2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1 Art Reading Anne‘s best friend教学设计 新人教版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1 Art Reading Anne‘s best friend教学设计 新人教版选修6.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1 Art Reading Annes best friend教学设计 新人教版选修6一、教学对象分析本节课的授课对象是高二某班学生。通过高一至此一年多的阅读基础技巧和口语表达训练,这一阶段的学生已经熟悉了阅读课的基本发展思路,且具有了较强的阅读能力和口头组织能力。高二的学生已经形成了比较健全的人生观及价值观,有了富有个性的判断力且有表达自我个性的主动性,但是口语表达的词汇量还有待提高。二、教材内容分析 本单元取自人教版普通高中课程标准实验教科书选修6。本单元的中心话题是艺术,而阅读部分又围绕绘画艺术展开。通过阐述导致艺术发展的因素及分阶段呈现西方绘画艺术的流派,文章较为系统地介绍了西方绘画史。通过寻读、扫读两大阅读技巧的贯穿以及讨论任务的设置,本节阅读课主要目的在于让学生了解绘画艺术及各个历史发展时期的不同风格,培养他们对艺术的兴趣和一定的鉴赏力。三、教学目标(1)简要了解西方绘画艺术的历史和风格,各时代的著名画家以及他们的作品;(2)学习有关绘画艺术的词汇;(3)学会表达喜好和偏爱的日常交际用语。四、教学过程Step 1 Leading-in(3mins)Understand the term art generally by asking Ss two questions:1)How many forms of art do you know? 2)What is the function of art?【设计意图】教师通过提问帮助学生理解“艺术”这一概念,并激发他们学习和谈论这一话题的兴趣。T: As we know, art is too general a term for us to define. So I will simply ask you to brainstorm the forms of art you know. Tell me what belongs to art.S: Music, dance, painting, calligraphyT: How about the similarities between all these art forms? S: They can all bring beauty to life.S: They are an enjoyment for people.T: Yes, you are all correct. Art adds spice to our life, and it is also a reflection of our life. Later you can prove it by reading the new text. Step 2. Warming Up(5mins)1. Ask Ss what all these things are called. 【设计意图】教师引导学生谈论中西方著名画家及其代表画作,并通过中西方绘画发展过程的对比为课文的理解做好准备。T: What are all these things called?S: Paintings.2. Ask Ss to brainstorm the painters and paintings they know both home and abroad.T: Can you name some of the famous painters and paintings both home and abroad?S: T: Let start with Chinese painters and paintings.S: T: Then how about the foreign counterparts?S:T: Thank you for your participation. From your contributions, I have the impression that you have already known something about Western and Chinese painters and paintings. Now lets further our discussion a little bit. How about paring the Western paintings and Chinese paintings and then we will have an overall picture about how they have progressed over time? 3. Ask Ss to pare the Western and Chinese painting and think about which one has a greater change.T: Please look at the screen and observe the development of paintings in different periods of time closely. During 5th15th century, Western paintings and Chinese paintings were like these. From 15th16th century, the painting styles changed and these are two typical works. And then they progressed into another period of great prosperity in the late 19th century early 20th century, where you can find the Western paintings changed more radically. And finally these are how they look like today. Now look at their respective developments vertically, can you tell me which you think has a great change?S: Western paintings.T: Yes! Obviously, Western paintings has experienced a greater change over time. But here es another question. Why do Western paintings have a greater change and where does the change lie specifically? S: T: You dont need to feel frustrated about being unable to answer this question because this is what we are going to solve in this period. To unveil this mystery, Id like to lead you on a journey of Western paintings. Step 3. Skimming(8mins)Ask Ss to skim the text to have so much information about the general idea and structure as possible.【设计意图】教师旨在通过寻读让学生对课文的主旨大意及结构有所把握。这一部分的设计分为三个层次:(I)学生阅读课文标题及文内的副标题以便明确课文的话题及发展脉络。(II)学生阅读课文第一段及再读文内副标题发现课文大意及下文主要内容。(III)学生根据上述练习得到的关于课文内容和结构的信息预测下文作者的会从哪些方面介绍每一个绘画流派。(I) Read the title of text and the headings within it and answer the following questions.1. What is the topic of the text?Its about _.2. How is the information organized?The information is organized _.Suggested answers: 1. the Western painting 2. in time periods, from earliest to present time.(II) Read the first paragraph and the headings to answer the following two questions.1. Which sentence summarizes the main idea of the text?2. Which sentence tell you what the text is going to be about?3. How many periods of Western painting are mentioned in the text? What are they?Suggested answers: 1. Styles in Western are changed many times. 2.Consequently, this text will describe only the most important ones, starting from the sixth century AD. 3. Four periods of Western painting are mentioned, namely, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, Impressionism and Modern Art.(III) Based on the information you have already known about the topic, think about what new information you expect to find in the following text. T: After finishing the first two skimming tasks, you have got the general idea of the main idea of the text and have known how the text is developed. Now based on the information you have already known about the topic, I would like to suggest you thinking about what new information you expect to find in the following text. S: Famous paintings T: Yes, you may expect the writer to introduce each period in terms of famous paintings, representative painters and other aspects. So would you please work in group of four and brainstorm what will be likely to be talked about later in each period. You will be given 3 minutes to discuss. Time is yours.(Three minutes later)Suggested answers: PeriodAspectMiddle AgesRenaissanceImpressionismModern ArtTimeFamous paintingsRepresentative painterscharacteristicsTheme (background)Step 4 Scanning(12mins)【设计意图】教师引导学生根据寻读第三步进行的预测展开扫读训练,并将这一过程再次细分为两个步骤:一、学生自读、核实是否可以在下文找到所有要点的相关信息;二、学生通过小组讨论的形式将各自找到的相关信息汇总并整合到表格中,以便更为直观地发现绘画历史的发展脉络。(I)Check whether you can find all the information you expect to find in each period.T: Well done. Your contribution to the discussion has been transformed into a table here on the blackboard. What you need to do next is to read from the second paragraph to the end and check whether you can find all the information listed in the table. In the meantime, please underline what you find in the process of scanning. Here you will be assigned another 3 minutes. Please make full use of you time.(3 minutes later)(II)Work in group to organize the information into the table.T: Ok everybody, time for sharing what you have found. Any volunteer?S: As for the Middle Ages, the following is what I have found: first, it lasted from 5th15th century AD. Second, Giotto di Bondone is the representative painterT: To sum up, as is shown in the table, you can find the majority of the information you expect to find. Please go through the table again to be familiar with the details of each period, especially its characteristics because later I will give you a quiz to check how well you learn. Suggested answers: PeriodAspectMiddle AgesRenaissanceImpressionismModern ArtTime5th15th C15th 16th Clate 19th early 20th C20th C todayFamous paintingsRepresentative paintersGiotto di BondoneMasacciocharacteristicsl Religious themesl Many religious symbolsl Realistic themesl Perspectivel New oil paintsl Painted outdoorsl Painted changes in lightl Not detailedTwo extremes:l Abstractl RealisticTheme (background)religionhumanismSocial changeStep 5. Consolidation(10mins)(I) Quiz【设计意图】教师通过小测的形式检测学生对上一阶段扫读的学习成果。小测的形式易于激发学生的兴趣,给学生挑战之感。而图文结合的设计恰如其分地呼应了这一话题,给人以直观之感。这一任务能让学生获得实实在在的成就感,让学生初步收获鉴赏艺术的体会。(II) DiscussionLook at the following pictures and discuss in groups. If you could have two of these paintings on the wall of your classroom, which would you choose? Discuss your reasons. 【设计意图】教师通过气氛活跃的讨论结束,目的在于希望学生运用课内所学知识及词汇表达个人的喜爱和偏好。学生不仅能最大程度地运用所学,更能自由地发表个人观点,有效地巩固了课内知识的同时,也为学生个性化的表达提供了平台。T: Finally, lets conclude our topic with a free discussion. Shall we read the requirements together? You are required to choose two of the four paintings shown here to decorate our classroom and give your reason for your choice. Remember to use the word we have learned in the text to help you, for example, “realistic”, “abstract”, “nature”, “detailed” and so on and so forth as listed in the screen. (Students answers may vary)Step 6 Homework(2mins)1. Writing a short passage of 100 words to explain your choice in discussion. 2. Reread the text carefully and preview the language points.【设计意图】1. 教师让学生将谈论的结果用文字的形式呈现出来,这是课内课后的有效延伸。2. 教师让学生课后研读课文,并为下一节课的语言点学习做好准备,这是已学知识和未学知识的连贯,复习与预习的结合,符合学习的基本规律。


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