2019-2020年高中英语 Unit3 Word power Types of sports教 牛津译林版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit3 Word power Types of sports教 牛津译林版必修1.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit3 Word power Types of sports教 牛津译林版必修1BrainstormingLets discuss the following questions:Are you interested in sports? What kind of sports are you particularly fond of? Are there any school clubs in your school? Have you ever joined one of them? If not, are you planning to join one? How many different kinds of sports can you name?Read Part A and summarize the clubs Zhou Ling has discussed in her diary. For reference:Have you ever been to a gymnastic club? There are many kinds of equipment in a gym club. People can choose whichever they like and do many types of exercises to keep fit. Sometimes there will be trainers or experienced members giving some demonstrations for you to follow. Do you think you would join a gym club?Vocabulary learning1. In Part B, there are 12 different sports listed, each with a picture. Please look at these pictures carefully and describe each sport. You may consult each other or the dictionary whenever you meet new words before consulting me. You may ask such questions as how many team members are there in this sport? How is the sport played? What are its rules? What instructions does a new player have to pay attention to etc. ? You may talk to each other about your favorite sports and also give the reason why.2. Focus on Part C and finish it individually first. And then answer the following questions:What kinds of suggestions does Zhou Ling give to Amy?Zhou Ling gives specific advice to Amy about the exercises she can do after the operation.First, if Amy wants to get strong and have some sun with her friends, _.If Amy just wants to build her strength up by herself, Zhou Ling advises her to_.If Amy only wants to have some fun and exercise with some of her friends, she can try _.Possible answers:Part C 1. basketball 2. volleyball 3. football 4. baseball 5. aerobics 6. shooting 7. weightlifting 8. badminton 9. boxing 10. tennisshe could try basketball, volleyball, football, softball or baseball.she may try aerobics, shooting or weightlifting.she can try badminton, boxing , tennis or fencing.3. Deal with Part D 1 on page 97 in Workbook.Possible answers: 1. popular 2. exercise 3. control 4. regularly 5. skip 6. who 7. overweight 8. advice 9. cost 10. especially 11. causeVocabulary extension1. Lets discuss the following questions:Sports are quite popular all over the world. Different people have different interests and tastes. Some sportsare done indoors, while others are done outdoors. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. Differentsports require different skills and abilities. Can you fill in the following diagram with different sports? IndoorsAdvantages/ DisadvantagesSkills/ AbilitiesOutdoorsAdvantages/ DisadvantagesSkills/ Abilities2. Have a discussion on the following questions:Suppose one of your friends doesnt like sports and usually kills his or her time by reading or watching TV. Doyou think you can persuade him or her to give up this bad habit? What kinds of advice or suggestions will yougive to him or her?Imagine its the first time for your mother to e to a gym. As she has never done exercise on equipment, what tips will you give to her? Usually when you do outdoor activities either by yourself or with your friends, what preparations do youhave to make?3. Please read the two articles in Pats A and B in Reading on pages 98 and 99 in Workbook and answer the questions below the two articles. Part A. 1. Have the Japanese been living longer in recent years? 2. Why is it not true that the reason for Japanese peoples long lives is genetic? 3. What are the differences between Western lifestyles and those of the Japanese? 4. Which parts of a Western lifestyle are seen as damaging for health? 5. What can we learn from the Japanese lifestyle?Answers to Part A (page 98):Part A 1.Yes, they have been living longer.2. After the Second World War the Japanese usually died young.3. The Japanese eat less, take more exercise and are more relaxed. Their diet includes a lot of fish but western diets include very little fish. They get more exercise.4. Western people eat too much, dont exercise enough and do not relax.5.We should all think about what we eat and make sure that we get enough exercise.Part B. 1. What do scientists think is now the biggest cause of weight gain?2. What happened to the laboratory mice that had the special fat storing gene?3. What is the difference between people who burn off fat easily and those who often gain weight?4. What should people do to control their weight?5. What do the scientists hope to be able to do for humans using their results from the study on mice?Answers to Part B (page 99):1. They think it is genetic.2.They gained weight.3.The people who burn off fat easily are missing one special gene.4.People should be careful about what they eat and they should exercise to control their weight.5. They hope to produce new medicines to help people lose weight.


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