2019-2020年高一英语下册 Unit21 Body language(第一课时)教案 大纲人教版第一册.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语下册 Unit21 Body language(第一课时)教案 大纲人教版第一册.Teaching Goals:1.Talk about body language.2.Describe gestures and facial expressions.3.Practise making offers and requests.4.Learn to use the “-ing” form(2):used as a noun.5.Write a narrative.Teaching Time:Four periods.Background Information:1.Body DistanceUnconsciously,we all keep a fortable distance around us when we interact with other people.This space between another person and us forms invisible walls.The amount of space changes depending on the nature of the relationship.For example,we are usually more fortable standing close to family members than to strangers.Personality also determines the size of the area with which we are fortable when talking to people.Introverts often prefer to interact with others at a greater distance than do extroverts.Cultural styles are important too.A Japanese employer and employee usually stand farther apart while talking than do an American employer and an employee.Latin Americans and Arabs tend to stand closer than Americans do when talking.For Americans,the usual distance in social conversation ranges from about an arms length to four feet.Less space in the American culture may be association with either greater intimacy or aggressive behavior.Americans will say,“Excuse me”,even for the slightest accidental touching of another person.This tells us how unfortable Americans are if people get too close.Help:unconsciously adv. 无意识地interact with 原意“相互作用”,此句中可译成“相处”invisible adj.看不见的,无形的nature n.性质、本质personality n.个性determine v.决定着introvert n.性格内向的人extrovert n.性格外向的人cultural styles 文化风格Latin Americans and Arabs 拉丁美洲的人和阿拉伯人tend to 倾向于range v.范围是be associated with 与相联系intimacy n.亲密aggressive adj.有攻击性的behavior n.行为,举止accidental adj.意外的2.Making a GestureAs special body movement can carry meaning,gestures are important parts of nonverbal munication.Some gestures have e to be accepted in general as having the similar meanings,such as a handshake is the most mon gesture that goes with a greeting,waving an outstretched(伸出的) hand with open palm is the gesture for goodbye and so on.Here are some gestures that are widely used in the English-speaking countries and certain other countries or places.Do you know the meaning of these gestures?The gestures which would be understood by speakers of English are:Number 2,the thumbs down sign,would be understood as a rejection(拒绝) or refusal.Number 4 means good luck and lets hope for the best,and there is a verbal equivalent(相同) which is,Keep your fingers crossed!.Number 7,stroking(轻抚) the chin,shows that the person is thinking carefully about a problem.Number 8 means,I do not know.It often acpanies(伴随) the expression.Search me!.Finally,number 10 indicates(表示) that a person is regarded as crazy.It is normally only used when talking privately(私下地) about a third person,but is more likely to be used as a joke.The gestures which are not mon to speakers of English are:Numbers 1 and 3 are sometimes used to indicate that there is something strange or suspicious(怀疑的) surrounding the topic of conversation.Number 5 suggests some sorts of conspiratorial(搞阴谋的) behaviour used between people who know each other well.(All of the above signs may be known in some parts of Britain,but they are not widely used.)Number 6,which is widely used to mean Wait or Slowly in the Arab world,can be insulting(侮辱人的) in Italy.Number 9 is the gesture for Hello! as used by Italians.Some English speakers might confuse(混淆) this with the wave that sometimes acpanies,Goodbye!.The First PeriodTeaching Aims:1.Learn and master the following:confuseconfusedavoidcontactdisagreeaheadgo ahead2.Train the students listening ability by listening and answering some relative questions.3.Learn to express yourself using facial expressions.4.Help the students to make offers and requests.Teaching Important Points:1.Train the students listening ability.2.Encourage the students to learn to make offers and requests by speaking.Teaching Difficult Points:1.Learn to describe gestures and facial expressions.2.Finish the task of speaking.Teaching Methods:1.Listening-and-choosing activity to help the students go through with the listening material.2.Looking-and-guessing method to help the students learn to use gestures and facial expressions correctly.3.Individual,pair or group work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids:1.a slide projector2.a tape recorder3.the blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step .Greetings and Lead-inT:Good morning/afternoon,everyone!Ss:Good morning/afternoon,teacher!(The teacher signs the students to sit down without saying,“Sit down,please.”And then the teacher says the following.)T:How do you see what I meant?Ss:We know that by your gesture.T:Yeah,sometimes we can express ourselves using gestures or facial expressions.Imagine that you are having a stomachache.How can you let us know that without speaking?Whod like to use your expressions and body movements to express it?(One student gives a performance.After that,the teacher may ask some other students to give some similar performances using expressions and body movements and let the class guess the meaning of them.)Step .Warming upT:Thank you for your performances.Today were going to learn Unit 21 “Body language”.(Bb:Unit 21 Body language)First,lets learn some phrases and words in this period.(The teacher and the students begin to learn the new words and phrases.)T:OK.Now open your books at Page 45 and look at the five pictures in it.Discuss in pairs and see if the persons in the pictures are happy,sad,angry,confused or tired.And match each picture with the correct emotion and the correct sentence below the pictures.After a while,Ill ask at least five students to talk about the pictures before the class.(Three minutes later.)T:Whod like to describe Picture 1?S1:The person in Picture 1 is confused.Maybe he doesnt know what to do.T:Are you sure your description is right?S1:Yes,I am.T:What makes you think that the person in this picture is feeling confused?S1:His facial expression.T:Very good.Can you give a performance to show you are confused?(The student gives a performance.)T:Thank you.Sit down,please.Now lets talk about the other four pictures.And give performances.One student,one picture.S2:(Picture 2)The person is feeling angry.I cant believe she said that!That is so unfair.S3:(Picture 3) The person is feeling sad because he/she have lost his/her wallet.S4:(Picture 4) The person is happy because she/he got an A on her/his exam.S5:(Picture 5) The person is feeling tired because he/she says its been a long day and he/she cant keep his/her eyes open.T:Very good.Now look at your classmates and tell how they are feeling today by the way they sit or stand.(After two minutes,the teacher asks some students to tell how their classmates are feeling.After that,the teacher says the following.)Step .ListeningT:Lets do some listening.Read the requirement first.(After one minute.)T:Do you know what you should do after you listen to the tape?Ss:yes.T:OK.Ill play the tape only once.You must listen carefully and then choose the best answer to each question.(At last the teacher asks some students to read out their answers and checks them.)T:Right.Now Ill give you a performance task.I read out the following sentences.You must use body language to express what I mean.For example,you must use your body language to municate this idea:You are enjoying something.(Then the teacher gives a performance.)Are you clear?Ss:Yes.(The teacher begins to read out the following sentences.Meanwhile,the students give the performances.1.You are not enjoying something.2.You like someone.3.You want to leave because you are in a hurry.4.You are interested in what someone is saying.5.You are not interested.6.You disagree with what someone is saying.7.You would like to talk to someone.8.You are saying goodbye to sb.)Step .SpeakingT:OK.So much for listening.Its time for us to do some oral practice.Listen carefully and answer some questions.We often go to the bus station,the railway station or the airport to meet someone.What should you say when seeing him/her ing?Ss:Hello!/Hi!T:Yes.What should you say if he/she is carrying a heavy suitcase?Ss:Can I take the suitcase for you?Ss:Would you like me to help you with the suitcase?T:Very good.Here is a dialogue between Paul and an old man on Page 46.Paul saw the old man carrying a very heavy suitcase.Then he went up to help the old manNow read it aloud and find out the sentences offering help and the ones accepting and refusing help.(After a while,the teacher asks some pairs to act out the dialogue before the class.)T:Thank you for your wonderful performances.Please go back to your seats.Now tell us how Paul offers help in the dialogue.S6:Would you like me to help you with it?Is there anything else I can do for you?T:Right.How did the old man accept Pauls help?S7:Yes,please.Its very heavy.Thank you.Thats very kind of you.T:Good.How did the old man refuse Pauls help?S8:No,thank you.Thanks for all your help.T:Quite right.Now,please look at the useful expressions on Page 46.Work in pairs.Use the expressions to make up a dialogue according to one of the situations in Speaking.And then Ill ask some of you to act it out.Suggested answers:(A is late for a flight and A wants to go ahead of the queue.)A:Excuse me,sir.My plane is taking off.Could you please let me go ahead of you to take it?B:Yes,please.My flight has been put off for some reason.A:Thank you very much.B:Not at all.Is there anything I can do for you?A:No,thank you.Thanks for all your help.Situation 2(Being old and sick,you are on a crowded bus and you want to sit down.)A:Excuse me,sir.Im a little tired and I am not feeling very well.Could you please let me share the seat with you?B:Certainlye here and sit down.A:Thanks a lot.B:Its my pleasure.Step .ConsolidationT:You did very well.Now lets fill in the table.Please write down the expressions making requests and offers,and accepting offers and refusing offers.You may write them on a piece of paper.After a while,Ill ask one of you to write them down on the blackboard.(Write the table on the blackboard.)(When the students write,the teacher goes around the students to help them.After a while,ask some students to write the phrases on the blackboard.After finishing the table,the teacher can give the students an exercise.)T:Now lets do an exercise.This exercise is a bit difficult.You can have a discussion while doing it.(Show the following on the screen.)plete the dialogue with the phrases given below.1.A:Good morning._B:Id like to have one of the red T-shirts.2.A:_B:Yes,please.Can you tell me the way to the railway station,please?3.A:_B:Yes,please.Put the box in that corner.4.A:_B:No,thanks.I can manage it myself.5.A:_B:No,thank you.Thanks for all your help.A.Would you like me to do it for you?B.What can I do for you,sir?C.Can I help you?D.Would you like some help?E.Is there anything else I can do for you?Suggested answers:1.B2.C3.D4.A5.EStep .Summary and HomeworkT:Today weve learned how to municate using baby language.We have also learned some phrases to make requests,make offers,refuse offers and accept offers.(Pointing to the Bb.)You must remember them.After class,try to make up a dialogue using the useful expressions and preview the reading passage.Step .The Design of the Writing on theBlackboardUnit 21Body languageThe First PeriodStep .Record after Teaching_


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