高中英语 Unit 4 EarthquakesPeriod Three课件 新人教版必修1.ppt

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高中英语 Unit 4 EarthquakesPeriod Three课件 新人教版必修1.ppt_第3页
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Period Three Using Language,.课文理解 1.Whats the speaking competition about? A.The earthquake which happened in Tangshan. B.The old Tangshan. C.New Tangshan. D.New China.,课 文 预 读,2.Why will the city open a new park? A.To honour those who died and those who helped the survivors in the disaster. B.To honour the students who have won the speaking competition. C.To show respect to the heroes who died for the new Tangshan. D.To show respect to the people who work for the new Tangshan.,3.When did the terrible earthquake happen in Tangshan? A.On August 26. B.On August 27. C.On July 27. D.On July 28. 4.If you are the student who has won the competition,who can you bring to the park? A.Your family. B.Your friends. C.Your family and teachers. D.Your friends and family.,5.The student is invited to _. A.take part in the high school speaking competition about new Tangshan B.give a speech to the park visitors on July 28 C.help to prepare for the opening of the new park D.visit the new park just as a guest 答案 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.D 5.B,In the letter,Zhang Sha offers _1_(congratulate) to the winner of the high school _2_ (speak) competition about new Tangshan.And he tells the winner a group of five _3_ (judge) heard the speech and agreed that his/hers was the _4_ (good) one this year.,.课文语法填空,Then he invites _5_winner to speak to the visitors to a new park which will _6_ (open) to the public to honor those _7_ died in Tangshan earthquake and those who helped the _8_(survive).Zhang Sha also hopes that the winner will bring his _9_ her family and friends _10_ July 28 at 11:00 a.m,答案 1.congratulations 2.speaking 3.judges 4.best 5.the 6.be opened 7.who 8.survivors 9.or 10.on,【奇闻】 The Amazing Planet Cakes,来自澳大利亚墨尔本的26岁蛋糕师Rhiannon Michell制作了两个美味的行星蛋糕。这些令人称奇的行星蛋糕除了完全能够食用以外,还拥有往往只有在地理课上才能看到的细节完整的地核、地幔和地壳结构。 Rhiannon Michell,from Melbourne,Australia,created two planet cakes complete with core,mantle and crust.These models of Earth and Jupiter(木星) were completely eatable.,Using butter,flour,eggs and sugar,Ms.Michell spent three days creating the sponge cakes.Each model had three layers.The inner layer of the Earth cake was an almond (杏仁) butter cake,the middle layer was lemon sponge and the outer layer was orange sponge.For Jupiter,the inner layer was chocolate cake,followed by almond butter cake and then vanilla (香草) sponge.She then used a tiny brush to paint the planets features using food colouring. Ms.Michell said,“So far Ive made two planet cakes,starting with Earth.When people see my cakes,the most common response is that they look too nice to cut into.For me,seeing it eaten is the best part.Now I have plans to make more.”,.核心单词 单词拼写 1.These reports give an _ (纲要,概要) rather than the details. 2.There was an accident.The car hit a _ (骑自行车的人) off his bike. 3.A man should be _(判断)by his deeds,not by his words. 4.I _(真诚地)hope youll come with us.,知 识 梳 理,5.The new road plan was in the _(头版)for several days. 6.Words cant _(表达)how pleased I a.m 7.I got the first prize. _ (祝贺你).,答案 1.outline 2.cyclist 3.judged 4.sincerely 5.headlines 6.express 7.Congratulations,.写作句式 句式运用(完成句子) 1.Our office would like to _ (请你演讲)to the park visitors on July 28 at 11:00 a.m 2._ (众所周知),this is the day the quake happened thirty years ago. 3.The man was sleeping downstairs _ (正在这时地震发生了). 4._ (从他的神情判断),he is leading a happy life.,5.I had not waited long_ (他就回来了). 6._ (看来好像) they knew nothing about that. 7.Im _ (太忙不能去) with you. 8.He was honored _ (因他所做的). 答案 1.have you speak 2.As you know 3.when the earthquake happened 4.Judging from/by his expression 5.before he came back 6.It seemed as if 7.too busy to go 8.for what he had done,.单句语法填空 1.Wenchuan Earthquake Museum was built _(honour) those who died in the disaster. 2.I had just stepped out of the bathroom and was busy drying myself with a towel _ I heard the steps. 3.The news of the mayors coming to our school for a visit was given_on the radio yesterday. 4.What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has given_?,5.The boy showed me his new toy.I can see that he was very proud_it. 6.I_(sincere)hope that I can have the opportunity to meet the famous scientist on biochemistry again in Shanghai. 7.I feel highly_(honour) to have a chance to speak at the meeting. 8.There is no simple answer,_ is often the case in science. 9.There was a pleased _(express)on her face.,10.She got very _(frighten) when a plane flew over her head. 11.Lets get together to _(congratulation) you on your passing the driving test. 12.He was run down by a _(cycle) and was injured badly.,答案 1.to honour 2.when 3.out 4.out 5.of 6.sincerely 7.honoured 8.as 9.expression 10.frightened 11.congratulate 12.cyclist,【知识链接】 Your speech was heard by a group of five judges,all of whom agreed that it was the best one this year.评委会的五位评委听了你的演讲,他们一致认为这是今年最好的。 judge n.裁判员;法官;vt.判定;判断;判决 judge sb /sth (to be)n./adj.判断、认为是 judge thatclause判断;认为 judge.by/from.根据判断 judging by/from.从来判断,A blind man cant judge colors.盲人不能判断颜色。 I cant judge which one I like better. 我无法确定我更喜欢哪个。 Judging from what he said,he was very disappointed.从他的话判断,他非常失望。,单句语法填空 We cant judge a person _ his looks. _ (judge) from/by his accent,he is from Canada. The teacher judged him _ (be) honest. 答案 by/from Judging to be,


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