2019-2020年高中英语 Unit One Friendship 新人教版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit One Friendship 新人教版必修1I 单项填空1. The engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather the helpless for the crew at sea.A. added to B. added up C. made up D. turned up2. You cant imagine what difficulty we had home in the snowstorm.A. walked B. walk C. to walk D. walking 3. My sister is very upset today. Its your fault. You the bad news to her yesterday.A. should tell B. should have told C. shouldnt have told D. must tell4. There was time Iraq was one of the strongest countries in the world.A. a; when B. a; that C. the; that D. the; when5. Tom said that Mr. Johnson was unfair to him. I really wonder how he that to the teacher.A. dare to say B. dare saying C. not dare say D. dared say 6. Tom is always saying Im ugly, Mom. Just him. You are the most beautiful in my eyes.7. Mrs. Noland, who was born in a poor family, a lot of suffering when she was still a child.A. went along with B. went back on C. went through D. went into8. They each other for many years before they . A. had been in love; got married B. fell in love; got marriedC. had fell in love; married D. love; go married9. The old lady lives in a village far away from the city. She lives but she doesnt feel .A. lonely; lonely; alone B. alone; alone; lonely C. lonely; alone; lonely D. alone; lonely; alone10. It was after he got what he had wanted he realized it was not so important.A. that B. when C. since D. as11. It is reported that some mainland visitors to Hong Kong Disneyland didnt the park rules and behaved improperly.A. get across B. keep to C. take up D. make up12. To regain their after the exhausting walk; they stopped to have a short break by the road.A. force B. energy C. power D. health13. One of the best ways for people to keep fit is to healthy eating habits.A. grow B. develop C. increase D. raise14. In recent years global warming is being concern for people all over the world.A. the; the B. /; / C. /; a D. the; /15. I think youve got to the point a change is needed, otherwise youll fail.A. when B. that C. where D. whichII. 完形填空If you make a close friend in school, you will be most fortunate. A true friend is someone who stays with you for life. 16 teaches that this is right. A good friendship is not easily 17 . It is possible that we simply do not stay in one place long enough for a 18 friendship to develop. However, there can be 19 disagreement on the need for each of us to think carefully about the kinds of friendships we 20 . To most of us, 21 are considered very important, but we need to be clear in our 22 about the kinds of friendships we want. Are they to be close or 23 at arms length? Do we want to 24 ourselves or do we want to walk on the surface? For some people, many friendships on the surface are 25 enough and thats all right. But at some point, we need to 26 that our expectations are the same as our friends expectations. The sharing of personal experience our tears as well as our dark dreams is the 27 way to deepen friendships. But it 28 be undertaken slowly and carried on only if there are 29 of interest and action in return.What are some of the 30 of friendship? The greatest is the attraction to expectation to expect too much too soon. Deep relationships 31 time. Another “major difficulty” is the selfishness to think one “possesses” the other, including his time and attention. Similarly, friendships 32 actions in return. In 33 words, you must give as much as you take. Finally there is a question of taking care of the friendship. Unless you spend 34 time together, talking on the phone, and writing letters, friendships will die 35 .16. A. Knowledge B. Teachers C. Experience D. Parents17. A. understood B. formed C. realized D. produced18. A. true B. mon C. deeply D. actually19. A. no B. some C. any D. none20. A. obtain B. apply C. want D. appeal21. A. disagreements B. friendships C. expectations D. relationships22. A. hearts B. thoughts C. actions D. minds23. A. remained B. left C. stayed D. kept 24. A. own B. owe C. share D. spare25. A. that B. very C. not D. quite26. A. make sure B. remember C. expect D. check out27. A. easiest B. simplest C. surest D. hardest28. A. can B. need C. will D. must29. A. marks B. sights C. scenes D. signs30. A. difficulties B. differences C. advantages D. things31. A. cost B. spend C. ask D. take32. A. require B. request C. depend D. suggest33. A. some B. many C. other D. different34. A. enough B. fortable C. less D. a lot35. A. for B. away C. out D. fromIII. 阅读理解The right to pursue happiness is issued to us all with our birth, but no one seems quite sure what it is.A holy man in India may think that happiness is in himself. It is in needing nothing from outside himself. In wanting nothing, he lacks nothing. We westerners, however, are taught that the more we have from outside ourselves, the happier we will be, and then we are made to want. We are even told it is our duty to want. Advertising, one of our major industries, exists not to satisfy these desires but to create them and to create them faster than any mans money in his pocket can satisfy them. Here, obviously someone is trying to buy the dream of happiness and spending millions upon millions every year in the attempt. Clearly the happiness-market is not running out of customers. I doubt the holy mans idea of happiness, and I doubt the dreams of the happiness-market, too. Whatever happiness may be, I believe, it is neither in having nothing nor in having more, but in changing in changing the world and mankind into pure states.To change is to make efforts to deal with difficulties. As Yeats, a great Irish poet once put it, happiness we get for a lifetime depends on how high we choose our difficulties. Robert Frost, a great American poet, was thinking in almost the same terms when he spoke of “the pleasure of taking pains.”It is easy to understand. We even demand difficulty for the fun in our games. We demand it because without difficulty there can be no game. And a game is a way of making something hard for the fun of it. The rules of the game are manmade difficulties. When the player ruins the fun, he always does so by refusing to play by the rules. It is easier to win at chess if you are free, at your pleasure, to cast away all the rules, but the fun is in winning within the rules.The same is true to happiness. The buyers and sellers at the happiness-market seem to have lost their sense of the pleasure of difficulty. Heaven knows what they are playing, but it seems a dull game. And the Indian holy man seems dull to us, I suppose, because he seems to be refusing to play anything at all. The western weakness may be in the dreams that happiness can be bought while the eastern weakness may be in the idea that there is such a thing as perfect happiness in man himself. Both of them forget a basic fact: no difficulty, no happiness.36. Who shares the same idea of happiness with the author?A. the Indian holy man B. the great Irish poet YeatsC. advertisers D. the buyers and sellers at the happiness-market37. What does “happiness-market” mean in the second paragraph?A. It means a place in which people can buy things happily. B. It means a market which lacks happy customers.C. It means a pure state for the world and mankind.D. It means a market where people try to buy happiness with money.38. According to the passage, which of the following is right?A. The Indian holy man is much happier than westerners.B. The westerners understand happiness better than the Indian holy man.C. There is no fun without playing by the rules. D. Both the eastern weakness and western weakness are for the same reason.39. What does the author do in the fifth paragraph?A. He supports a point of view with an example.B. He argues against a point of view.C. He introduces a point of view.D. He tries to understand a point of view.


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