2019-2020年高中英语 Module 10 Unit 1 Building the future导学案学生版 牛津译林版选修10.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 10 Unit 1 Building the future导学案学生版 牛津译林版选修10.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 10 Unit 1 Building the future导学案学生版 牛津译林版选修10.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Module 10 Unit 1 Building the future导学案学生版 牛津译林版选修10Learning aims:1. To raise reading ability by focusing on language points.2. To grasp the new language usage in the text by learning them.Difficult points: To grasp the new language usage in the text .Learning procedures:( Preview the text.)Step 1 phrases1.一个长期的问题_2.短期解决方法_3一项社区计划_4.传统的商业 _5.改善基础实施_6. 改善生活质量_7.制作艺术品 _8.发展援助 _9.沟通的机能 _ _10.邮政服务 _11.与贫困的根源作斗争_ 12.失业和无家可归的人_-_13.通向更美好未来的良好开端_14.进口粮食_Step 2 Translate the following sentences:1. In 1985, there was little rainfall in Ethiopia, which led to destroyed harvests and killed cattle. 2. Geldof intended the concert to raise money for and public awareness of the famine. 3. The concert also received so much attention around the world that it put great pressure on politicians and malnutrition. 4. On top of this, according to the United Nations, hunger and malnutrition claim ten million lives every year. 5. There is a saying that goes “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.” 6. What developing countries really need to do is to stop poverty by fighting the causes of it. 7. If these things develop, jobs will be created for people, allowing them to help themselves instead of being dependent on other people 8. In the next several decades, it is believed that the words population will increase to about nine billion people. 9. This development needs to be different from past development, which polluted the environment and wasted natural resources. 10. We are currently consuming fossil fuels at a much higher rate than they are being produced. Step 3 Language points (in class)1. In 1985, there was little rainfall in Ethiopia, which led to destroyed harvests and killed cattle. (L1) 1985年,埃塞俄比亚几乎没有降雨,这导致收成损毁,牛蓄死亡。1). lead to 通向,导致All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马.Reducing speed limits should lead to fewer deaths on the roads. lead to (some place) 带领去(某地)The waiter led us to our table. lead to do =cause to do 导致做什么让你相信这一切?What led you to believe this?2). cattle 用作为复数的集体名词 n. 牛(视为_数,集合用法-动词要用_数形式) 以草为食_一头牛_ 十头牛_一群牛_拓展:类似的集合名词有: people, police, cattle, poultry, goods作主语时,谓语用复数.2. The concert took place on 13 July 1985 in two locationsin London and in Philadelphiaand included the biggest stars of the time. (L4) 1985年7月13日,音乐会在伦敦和费城两地举行,出席者包括了当时最红的巨星。 take place 发生,举行词义辨析: take place, happen, occur, e about, break out(查字典或参考书)e.g.1) Great changes have _ _in our hometown during the past ten years. 2) I see him on my way home. = It happened that I saw him on my way home.3) It_ me that she didnt know I had moved into the new house. 4) Ill never understand how it_ _ that you were late three times a week.5) Do you know how the air accident _?6) A fire _ in the hospital in the mid-night. 3. The concert also received so much attention around the world that it put great pressure on politicians and malnutrition. (L8) 音乐会还受到了全世界的极大关注,这给政客们施加了巨大压力,迫使他们为这次饥荒做一些事情。put pressure on 给。施加压力 血压_ It was done under the pressure of the necessity_ 他们施加压力要我们卖掉宝贵的土地。_相关短语: at high /low pressure_under pressure_ under the pressure of _ 对。施加压力做_不要在把柄上太用力了,它会坏的。 4. On top of this, according to the United Nations, hunger and malnutrition claim ten million lives every year. (L14) 1). on top of 另外,此外“ 除此以外”类似短语:adv. in addition to something, especially something unpleasant: 另外We missed the train, and on top of that we had to wait for two hours for the next one.根据所学的知识完成下列练习.He put his books_. 他把他的书放在她的上面.我们没有赶上火车,而且还要等两个小时才能坐下一班车。We missed the train, and _ _ _ _, we had to wait for two hours for the next one. on top adj./adv. 在上面 on top of the world adj. 非常幸福的 from top to toe/bottom adv. 从头到脚2)。claim claim sth 值得,需要,夺去生命,要求 sb claim (that) 声称 ;断言 sb claim to do 声称曾经The earthquake _ _.那次地震夺走了数千条人命. He claimed (that) he had seen the picture.= He _ _ _ _ the picture.他声称他曾看过这幅画.n.要求, 主张 , (要求的) 权利,资格make a claim 提出主张/要求 give up a claim 放弃要求5. at risk _ at the risk of _at any risk _ at ones own risk _take the risk of _ occur risks _我明知会受到惩罚也要做。_ _他冒着生命危险救出了那孩子_ 6. It is without doubt an amazing achievement, but is it enough?(L25) without doubt_归纳doubt 的用法。n. 怀疑, 疑惑, 不确定doubt about/as to sth. 关于 的怀疑doubt (about/as to) +whether/if (用于肯定句) 对某事是否 持有疑问doubt that (用于否定/疑问句) 怀疑beyond/out of doubt(副) 毫无疑问地, 确实地 no doubt(副) 确实地, 必定地 without doubt(副) 无疑地, 必定地vt. 怀疑, 疑惑, 不相信doubt + n. doubt + whether/if (用于肯定句) doubt + that (用于否定/疑问句)根据所学知识完成下列句子. _ he is the best man for the job. 他是不是担任那项工作的最合适人选,有些怀疑._ we did the right thing. 毫无疑问我们做得对._. 似乎没有理由怀疑她所说的话.I _ she would e.我从未怀疑过她会来. doubt 无论是作名词还是动词用,用在否定/疑问句中后面如接that 从句; 作动词用时, 在肯定句中后接whether/if 从句, 作名词用; 否定句中有接whether 从句只能用于肯定句.(归纳拓展)adj. doubtful 在怀疑的,不确定的be doubtful about (doing) sth. 不确定, 怀疑 be doubtful whether/if/that 未必; 难说; 不大可能7. at a crossroads_处于人生重大转折点_ 这个年轻人很难抉择,他不能决定是应该继续学业还是接受这高薪工作。_ _8. There is a saying that goes:“Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day.”(L31)go vi 1)(文章等)表达为 写着.1)I remember the tune. But how do the words go?我记得那曲但是歌词是怎么唱的?2)_(正如俗话所说),where there is a will ,there is a way.常见的短语归纳:go about 走动;从事 go after 追逐;追求 go against违背,反对;不利于 go all out 全力以赴go down下去,下降;(价格)下跌;(品质、价值)降低;(日月)落下;go up 上升,上涨;登上,爬上 go in for 参加(竞赛,考试);从事,喜欢go out 外出;熄灭 go ahead前进;请说(做)go through通过,经过;经历(痛苦的事);对查看一遍go with 和.一起去;和.相配 go without没有.而将就9if they switch from importing food to producing it.(L33)switch vt.vi.1)变换(为),转变,更改,更换,交换eg.1) 他们把这部电影的外景拍摄地换为夏威夷。 2)Husband and wife should switch (with each other) occasionally. Vt.vi接通或切断(电流等)=turn(on/off)在你外出前要把电视关掉。_ n.1)开关,栓 turn on /off the light switch 2)(突然的) 变化,变更,转换 a switch in thought 思想的转变把划线部分短语翻译成汉语。The house is so dark. Please switch on the lights.Tom switched off the TV because it was time for him to sleep.I always switch off when he starts talking about his favourite stars.I dont like to watch TV series. Could you switch it over to the sports channel?Im sorry. The line is busy, so I cant switch the call through to the General Managers office.10,allowing them to help themselves instead of being dependent on other people.(L40)dependent adj.1)依赖的,被抚养的,从属的(on/upon)他依然依靠双亲生活。 _2)视而定的,受.影响的,取决于(on/upon)我们去或不去要看天气而定. _.n.受抚养者,抚养的家属dependent (反义词)_,(动词)_(名词)_11 Clearly, development aid together of poverty.(L41)_that development aid the problem of poverty.(句型转换)clearly(同义词)_/_我们很清楚他们不信任我们.(一句多译)_课后自测(用所给短语的适当形式填空)put pressure on together with on top of without doubt at riskat a crossroads be dependent on fall behind according to lie in1. Today,many young people dont want to 1ive with their parents and they hate_ them. 2. The difficulty we are facing _not knowing what to do next. 3. When Mr. Wang saw a boy drowning,he dived into the river _to his own. 4. The newspapers_ the team to replace the manager. 5. On the last two 1aps,several of the runners who _at the beginning sped up and caught up with John. 6. _, we need to start our project as soon as possible. Everybody can see it. 7. To be or not to be,Hamlet was standing_. 8. Im very busy these days. Im preparing for the final-term exam,and_ that, I have to finish my essay this weekend. 9. A 1ibrary,_ 5,000 books,was presented to the country as a gift. 10. _ todays newspaper,the superstar will visit our city next week.Step 4 Homework1. Review the language points2. Remember the important words and phrases.高三英语导学案 (Module 10)(Period4-5)Unit 1 Grammar and usage【学习目标】 掌握连接词的功能并能熟练运用。一、课前预习从结构上说,英语连接词分两大类:并列连词(coordinating conjunctions)和从属连词(subordinating conjunctions)。并列连词连接两个或两个以上地位平等的字、词组或分句。例如:Air and water are indispensable to me. She likes going out with friends or playing outdoor games. Most workers have a good ine, so they look very happy. 从属连词连接两个或两个以上的分句,形成复杂句中的从属分句。引导时间状语从句的:after, before, when, as, while, since, until, till, as soon as, the moment, the first time,引导原因状语从句的:because, since, as, for引导让步状语从句的:although, though, no matter(无论), even if / though引导条件状语从句的:if, unless, once, so (as) long as, on condition that 引导结果状语从句的:so that , such that 引导目的状语从句的:so that , in order that 引导比较状语从句的:as as , not so (as) as , than 引导方式状语从句的:as if/ though 引导主语,宾语或表语从句的连词主要有:that, whether, if三个。其中that 和whether间或还可以引起同位从句和状语从句。二、课中学习Task 1: 牢记以下连接词的用法1、 表示罗列增加(递进)first, second, third, firstly, secondly, thirdly, first, then / next, after that / next, finally / last / last but not least, and equally important, on (the) one hand, on the other hand, besides / whats more / in addition (to sth.) / furthermore / moreover / another / also / too, plus, as well, especially / particularly / in particular2、表示时间顺序now, at present, recently, after, afterwards, after that, after a while, in a few days, at first, at the beginning (of sth.), to begin with, to start with, later, next, finally, immediately, soon, suddenly = all of a sudden, at that moment, as soon as, the moment, form now on, from then on, gradually, at the same time = meanwhile, till, notuntil, before, after, when, while, as, during3、表示解释说明now, in addition, for example, for instance, in this case, in fact / as a matter of fact / actually, frankly speaking, in other words, in simpler terms, that is to say, to put it differently4、表示转折关系but, however, while, though, yet, still, nevertheless, or, otherwise, on the contrary / on the other hand,in spite of / despite the fact that, even though, except (for), instead, in stead of, of course, after all, even so5、表示并列关系or, and, also, too, not only but also, as well as, both and, either or, neithernor6、表示因果关系原因:because, because of = thanks to = due to = owing to, since = now that, as, for,结果:so, therefore, thus, hence, as a result (of), on this / that account, sothat, suchthat, in this way7、表示条件关系as (so) long as, on condition that, if, unless8、表示让步关系though, although, as, even if, even though, whether or, however, whoever, whatever, whichever, wherever, whenever, no matter how (who, what, which, where) 9、表示举例for example, for instance, such as, like, take for example10、表示比较be similar to, similarly, the same as, in contrast, pared with (to), just like11、表示目的for this reason, for this purpose, so that, in order that, in order to, so as to,12、表示强调indeed, in fact, surely, certainly, no doubt, without any doubt, truly, obviously, above all13、表示概括归纳in a word, in short, in brief, in summary, on the whole, generally speaking, in general, in my opinion, as far as I am concerned, as what has been mentioned, to sum up, to conclude, in conclusionTask 2: 用所给的词完成下面短文: finally, then, at first, after that I had a bad cold last week. _, I had a running nose, but I did not take it seriously. _I began to cough. _, I had a fever and felt weak. _, I was sent to hospital and had to lie in bed for three days.and , but, finally, immediately, now, at first, one day, then, so,The naughty boy in the story “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” has grown up. _he works as a weatherman in his village. _he studied the weather carefully _found that a storm was ing. _, he told all the villagers to prepare for the bad weather, _ no one believed him. _, the weather was fine, _ the villagers said that the young man was lying again. _the weather suddenly changed _a storm wind came. All the villagers tried to save the crops _ it was too late. _, the storm ruined all the crops. but, moreover, of course, for one thing, in addition, however, first, furthermore, then, secondForeign cars are often more expensive to own in the United States than American-made cars. _, foreign cars cost more to buy. _, there are reasons for this. The quality of workmanship that goes into making them is very high. _, high tariffs(关税)on many foreign models have raised prices. _, foreign cars often cost more to register. _, insurance rates can be higher. _, parts and repair costs are much greater than they are for American cars. _, there are some financial advantages.三、课后检测1. Id get it for you _ I could remember who last borrowed the book.A. on condition that B. now that C. except that D. considering that2. She always takes careful notes in class _ she may review them from time to time.A. so that B. in order to C. because of D. rather than3. Earthworms occur _ adequate moisture and food and the necessary soil conditions are found.A. and B. however C. but D. wherever4. Contrary to _ I had expected, he lost for a second time.A. that B. what C. which D. who5. Although Mr smith is one of those teachers who appear to be friendly, _ he is very hard to deal with.A. but B. so C. so that D. yet6. It is a good idea to take a first-aid kit _ there is an accident.A. in case B. in the event of C. in condition D. but that7. He burned all the important documents _ that they should fall into the enemys hands.A. unless B. so C. lest D. for fear8. I have little doubt about his petence; _ he is well-qualified for the job.A. although B. because C. moreover D. yet9. He was late_ the traffic jam.A. because B. as a result C. as a result of D. for the result of10. Jenny went to a party and _didnt study her lessons.A. so B. however C. therefore D. still11. There is still much to discuss. We shall, _, return to this item at our next meeting. A. therefore B. however C. otherwise D. briefly12. _ English, she is good at speaking German and French.A. Except B. Except for C. Beside D. Besides13. Roses need special care _ they can live through winter. A. because B. so that C. even if D. as 14. I dont mind picking up your things from the store. _ the walk will do me good. A. Sooner or later B. Still C. In time D. Besides 15. I cant use your pen, _ there is no ink in it.A. for B. when C. if D. whether 16. Satellite photographs can provide information on _ rain are falling.A. which where and how much B. where and howC. where and how D. where and how much17. The old man is no coward; _ he is a man of high spirits.A. rather than B. on the contrary C. on the other hand D. at the same time18. You should get the license in two weeks; _, youll have to pay a fine.A. yet B. still C. or D. consequently19. I had hardly reached the airport _ he started for his destination.A. then B. when C. the moment D. than 20. This machine is new. _, it is in excellent condition.A. Furthermore B. However C. Otherwise D. but21. Although, its raining, _are still working in the fields.A. they B. but they C. and theyD. so they22. I thought he hated the TV .You are right,_ he still watches the program.A. yet B. besides C. also D. then23. My sister is expecting me,_ I must be off now. A. however B. or C. so D. otherwise24. We should pay attention _ to industry _ to agriculture.A. either, or B. neither, nor C. not, but D. both, and25. We have produced 15% more cotton this year_ we did last year.A. as B. than C. like D. white26. He spoke loudly _ the audience could hear him clearly.A. so B. that C. so that D. in order to27. The book is not easy._ its rather difficult.A. On the one hand B. On the contrary C. On the other hand D. On the other contrary28. _ you understand this rule, you will have no further difficulty. A. Once B. At once C. Only D. Only then29._ , most teenagers now listen to rock music . However, Jonah prefers classical music .A. In a word B. In general C. In particular D. In total 30. -I think the pany may not offer you a good pay.-_, I wont take the job.A. That is to say B. What is more C. In other words D. In that caseUnit 1 Project(Period 6-7)【学习目标】 理解文章并掌握其中的重点词汇、句型和语法。一、 课前预习1. Translate the following sentences into English.1. 据信,在未来的数十年中,世界人口将增产到大约九十亿。 2. 对于现在讨论的这个问题,一种可能的解决办法就是可持续发展。 3. 这是一个简单的想法, 不过也是一个难以付诸实践的理念。 4. 这就是许多人正在强烈要求使用替代能源的原因。 5. 替代能源是可再生的, 这就意味着它们不会耗尽。 6.不过,在一些发展中国家,人们被教授如何使用可再生能源。 2. Read a feature story on Page 14, focus on the title first an


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