2019-2020年高中英语《Unit5 Travellingabroad》课前预习+小组合作探究 新人教版选修7.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语Unit5 Travellingabroad课前预习+小组合作探究 新人教版选修7单词拼写1.Have the passengers gone on b yet?2.The team has been training hard in p for the big game.3.I r the book to all my students.4.With video, you can watch the latest movies in the c of your own home.5. The course teaches you the theory but there is no s_for practical experience.6. Ive just been to the dentist and my face is still n_.7. It is generally a_ to be true.8. A problem at work continues to o_ his mind for some time.9. H_, we will arrive before dark.10. You will have to work hard if you are to s_.11. There was a lot of c_ about his behaviour.12.Our a_in New York deals with all Us13. My opinion is p_to yours.14. The tree is a_ in fruit.15. Prices are very much g_ by market demand.16.We will arrive at our d_by the evening. 重点短语1.适应;调节 2.继续干下去 3.习惯 4.就而言 5.感觉自在,无拘束_ 6安顿下来_ _重点短语1.适应;调节 2.继续干下去 3.习惯 4.就而言 5.感觉自在,无拘束_ 6安顿下来_ _7.向某人道别_ 8.dream of doing sth_9.be different from_ 10.in the beginning_11.feel like_ 12.ask sb for sth_13.ask for sth_ 14.at university_15.得高分_ 16.first of all_17.in mon with sb_ 18.be occupied doing sth_19.乘船_ 20.some time_21.get off the plane_ 22.go overseas_23.去散步_ 24.get back to the village_25.a couple of_ 26.去观光_27.approve of_小组合作探究课文理解Fast reading: TRUE or FALSE?Xie lei has been in England for half a year. ( )Most foreign students have to plete the preparation year before entering a degree course . ( )People in England really talk like they do on the listening tapes. ( )All the foreign students choose to board with English families.( )(5)The tutor thought highly of xieleis first essay.( )(6)In her tutors opinion, what other people thought was not the most important thing. ( )(7)Xielei has got enough time for social activities. ( )(8)Xie leis progress will be reported in the later editions. ( )Careful reading: Read the passage silently and quickly and answer the following questions, youll be given 5 minutes.What is xie lei in England for ? Why is she doing a preparation course first? What are the difficulties she faced after arriving in England? Who helped xie lei most? (5)Why did xie lei decide to join a few university clubs? (6)How did xie lei adapt to her life in England? 参考答案单词拼写:1.board .preparation3.remend4fort5.substitute6.numb7.acknoledge8.occupy9.Hopefully10.succeed11ment12.agent 13.parallel14.abundant15.governed16.destination重要短语:1. adjust to 2.keep it up 3.fit in 4.as far as one is concerned 5.feel at home 6.travel agent 7.settle in 判断正误:1. T 2.T3.F4.F5.F6.T7.F8.T课文问题答案:1. Xielei is in England to plete a business qualification.2. Because studying in England is quite different and the preparation course is beneficial. It can help her to get used to academic requirements of a Western university.3. Xie lei had to learn almost everything again, such as how to use the phone; how to pay on the bus; how to ask a shopkeeper for things she didnt know the English for.4. Her host family and her tutor.5. She wants to meet some people who have things in mon with her.6. She tried to learn everything again, such as how to use the phone; how to pay on the bus; how to ask a shopkeeper for things she didnt know the English.She took a preparation course to get ready for the academic requirements.At the same time ,her tutor and the host family helped her a lot.Warming up1. (1) adjust my watch adjust himself very quickly to(2) needs adjusting Reading 1. board the train now On board a ship On board the plane2. gave us an interesting lecture Is not lecturing this term Not all can lecture on Do stop lecturing me.He always lectures his children for being untidy.3. He has got a medical qualification.He has the right qualification for the job.4. He did too little for his examination. In preparation She is making preparation for her marriage.5. Can you remend a good dictionary to me?They remended him as a good lawyer.I remend buying this dictionary.The doctor remends his patient to go out for a walk.The teacher remended that everyone should take an active part in the English party.Your plan has very little to remend.has nothing to remendAllow me to introduce John to you.He remended a book on English study to me.6. I am not used to getting up late.He has got used to the cold weather of the country.He used to enjoy classical music.He has been used to the English food.Coal is used to keep people warm in winter in this area.7. I couldnt decide which book to choose.Remember when to return.8. They did everything for our fort.The news brought fort to all of us.to be forted.He is a substitute player on the team.We must substitute a new chair for the broken one.9. The academic year usually starts in September.He is an academic in Cambridge.10. He was numb with terror.Her fingers were numbed by the cold.His leg was numbed by the intense pain.11. They acknowledged having been defeated at last.He is generally acknowledged as the finest poet in the world.His service to the country was never officially acknowledged.I was standing right next to her, but he didnt even acknowledge me.12. Our losses are beginning to concern me.There is growing concern that they have been killed.What are your main concerns as a writer? It is no concern of mine.13. children will not feel at home14. Hopefully, we will arrive before dark. “Im sure we will find it”. he said hopefully.15. A silence succeeded his words.Miss Black succeeded Mr. Smith as our teacher.He succeeded in winning the first place. Using language 1. Draw a line parallel to/with this one.The railway line rushes parallel to/with the road.This tradition has no parallel in our culture.Their legal system parallels our own.2. We have abundant evidence to prove his guilt. The country has abundant supplies of oil and gas.3. He has settled in his hometown. There are many things we can do to help him settle in.

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