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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习Unit5DreamsandDreamers课下练重庆大学版必修 课下练熟高考“阅读七选五完形”组合练练题型(限时:35分钟).阅读理解(xx渝中区模拟)Mary had a problem that she got annoyed with everything easily.She felt bad about everything and always carried a negative thinking.She developed all these negative aspects suddenly.One day she felt she was so miserable and requested help from her dad.Her father forted her and took her to the kitchen.He asked Mary to take a potato, an egg and two spoonfuls of tea leaves.Mary was surprised,“Do you want me to cook?”Her father denied.He then put three containers on the stove and poured one cup of water in each container.Once the water started to boil, he dropped separately potato, egg and tea leaves in each container.Mary was totally annoyed and asked her father why to do those stupid things.He asked her to wait for a few more minutes with patience.The impatient daughter managed to wait for around 15 minutes.The Father removed the potato from the pot and placed in a plate and did the same with eggs.He poured the tea into a cup.Then he placed the two plates, one with the potato and the other with the egg, and the cup of tea in front of Mary.“What do you see?”She said, “Potato, Egg and a cup of tea!”“No, touch it and reply me again,”said the father.Mary couldnt find the correct answer.Her father said,“The potato was so hard before boiled,but now they turned soft and smooth.Also,the egg was too delicate but after boiling it became too hard.Sip the tea, it is delicious!”Mary asked, “What does it mean, father?I dont understand!”“Each object responded differently to water.That is how you have to be.Each object was put under the same kind of circumstance, faced similar adversity (逆境),but reacted differently.The potato became weaker.The egg became harder and the tea leaves are unique.It changed the water itself,giving it unique flavor!It gave something new.”Mary understood that we could create something new and unique even when we experienced adversity.So, what are you? A potato or an egg or a tea leaf?语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议的哲理小短文。文章通过父亲在厨房内对土豆、鸡蛋和茶叶的一个小实验,告诉女儿生活的态度,即身处逆境时,要创造新的东西而最终改变逆境。1What is Marys problem?AShe didnt get well along with the others.BShe couldnt hold positive attitude to things.CShe didnt know how to cook in the kitchen.DShe couldnt predict correctly what to happen.解析:选B细节理解题。根据文章第一段信息可知,她总是消极地看待任何事物,故正确答案为B。2How did the father help the girl?ABy telling stories.BBy opening her mind.CBy doing experiment. DBy explaining cases.解析:选C推理判断题。通读文章可知,父亲通过在厨房内煮土豆、鸡蛋和茶叶这个实验,向玛丽阐述和揭示了生活的哲学道理,故正确答案为C。3How did the egg change?AFrom being hard to feeling soft.BFrom being delicate to being hard.CFrom being hard to smelling tasty.DFrom being soft to being hard.解析:选B细节理解题。根据文中父亲说的话“ .the egg was too delicate but after boiling it became too hard.”可知,鸡蛋在煮前易碎而在煮后变硬,故正确答案为B。4Mary understood finally that she would live her life just as_did.Aher father Ba potatoCan egg Dtea leaves解析:选D推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段“Mary understood that we could create something new and unique even when we experienced adversity.”可知,玛丽明白了我们要创造新的独特的东西出来即便是在逆境中,而通过父亲的实验可知,在实验中发生变化并改变了水的是茶叶,故正确答案为D。.阅读七选五(xx江西八所重点中学联考)One mon misconception is that a person whos had a bang (猛击) on the head shouldnt be allowed to go to sleep in case they slip into a deep unconscious state._1_The fear of letting people sleep has e about from a misunderstanding of the “lucid interval (清醒期)”_2_ Yet meanwhile their brain is bleeding, causing pressure on the tissue of the brain.If this causes them to lose consciousness again, this time its a medical emergency.This lucid interval only occurs in a minority of cases._3_ The guideline is given by many different organizations from World Rugby to Britains NHS.But if someone is not confused or throwing up, or has no double vision or trouble walking or severe head or neck ache,the remendations do not include the advice to keep them awake.In fact rest is whats needed,both physically and cognitively (认知地)So athletes not only have to stop training for a time after a heavy bang on the head, but should also stop taxing their brains.Children who have banged their head should do less school work until they have fully recovered._4_ Its not bad, its a good thing.This is the current advice, although it should be said that until very recently, very few trials have tested the advice that is given, something that worries some researchers._5_ So we should soon have more information on the best way to care for people after a head injury.AThe good news is that new trials have been underway.BHowever, this is not the current medical advice thats given.CSleep is remended,but that doesnt always mean its easy.DThe brain needs to heal by doing less and sleep is perfect for it.EChildren with a head injury should be woken per hour or two at night.FIt refers to the period after waking up from unconsciousness, seeming fine.GHowever, the possibility of bleeding on the brain is the reason for looking out for symptoms.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文,主要说明了头部受伤的人不应该睡觉这种错误观点产生的原因,并讲述了目前的医学建议。1选B文章首句说明了人们的错误观念,空处承上启下,指出这种错误观念并不是如今针对头部受到撞击的情况所给出的医学建议。故选B项。2选FF项中的“It”指代上文的“thelucid interval(清醒期)”,“waking up from unconsciousness, seeming fine”与下文中的“meanwhile their brain is bleeding”构成转折关系,符合语境。3选GG项与上文的“This lucid interval only occurs in a minority of cases.”构成转折,G项中的“symptoms”与下文中的“.confused or throwing up,or has no double vision or trouble walking or severe head or neck ache”相呼应,故选G项。4选D根据本段的主题句“In fact rest is whats needed,both physically and cognitively(认知地)”可知,本段讲的应是休息的必要性,并且D项中的“doing less”和“sleep is perfect for it”分别与上文的“stop training .stop taxing their brains”“do less school work”和下文的“Its not bad, its a good thing.”相呼应,故选D项。5选A根据上文中的“very few trials .some researchers”及下文所说的对于照顾头部受伤的人的最好的办法,我们很快将会有更多信息可知A项“好消息是新的实验已经在进行”符合语境。.完形填空(xx山西省考前质检)Beginning to learn gymnastics even before she could barely walk, Svetlana had always dreamed to enter the Olympics scene some day.However, her _1_ ended in the car on the winding road when a lorry appeared out of nowhere. The last thing she _2_ was a blinding flash of light. In hospital, when told she would never _3_ again, she couldnt believe it. Three months later, she was _4_ out of hospital on a wheelchair. Then a friend came to her house to visit her with an old childrens storybook. A bookmark in it made her _5_ to page 117. The name of the _6_ was The Day Clara Walked. She was determined to return to stage whatever it might cost._7_, after a years hard exercise, Svetlana recovered and was able to display her gymnastics. While she was sitting on the green bench _8_ the Athens Olympic Stadium, memories _9_: first, the pain and the tears, the book under her pillow, the words of relatives full of advice and fort, and the pity in those eyes that had once held _10_ for her talent. Then followed the trips to the gym where everyone looked on _11_, their disbelief transforming slowly to wonder, _12_ she could balance the hoop (圈) as well as her teammates. She registered for the xx Olympic Games, and finally she received _13_ from the Olympic mittee.Her _14_ was interrupted by the attendant who said, “Its time”, two words that she had been _15_ to hear for so long. Smoothing her dress, she walked into the stadium, each _16_ firm and steady. Everything was _17_, and the applause rang loud in her ears, her heart beating _18_ in her chest.Later that night, Svetlana pulled the gold medal out of her pocket and placed it on the old _19_ on the shelf, which opened to page 117, to the chapter The Day Clara Walked, tears _20_ her vision.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。奇迹总是降临在那些面临困境却怀有梦想、意志坚定的人的身上。该文主人公Svetlana的故事就是一个例证。1A.intentionBdreamClife Dcareer解析:选B根据第一段的内容可知,Svetlana学体操,一直梦想着有一天进入奥运现场。故此处出现转折,表示她的梦想因车祸而破灭,应选择B项。2A.remembered BforgotCexperienced Dsuffered解析:选A她能记起的最后一件事情是一道刺眼的闪光。3A.see BdanceCsing Dwalk解析:选D根据下文中的“she was _4_ out of hospital on a wheelchair”可推知,她被告知不能再走路了,故选择D项。4A.wheeled BrockedCthrown Drushed解析:选A根据下文中的“on a wheelchair”可知,她坐在轮椅上被推出了医院。wheel“用有轮之物推动”符合题意,故选A。5A.point BrelateCopen Dadapt解析:选C书里的书签使她把书打开到117页。第19空后的“which opened to page 117”也是提示,open“打开”,故选C。6A.bookmark BpageCstory Dchapter解析:选D根据最后一段中的“to the chapter The Day Clara Walked”可知,应选择D项。chapter“章,篇”。7A.Fortunately BSurprisinglyCSuddenly DCertainly解析:选B经过一年的艰苦训练,Svetlana康复了并能表演体操,这是令人惊奇的事,因此选择B项。8A.outside BinsideCbeneath Dopposite解析:选A根据倒数第二段中的“Smoothing her dress, she walked into the stadium”可知,此时她是坐在体育场外的长椅上,故选择A项。9A.squeezed out Bfaded awayCmixed up Dflooded in解析:选DSvetlana坐在长椅上回忆起经历的一切,记忆一下子涌了进来。squeeze out“把挤出”;fade away“逐渐消逝”;mix up“弄错”;flood in“大量涌入”。10A.fright BadmirationCsympathy Dregret解析:选B根据空格后的“for her talent”并结合选项可知,此处表示曾经因她的才能而羡慕她的人。admiration“羡慕,赞赏”符合语境,故选B。11A.cheerfully BthankfullyCnervously Ddoubtfully解析:选D根据下文中的“their disbelief”可知,在体育场人们怀疑地观望着。doubtfully“怀疑地”,故选D。12A.until BwhileCas Donce解析:选C当Svetlana能和她的队友一样平衡圈时,人们的怀疑慢慢地变成了惊奇。as表示“当的时候”,引导时间状语从句。注意while引导时间状语从句时,谓语动词须是延续性动词。13A.approval BpraiseCsupport Daccess解析:选A根据上下文可知,她报名参加xx年奥运会,并最终获得了奥委会的批准。approval“批准”,故选A。14A.plan BthoughtCattempt Dsight解析:选B文章第三段主要介绍Svetlana坐在长椅上回忆经历的一切,此时她的思绪被服务员打断,因为该她上场了,故选择B项。15A.eager BcontentCupset Dproud解析:选A能参加奥运会是Svetlana的梦想,告知该她上场比赛的话是她一直渴望听到的。eager“渴望的”,be eager to do“渴望做”,故选A。16A.breath BwaveCstep Dlook解析:选C根据前文中的“Smoothing her dress, she walked into the stadium”可知,此时她的每一步都走得坚定而沉稳。step“步伐”。17A.unexpected BperfectCawful Dfinished解析:选B根据下文中的“and the applause rang loud in her ears”及最后一段中的“Svetlana pulled the gold medal out of her pocket”可知,她的表演非常完美。perfect“完美的”,故选B。18A.immediately BswiftlyCproperly Dfiercely解析:选D(由于激动)她的心在胸腔里猛烈地跳动。fiercely“猛烈地”,符合语境。19A.hoop BletterCbook Ddress解析:选C根据空格后的内容可知,Svetlana应是把金牌放在了那本旧书上。20A.rolling BfillingCclouding Drushing解析:选C泪水模糊了她的视线。C项cloud“使模糊”符合语境,故选C。


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