2019-2020年高中英语 Module5 A Lesson in a Lab 4 period 外研版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module5 A Lesson in a Lab 4 period 外研版必修1The General Idea of This PeriodIn this period, were going to learn Vocabulary, Listening and Writing, Grammar 1 & Grammar 2.Teaching Aims1. Learn to say the decimals.2. Develop their abilities of listening and writing.3. Learn the grammar: Degrees of parison.Teaching Difficult Points1. Improve the students listening ability.2. Master the grammar: Degrees of parisons 12.Teaching Methods Finding, deducting.Teaching Aids1. a puter 2. a projector 3. the blackboardTeaching ProceduresStep 1 RevisionShow their homework exercises on the real object objector.Teacher gives some ments on the work.Step 2 Look and learnLearn to say the decimals by looking at Part 1 on Page 46.Give them two minutes. Work on their own first and then say to each other in pairs, paying attention to the numbers before and after point.Step 3 Write and sayT: Now write and say the numbers as decimals.S: Point five.S: Two point two five.S: (naught) Point seven five.S: Thirty point five.S: Twelve point three.T: Learn to say the fractions on Page 46. Work in pairs and report the answers to the class.Keys: a halftwo and a quarter three quartersthirty and a halftwelve and three tenthsStep 4 PracticeWrite 5 fractions for each one to say.Step 5 Listening and writingT: Read the listening material and try to predict what you will hear.(Its a good way to train their listening ability.)Play the cassette for them to listen.Listen another time for them to plete the description of the scientific experiment.Listen a third time.Step 6 Grammar 1: Degrees of parison 1Learn how to use multiple in degrees of parisonT: In junior middle school, we learned the sentence: “The earth is larger than the moon.” We add “forty-nine times” to the sentence on P43.Have you noticed the word order?T: What do we say “两倍” in English?S: Two times.T: Is it right?S: No. Its twice.T: Now please answer the questions in Part 1, P43.S: It should be like this: I went there twice.T: What about No.2?S: 20 metres.T: No.3?S: Object B is 400 kilogrammes.Step 7 PracticePart 2 SB, P43Work on your own first and then check the answers together.1. Yangtze River is about three times as long as Songhua River.Yangtze River is about three times longer than Songhua River.2. Winter in Harbin is four times as cold as that in Beijing.Winter in Harbin is four times colder than that in Beijing.3. Mount Qumolangma is about six times as high as Mount Tai.Mount Qumolangma is about six times higher than Mount Tai.4. My aunts house is twice as large as mine.My aunts house is twice larger than mine.5. Tom weighs twice as heavy as Lily.Tom weighs twice than Lily.Step 8 Grammar 2: Degrees of parison 2T: Find the grammatical rules in the first three sentences on P47.S: The first sentence contains the structure “more and more”.T: Good!S: The next two contain the structure “the more.the more.”.A1、2、3B 2、3C1 Step 9 Part 2, SB, P47T: Make sentences according to the example. Work on your own first and then check the answers together.1. The hot metal is getting bigger and bigger.2. The magnesium is getting hotter and hotter.3. The sun is getting stronger and stronger during the morning.4. The sea is being warmer and warmer.Step 10 Assignment1. Study Parts 3-4 on P47-48.Find out more words or phrases which can modify the degrees of parison.2. Wb, Exx. 1-2, P91Step 11 The design of the writing on the BlackboardModule 5A Lesson in a LabThe Fourth Perioda halftwo and a quarterthree-quartersthirty and a halftwelve and three tenthsmore and morethe more.the more. Step 12 Activity and InquiryDegrees of parison 2ActivityLook at these sentences:1. e a bit closer.2. We need rather more than that.3. It weighs a little more than before.4. Itll be a lot heavier than magnesium.5. Is it any heavier?6. We need a piece which is (very) much bigger than that.StepsStudents ActingTeachers Organizing1Read through the sentences.Ask the students to read through the sentences.2plete the activity individually.Get the students to plete the activity individually.3Work in pairs to pare their answers.Put the students in pairs to pare their answers.


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