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2019-2020年高中英语必修5Module5TheGreatSportsPersonalityTeaching aims:1. To introduce some sports names.2. To learn the spirit of the prince of gymnasts -Li Ning3. To develop the students reading ability.Important and difficult points:1. Get the students to understand Li Nings life.2. Catch some difficult sentences:Teaching procedures:Step 1. RevisionStep 2. Lead-inDo you like sports? Which sports do you like most? Can you name several different kinds of sports?Step 3. IntroductionActivity 1. Look at the photos on P41.Who are they? And which sports they play?Picture1 Deng Yaping table tennisPicture2 Yao Ming basketballPicture3 Beckham football (soccer)Activity 2. Read and translate into Chinese:How many ball games do you know? What are they?Activity 3. Match the words in the box with their meanings:1. Athletes run along this. track2. You hit a golf ball with this. club3. Boxes fight inside this. ring4. Sports shoes. trainers5. A field where football and rugby are played. pitch6. In tennis and table tennis the ball must go over this. net7. You use this to hit the ball in baseball and table tennis. bat8. Casual clothes you can wear at home or to do sport. tracksuit9. A building for important sports events, like the Olympic Games. stadiumStep 4. Fast reading Today we will learn another famous person in sports field. People often called him the prince of gymnasts. Do you know who he is? Yes, it is Li Ning. Do you want to know more about his life?Read the text and answer the following questions.1. How many gold medals had he won when Li Ning retired?2. Whose names were on the list together with Li Ning?3. What is the red logo made up of?4. What is their major advantage over others?5. Are Li Ning products popular in some schools?6. Was it Li Nings goal to make money when he retired?(Answers: 1. When he retired at the age of 26, he had won 106 gold medals in major petitions across the world. 2. Li Nings name was on it, together with footballer Pele and boxer Muhammad. 3.The bright red logo is made up of the first two pinyin letters of Li Nings name, Land N. 4. Li Nings designs were attractive and they had a major advantage over their better known rivals they were cheaper. 5. Yes, they are. 6. No, it wasnt.)Step 5 Further reading Read the passage again and check the true statements in Activity3.Answers: 1,2,4,5,8 are true.Step 6 VocabularyDo Activity 5 and 6 by themselves ,then check the answers together.Answers: Activity 5: (1) medal (2) determined (3) launch (4) brand (5) sports wear(6) global giant (7) logo(8) rivals(9) step out (10) goal/ dream/ ambitionStep 7. Discussion:1. Why did Li Ning start a spotswear pany?2. Why has he been successful?Step 8. Homework1. Workbook on P92 Exx. 5,6,7.2. Write a short passage about Li Nings life.Period TwoTeaching aims:1. To listen to the famous persons in the sports field.2. To develop the students listening ability by listening to the programmes.3. To express agreeing and disagreeing: degrees of certainty.4. To learn several phrases: up to you; not the point: so what.Important and difficult points:1. Get the students to catch the main information about numbers.2. How to catch the key words in the listening.Teaching procedures:Step 1. RevisionStep 2. Listening:Before listening: Look at the pictures and name the sports.What is the name of the sport they are playing?While listening:Activity 1: listen to Part1 twice and check the answers together:(Answer: 3. Vote for the greatest sports personality ever.)Activity 2: listen to Part2 twice and check the answers together:Answers: 1. Because he became a Muslim.2. Poems about his fights. 3. 2 4. With his head. 5. Just before the end of the race, he had terrible pain and had to pull out of the race. 6. His bus got stuck in a traffic jam.)Listen to Part2 the third time and fill in the blanks.1. He was born with the name Cassius Clay, but he changed this to Muhammad Ali when he changed his _ and became a Muslim.2. Outside the ring, he was known as a _ .He wrote poems about his fights.3. Although the doctor told him to stay in bed, he was _ for another racethe 1500 metres.4. But the bus got stuck in a _ jam-so what did he do?5. When he began playing football as a _ he worked cleaning shoes.6. They played Italy in the final and Pele scored a _ goal with his head. Afterwards he said it was his_ goal.(Answers: 1. religion 2. poet 3. entered 4. traffic 5. teenager 6. fantastic, favourite)After listening: plete the facts below according to your listening.Muhammad AliBecame world champion in _1964_.Gold medal in Rome OlympicsWon 22 out of 24 world championship fights.Kip KeinoSilver medal in 5000 metresGold medal in 1500 metresWinning time 334.9PeleAge in his first world cup 17Number of world cups 4Total number of goals scored 1280Step 3. Function and Speaking.Activity1: Read the dialogue and answer the following questions:1. What are the boy and the girl talking about?2. Who does the boy think is the best, Pele, Muhammad Ali or Kip Keino?3. Who does the girl think is the best, Pele, Muhammad Ali or Kip Keino or anyone else?Look at the underlined expressions and answer the questions:1. Which expressions are used to show agreement?2. Which expressions shows the speaker is not sure that he agrees?3. Which expressions is used to show disagreement?(Answers:1. I agree absolutely; you are right about that. 2.You may be right. 3. That is not the point; I am afraid I dont agree.)Activity 2: Work in pairsPair the students. Ask them to prepare their respective parts individually.Read through the example with the whole class. Try to encourage them to get some expression into their voices when they agree and disagree.Step 4. Everyday EnglishChoose the correct meanings1. Ask the students to plete the sentences individually, then check with a partner.2. Give the answers: 1-a ; 2-a ; 3a ; 4-b3. Let several students make sentences with the phrases.Step 5. Homework Finish off the Exx. of workbook.Period ThreeTeaching aims:1. To understand the ultimate Olympic EventMarathon.2. To develop the students reading ability.3. To learn to write a notice.Important and difficult points:1. Get the students to grasp the history of marathon2. Teach them how to write a notice.Teaching procedures:Step 1. RevisionStep 2. Brainstorms:1. Where does the name of the marathon e from?2. Do you think that the marathon is an exciting event? Why or why not?Step 3. Reading the passage and do the following questions:1. Read and answer the questions in pairs. (1) What are the origins of the marathon?(2) When was the distance of marathon changed? (3) Why did the 1908 Marathon end dramatically?(4) Why dont you have to wait for the Olympic Marathon?(5) What is the toughest course to run in marathon?(6) Why is the marathon the Olympic event?Answers:(1)The name of the race es from a battle in Ancient Greece. (2) In 1908, at the London Olympics, it was changed. (3) When the leader, an Italian, entered the stadium the turned the wrong way and fell onto the ground. Officials picked him up and helped him to the finishing line, just as the second runner, an American entered the stadium, At last, the American runner was declared the winner. (4) Because there are marathons in over sixty countries and hundreds of cities around the world today. (5)The Great Wall Marathon. (6) Because it is thought to be the hardest.2. Read and do the T or F questions:(1) The marathon is the first and the most exciting event in the Olympics (F)(2) At first, the distance of marathon is 42 kilometers. (F)(3) One of the most famous marathon is in London. (F)Step 4. DiscussionDiscuss in groups of four:Student A: the origins of the marathonStudent B: the distance of the marathonStudent C: the 1908 MarathonStudent D: the New York Marathon and the Great Wall MarathonInvite several groups to show their discussion.Step 5. WritingActivity 1: Read the notice below and answer the questions:1. Ask the students to plete the activity individually, then check with a partner.2. Call back the answers from the whole class: (1) a (2)-b (3) -cActivity 2: Write a similar notice. Use these steps to help you.(1) Choose a different sport.(2) You are the trainer for your school team. Write a notice for the team giving information about the next event.(3) Use the notice on the text to give you ideas.Let one student e to the front and write down on the blackboard.Step 6. Homework Write a short history of the Olympic Games for China Daily. Use the headings in the fact files to write one paragraph on each topic.(1) history(2) changing games(3) winners(4) three things everyone should knowPeriod FourTeaching aims:1. To review of adverbial clauses. 2. To learn new words and expressions and how to use them.3. To learn a sentence : It is /was +被强调的部分 +that /who+其他。 Important and difficult points:1. To get the students how to use adverbial clauses-条件/ 时间/ 让步状语从句2. The usage of words: retire; perform; purchase; advantage; protest; tough ; declare.The usage of phrase: on the increase.The usage of two sentences:(1) The chances are (that )(2) It is /was +被强调的部分 +that /who+其他Teaching procedures:Step 1. Revision1. Check the homework. Ask several students to read the passage: a short history of the Olympic Games for China Daily.2. Read the sentences and find out what grammar are they?(1) What would you do if you won the prize?(2) I will call you as soon as they arrives.(3) Although it rained a lot, we enjoyed our holiday.(4) We didnt go out because it was raining outside.(5) Dont tell Sue what I said unless she asks you.(6) As long as you drive carefully, you can use my car.(7) Even though I was tired, I couldnt sleep.(8) The chief was caught as he was climbing over the wall.(9) It was the man who/ that stole your wallet.(10) It was at 8:30 in the morning that he left for work.Answers: 状语从句和强调句条件状语从句:(1)(5)(6)时间状语从句:(2)(8)让步状语从句:(3)(7)原因状语从句:(4)Step 2. Presentation状语从句1. 状语从句的概念:通常用来说明主句中某一动词、形容词、副词的起状语作用的从句。状语从句的位置灵活,可以在主句之前、之后、或中间。2. 状语从句的分类:条件、时间、让步、原因、比较、结果等状语从句3. 时间状语从句:(1) 常见引导词:when, while, as, before , after, till, until, every time, next time, ever since.一.就: as soon as/ the moment/ the minute/ immediately/ instantly no sooner .than/ hardly.when.e.g.: I want to see him the minute he arrives. I am going to see him next time he es to Beijing. He has learned xx English words ever since he was at school.(2)注意的问题:no sooner .than/ hardly.when 这两个连词词组都表示主从句随即发生,主句用过去完成时;no sooner/ hardly位于句首,主句倒装。e.g.: (1)他一进了房子,就开始下雨了。No sooner had he entered the house than it began to rain.(2)他刚要上床睡觉,电话就想响了。Hardly had he gone to bed when the telephone rang.4. 条件状语从句:(1) 常见引导词:if, unless; only if.supposing/ suppose(that), providing/provide(that) ; in case; on condition that ;so/ as long as e.g.: As long as you are here before 12, you can e to the match with me. The sports meet will begin tomorrow unless it rains. Supposing that you fail a second time, didnt get disappointed, but try again.(2) 注意的问题: (a)在条件状语从句中常用一般时表示将来时。 (b) only if & if only: only if引导的从句用陈述语气,意为“只要”;if only引导的从句用虚拟语气,意为“但愿.” “要是就好了”e.g.: (1)只要你坚持,你就能获得成功。Only if you have persistence, you can achieve great success.(2)要是我有翅膀,我就能轻松地环游世界了。If only I had wings, I would be able to travel around the world easily.5. 让步状语从句:(1) 常见引导词:though, although, however, whatever, whoever, wherever,whenever even if/ even though/ no matter+ how/ what/which/ when/ where/who (1) Even if he had won everything, it was possible to win in his sport. (2) Although they did heavy work that day, they were all in high spirits.(2) 注意的问题:(a) 英语不允许在though或although从句后用but.如果要强调前后两个部分的对比意义,可以在主句前加上yet或 still。Although she has a lot of money, yet/ still she is not happy.(b) though引导的让步状语从句可用倒装。常用的句型:形容词(副词,名词,动词,过去分词)though(as, that)+主语+谓语。例如:(1) Bravely though we fought, we had no chance of winning.(2) Smart as he was, he was not able to solve the problem.(3) Child as he was , he had a good mand of English.Step 3. Language points1. retire v. 退休;退役;退下;就寝 retired adj. 退休的 retirement n.相关短语:retired to bed 就寝reach retiring age 到退休年龄a retiring allowance 退休金a retired civil servant 一位退休的公务员e.g.: (1) 她由于身体不好而被迫早早地从教学岗位上退休。She was forced to retire early from teaching because of ill health.(2) 我睡晚了,天总是很快就亮了。I retired late, for as always the morning would arrive too soon.(3)爸爸现在已经退休了。Dad is retired now.2. perform v. 执行;施行;完成;表演,扮演,演奏;工作运转(好/不好)performance n.; performer n.; performable adj.相关短语:perform a task 完成任务perform a part in a play 在剧中扮演一个角色give /put on a performance 演出e.g.: (1)他在我们组织中发挥着重要的作用。She performs an important role in our organization.(2)这个剧于1987年首次上演。The play was first performed in 1987.(3) 发动机似乎运转正常。The engine seems to be performing well.3. purchasee.g.: (1)他上一个月购买了一辆红色轿车。He purchased a red car last month.(2) 他们用8000 美元购置了一幢大房子。They purchased a large house for 8000 dollars.4. advantage (opposite) 优势;好处 disadvantage相关短语:gain/win/ have advantage over 胜过;优于take advantage of sb./sth. 利用to sb.s advantage= to the advantage of sb.对某人有利e.g.: (1)他个子高,比其他运动员有优势。Being tall gave him an advantage over the other player.(2)我们充分享用了旅馆设施。We took full advantage of the hotel facilities.(3)他利用我的慷慨占了便宜。He took advantage of my generosity.(4)参加这次会议会对你有利。It would be to your advantage to attend this meeting.5. protest v. 抗议;反对;断言;申明protester n.相关短语:protest against intervention 对干涉提出抗议make a protest against 抗议e.g.: (1)学生们走上街头,抗议这项决定。Students took to the streets to protest against the decision.(2)他们决意反对这项决定。They fully intend to protest the decision.6. declare v.宣布;宣告;声名相关短语:declare peace 宣布和平declare war on/ against 对宣战declare the meeting open宣布开会e.g.: (1)我在会上声明我不支持他。I declared at the meeting that I did not support him.(2) 她宣称她再也不愿见到他。She declared that she didnt want to see him again.7. on the increase= increasing increase by+倍数/百分数,表示增加了.倍或百分之 increase to + 具体的增长后的数字,表示增加到e.g.: (1)犯罪率正在增加。Crime is on the increase.(2)人口已经从120万增加到了180万。The population has increased from 1.2 million to 1.8 million.(3) 通货膨胀率增长了2%。 The rate of inflation increased by 2%.8. The chances are that很可能.What are the chances that we shall succeed?相关短语:by chance 偶然;碰巧take a chance 冒险试一试chance to do / It chanced that. 碰巧.(=happen)chance of doing sth./ chance to do sth. 做某事的可能性e.g.: (1)有可能弄到今晚的票吗?Is there any chance of getting tickets for tonight?(2)他不可能改变注意的。There is no chance of that he will change his idea.(3)我们俩当时都在场纯属巧合。It was pure chance that we were both there.9. 强调句:It is /was 被强调的部分 +that /who+其他。注意:可以强调主语、宾语、状语等,但不能强调谓语。 e.g.: 昨天我在街上碰到了玛丽。I came across Mary in the street yesterday.(1) 强调主语:It was I who/ that came across Mary in the street.(2) 强调宾语:It was Mary that I came across in the street.(3) 强调时间状语:It was yesterday that I came across Mary in the street.(4) 强调地点状语:It was in the street that I came across Mary yesterday.Step 4. Practice1. I dont know if it _. You will get if it _.Youd better take an umbrella.A. will rain; will rain B. rains; will rain C. will rain; rains D. rains; rains 2. _ he has studied in Shanghai for two years, he hasnt been to the Shanghai Zoo yet.A. In spite B. Although C. Even D. Until3. He never succeed,_ hard he tries.A. whatever B. in spite C. no matter D. however4. _ he does his work, I dont mind what time he arrives at the office.A. So far as B. So long as C. As far as D. So as 5. You wont be on time._ you hurry.A. except B. unless C. without D. beside6 Although Peter is clever,_ work hard .A. he doesnt B. he isnt C. he hasnt D. he didnt7. _ you are free tonight, why not drop in and play chess with me?A. For B. Since C. Because D. Even if 8. Our school team _ very well in the game yesterday.A. informed B. performed C. reformed D. uniformed9. In playing basketball, Yao Ming _ others.A. had advantage over B. had advantage to C. has an advantage over D. had an advantage over10. The chairman declared the meeting _ in the end .A. closed B. closing C. open D. opening 11. We hadnt planned to meet. We met_ chanceA. of B. in C. by D. for12. There is no chance _ it will rain today.A. whether B. if C. which D. that 13. Many students in this class cheat in exams. That seems to be _. A. on increase B. on the increase C. at increase D. at the increase14. It is her personality instead of the appearance _ left a deep impression.A. what B. which C. that D. who15 Was it during the Second World War _ he died?A. that B. while C. in which D. then(Answers: 15 ABDBB 610 ABBCA 1115 CDBCA)Step 5. HomeworkFinish off the workbook on Page 91Exx: 1,2,4.


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