2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 BookII Unit17教学案 人教大纲版.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 BookII Unit17教学案 人教大纲版单元考查重点及热点Unit 17单词disability ability sidewalk waist fair potential guidance gifted assist sympathyencouragement visual adjust candy niece ceremony victory dignity participateconduct accessible realize短语get around get used to more than every four years at times belong to句型1.as it is照现状2.Its time.该做某事了3.more A than B 与其说B不如AUnit 18单词vest heel patent officer petrol background reject possibility otherwise connection previous aware trial rider dusty pilot storage glue typewriter短语allow for get stuck break away from be aware of trial and error after all keep track of less than throw away let out by hand句型1.now that.既然2.Sb.be said to do.据说;人们说例:He often assists me financially. 他常在经济上帮我。 She assisted her sister with her lesson. 她帮助妹妹做功课。 We will assist you in finding somewhere to live. 我们将帮你找个住的地方。 He will assist with the tuition fees. 他愿意帮助付学费。链接提示 (1)assist sb.with sth.帮助某人(做)某事 (2)assist sb.to do sth.帮助某人做某事 (3)assist sb.in doing sth.帮助某人做某事 (4)assist in(doing) sth.帮助某事练:He offered to_ in repairing my puter.A.help B.aid C.provide D.assist提示:注意各个动词的结构:help sb.(to)do sth.;aid sb.in doing sth.;assist in doing sth.;provide不符合句意,故选D项。答案:D2.adjust讲:v.调节、调整;使适合或便于使用;调停(歧见、争端)例:She adjusted the seat to the height of her child. 她调节座椅使适合她孩子的身高。 He soon adjusted to school life. 他不久就适应了学校生活。链接提示 adjust可以与to连用,构成 adjust to sth./to doing sth.或adjust oneself to sth.,意思是“适应于;习惯于”。 It took several seconds for his eyes to adjust to the dark. 几秒钟以后他的眼睛才适应了黑暗。 You will quickly adjust yourself to student life. 你很快就会适应学生生活的。练:(xx湖北十一校联考)People believe that we_ a special ability to learn language and that our brain _ itself to the language we heard around us.A.are prepared for;adjustsB.are equipped for;adaptsC.are armed with;fits D.are equipped with;adjusts提示:句意为:人们相信我们具有学习语言的能力,而且我们大脑能够适应我们听到的语言。be equipped with.具有,adjust或adapt.to适应,故排除A、B、C三项。答案:D3.realize(realise)讲:vt.认识到;实现例:He realized his mistakes at last. 最终他意识到了自己的错误。 I didnt realize how late it was. 我没有意识到天这么晚了。 Mary realized her dream of being an actress. 玛丽实现了当演员的梦想。 Fortunately,we have now realized that there is much that can be done to help. 幸运的是,我们已经意识到可以做很多事情来帮助他们。练:_ that the problem was more than he could deal with,he called the police for help.A.Having been realized B.To realizeC.Realized D.Realizing提示:本题考查非谓语动词作状语的用法。根据主句主语he和动词realize之间的逻辑关系,此处应该表示主动,故可先排除A、C两个表示被动的选项。B项表示目的,和语境及句子意思不相符。答案:D短语1.get/bee used to讲:该词组的义项有“习惯做某事”。例:Im sure Ill get used to the hard work. 我肯定会习惯艰苦的工作。 I havent got used to getting up so early. 我不习惯起这么早。链接提示 (1)used to 过去常常 I used to think Id like to be an astronaut. 我从前想当宇航员。 (2)be used to sth./doing sth.习惯于 be used to 表示状态,而get used to 表示动作或状态的转变。 At first she was used to English food,but after a month she got/bee used to it. 起初她不习惯英国食品,一个月后,她变得习惯了。 (3)be used to do被用来做 Bamboo is used to make paper. 竹子被用来造纸。练:I _ to be quite afraid to live in that country,but now I have _ to the life there.A.used to;been used B.used;usedC.was used;got used D.get used;been used提示:used to do意为“过去常做”,be/get used to sth.意为“习惯”。句意为:我过去害怕住在那个国家,但现在已经习惯了那里的生活,故选A项。答案:A2.every four years讲:“every+基数词+复数名词”意为“每隔”。例:I go there every three days. 每隔两天(或每三天)我去那里一次。链接提示 (1)every+序数词+单数名词,意为“每第”。 He es to see his uncle every third Sunday every month. 他每月第三个星期天来看他的叔叔。 (2)every+other+单数可数名词,指“每隔一”。 He goes to town every other day. 他隔天进一次城。 Write on every other line. 要隔行写。 (3)every+few+复数名词,意为“每隔几”。 We had to stop every few miles. 我们每走几英里就得停一停。练:I have been having violin lessons _ two weeks,but I think Ill make it every week from next month.A.every B.each C.another D.a提示:从后半句可看出现在是两周上一次钢琴课。从下月开始一周一次。“every+基数词+复数名词”意为“每隔”。答案:A3.get around/about 四处走动;活动例:He was ill last week,but hes getting around/about now. 他上周病了,但现在他已起床行走了。 The child can get around. 这孩子会走了。链接提示 (1)get along进行;过活;相处;走掉;走开 (2)get away from避免;摆脱;离开 (3)get back回来;收回;找回 (4)get down记下来;打下来 (5)get down to认真开始 (6)get hold of拿到;找到;抓住 (7)get rid of消灭;摆脱;除掉 (8)get through做完;结束;通过;用完 (9)get together聚会;联欢 (10)get up起床;站起来;举办;打扮练:(xx山东潍坊质量检测)She could always _ her father,who would giv e her whatever she asked for.A.get across B.get downC.get round D.get over提示:get across意为“通过被人明了或理解”;get down意为“下去,降落,写下”,get over意为“爬过,使越过”。get round/around意为“传播,到处走动,回避”,符合句意。答案:C句型1.as it is照现状讲:注意观察下面教材原句: I have learnt to live with my body as it is. 我已经学会了照身体的现状生活。例:We were hoping to finish it by next weekas it is,it may be the week after. 我们本希望在下周完成看样子要下下周才行。 I cant helpIve got too much to do as it is. 我帮不上忙我已经有太多的工作了。链接提示 (1)as it were可以说;在一定程度上 Teachers must put the brakes on,as it were,when they notice students looking puzzled. 当老师发现学生神色茫然时,就应该在一定程度上放慢速度。 (2)as for sb./sth.至于;关于 As for food for the party,thats being taken care of. 关于聚会要用的食物,都在置办当中。 (3)as a result结果 He made one big mistake,and,as a result,lost his job. 他犯了大错,结果丢了工作。 (4)as a result of由于的结果 As a result of the big mistake he made,he lost his job. 由于他犯的一次大错,他丢了工作。 (5)as usual照例;照常;像往常一样 Despite her problems,she carried on working as usual. 尽管她有困难,她照样继续工作。练:People should stop using their cars and start using public transport. Exactly.The roads are too crowded_ .A.as it is B.as a result ofC.as usual D.as possible提示:句意为“人们应该停止使用私家车,转而使用公共交通工具。”“对极了!现在这个状况,路太拥挤了。”答案:A2.Its time.该做某事了讲:注意观察下面教材原句: Maybe it is time for the rest of society to accept me as I am and get used to the fact that while I may not be able to walk,there are many other great things I can do. 或许社会其他成员应该接受我的现状,并习惯这样一个事实:虽然我不能走路,但我能做许多其他了不起的事情。句型: Its time to do sth.该做某事了 Its time for sb.to do sth.某人该做某事了例:Its time to go to bed. 该睡觉了。 Its time for you to go to bed. 你该睡觉了。 Its time for you to go to visit your uncle. 你该去看看你叔叔了。链接提示 (1)Its time for sb.to do可以换成Its time (that) sb.。 注意:在Its time that.中,that从句中的谓语动词用过去时或者用“should+动词原形”。 Its time that you went to visit your uncle. Its high time that we should start. (2)It is/was the+序数词+time+that+主语+完成时 该句型表示“是第几次做”,用is时,that从句中通常用完成时态;用was时,that从句中多用过去完成时。 Its the first time that I have e to Beijing. It was the last time that I had made this mistake.练:Its high time I _ my daughter.A.fetch B.to fetchC.fetched D.will fetch提示:Its time that.中,that从句中的谓语动词用过去时。故选C项。答案:C3.more A than B 与其说B不如说A讲:注意观察下面教材原句: They need recognition,more than sympathy and help. 与其说他们需要同情与帮助,倒不如说他们需要承认。 more A than B 与其说B不如说A例:Its her manner I dislike,more than what she actually says. 我讨厌的倒不是她实际上说些什么,而是她的态度。 She cares far more for her dogs than she does for me. 她关心狗远远胜过关心我。 She is more hardworking than wise. 与其说她聪明不如说她勤奋。链接提示 (1)rather than也能表达相似意思。 He is a politician rather than a statesman. 说他是政治家,毋宁说他是政客。 It is hot rather than warm. 与其说天气暖和,不如说是热。 I would prefer to stay home rather than go out. 我宁愿留在家里也不愿出去。 (2)more than+数词+名词=over+数词+名词,意为“超过”。 That mountain is more than (=over)1500 meters high. 这座山有1500多米高。 (3)more than修饰形容词、名词或动词时,看作习语,意思是“不仅、很、非常”。 She is more than(=very)pleased with her daughters performance. 她对女儿的表演非常高兴。 Bamboo is used for more than building. =Bamboo is not only used for building. 竹子不仅仅可以用于盖房子。 She was more than a little shaken by the experience. 这次经历对她产生了极大的震动。 (4)no more than 仅仅;只有 His whole school education added up to no more than one year. 他所受的学校教育加起来只有一年。练:(1)He is_ a good teacher.He is also his students good friend.A.no more than B.not more thanC.no less than D.more than提示:no more than=only;not more than 不超过;no less than=as much as;more than=not only。more than符合句意。答案:D(2)It is the prevention of disease_ the successful treatment that has led the rapid increase of the worlds population.A.less than B.rather thanC.more than D.better than提示:句意为:是疾病的预防而不是疾病的成功治疗导致了世界人口的快速增长。rather than可以表示“而不是”。故选B项。答案:B辨析1.accept,receiveaccept表示主观意愿,有“接受、同意、认可、满意”之意。receive表示客观上“接到、收到”,此外还有“收到、得到;接见、接待”之意。即时练习:(1)I _ his letter yesterday.(2)He didnt _ my suggestion.(3)We shall _ you as a friend.(4)I have _ an invitation to the ball,but I cant _it because I dont know whether Ill be able to attend it.(5)She _ a good education.答案:(1)received (2)accept (3)accept (4)received,accept (5)received2.attend,join,take part in join,attend,和take part in都可译作“参加”,但搭配和含义均有所不同。join指加入某一组织或团体,成为其中一员,也可指加入正在从事某种活动的人们的行列,结构为join sb.in doing sth.;attend 通常用于参加会议、听课、听报告等;也可指照顾治疗take part in通常指参加某项活动。即时练习:(1)Dr Baker decided to _ the meeting though he was still a bit surprised.(2)Did your son _ school yesterday?(3)He _ the army when he was only sixteen and _ the Party a year later.(4)He_ the last Olympic Games and won a gold medal.(5)Her mother is ill.She has to stay at home to _ her.答案:(1)attend (2)attend (3)joined;joined(4)took part in (5)attend3.accept.as; recognize.as;think of.as.;treat.as. accept.as.接受或认可(某种演说、说明等);忍受。 recognize.as公认 treat.as.把当作 think of.as.认为是(普通用语)即时练习:(1)We now _ the car as being essential rather than a luxury.(2)Immediately after her death,Qiu Jin was _ as a heroine.(3)You may _ the report as true/a fact.(4)Lawrences novel was eventually _ as a work of genius.(5)We have to _ things as they are.(6)He _ my words as a joke.答案:(1)think of (2)recognized (3)accept(4)recognized (5)accept (6)treated/thought of诱思:实例点拨【例1】(xx上海模拟)More than a dozen students in that school _ around to study medicine last year.A.sent B.were sent C.had sent D.had been sent提示:题干中的last year说明必须用一般过去时,主语student与谓语动词send之间有被动关系,应该用被动语态。故选B项。答案:B讲评:解考查时态和语态的题时,要注意句中的时间状语以及主语和谓语的逻辑关系。【例2】(xx全国模拟)If you go by _ train,you can have quite a fortable journey,but make sure you get fast one.A.the;the B./;a C.the;a D./;/提示:by表示“乘坐某种交通工具”时,后面所跟的名词前不用冠词;从句意看,第二空用不定冠词,表示泛指,意思是“一种较快的方式”。答案:B讲评:冠词的考查往往与名词结合在一起,要注意掌握冠词的基本用法以及一些固定结构。【例3】(xx广东模拟)Years ago we didnt know this,but recent science that people who dont sleep well soon get ill.A.showed B.has shownC.will show D.is showing提示:本题考查时态。根据上下文,几年前我们不知道,但是最近的科学已经表明睡眠不好的人会很快得病。因此要用现在完成时态表示对现在的影响。答案:B讲评:注意定语从句,主句与从句的时态搭配。


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