2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1 Building the future SectionⅠ同步练习 牛津译林版选修10.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1 Building the future Section同步练习 牛津译林版选修10.根据句意及括号内汉语或首字母提示,用合适的单词填空1People know little about what the l_ effects of the new drug will be.2I dont think you realize the g_ of the situation.3Should girls be allowed to w_ with boys?4She was in a d_ as to whether to go or stay.5Nothing can assure p_ happiness.6He made a large investment in the business _(企业)7She is a career woman rather than a _(家庭主妇)8The accident has not done any _(永久的) damage.9Shes six months _(怀孕的)10Shes very _(传统的) in her views.介、副词填空1He struck on a solution _ the problem.2He was aware _ the possibility of a recurrence of his illness.3Our school provides us _ all the things we need.4The bank put pressure_ the pany to reduce its borrowings.5The second paragraph relates _ the situation in Scotland.6They set _ many branches throughout the country.7She convinced me that Paul was _doubt,innocent.8We meet tonight _ a crossroads,a point of decision.9If they make efforts and try their best,they are not necessarily destined to fall _.10Susan is a devious person and we cant depend _ her.请用下面方框中所给短语的正确形式填空fill ones bellymake the headlinesintend.to.depend onbeyond doub1Id rather have plants somewhere than _ with the air.2The fact of the disaster relief showed _ that no difficulty can daunt the Chinese people.3The father _ his sons _ leave with him.4Such disasters as air crashes,earthquakes and regional bloodshed conflicts often _ in our life.5All living things _ the sun for their growth.单项填空1The only solution _ the problem is cooperation.AforBofCwith Dto 2If _,give me a ring and I will do whatever I can to help.Ain doubt Bbeyond doubtCwithout doubt Dopen to doubt3The story _ that he was once rich,but I do not believe it.Ago BgoesCsay Dsaying4The pany_ by animal rights groups since they used dogs in drugs trial.Awas targeted BtargetedCis targeted Dhas been targeted5Little rainfall will lead to _ harvests and killed _.Adestroy;cattle Bdestroyed;cattleCdestroyed;cattles Ddestroy;cattles6After carefully preparing for our plan,they decide to _.Ahave it carry out Bget it to carry outCput it into practice Dput into practice 7At present,scientists_ a quick solution to the problem.Aare pushing for Bpush forCmanaged Dacquired8puter plaints _ the pany to improve their products and services.Aburdens Bbrings inconvenience toCput great pressure on Dpress against9Im afraid Mr Wood cant see you until 4 oclock.Oh,_ I wont wait.Ano doubt Bafter allCin that case Din this way10Put the _ of your tongue against your upper teeth when you pronounce the sound.Atip BtopCpeak Dpole.阅读理解For Sparky,school was all but impossible.He failed every subject in the eighth grade.He flunked physics in high school,getting a grade of zero.Sparky also flunked Latin,algebra and English.He didnt do much better in sports.Although he did manage to make the schools golf team,he promptly lost the only important match of the season.There was a consolation(安慰)match;he lost that,too.Throughout his youth Sparky was awkward socially.He was not actually disliked by the other students;no one cared that much.He was astonished if a classmate ever said hello to him outside of school hours.Theres no way to tell how he might have done at dating.Sparky never once asked a girl to go out when in high school.He was too afraid of being turned down.Sparky was a loser.He,his classmates.everyone knew it.So he rolled with it.Sparky had made up his mind early in life that if things were meant to work out,they would.Otherwise he would content himself with what appeared to be his inevitable mediocrity(平凡)However,one thing was important to Sparky drawing.He was proud of his artwork.Of course,no one else appreciated it.In his senior year of high school,he submitted some cartoons to the editors of the Yearbook.Although the cartoons were turned down,Sparky was so convinced of his ability that he decided to bee an artist.After pleting high school,he wrote a letter to Walt Disney Studios.He was told to send some samples of his artwork,and the subject for a cartoon was suggested.Sparky spent a great deal of time on it.Finally,the reply came from Disney Studios.He had been rejected once again.Another loss for the loser.So Sparky decided to write his own autobiography(自传)in cartoons.He described his childhooda little boy loser and chronic underachiever.The cartoon character would soon bee famous worldwide.For Sparky,the boy who had such a lack of success in school and whose work was rejected again and again was Charles Schultz.He created the Peanuts ic strip(连环漫画)and the little cartoon character whose kite would never fly and who never succeeded in kicking a footballCharlie Brown.1From the first paragraph we can see that Sparky was_in high school.Aa failure Ban artistCa good player Da top student2Sparky never asked a classmate to go out with him because he was afraid of_.Amaking mistakes Bmaking friendsCbeing refused Dbeing invited3In his senior year,Sparky felt confident that he had ability to_.Aplay golf Bdraw cartoonClearn English Dwrite novels4His only success mentioned in this passage is_.Ahis golf match in high school Bhis artwork sent to the YearbookChis subjects in the senior year Dhis autobiography in cartoons5From the passage we can infer that Sparky is a_person.Aweak BproudCdisabled Ddetermined参考答案. 1.longterm2.gravity3.wrestle4.dilemma 5permanent6.enterprise7.housewife8.permanent9.pregnant10.conventional . 1.to2.of3.with4.on5.to6.up7.beyond8.at9.behind10.on . 1.fill my belly2.beyond doubt3.intended;to4.make the headlines5.depend on . 1. D提示:the solution to sth./doing sth.“解决的方法”。2. A提示:in doubt “怀疑,有疑问”;beyond doubtwithout doubt“毫无疑问”。句意为“如果你有疑问,请给我打电话,我会尽我所能来帮助你” 。3. B提示:the story goes that“传说”。4. D提示:根据since they used dogs in drugs trial.判断主句应用完成时。5. B提示:lead to“导致,造成”,to为介词;destroyed harvests“被破坏了的收成”,destroy与harvest 之间构成动宾关系;cattle为集体名词,本身就是复数,不能加s。6. C提示:have it carried out和get it carried out“让这件事被执行”才正确,故排除A、B两项;put sth.into practice“让某事付诸实践”。 7. A提示:根据at present判断时态应用现在进行时。 8. C提示:put pressure on sb.to do sth.“给某人施加压力去做某事”。 9. C提示:no doubt“毫无疑问”;after all“毕竟,终究”;in that case“那样的话”;in this way“通过这种方法”。句意为“恐怕伍德先生要到四点才能见你。要是这样的话,我就不等了。” 10. A提示:tip“尖(舌尖)”;top“顶端”;peak“最高峰,顶峰”;pole“极”。句意为“当你发这个音的时候,把你的舌尖抵到上牙上”。 . 1.A提示:通过“He failed every subject in the eighth grade.”和“He didnt do much better in sports.”以及所举的实例可以判断,斯帕克在学校里是个差生。2C提示:根据“He was too afraid of being turned down.”判断,他没和女孩子约会过是怕被拒绝。turn sb.downrefuse sb.。3B提示:根据“He was proud of his artwork.”和“In his senior year of high school,he submitted some cartoons to the editors of the Yearbook.”判断是他自信的是他画的卡通画。4D提示:通过“So Sparky decided to write his own autobiography(自传)in cartoons.”和“The cartoon character would soon bee famous worldwide.”判断,斯帕克以自身经历为题材写的卡通人物自传成为畅销全世界的书籍,这是他的成功。5D提示:通读全文可以发现斯帕克在上学期间经受了重重打击,毕业后在自己最自信的绘画上也没能避免,可是他没有气馁,最终获得了成功,因此他是一个意志坚定的人。


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