2019-2020年高中英语 Unit24 Society单词.典句.考点 北师大版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit24 Society单词.典句.考点 北师大版选修61. voluntary adj. 自愿的巧记提示:volunt(自愿)+-ary(形容词后缀)经典例句:The doctor was voluntary to settle down in the poor village.这个医生志愿到这个穷村庄落户。考点聚焦:1)同根词:voluntarily adv. 自动地;volunteer n. 志愿者, adj. 志愿的, v. 自愿2)voluntary adj. 自愿的, 无偿的。如:She is a voluntary worker at the hospital.她在这家医院义务服务。He made a voluntary statement to the police.他自动向警方陈述。3)volunteer 常与to连用, 表示自愿去做, 主动请求去做。Meanwhile, a number of university students have volunteered to work for the Olympic Games.与此同时, 许多大学生自愿为奥运会服务。活学活用:单词拼写1)We all v_ to paint the house.2)She is v_ to teach English in the village school.答案:1)volunteered2)voluntary2. deposit vt. &vi. 存储, 储蓄经典例句:She deposited her money in the bank for her old age.她把钱存在银行里预备防老。The little girl has deposited 100 English songs in her MP4.那个小女孩在她的MP4里存储了100首英语歌曲。考点聚焦:1)同根词:depositary n. 保管人, 储藏所;deposition n. 沉积作用2)同义词:store vt. 贮藏, 存储3)deposit 还可意为“放置, 寄存”。如:You can deposit your bags at the counter while you are wandering around the city.当你在城区闲逛的时候, 可将包存放在柜台处。4)deposit 作名词时意为“保证金;押金”。You must pay a deposit if you want to reserve the room.你要预订房间, 就得先付订金。活学活用:汉译英尽管银行提息, 一些市民还是不把钱存在银行里。_答案:Some citizens wont deposit the money in a bank though the interest in the bank has been raised.3. govern vt. 统治, 治理经典例句:Who really governs this country?谁真正统治着这个国家?The need for money governs his behavior.对金钱的需求支配着他的行为。考点聚焦:1)同根词:governable adj. 可统治的;governance n. 统治, 管理;government n. 政府2)同义词:control vt. 控制, 支配3)govern常接表示人或国家的名词作宾语。如:They are trying best to govern their country better.他们努力地把国家治理得更好。4)govern 作“控制”讲时, 常接temper等名词作宾语。如:You should govern your temper.你应当控制你的脾气。5)相关短语:a governing principle 指导原则govern a machine管理机器活学活用:单项填空The Chinese munist Party is _ the country well.A. summingB. adoptingC. claimingD. governing答案:D4. accumulate v. 积累经典例句:She is good at accumulating new phrases in her English studies.她在英语学习方面, 善于积累新词组。考点聚焦:1)同根词:accumulation n. 积累2)同义词:pile积累;store up累积3)accumulate常接表示“物”的名词作宾语。如:They set to work accumulating a huge mass of data.他们开始积累大量的资料。By buying ten books every month, he soon accumulated a good library.他每月买十本书, 不久便积累成一个丰富的藏书库。4)相关短语:accumulate funds积累资金accumulate knowledge积累知识活学活用:单项填空Dust will quickly _if we dont sweep our room often.A. accumulatesB. accumulateC. to accumulateD. accumulating答案:B5. vacant adj. 未住人的, 空置的经典例句:When Professor Yu was making a speech, the hall was never vacant, even the dustmen listening there, as well.于教授在作报告时, 大厅里从来没有空缺过, 甚至清洁工人也来听。考点聚焦:1)同根词:vacancy n. 空白, 空缺;vacantly adv. 空虚地;茫然若失地;vacate v. 腾出, 退位;vacation n. 假期, (房屋等的)腾出2)近义词:empty adj. 空的, 空洞的3)vacant 作形容词可引申为“职位空缺的”“空闲的, 清闲的”“心灵空虚的, 神情茫然的, 心不在焉的”。如:That position remains vacant because no one is fit for it.那个职位仍旧空着, 因为没有人适合。That will leave plenty of hours vacant.那样的话就有许多空闲时间了。When he was asked to answer the question, there was a vacant expression on his face.当被要求回答问题时, 他脸上一副茫然的表情。4)辨析vacant和empty:vacant 指位置无人占用。empty 指没有人或物在其中。5)相关短语:a vacant room空房a vacant position空位a vacant expression茫然的表情a vacant life空闲的生活活学活用:单词拼写A v_ apartment in New York City is very difficult to find.答案:vacant6. diverse adj. 各式各样的经典例句:John and his brother have diverse interests.约翰和他兄弟的兴趣迥然不同。考点聚焦:1)同根词:diversely adv. 不同地, 各式各样地;diversify v. 使多样化;diversity n. 差异, 多样性2)同义词:various adj. 不同的, 各种各样的3)diverse 修饰人或物。如:There are diverse colors to choose from.有各种各样的颜色可供选择。There are diverse ways of getting to the station.从这儿去车站有各种不同走法。4)常见短语:diverse views各种观点diverse shapes不同的形状for diverse reasons因种种理由diverse members各个成员活学活用:单项填空1)Art museums are places where people can learn about_ cultures.A. delicateB. miniatureC. unnecessaryD. diverse2)The reasons for homelessness are _, but poverty is undoubted one of the main causes.A. freeB. diverseC. formerD. productive答案:1)D2)B7. resign vt. &vi. 辞职巧记提示:re-(前缀, “后退, 回应”)+sign (签名)经典例句:The general resigned his mission because of his old age.将军因为纪大了, 辞去了他的职务。The simplest thing is for him to resign at once for what he has done.因为自己的所作所为, 最简单的做法就是他立即辞职。考点聚焦:1)同根词:resignation n. 辞职, 辞职书;resigned adj. 顺从的;resignedly adv. 服从地2)同义词:retire vi. 退休, 引退3)resign 常与from连用。如:The young man couldnt stand his boss temper and resigned from his job.这位轻人忍受不了老板的脾气, 因此辞职了。4)resign 作“听从, 顺从, 甘心于”讲时, 常与to连用, not resign oneself to “不甘心”。如:We should never resign ourselves to being defeated. 我们将永远不甘心于失败。5)resign 作“把托交给, 委托”讲时, 和介词to/into连用, resign.to.“把托付给”。如:She resigned her children to the care of her sister.她把孩子交给她妹妹照管。6)相关短语:resign oneself to使听从于resign oneself to extinction束手待毙resign ones position 辞去职务resign office辞职resign oneself to ones fate听天由命活学活用:单项填空1)The mayor had_ from his position for his absence off the accident.A. to resignB. to carve C. to allocate D. to flee2)Having been teaching for 30 years, Mr. Zhang decided _on the following Teachers Day.A. retiredB. to retireC. retiringD. retire答案:1)A2)B8. elect vt. 选举, 推选巧记提示:elect(选举)select(挑选)经典例句:The government is made up of men and women elected by the people of the country.政府是由这个国家的人民选出的人员组成的。Mr. Zhang was elected as the sixth headmaster last month.张老师上个月被选为第六任校长。考点聚焦:1)同根词:electee n. 当选者, 当选人;election n. 选举, 当选;elective adj. 选任的, 有选举权的2)同义词:vote for 投票赞成3)elect vt. 选举, 推选All the students elected Li Hua as their monitor for his ability.所有的学生因为李华的能力而推选他当班长。4)elect vt. 作出选择, 决定He elected to bee a doctor.他决定当医生。She elected to return to work after her baby was born.她决定孩子出生后再去作工作。5)辨析elect, choose, select, pick和prefer:elect选举。choose系常用词,指“一般的选择”,侧重“凭个人意志或判断进行选择”。select强调“在广泛的范围内精选、淘汰”,侧重“以客观为标准进行选择”。pick强调“从个人角度在众多中进行挑选”,有时含有“任意选择”的意思。prefer指“偏爱、更喜欢”,有时“只表示自己的看法,不一定加以选择”。活学活用:单项填空_to the House(议院)a person must be twenty-five years old and must have been a United States citizen for seven years.A. ElectedB. ElectingC. To be electedD. To elect答案:C9. fragrant adj. 有香味的经典例句:The air in the garden was warm and fragrant.花园里的空气又温暖又芬芳。考点聚焦:1)同根词:fragrance n. 香气, 香味;fragrantly adv. 芬芳地2)fragrant adj. 有香味的。如:When spring es, the air smells fragrant in our school.春天来的时候, 校园里香味扑鼻。3)fragrant adj. 芳香的, 美好的。如:The old picture reminds me of fragrant memories as a child in my hometown.这张旧照片勾起了我对小时候在家乡的甜蜜回忆。活学活用:单项填空The students benefit from the_ smell the trees and flowers send out.A. greatB. fragrantC. negativeD. mountainous答案:B10. undertake vt. 着手做, 从事巧记提示:under(在底下)take(承担)经典例句:They undertook planting trees in the desert.他们着手在沙漠里种树。Since he graduated from the college, he has been undertaking experiments and calculations.自从大学毕业后, 他一直在从事实验和计算(工作)。考点聚焦:1)同根词:undertaker n. 承办者, 承担者;undertaking n. 事业, 企业2)同义词:take on 承担;着手做3)undertake 作“着手做, 从事”讲时, 常接表示重要事物的名词作宾语。如:We had a trip to the west to undertake an experiment about the nuclear.我们到西部作了一次旅行在进行一次核试验。4)undertake 还可意为“承担,接受”。如:The work was undertaken by members of the mittee.此项工作由委员会成员承担。5)undertake 意为“保证, 断言, 答应”时, 常接不定式或从句作宾语。如:I cant undertake that you will make a profit.我不能担保你会获利。He undertook to be here at five.他答应五点钟到这里来。6)相关短语:undertake a task开始进行一项任务undertake a post担任一个职位活学活用:单项填空I undertook _the children English.A. taughtB. teachC. teachingD. to teach答案:D11. squeeze vt. 挤经典例句:He squeezed the tube hard and the last bit of toothpaste came out.他使劲挤牙膏管, 挤出了最后一点牙膏。考点聚焦:1)派生词:squeezability n. 威吓, 压迫, squeezable adj. 可压挤的, 可逼迫的2)squeeze out of/from榨出, 挤出;勒索, 强取。如:She squeezed some juice from a lemon.她从一只柠檬中挤出了一些汁。That guy squeezed money out of his old mother.那家伙勒索老母亲的钱财。3)常见短语:at a squeeze 在危急中be in a tight squeeze 陷入困境give sb. a squeeze of the hand紧握某人的手put the squeeze on sb. 对某人施加压力squeeze into 使挤进活学活用:单项填空After the water is _, the ball-shaped pieces are put under the sun to dry before they can be used as a firewood.A. boiled downB. fired upC. kicked offD. squeezed out答案:D12. abolish vt. 废除经典例句:These superstitious practices should be abolished as soon as possible.这些迷信做法应尽早取消。考点聚焦:1)同根词:abolishment n. 废止, 革除;abolitionism n. 废除主义;abolisher n. 废除者2)反义词:establish vt. 建立, 设立3)abolish 指“消除长期存在的风俗、习惯等”。如:Bad customs and laws ought to be abolished.不良的习俗和法规应予以废除。活学活用:单项填空All the unequal treaties were pletely _ after the war.A. to abolishB. abolishedC. abolishing D. abolish答案:B13. furthermore adv. 此外, 而且巧记提示:further(进一步)more(更)经典例句:The house is too small, and furthermore, its too far from the office.这座房子太小, 而且离办公地点也太远。考点聚焦:1)同根词:furthermost adj. 最远方的, 最远的;furthersome adj. 有利的2)同义词:besides adv. 此外;in addition此外;moreover而且3)furthermore 作为过渡连接词,表示增补,比较正式,语气较强。如:Would you like to go out for a walk?你愿意出去散步吗?I dont want to e out now, and furthermore, I must work.我现在不想出去, 而且我还得工作。活学活用:单项填空Its too late to go to the basketball match now, and_, its beginning to rain.A. besideB. as well asC. furthermoreD. more答案:C14. consequently adv. 所以, 因此巧记提示:consequent(adj. 作为结果的,随之发生的)+-ly(副词后缀)经典例句:Mr. Foster has never been to China. Consequently he knows very little about it.福斯特先生从未去过中国, 所以对中国了解得很少。考点聚焦:1)同义词:therefore, as a result2)常见短语:be consequent on/upon因而引起的;随而发生的。如:The confusion is consequent on the earthquake.混乱是由地震引起的。3)辨析consequently和so:consequently “因而, 所以”, 是副词, 只能作状语。如:We do not have enough money. Consequently we cannot afford to buy the new car.我们的钱不够, 因此买不成这辆新车。so “因此”, 是并列连词, 连接两个并列的句子。如:I missed the train so I was late for work.我没有赶上火车, 结果上班迟到了。活学活用:单项填空After the ship hit the rock, the sailors tried to prevent the oil from spilling and_ it didnt cause damage to sea life.A. as a result ofB. soC. thereD. consequently答案:D


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