2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit15—Unit16知识梳理.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit15Unit16知识梳理词汇单词dormitory,recognize,surely,diamond,explain,ball,jewelry,franc,continue,lovely,debt,precious,positive,attend,earn,lecture,silly,mosquito,bat,author,besides,outline,plot,quality,experiment,glove,gas,liquid,advantage,disadvantage,application,engine,nuclear,fort,unnecessary,successful,conduct,lightning,thunderstorm,string,charge,electric,shock,prove,tear,frame,handkerchief,control,sharp,foot,fasten,sense,test,shampoo,skin,drug,activist,doubt,cruel,view,conclusion词组call on,bring back,day and night,pay off,at most,act out,a number of,a great deal of,pick out,test on语法情态动词must,cancould,maymight表示猜测。构词法合成词交际用语征求许可:Could wel? MayCan I?Shall we? Is it possible?Do you mind?讨论可能:It cant beIt could beHe mightThey must发出指令:Build the frame of the kite by makingAdd a tail to the frame and tie a long string to the crossFirst,fix a sharp piece of metalSecond,fasten a key to the end of the long string讨论和评估,赞成与反对: AdvantagesIts good for the economyIt can help many people in the futureIt is cleaning and does not pollute the airIt is important for scienceIt brings people more fort Disadvantageslt is too expensiveIt is dangerous or bad for your healthIt is bad for the environment1t is unnecessarySome people will use it for other thingsI dont think I know youYou dont look very wellThey have much more difficulty this year than last year.1 would rather not tell youe to see us if possibleWhat works with animals often does not work with humans辨析词语 (1)recognizeknowrealizeadmit recognize“认出,辨认,承认,公认”(为终止性动词),动作不可延续,不与表示一段时间的状语连用。 know“知道”,侧重客观事实: realize“意识到,认识到”。 admit“承认(事实、错误等)”。 recognize sbones voiceones handwritinga new governmentsbas认出某人听出声音辨出字迹承认新政府公认是 (2)acceptreceive accept表示主观愿意,有“接受,承认,认可,同意,接纳”之意。 receive表示客观上“接到,收到”,还有“受到,得到,接待”之意。 例:Einstein received a lot of gifts,but he didnt accept them (3)worth worth adj意为“值得的,有价值的,值的”。 U意为“价值,精神价值”。 例:These few books are well worth reading 这几本书很值得一读。 This precision instrument is worth 10 000 yuan 这台精密仪器值一万元。 a jewel of great worth一颗价值昂贵的宝石 worthless adj无价值的,无用的 worthwhile adj值得花时间(或精力)的,合算的 worthy adj有价值的,可尊敬的,配得上的 (4)costtakespendpay cost vt价值(多少钱),需要(多少钱),花费(时间、金钱、劳力)(句型是:sthDoing sthcosts sbsome timemoneylabour) 使付出(代价),使失去(句型是:SthDoing sthcosts sbsth) n费用,成本,价钱 例:How much does this book cost? 这本书需要多少钱? Careless driving cost him his life 开车不小心使他丢了性命。 reduce the production cost降低生产成本 take需要,花费(句型是:It takes sbsome time to do sth) 例:It took us a week to do the work 我们花了一个星期完成这项工作。 spend花费,用(钱)(句型是:Sbspends some money on sth(in)doing sth) 例:spend money on books花钱买书 spend a lot of care on sth(in)doing sth 在某事上做某事时费很多心血 pay支付,付清(句型是:Sbpays money for sth) 例:How much did you pay for that book? 你买那本书花了多少钱? It took them ten years to pay off the debts 他们花了十年时间才还清债务。 (5)after allat allin allall in all after all毕竟,终究(位于句首,含有提醒“别忘了”之意;放在句末,则指尽管有前面所说情况,但某事还是发生了。) 例:Dont get discouraged by setbacks,we are new to the work after a11 别因挫折而灰心,这工作对我们来说毕竟还是陌生的。 I know he hasnt finished the work,but,after all,he is a very busy man 我知道他尚未完成工作,不过,别忘了,他是个大忙人。 at all根本,居然,一点也不(常用于否定句和条件从句以加强语气) 例:Do it well if you do it at a11要做就要做好。 I dont agree with him at a11我根本不同意他的意见。 in all总共 例:There are two hundred people in all in the hall 大厅里总共有两百人。 all in all总的说来;最心爱的(东西) 例:All in all,it was a success 总的说来,这事是成功的。 be all in all to sb对某人说来,是一切的一切(或是无价之宝) (6)charge vt使充满,使饱含;要(价),收(费);使带电;控告,指控(with) n充电;主管;费用,价钱 例:The air is charged with vapour(odours) 空气中饱含水汽(各种气味)。 charge a battery为蓄电池充电 charge sbmoney for sth因向某人要钱 be charged with murder and arson被控杀人放火 take charge of sbsth负责管理、照管 in charge of sbsth负责,掌管某人某事 in the charge of sbelse由别人负责、掌管 under the charge of在掌管(看管)之下 free of charge免费 (7)advantage C有利条件,优点 u优势,好处,利益 gainhavewin an advantage over胜过,优于 have the advantage of胜过,占优势 take advantage of sb欺骗(或捉弄)某人 take advantage of sth乘机利用某事(某物) take sbat advantage乘某人不备 turn to advantage使转化为有利 to advantage使优点突出 to sbs advantageto the advantage of sb对某人有利 advantageous adj有利的,有帮助的 disadvantage不利的情况 例:At the end of an hours play,the advantage lay definitely with him 经过一个小时的比赛,他已取得绝对优势。 (8)discoverfindfind outinvent discover sbsth发现某人某事(指新发现原已存在而尚未被人所知的东西) discover thatwh-clause发现(某种情况) discover sbdoing sth发现某人在做某事 find找到(丢失了的东西);发现,发觉 find out弄清,查明(指通过观察、探索而发现事实的真相) invent发明,创造(原来不存在的东西) 例:discover new coal mines发现新煤矿 We have discovered that he is quite careful in his work 我们发现他工作很仔细。 I looked for the keys for several days but havent found them这些钥匙我找了几天,可是至今仍未找到。 Please find out when the ship sails for Shanghai 请打听一下那艘船什么时候开往上海。 Chinas first automatic four-color glass printer was invented by a Chinese technician 中国第一架自动化四色玻璃印花机是一位中国技术员发明的。 (9)mean v意思是,打算,意味着 mean to do sth打算做某事 mean doing sth意味着做某事 had meant to do sth本来打算做某事(表示未曾实现的意图) 例:l dont mean there to be any unpleasantness 我的意思不是要引起任何不愉快。 Accepting the job means living abroad 接受这项工作就意味着要在国外居住。 I had meant to e to your help,but 1 was really too busy我本来想过来帮助你的,可我实在太忙了。 比较: try to do sth试图做某事,努力做某事 try doing sth试做某事(看效果如何) stop to do sth停下来以便做某事 stop doing sth停止做某事 rememberforget to do sth记住忘记要做某事rememberforget doing sth记得忘了做过某事 regret doing sth后悔做了某事 (10)prove/turn outprove vt.& vi.证明;证明是,表明是prove vt. + clauseprove + n./pron.prove vi.(+to be)+adj.turn out结果是,原来是,被察觉为(含有较强的意外之意)例:Facts have proved that the creative power of the masses knows no limits.事实证明群众的创造力是无穷的。The method proved (to be )highly effective.这方法证明是非常有效的。He turned out to be a thief.他原来是个小偷。(11)control vt.& n.控制,支配,调节 control oneself(ones feelings)抑制自己的感情have (no) control over/of 能(不能)控制自己的感情lose control of 失去对的控制take control of 管辖,管理beyond control 无法控制out of control 不受限制in control (of) 控制住,管理bringunder control 把控制住识记句型1 I dont think I know you我想我不认识你。 否定转移句,形式上是主句谓语动词否定,意思上却是从句否定。用Iwe作主句主语时,反意疑问句要与从句相对应。用第二、三人称代词或名词作主句主语时,反意疑问句与主句相对应。类似用法的动词还有believe,expect,feel, imagine, suppose等。例:I dont suppose she loves him, does she?我认为她不爱他,是吗?He didnt believe doing morning exercises every day will be of any good to him, did he? 他认为每天做早操对他没有什么益处,是吗?2 You dont look very well你的脸色看上去不太好。 I know I look older than my age. 我知道我看上去比我的年纪要大一些。 此句中look作系动词,后面跟形容词作表语。类似的系动词还有:sound(听起来),smell(闻起来),taste(尝起来) 例:The music sounds sweet这音乐听起来很悦耳。3 much more + U + than比多(大)得多many more+C+than比多得多much more+多音节形容词/副词+than 比.更 例:They have much more difficulty in their work this year than last year.今年他们工作中的困难比去年多得多。There are many more tall buildings now than before in this city现在这座城市的高楼比从前多得多。 We must work much more carefully than we did before我们必须比以前更加谨慎地工作。4 would rather(not)do sth宁愿(不)做某事 Would rather do sththan do sthelse 宁愿做某事而不愿做另一件事 would rather that宁愿(从句时态用一般过去时,表示现在或将来的情况;用过去完成时,表示过去的情况) 例:1 would rather stay here(than go with him) 我宁可留在这儿(也不愿跟他去)。 - May I go on? - Id rather you didnt 我可以继续下去吗? 我宁愿你不再继续。5 状语从句中的省略连词+省略主语和动词be的从句 在表示时间、地点、条件、方式或让步等的状语从句中,如果谓语动词含有动词be,主语又和主句的主语一致或是it时,常常把从句中的主语和动词be省略。 例:Be careful when crossing the street 过马路时要当心。 e to see us if possible如果可能,就来看看我们。6 What works with animals often does not work with humans在动物身上做试验有效,用在人体时却经常无效。 What引导主语从句,同时又在从句中作主语。主句谓语是does not work。 例:What seems easy for us is usually hard for him一些在我们看来十分容易的事情,对他来说却总是很难。触类旁通1No one can you in that disguise though you as the best football player in the school Arealize;are recognized Brecognize;are realized Cknow;are admitted Drecognize;are recognized 【答案】D 【解析】主句意为“你那么一化装,谁也认不出你来了”,recognize在此意思是“辨认”。从句中用are recognized,是指“被公认为”,故选答案D。2I dont think the book_ twiceIt is_ twenty yuan at the most Aworth reading;worth Bcost;worthy of Cvalued;worthy Dvaluable;worth 【答案】 A 【解析】此题考查worth的用法。be worth作为“值(价);值得做”的意思。第一句中worth reading twice意为“值得看两遍”,作宾语补足语,短语前省略动词be。第二句意为“它至多值二十元”。故选答案A。be worthy of意为“值得,配得上”。3Jane the new dress her mother had just made for her and looked extremely beautiful Aput on;on her Btried on;in it Cwore;on her Dhad on;in it 【答案】B 【解析】第一空格表示动作,可用put on或tried on。第二空格意思是指“穿着这条连衣裙”,故选答案B。4Although she a valuable diamond necklace sent by Jack,her mother advised her not to_ it Agot;receive Bwon;accept Creceived;accept Daccepted;receive 【答案】C 【解析】 receive“收到”;accept“接受”。5She the Frenchman for a year who tried every possible means to have her him Ahas married;married Bhas been married to;married Chas married;been married Dhas been married to;marry 【答案】D 【解析】此句意为“她和那个法国人结婚已经一年了,他曾经千方百计让她跟他结婚。”marry sb“娶某人,嫁给某人”,表示动作。be married to sb“和某人结婚”,表示状态。6Im going to get my cell phone since Ill have it turned for three whole days Ain charge;on Bcharged;on Celectrified;off Dwith electricity;off 【答案】 B 【解析】charge a cell phone“给手机充电”;turn on“开,旋开”。7Theres no_ that he knows itHe is so excited Aproblem Bdifference Cmatter Ddoubt 【答案】 D 【解析】Thereno doubt that是固定句型,意为“是毫无疑问的”。8We dont care if a dog smells ,but we really dont want him to smell Awell;well Bbad;bad Cwell;badly Dbadly;bad 【答案】D 【解析】本句意为:我们不介意狗的嗅觉是否很差,但我们确实不想让狗本身发出难闻的气味来。前一分句中smell是实义动词“嗅,闻”,后跟副词修饰,用well或badly都可以。后一分旬中smell为系动词“闻起来有气味”,后接形容词作表语,因此要用bad。9As a child,Charles Wheatstone liked to how things workedAnd in 1827,he a microphone Adiscover;invented Binvent;discovered Cfind out;discovered Dfind;invented 【答案】A 【解析】本题主要考查discover等的同义词辨析。本句意为:Charles Wheatstone小时候就喜欢弄明白各种事物的来龙去脉。1827年,他发明了麦克风。第一空格用discover或find out皆可,第二空格只能用invented。10Accepting the task means a lot of experiments chemistry Acarrying on;in Bcarrying out;in Cto carry on;in Dto carry out;on 【答案】 B 【解析】 此句意为:接受这项任务意味着要做大量的化学实验。mean doing sth“意味着做某事”。carry out experiments(in)“做(方面的)实验”。考题回放1一The woman biologist stayed in Africa studying wild animals for 1 3 years before she returned 一Oh,dear! She a lot of difficulties! (xx江苏卷) Amay go through Bmight go through Cought to have gone through Dmust have gone through 【答案】D 【解析】must have done表示“过去一定做过某事”,符合题意;而might have done表示“过去可能做过某事”,ought to have done表示“过去应该做而实际上没做”。2 My English-Chinese dictionary has disappearedWho have taken it? (xx上海卷)Ashould Bmust Ccould Dwould 【答案】C 【解析】 could have done sth表示对过去情况的推测,用在疑问句中,“谁可能把它拿走呢?”3 一 Is John ing by train? 一 He should, but he notHe likes driving his car. Amust Bcan Cneed Dmay 【答案】D 【解析】may“可能”。He likes driving his car说明John既可能乘火车来,也可能自己开车来。基础训练1I dont suppose anyone will look after the naughty cat, ?Ado I Bdont I Cwill they Dwont they2-Shall we go dancing or playing table tennis? -Which do yourself? Ado you rather Bwould you rather Cwill you prefer Dshould you like to3I think we should let him make the decision by himself. ,he is already eighteen AAt all BAbove all CFirst of all DAfter all4Although it was raining hard,they still Awent on to work Bwent on with work Ccontinued to work Dcontinued to working5I11 call you your office sometime next week Afor;in Bup;on Con;at Dout;to6Antonio promised to the money he had from Shylock Apay back;borrowed Bpay for;borrowed Cpay off;lent Dpay down;lent7He had 5 yuan,so he could buy two books . Ano more than;at the most Bnot more than;at most Cno less than;at last Dless than;at least8In my ,we can take of the fine weather and spend a whole day on the beach Asuggestion;occasion Bidea;chance Copinion;advantage Dview;disadvantage 9John was left the hotel,which more than 100 yuan for a room for one night Ain charge of;charged Bin the charge of;paid Cunder the charge of;gave Dunder the care of;offered10Mr. Li is now in control of the pany after Mr. Wang lost control of it Athe; B;the Cthe;the D;11Will you go to her birthday party? No, Aeven if inviting to Beven though invited to Cif inviting Dunless invited to go 1 2 came to his eyes after he read the letter and . ACries;tore it open BLaughs;tore it down CSmiles;tore it off DTears;tore it up 13The United States and Great Britain are by a mon language and mutual interests Atied Bproved Cconducted Djoined14The worker got when he touched the wire with electricity Afrightening;charging Bfrightening;charged Cshocked;charged Dshocked:chargingl 5The tea received a great of praise from Sophia,so we decided to give her a good of bags Anumber;deal Bdeal;number Cquantity;lot Dplenty:quantity参考答案与解析1C此题考查否定转移的反意疑问句。suppose接从句时要否定转移,反意疑问句主谓、时态与从句中主谓、时态一致。2B would rather do sth是固定用法,“宁可做某事”;prefer to do sth“更想做某事”;would like to do sth“想要做某事”。3D after all意为“毕竟,终究,别忘了”,用于提醒对方;at all意为“根本,全然”,常用于否定句和条件从句以加强语气;above all“首先,首要”;first of all“首先,第一”。4C此题考查同义词组辨析。continue to dodoing sth或go on doing sth意为“继续做(同一件事)”;go on to do sth意为“接着做(另一件事)”;go on with后跟名词。5C本句意为“下周某个时候我会到你办公室看你”。call on sb“拜访某人”; call at sbs+a place“到某人府上到某处看望某人”;call for sb“邀约某人”;call sbup“给打电话”;call out“大声叫唤”。6A此题考查pay构成的短语以及borrow和lend的意思对比。句意为“安东尼奥答应偿还他向夏洛克借的钱”。pay(sb)back(money)“偿还某人(钱)”;pay(money)for sth“花(钱)买某物”;pay off(debts,etc)“还清(债务等)”:pay down“用现金支付”。borrow sthfrom sb“向某人借某物”;lend sbsthlend sthto sb“把某物借给某人”。7A此题句意为:他只有五元钱,因此最多只能买两本书。no more than=only,“仅仅,只有”,强调少;not more than“不超过,不多于”,指“少于、等于”;no less than“不少于,不亚于”,强调多;less than“少于”。at (the)most“至多,不超过”;at(the)least“至少,起码”;at last“最后,终于”。8C此题句意为:在我看来,我们可以享受这晴朗的天气在海边度过一整天。in ones opinion为固定短语,意为“在某人看来”;take advantage of sth意为“趁机利用某物”。9A此题考查charge的用法。(be)in charge of“负责,管理”;(be)in the charge of一(be)under the care ot“由负责管理”;under the charge of“在某人照看下”。10D此题考查control短语。(be)in control of“控制,管理”;(be)in the control of“在管理、统治下”;lose control of“失去对的控制”;bring sth under control“把控制住”。11.B此题考查省略的状语从句,意为:即便受到邀请。 even ifeven though invited to even ifeven though I am invited to go to her birthday party,不定式符号后面的短语重复出现时一般常省略。12D此题考查tear作为名词和动词的用法。Tears e to ones eyes是固定表达法,意为某人眼里流出泪来。tear sthup“把某物撕碎”;tear sthopen“把某物撕开”;tear sthdown“拆毁,拆卸”。tear sth off“扯掉”。13A此题考查词义辨析。本题句意为:美国和英国由共同的语言和相互的利益结合在一起。tie在此句中意为“连接,联合”。14C此题句意为:这个工人触到带电的电线时受到电击。get shocked是被动结构的用法。charged with electricity是过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰wire。15B a greatgood deal 0f+不可数名词;a largegreatgood number of+可数名词;a lot of,plenty of,a largegreat quantity of+可数名词不可数名词。综合强化完形填空 The measure of a mans real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out -Thomas Macaulay Some thirty years ago,I was studying in a public school in New YorkOne day,Mrs Nanette Oneill gave an arithmetic 1 to our classWhen the papers were 2 she discovered that twelve boys had made exactly the same mistakes throughout the test There is nothing really new about 3 in examsPerhaps that was why Mrs Oneill 4 even say a word about itShe only asked the twelve boys to 5 after classI was one of the twelve Mrs Oneill asked 6 questions,and she didnt 7 us eitherInstead,she wrote on the blackboard the above words by Thomas MacaulayShe then ordered us to 8 these words into our exercise-books one hundred times I dont 9 about the other eleven boysSpeaking for myself I can say:it was the most important single 10 of my lifeThirty years after being 1 1 to Macaulays words,they still seem to me the best yardstick(准绳),because they give us a 12 to measure ourselves rather than others 13 of us are asked to make 14 decisions about nations going to war or armies going to battleBut all of us are called 15 daily to make a great many personal decisions 1 6 the wallet,found in the street,be put into a pocket l 7 turned over to the policeman?Should the 18 change received at the store be forgotten or 19 ?Nobody will know except youBut you have to live with yourself,and it is always 20 to live with someone you respect 1Atest Bproblem Cpaper Dlesson 2Aexamined Bpleted Cmarked Danswered 3A1ying Bcheating Cguessing Ddiscussing 4Adidnt Bdid Cwould Dwouldnt 5Ae B1eave Cremain Dapologize 6Ano Bcertain Cmany Dmore 7Aexcuse Brejct Chelp Dscold 8Arepeat Bget Cput Dcopy 9Aworry Bknow Chear Dtalk 10Achance Bincident C1esson Dmemory 11Areferred Bshown Cbrought Dintroduced 12Away Bsentence Cchoice Dreason 13AAll BFew CSome DNone 14Aquick Bwise Cgreat Dpersonal 15Aout Bfor Cup Dupon 16AShould Bmust CWould DNeed 17Aand Bor Cthen Dbut 18Aextra Bsmall Csome Dnecessary 19Apaid Bremembered Cshared Dreturned 20Aeasier Bmore natural Cbetter Dmore peaceful参考答案与解析1A arithmetic test,“算术测试”。2C mark作名词意为“分数,成绩”,此句中作动词,意为“打分,给分”。3B cheat在句中意为“考试作弊”。4A“考试作弊”司空见惯,所以老师没说一句话。5C根据下文,老师让这12个男孩放学后留下。6A根据下句didnteither,可知这一分句也要用否定形式。 7. D根据短文意思,可知老师既没问学生问题,也没责备他们。8D老师要求这12个男孩把Thomas Macaulay的这段名言在练习本上“抄写”100遍。9B“其他11个男孩的感受如何,我不知道。”know about“知道有关的情况”。10C“这件事是我一生中最重要的教训。”11D三十年前,老师把Thomas Macaulay的名言“介绍”给我。12A“因为他的名言给我们提供了一个衡量自己而不是衡量别人的方法。”13B只有少数的几个人才有权利决定凼家是否进行战争或军队是否打仗。14C国家宣战、军队打仗都是重大决定。15D call upon sbto do sth“要求(请、叫)某人做某事”。16. A此句和下句是排比句,句子结构鄙是Shouldor?17B“街上捡到的钱包,应该放在口袋里还是交给警察?”or表示选择。18. A the extra change“额外多找的零钱”。19D“商店里多找给的零钱,是把它遗忘还是把它还回去?20C live with“忍受,接受”。此句惑思是指以自己所尊敬的人的准则判断自己行为的正确性总是更好些。阅读理解 Collections were the inspiration(灵感)for a project at Thomas Tallis School,which formed part of the Imagine Childrens Literature Festival last autumnEach child(aged1213)beautified a box and wrote a story on the subject of collections to throw inside itThe boxes were spread within the Royal Festival Halls BallroomSome were left empty to encourage visitors to write their own stories The subject chosen by Lauren was an imaginative one“Its a sort of Cinderella(灰姑娘)story,”she told me,inspired by a collection of letters from her cousinIn the story these bee love letters,burned by a cruel stepmotherLaurens best friend Charlotte is the stepmother“Im in Charlottes story too,”says Lauren,“and l get


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