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2019-2020年高中英语Module4Carnival单元加餐练一-二外研版.完形填空Once upon a time, two birds lived in a forest. They had three lovely baby birds and they _1_ them very much. However, the parents _2_ that one of the baby birds was very selfish (自私的). They were _3_ worried. One day, the parents told the baby bird, “Gina, you should _4_ what you have with others. _5_ you dont share with others, nobody will share with you.” But the baby bird didnt _6_ them.When the baby birds _7_, they all left their parents and lived on their own. One day, the bird named Gina found many beautiful flowers. She was very _8_. “Im sure there will be a lot of seeds in _9_,” she thought. She stayed there every day and if some other birds _10_ to get close to the flowers, she would shout, “Go away. They are _11_!” Hearing that, all the other birds flew away.Several months later, the flowers were _12_. But there were no seeds as they were cotton trees. As winter was getting close, Gina became _13_. She had stored no _14_ for winter. Some other birds flew to her and said, “We all _15_ they were cotton trees. We tried to tell you about _16_, but youve always driven us away.” Hearing that, Gina was _17_ ashamed (羞愧的). She remembered what her parents once said to her. She _18_ how selfish she was!She decided to make a _19_. She looked for food everywhere and once she found some, she shared with others. The other birds _20_ her, too. Because of their help, she got through the winter.语篇解读:一只小鸟一开始很自私,不愿意与别人分享,后来她意识到了自己的问题,学会了跟别人分享。1A.hatedBfearedCsurprised Dloved解析:选D那三只鸟宝宝很可爱,她们的父母应该很“爱”她们。2A.explained BdoubtedCfound Dtold解析:选C“one of the baby birds was very selfish”是鸟爸爸和鸟妈妈“发现”的事实。3A.daily BpossiblyCreally Dhardly解析:选C这只鸟很自私,她的父母“非常”担心。4A.play BshareCenjoy Dfind解析:选B根据语境可知,这只鸟的父母告诉她:“你应该与其他鸟儿分享你所拥有的一切”。5A.Though BUnlessCIf DUntil解析:选C根据语境可知,此处要用if引导条件状语从句表示假设。6A.care about Blook forClook at Dlisten to解析:选D这只鸟还是很自私,说明她没有“听从”她爸妈的话。7A.grew up Bflew awayClooked up Drun away解析:选A鸟儿都离开了父母,说明她们“长大”了。8A.kind BhappyCdisappointed Dangry解析:选B看到那么多花,这只鸟以为会有很多籽吃,故她很“高兴”。9A.spring BsummerCautumn Dwinter解析:选C籽成熟是“秋天”应该发生的事,故选C。10A.decided BrefusedCused Dtried解析:选D根据语境可知,当别的鸟“试图”飞过来的时候。11A.his BtheirsCyours Dmine解析:选D这只鸟见到别的鸟飞过来就赶他们走,说那些花都是她的,故选D。12A.short BgoneClost Dold解析:选B根据语境可知,几个月过去了,花“不见”了。13A.worried BinterestedCtired Dexcited解析:选A冬天来了,这只鸟却没有储藏过冬的食物,应该很“担心”。14A.room BwoodCfood Dwater解析:选C这只鸟应该准备过冬的“食物”。15A.told BignoredClied Dknew解析:选D根据语境可知别的鸟“知道”那是一块棉花地。16A.how BwhenCthat Dwhere解析:选C那些鸟只是想告诉这只鸟那是一块棉花地。that指代上文的内容。17A.gradually BgreatlyCfinally Dfrequently解析:选B听到那些鸟那么说,这只鸟感到“很”羞愧。18A.realized BwroteCsuggested Dremembered解析:选A这只鸟“意识到”自己是多么的自私。19A.change BplanCpreparation Dmeal解析:选A根据后文这只鸟不再自私的语境可知,她决定做些“改变”。20A.visited BfoundCliked Dhelped解析:选D根据后文的“because of their help”可知,别的鸟儿也“帮助”了她。.阅读理解The custom of celebrating from the end of January until midFebruary has long been popular in Quebec City, Canada. The first large Winter Carnival here, in the worlds snow capital, took place in 1894. Faced with winters hardships, the citys population made this popular tradition into a winter celebration that warmed the hearts of all people.Interrupted by two wars and then the economic crisis of 1929, the Carnival was held from time to time until the second half of the 20th century. In 1954, a group of business people restarted the festivities. That year, Bonhomme was born and was elected the events representative.The next year, the first official Quebec Winter Carnival took place. The Carnival snowballed into a big event and was important for tourism and economic activity in the city.From one winter to the next, the Carnival enriched its activity programme. They have since added even more popular activities, such as winter sports, snow sculptures (雕塑), and activities based on the traditional Quebec lifestyle, such as dogsled (狗拉雪橇) races. The Quebec Winter Carnival is the largest winter carnival in the world today, and is third on the list of Top Carnivals after the famous carnivals in Rio and New Orleans.1960The people living along Rue SainteTherese created many snow or ice sculptures, and this location became known as Carnival Street.1964The name of Bonhomme Carnival and his image became registered trademarks.1970A new tradition was born: closing the event with a firework display.1975A new activity, called The Break, was created, on Friday from noon till midnight. Many employers gave their employees time off so they could go dancing at the Quebec City Convention Centre. The event continued to be held until 1986, sometimes late into the night.1977Until 1991, the Carnival offered a childrens sculpture petition.1987The snow bath became part of the programme.xxBecause of the importance of volunteers, the human resources department was created to improve organisation.语篇解读:文章介绍了世界上最大的冬季嘉年华的历史。1We can know from the passage that Quebec City _.Ais very cold all year roundBis known as the worlds snow capitalChas the largest population in CanadaDholds several carnivals each year解析:选B细节理解题。从第一段的第一、二句可知B项正确。2The first official Quebec Winter Carnival was held in _.A1894 B1895C1954 D1955解析:选D细节理解题。从第二段的第二句和第三段第一句可知答案为D项。3In 1976, which of the following activities were held during the Quebec Winter Carnival?The snow bath.The Break.A childrens sculpture petition.A firework display at the end of the event.A BC D解析:选C细节理解题。从1970和1975两段的描述中可知“The Break”和活动结束时放烟花的活动在1976年举行了。4What is the best title for the passage?AHistory of the Quebec Winter CarnivalBWele to the Quebec Winter CarnivalCActivities During the Quebec Winter CarnivalDImportance of the Quebec Winter Carnival解析:选A标题归纳题。文章前四段讲述了魁北克冬季嘉年华发展到现在的历程和现状,后面的部分重点介绍了历史上的重要事件,文章以“History of the Quebec Winter Carnival”为题最合适。.语法填空A mon tip on fitting walking into your day is to park your car at the back of the parking lot when you shop or go to work. To take that idea one step further, why not consider _1_ (walk) from your home to the store or to your office? If you take public transportation _2_ someone drops you off, get off one stop earlier.Another mon _3_ (suggest) is to take the stairs whenever possible. But some people find that _4_ can do all the things on one floor and dont find the need to use the stairs. If this is the case, you can _5_ (regular) use a copier that is across the building from your desk or use a washroom on a different floor.If you _6_ (frequent) go out to lunch, suggest to your workmates that you find a _7_ (wonder) restaurant within walking distance. If time is an issue, speak with your boss about lengthening (延长) your lunch break. And you promise that you can work a few extra minutes at _8_ end of the day.As we all know, walking your dog really _9_ (provide) many health benefits. It is one of the _10_ (good) ways to get in extra steps while you can appreciate the beauty of nature.1_ 2._ 3._ 4._5_ 6._ 7._ 8._9_ 10._答案:1.walking2.or3.suggestion4.they5regularly6.frequently7.wonderful8.the9provides10.best.短文改错I am lucky to have my parents. They take good care me and provide me with good and healthy food. Though they are very busy with their work, but they make sure that they spend time with us every day. My father plays with me on weekends and teach me to cycle and swim. My mother enjoys make delicious food for me. Although they love me very much, they are very strict on me. They teach me many good thing that I may not learn at school. All of them teach me to be respectful to an elderly and thankful to others who help us. I love my parents very much and I am proudly to be their child.答案:第二句:care后加of第三句:去掉but; usme第四句:teachteaches第五句:makemaking第六句:onwith第七句:thingthings第八句:AllBoth; anthe第九句:proudlyproud.书面表达近几年,一些西方节日(比如圣诞节)在中国愈来愈受到年轻人的青睐。为此,有学者提出倡议国人应慎重对待西方节日,抵制西方文化的扩张。假如你叫李华,某中学高三学生,前不久你们班就这个问题展开了一场辩论。请你根据以下表格提示的内容用英语给21 Century报社写一封信,发表同学们的不同看法。观点理由70%的学生赞成过圣诞节了解西方文化;亲朋相聚,增进友谊和理解20%的学生强烈反对过圣诞节崇洋媚外,有辱中国传统文化10%的学生不反对过圣诞节,但更提倡过自己的节日包容其他文化,信仰自己的传统文化是根本注意:1.词数100左右;2可适当增加细节,以使内容完整充实,行文连贯;3信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Editor,Im a high school student in Senior Three. Several days ago our class had a heated debate on whether we should observe Christmas._Yours sincerely,Li Hua参考范文:Dear Editor,Im a high school student in Senior Three. Several days ago our class had a heated debate on whether we should observe Christmas.The majority of the students are in favor of observing Christmas, the most important festival in Western countries. For one thing, its an occasion for people to get to know the Western culture; for another, its also an enjoyable chance for people to get together to strengthen their friendship and understanding.20% of them have a negative attitude, considering it blind faith in foreign things and bad for Chinese traditional culture.10% of them are not against it but insist on observing our own festivals.In my view, living in an open world, we Chinese are supposed to carry on our traditions and take in different cultures as well.Yours sincerely,Li Hua


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