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2019-2020年高考英语知识归纳复习5自助式复习板块知识搜索 1.银子(n.)_2.英雄,男主角(n.)_3.场面,布景(n.)_4.法律(n.)_5.事业,生涯(n.)_6.戏剧(n.)_7.角色(n.)_8.女演员(n.)_9.和平,安宁(n.)_10.选择(n.)_11.学位(n.)_12.导演(n.)_13.剧本,手稿(n.)_14.学院(n.)_15.演播室,摄影棚(n.)_16.生物,动物(n.)_17.成年人(n.)_18.后续(n.)_19.残忍,残酷(n.)_20.行业,产业(n.)_21.欠,感激,归功于(n.)_22.接受,认可(v.)_23.决定,决心(v.)_24.加快(v.)_25.现场的 (adj.)_答案:1.silver2.hero3.scene4.law5.career6.drama7.role8.actress9.peace10.choice11.degree12.director13.script14.academy15.studio16.creature17.adult18.followup19.cruelty20.industry21.owe22.accept23.determine24.speed25.liveB. 短语26.成功,起飞 _ _27.对高度评价 _ _ _28.正在播出的 _ _ _29.追赶 _ _30.把某人监禁起来 _ _ _31.小学 _ _32.误入歧途 _ _33.银幕 _ _34.把归功于 _ _35.总共,总之 _ _36.担当一个角色 _ _ _37.外部空间 _ _38.和交朋友 _ _ _39.代替某人 _ _ _40.以全速 _ _ _答案:26.take off27.think highly of28.on the air29.run after30.lock sb. up31.primary school32.go wrong33.silver screen34.owe to35.in all36.play roles in37.outer space38.make friends with39.take ones place40.at full speedC. 句型41. He was warmly praised for his spirit of bravery.He was_ _ _ for his spirit of bravery.42. I hadnt enough money to buy a radio at that time.I _ _ _ _a radio at that time.43. He has determined to settle down in Hainan after he gets married. He has to settle down in Hainan after he gets married. 答案:41.thought highly of42.couldnt afford to buy43.made up his mindD. 语法44. He showed me around the factory _he once worked. 45. He showed me around the factory _he once worked in.46. The reason _he explained to us for his being late is unbelievable.47. The reason_ he came late is reasonable.48. I will never forget the days _we worked together.49. I will never forget the days_ we spent together.50. The house _windows were broken faces south.答案:44.where45.which/that46.which/that47.why48.when49.which/that50. whose重难聚焦重点单词要点1owe【例题】_ working tirelessly for the hungry, the homeless and the sick, Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.A. BecauseB. Owing toC. Thanks forD. As解析:首先排除C,正确的用法是thanks to; because, as表原因时是连词,但后面是非谓语动词短语,所以排除A和D项。答案:B归纳与迁移(1)欠债,负债,欠He owes me five dollars.他欠我5美元。I owe them an apology.我应向他们道歉。(2)感恩于,应归功于She owes her good health to diet and exercise.她的健康归功于饮食和锻炼。You seem to owe your neighbors a grudge.看起来你对你的邻居满怀怨恨。(3)owing to prep.由于;因为I couldnt attend,owing to illness.因为有病,我不能参加(4)because of;on account of 因为;由于要点2live【例题】 The greatest scientist _liked to watch _ programmes.A. alive;aliveB. live; liveC. alive;liveD. live; alive解析:alive “活着的”, 作后置定语;live “现场直播的”。答案:C归纳与迁移 (1)liveadj.多用作前置定语。活着的,热门的,现场的live animals活着的动物a live topic;热门话题still a live option仍然热门的选择a live television program现场直播的电视节目live entertainment 现场娱乐活动(2)alive 多用作表语,后置定语或补语。活着的,活跃的The fish we caught is still alive.我们捉的鱼还活着。In most cases, both parents were still alive and still married to each other.大多数情况下,他们的父母都还活着,而且仍然保持着婚姻关系。The argument was kept alive by the politicians.政治家们还在继续争论那件事。(3)lively adj.活泼的;充满生机和活力的;精力旺盛的;踊跃的a lively baby一个活泼的婴孩a lively tune欢快的乐曲a lively discussion踊跃的讨论(4)lovely可爱的;充满了爱的,有爱意的a lovely girl 漂亮的女孩a lovely scene 迷人的风景要点3beat【例题】 Whenever she saw the young man, she would feel her heart _fast.A. runningB. beatingC. strikingD. hitting解析:A项的意思是 “流动”;C的意思是“袭击;敲打”;D的意思是 “撞击”。答案:B归纳与迁移(1)反复击打Waves beat the shore海浪拍击着海岸(2)打拍子击打以发出乐声或信号beat a drum击鼓 (3)战胜,压倒,打败(defeat)对手beat the petitor 打败对手beat the team打败那个队(4)击溃,击退beat back the enemy击退敌人重点短语要点1in all【例题】_,we simply couldnt afford to pay such a high price. Secondly no building society would lend us so much money.A. After allB. At allC. First of allD. At first解析:secondly “其次”,由此可以看出是表示列举的顺序。after all毕竟,;at all根本;at first起先。答案:C归纳与迁移above all最重要的是,首先;尤其是,特别是after all毕竟,终究,归根结底at all完全,全然;究竟;竟然;在任何程度上for all尽管for all that (this) 尽管如此for good and all永久地,一劳永逸地Grasp all, lose all.样样都抓, 样样失掉; 贪多必失。in all总计;总的说来Its all up.(=All is up.)口一切都完了;毫无希望了。not at all 一点也不要点2take off【例题】After recovering from his illness, he was advised to_ gardening as a hobby.A. take awayB. take offC. take onD. take up解析:take up sth.的意思是 “从事,拿起”。答案:D归纳与迁移(1)脱掉(衣服)I took my hat off to him for the way he arranged the party.我对他安排社交聚会的方式表示佩服。Take off your clothes; theyre very wet.脱掉你的衣服,衣服湿透了。 (2)模仿(别人的神态) He likes to take his teacher off.他喜欢模仿他的老师。(3)(飞机)起飞The plane took off at three oclock.飞机三点钟起飞了。The nursery teacher often leads her children to watch aircrafts take off or land. 幼儿园教师经常带领孩子们去看飞机起飞或降落。要点3got married【例题】When did John ?He on May 23.A. be married; marriedB. get married; marriedC. married; was marriedD. get married; was married解析:根据第二部分的选项,先排除C和D两项,因为“be married”表示一种状态,此处表示瞬间的动作;同样,可以排除A。 答案:B归纳与迁移如何使用marry一词(1)marry在大多数情况下是及物动词,需要宾语或用被动语态:她什么时候结的婚?误:When did she marry?正:When did she get married?(2)在有副词修饰时,marry可作不及物动词She married very early.她结婚很早。(3)“和某人结婚”不能用with,而用to,也可以什么介词也不用,但应注意句型搭配:她和一个医生结了婚。误:She married with a doctor.误:She was married with a doctor.正:Shemarried a doctor.正:She was married to a doctor.(4)marry和get married 都是非延续性动词,因此不能与表示一段时间的状语连用;表示结婚已有一段时间应该用be married。他们结婚已经10年了。误:They have (got) married for ten years.正:They have been married for ten years.正:They (got) married ten years ago.正:It is ten years since they got married. 问现在的婚姻“状态”时,可说“Is she married(or single)?”但不说“Has she married?”必背句型要点1While watching Titanic,most people couldnt help crying.禁不住【例题】(xx湖北,24)How do you like the recorder?It cant help_my spoken English and I cant help _it away.A. to improve;throwB. improve;throwingC. improving;to throwD. improving;throwing解析:这是对help用法的考查。 “cant help(to) do” 的意思是“不能帮助”;“cant help doing”的意思是“情不自禁做某事”。答案:B归纳与迁移(1)帮助,援助;给予协助;帮助I helped her find the book. He helped me into my coat.我帮她找到了那本书。他帮我穿好大衣。(2)救助help the needy救济穷人(3)help oneself to.自用(食物等)Help yourself to some fish.随便吃点鱼吧。(4)cannot help but.不得不I cannot help but admire his courage.我不得不赞赏他的勇气。要点2When asked about the secret of his success, he said. .过去分词作状语的句型。【例题】 While buying things people usually cant help what they dont need at all.A. to persuaded buyingB. persuading to buyC. being persuaded buyingD. being persuaded to buy解析:根据persuade sb. to do sth“说服某人干某事”,首先排除A和C两项;此处意思表示被动(被说服),所以排除B。答案:D归纳与迁移(1)当主句和从句中的主语一致的情况下,若从句中的动词是be动词,则从句中的主语和be动词可以省略掉。Dont talk while (you are) eating.When (he was) asked how he gained the first place, he suddenly became cheerful.If (they are) operated by puter in the future, many of the trains will have no drivers.(2)从句的主语是it,而且从句又包含be,那么这个it和be动词都可省略。I will e if (it is) necessary.如果必要的话我会来的。You can see the most wonderful natural phenomenon here if (it is) possible.如果可能的话你能在这里观看到最美丽的自然现象。


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