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2019-2020年高考英语知识归纳复习8自助式复习板块知识搜索 1.面部的(adj.)_2.手势,姿势(n.)_3.标题,称号(n.)_4.专业的(adj.)_5.准备,预备(n.)_6.位置;职位(n.)_7.重力,重量(n.)_8.旗(n.)_9.大陆,陆地(n.)_10.奖章,勋章(n.)_11.竞争,比赛(v.)_12.众所周知(adj.)_13.运动员(n.)_14.火炬(n.)_15.座右铭(n.)_16.火焰(n.)_17.结果,后果(n.)_18.竞争者(n.)_19.最终的,最后的(adj.)_20.排名(v.)_答案:1.facial2.gesture3.title4.professional5.preparation6.position7.weight8.flag9.continent10.medal11pete12.wellknown13.athlete14.torch15.motto16.flame17.effect18petitor19.final20.rankB. 短语21.为准备 _ _ _22.田径 _ _ _23.由于 _ _24.宁愿,宁可 _ _25.奉献 _ _26.每四年 _ _ _27.参加 _ _ _28.在当代 _ _ _29.对产生影响 _ _ _ _30.增肥 _ _ _31.奥运会 _ _ _32.为祖国竞争 _ _ _ _33.如下 _ _34.和一样 _ _ _35.不仅仅 _ _答案:21.in preparation for22.track and field23.because of24.would rather25.devote to26.every four years27.take part in 28.in modern times29.have an effect on30.put on weight31.the Olympic Games32pete for ones country33.as follows34.the same as35. more thanC. 句型36. I prefer watching it to playing it.I_ _ watch it_ _ it.37. What sport do you like best?What is your _ _?38. Medal is an award given to the top three people in each event in the Olympics.Medal is an award _ _ _to the top three people in each event in the Olympics.答案:36.would rather; than play37.favorite sport38.which is givenD. 语法39. Beijing will host the 29th Olympic Games in the year xx._40. They will make all the flags by hand. _答案:39. When will the 29th Olympic Games be hosted by Beijing?40. How will all the flags be made?重难聚焦重点单词要点1prepare【例题】(xx北京,22)Whats that terrible noise?The neighbors_ for a party.A. have preparedB. are preparingC. prepareD. will prepare解析:根据语境,此处用现在进行时。答案:B归纳与迁移(1)prepare 准备,配制The students are busy preparing for the college entrance examination.学生们正忙着准备考大学。(2)prepare sb. for/to do sth.使某人对作好准备The mother prepared her son to go to preschool.妈妈让儿子准备好上学前班。(3)be prepared to do sth.能够并乐意做某事We are prepared to go where we are needed. 我们乐意到需要的地方。 (4) prepare sth. For +n./doing为作准备The peasants are preparing the ground for planting.农民们正在为栽种准备耕地。(5)be prepared for 为作好准备The students are well prepared for the sports meeting.学生们为运动会作好了充分准备。(6)in preparation for为作准备要点2pete【例题】 Tom peted _two rivals_ the first prize.A. with; inB. against; inC. between; forD. against; for解析:pete for sth.“为获得而比赛/竞争” ;pete against sb. “与竞争”;pete with sb. “同一块竞争”。答案:D归纳与迁移pete with/against sb. for sth.与某人竞争某物petition 竞争;petitor竞赛者;petitive有竞争力的There are ten petitors in the race.在比赛中有十名参赛者。要点3effect【例题】 Psychologists believe that the cause of normal forgetting is the effect of new mental activity_ was previously learned. A. from whichB. whichC. whatD. on what解析:句意是“心理学家认为一般性的遗忘的原因是新的心理活动对先前所学的内容的影响”。根据句子结构,此句不包含定语从句,所以先排除A项和B项;C项缺少介词。答案:D归纳与迁移(1)cause and effect因果(2)have a good/bad effect on sth.对产生好的或坏的影响重点短语要点1every four years【例题】 The Browns go to the country every_ weeks.A. fewB. severalC. the secondD. some解析:根据题意,此处意思是“每隔几星期布朗一家就会到乡下去”。每隔几天“every few days”;每隔几年“every few years”。答案:A归纳与迁移 “每两天”有三种表达方法:(1)every two days(2)every other day(3)every second day 每隔一天every four days 每隔三天,每四天要点2would rather【例题】(xx广西,26 )To enjoy the scenery, Irene would rather spend long hours on the train _travel by air.A. asB. toC. thanD. while解析:本句考查“would rather do.than do”的用法。答案:C归纳与迁移(1)would rather do sth. than do sth.表示宁愿做某事而不愿做某事We would rather rent the house than buy it.我们宁可租这幢房子也不愿直接买下它。(2)would rather后面的从句中通常用过去式。I would rather my daughter attended a public school.我希望我的女儿能上公立学校。(3)would rather(not) do宁愿(不)做Which would you rather do, go to cinema or stay at home?你是去看电影还是待在家里?必背句型 要点1You dont seem interested in sports or the Olympic Games.【例题】It seems that no one knows how these differences_.A. came atB. came outC. came aboutD. came on解析:句意是“没有人知道这些区别是怎样产生的”。A项“扑向”;B项“发芽,出版”;D项“继续,加油”。答案:C归纳与迁移(1)seem+形容词、名词等。“好像”。You seem unhappy today.今天你似乎不高兴。(2)seem to do好像做His father seemed to have known everything.他老爸似乎已经什么都知道了。(3)It seems that.看起来好像It seems that it is going go rain.天好像要下雨了。要点2The Chinese team won the first two singles matches.多个形容词作定语【例题】 How was your recent visit to Qingdao?It was great. We visited some friends and spent the_ days at the seaside.A. few last sunnyB. last few sunny C. last sunny fewD. few sunny last解析:多个形容词作定语的次序为:序数词the first(the last, the second. .)+two(three, few.)。答案:B归纳与迁移多个形容词修饰名词时的顺序问题。定语形容词的排列顺序为:限定词+性质+大小+形状+年龄+颜色+国籍+原料+用处+n.a beautiful small round old white French wood writing table


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