sure后加whether第十一句:neededneed


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