2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1 Living well 第3课时同步检测 新人教版选修7.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1 Living well 第3课时同步检测 新人教版选修7.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1 Living well 第3课时同步检测 新人教版选修7.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1 Living well 第3课时同步检测 新人教版选修7.单项填空从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1The writer was made_to the readers.AapologizeBapologizingCto apologize Dto be apologizing答案:Cmake sb. do sth的被动式为sb. be made to do sth.2I make him_what I have just said.Arepeating Bto repeatCrepeat Drepeated答案:Cmake sb. do sth. 让某人做某事。3I prefer_rather than sit idle.Ato work BworkingCfor working Dwork答案:A本题考查prefer to do rather than do结构。4These children require_.Ato be looking after Bto be lookedClooking after Dto looked after答案:Crequire doing相当于require to be done,意为“需要被”。5The driver turned his car sharply to the left to give the way to the running bull only_a tree by the road.Ato knock into Bknocking downCto knock off Dknocked over答案:A“only不定式”表示意想不到的结果。此外,knock into表示“撞上”。6She pretended_me when I passed by.Anot to see Bnot seeingCto not see Dhaving not see答案:Apretend只能接不定式作宾语,可排除B、D两项;不定式的否定式为not to do,故选A。7Last summer I took a course on_.Ahow to make dressesBhow dresses be madeChow to be made dressesDhow dresses to be made答案:A“疑问词不定式”结构作介词on的宾语。8The chair looks rather hard, but in fact it is very fortable to_.Asit Bsit onCbe sat Dbe sat on答案:B不定式修饰作表语的形容词,通常采用主动形式表示被动含义。此外,sit是不及物动词,只有加介词才能接宾语,即to sit on the chair。9I dont think_possible to master a foreign language without much memory.Athis BthatCits Dit答案:D不定式短语to master a foreign language without much memory为真正的宾语,用it作形式宾语。10As youve never been there before, Ill have someone_you the way.Ato show BshowCshowing Dshowed答案:Bhave sb. do sth.意为“让某人做某事”;have sb. doing sth.则表示“让某人一直做某事”。11Tom kept quiet about the accident_lose his job.Aso not as to Bso as not toCso as to not Dnot so as to答案:Bso as to do作目的状语,其否定式为so as not to do。12Ill be away on a business trip. Would you mind looking after my cat?Not at all._.AIve no time BId rather notCId like it DId be happy to答案:DNot at all.意为“不介意”,表示同意,故D项符合题意。13I usually go there by train.Why not_by boat for a change?Ato try going Btrying to goCto try and to Dtry going答案:DWhy not须接不带to的不定式,故选D项。14Go on_the other exercise after you have finished this one.Ato do BdoCdoing Dto be doing答案:Ago on接不定式作宾语,表示“接着做另外一件事”;而接动名词则表示“继续做同一件事”。15There seemed to be nothing_to do but_for the doctor.Aleave; send Bleft; to sendCleft; send Dleaving; send答案:Cleave意为“剩下”,nothing与leave之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词担任后置定语;前面有实义动词do, but之后要省略不定式符号to,故选C项。16He raised his hand_the taxi_.Ato have; to stop Bto have; stopChaving; stopping Dhaving; stop答案:B本题考查不定式作目的状语以及have sb./sth. do sth.(让某人/物做某事)的用法,故选B项。17My sisters had to wash their faces and hands. I was_, but I wouldnt till my mother told me_the mirror.Aasked; to look in Basked to do; to look atCasked to; to look in Dasked to; not to look答案:Casked后面的不定式代替了所指内容,故可以只保留不定式符号to;tell sb. to do sth.意为“告诉某人做某事”;look in the mirror意为“照镜子”。18Please let me_where the meeting is_tomorrow.Aknow; to be held Bto know; to holdCknowing; to be held Dknow; to hold答案:Alet sb. do sth.结构中,不定式作宾语补足语时省略to;“be不定式”结构表示将要发生的事情,与the meeting之间为动宾关系,所以不定式采用被动形式。19Im very sorry for being late. It was good_you_for me.Aof; to wait Bfor; to waitCof; waiting Dto; waiting答案:A“It is形容词for/of sb. to do sth.”句型中,如果作表语的形容词既表示不定式的性质,又表示逻辑主语的特征时,用介词of,这类形容词有:kind, nice, good, clever, foolish, rude等。20Did the book give the information you needed?Yes. But_it, I had to read the entire book.Ato find BfindCto be finding Dfinding答案:A本题考查不定式短语担任目的状语,采用一般式。21I think youll grow_him when you know him better.Aliking Bto be likeCto like Dto be liking答案:Cgrow to do sth.相当于begin to do sth.,表示一个逐渐变化的过程。22Can the project be finished as planned?Sure,_it pleted in time, well work two more hours a day.Ahaving got Bto getCgetting Dget答案:B本题题意:为了及时完成这个项目,我们将每天多工作两个小时。不定式作目的状语。23Is Bob still performing?Im afraid not. He is said_the stage already as he has bee an official.Ato have left Bto leaveCto have been left Dto be left答案:Asb. be said to have done表示“据说某人做了”。24When I went out, it happened_.Ato rain BrainCto be raining Draining答案:CIt happens to do sth.表示“碰巧做某事”,因为“外出时,天正下雨”,故用动词不定式的进行式。25I_you the exciting news, but you were not at school.Ameant telling Bmeant to tellCmeant to having told Dmeant to telling答案:Bmean to do sth表示“打算做某事”。26The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if _whether he was going in the right direction.Aseeing Bhaving seenCto have seen Dto see答案:D本题考查状语从句的省略,其完整形式为as if he was to see.。27In fact _ is a hard job for the police to keep order in an important football match.Athis BthatCthere Dit答案:D真正的主语是不定式短语“to keep order in an important football match”,该句也可以还原成:In fact to keep order in an important football match is a hard job for the police.这样句子的主语就显得太长而导致句子的结构不平衡,所以用it作形式主语,把真正的主语放在后面。28The light in the office is still on.Oh, I forget _.Aturning it off Bturn it offCto turn it off Dhaving turned it off答案:C根据第一句is still on“灯仍然亮着”可知电灯还没有关,所以是“忘记了要去做某事”,故用不定式。29An army spokesman stressed that all the soldiers had been ordered _clear warnings before firing any shots.Ato issue Bbeing issuedCto have issued Dto be issued答案:Aorder sb. to do sth.表示“命令某人做”。30In order to make our city green, _.Ait is necessary to have planted more treesBmany more trees need to plantCour city needs more treesDwe must plant more trees答案:D不定式担任状语,其逻辑主语通常为句子的主语。.完形填空阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中(120)所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。“Two books per visit per week,”said the unsmiling librarian as she handed a library card. Neither the limits nor her attitude_1_me, a 9yearold Jewish girl growing up in Berlin in the 1950s. I needed those visits. The books were filled with stories in which, however_2_things seemed, everything_3_well in the end,_4_justice, bravery, and wisdoma striking contrast(对比)to my everyday experiences.Thirty years later, I, a recent immigrant to the US with a daughter aged 13, stood in front of another librarian. This librarian was_5_.“What did she say?”I asked my daughter, who already knew a little English and often_6_as my interpreter.“She saidCan I help you?”“Ask if they have any books in_7_,”I requested.“No, they dont.”translated my daughter.While hunting for a job, I was told that the library needed people to_8_books. The interview was shortthe job didnt require much English, just a_9_of the alphabet. I started the next day. Every day, I handled hundreds of books whose meaning was_10_from me, mentally dividing them by size and color. One day, while shelving, I found English for Beginners and began studying it on my own._11_English letters started forming words I could_12_, words bined into phrases, andoh,_13_!I was reading. It was a slow process, supported by dictionaries and_14_by tears, but it was progress. Afterwards I got promoted to the front desk_15_books in and out and answering simple questions.Every day I receive dozens of people. Sometimes I spot new immigrants. They e from all over the world, so they look different, but the hesitant expression on their faces and their_16_manners are similar. My heart goes out to them_17_they are people like me. I fully understand the_18_roads on which they have stepped. “Theyve e to the right place.” I think to_19_. Then I smile and sayjust the_20_a librarian said to me a long time ago“Can I help you?”文章大意:一位刚到美国不久的德国移民通过自己的努力学习克服了语言障碍,在工作中逐步取得成功并有意识地帮助其他移民。1A.surprised BfortedCpuzzled Dshocked答案:A根据下文判断:作者年幼时经常光顾那家图书馆,对图书馆管理员的态度及图书馆对借书数量的限制很清楚,所以这一切并不让她感到“吃惊”。2A.attractive BdullCterrible Dstrange答案:C根据表示让步关系的however判断,本空应使用terrible来与下文的well相对应。3A.went out Bturned outCended in Dcame up答案:Bturn out的含义为“结果表明,最终的结果是”,后面接形容词或副词,符合语境。4A.rewarding BaffectingCpleting Ddenying答案:Arewarding在这里是现在分词作伴随状语,意为“奖赏,报答”,和后面的名词构成动宾结构。5A.chatting BstaringCreading Dsmiling答案:Dsmiling和文章开头的the unsmiling librarian形成对比,并和下文的“Can I help you?”相照应。6A.introduced BinstructedCguided Dserved答案:D本句中的serve as相当于act as,意为“充当”。7A.Spanish BFrenchCRussian DGerman答案:D根据文章第一段中的growing up in Berlin可以判断作者的母语是德语。8A.shelve BregisterCrecord Dmark答案:A根据下文的while shelving可以判断,图书馆需要招收人员把新书摆上书架(shelve)。9A.list BknowledgeCline Dpetence答案:Ba knowledge of“对的了解”。10A.vague BsimpleChidden Dclear答案:C根据后面的介词from可以判断此处应用hidden。be hidden from sb“不为某人所知”。11A.All of a sudden BIn no timeCStep by step DNow and then答案:C根据下文的It was a slow process(这是一个缓慢的过程)可知此处用step by step表示“逐步地”。12A.recognize BrealizeCdefine Dinterpret答案:Arecognize有“认出”的意思,符合语境,表明了作者初学英语的水平。13A.challenge BwonderCopportunity Dnews答案:B根据上下文,作者对自己能够阅读感到惊讶,认为这是一件很神奇的事情(wonder)。14A.inspired BacpaniedCblocked Dexcited答案:Bacpany有“陪伴,伴随”的含义,符合语境。15A.checking BclassifyingCborrowing Dlending答案:A根据下文的in和out的暗示作出判断。check in“登记(图书的)归还”;check out“登记(图书的)借出”。16A.rough BelegantCpolite Dshy答案:D根据上文的新移民脸上的hesitant expression(犹豫的表情)判断,这里应使用shy(害羞的)。17A.though BuntilCfor Dunless答案:Cfor在这里表示原因。18A.difficult BsmoothCendless Dstraight答案:A“我”完全理解他们踏上的艰难之路。19A.me BmyselfCthem Dthemselves答案:Bthink to oneself是固定用法,含义为“心想,思忖”。20A.means BapproachCmethod Dway答案:D(just)the way为“正如,就像一样”,引导方式状语从句。


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