2019-2020年高中英语 unit5 学案新人教版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 unit5 学案新人教版选修61. erupt/explode/burst1) Mount Vesuvius hasnt _ for many years.2) The bomb _ out side the the hotel.3) The girl_ into tears when she heard the bad news.4) Violence _ in the city after the football match.2. equipment _填空:All the equipment _(be) advanced.equip_ 1)We want to equip our children _ some special skills. 2)_ _ modern equipment, our library is a first-class one. 3) All the us have been equipped for our future. _常用不可数名词:furniture,advice,imformation,wealth,news,3. appoint_eg. They appointed him chairman/as chairman/to be chairman. They appointed a place to exchange experience. Everyone arrived on time at the appointed place.appointment_4. burn to the ground _burn up_ burn down_ burn out_burn to death_burning hot_. 注意: I smelt sth._ in the kitchen.His finger got _ when cooking.5. wave v._The branches were waving in the breeze.She waved (her hand) at me.I waved him good-bye.We waved a greeting to the teacher.n._the golden waves of rice_The waves are high today._The surfer rode on the wave skilfully.冲浪者巧妙地驾驭波浪。6. absolute adj _absolute zero absolute majority absolute trust absolute proofBeauty cannot be measured by any absolute standard.absolutely _He is absolutely a brilliant pianist.You can absolutely trust him.-Is the suit nice?- Absolutely!7. suit n. a gray winter suit morning suit a swimming suit a suit of clothesv. Finding a date that suits us all is difficult. -Eight oclock?- That suits me fine.Teachers should suit their teaching methods to the students.We are hoping to find a suitable school.The house is suitable for a large family. 注意词义: clothes cloth clothing 8. make ones way He made his way to the school.make way for _All the traffic should make way for the fire engine.lose/find ones way_ feel ones way_on the way to _ sth be on the way_in the way _ in a way_one way or another _ the way to do/of doing _ show sb. the way _ lead the way9. potential adj_ n._The agents were eager to impress the potential buyers.There is a potential threat to the nations security.The potential of abuse in such a system is enormous,(很大的)I want every student to achieve/realize/fulfil their potential.10.actual Im not joking. Those were his actual words. In actual fact, he is honest.Actually you still owe me $20.Disapointed? No, actually I am glad.10. shoot _shoot sb. dead shoot him in the legLincoln was _ while watching a play in Fords theatre.He shot at the bird but failed.11 anxiousbe anxious to do / for /about/overI waited for her with anxiety.12.panic 词性 过去式 过去分词 The gunfire panicked the horse.I got into a panic when I found the door was locked.The crowd was in a panic.13. glance through/_意为 _ glance at glare at stare at 他经常在早晨浏览报纸。 14. diverse_ diversity _ There is a diversity of opinions in the issue. There is a need for greater diverdity and choice in education.15. vary from to _ The weather varies from hour fo hour in some mountainous areas. Her mood varies from day to day. The menu changes with the season. The coats vary in color. The students work varies in quality.16 bathe_ bath_ go bathing_ have/take a hot/cold bath_17. appreciation_ appreciate_ 如果你帮我,我会很感激的。_18.guarantee_ The ticket will guarantee you free entry. We guarantee to deliver your goods within a week n._ The television es with a years guarantee. The car is under guarantee so you neednt pay to get it repaired.19.actual/ true/ real/exact The _ price was lower than I had thought. In _ fact, I an opposed to you. What is the _ amount of his ine? To be _, its 8 now. The story was based on _ life. Tell me the _ reason. Is this _ gold? It is _ that he went to Brazil. There should be _ love/friendship between people.


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