2019-2020年高一英语下册 Unit19 Modern agriculture(第二课时)教案 大纲人教版第一册.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语下册 Unit19 Modern agriculture(第二课时)教案 大纲人教版第一册Teaching Aims:1.Enable the students to learn something about modern agriculture from the text.2.Enable the student to master the new words and expressions in the text.3.Get the students to have the ability to grasp the general idea of an passage as fast as possible.Teaching Important Points:1.How to improve the students reading ability.2.How to get the students to master the new words and expressions of the text.Teaching Difficult Point:How to improve the students reading and writing ability.Teaching Methods:1.Discussion to raise the students interest in agriculture.2.Ask-and-answer method to help the students understand the text better.3.Free talk to improve the students speaking ability.Teaching Aids:1.a tape recorder2.a projector and some slides3.a puter for multimedia useTeaching Procedures:step .Greetings and RevisionGreet the whole class as usualT:At the end of the last period,I asked every one of us to join in a discussion.Now Ill ask a group to repeat the discussion.Who will act it out for us?Wang Hong,act it for us with your group,will you?Wang:Yes.(Teacher asks two groups to repeat their discussion before the class.)step .Preparation for ReadingT:So much for revision.Please turn to Page 113.Lets learn the new words and expressions together.Li Ming,read the new words and expressions of this period,please.Begin with the word“arable”and end with the word “soil”.(Teacher and the students learn the new words and expressions together.Teacher corrects students mistakes in pronunciation and gives simple explanations of some words if necessary.)T:Are there any students ing from the countryside in our class?Ss:Yes.A lot of us students are from peasant family.T:Have you ever worked in the fields,Wang Fei?Wang:Yes.I often work in the field with my parents.I can do a lot of farm work.T:Have you ever heard of anything about farming in the past?Ss:Yes,I have.T:Now turn to Page 34.Lets do pre-reading.Discuss the questions.Group work.Write your answers on a piece of paper.(After a few minutes.)T:Are you ready?(Ss:Yes.)Who would tell us something about traditional and modern farming?SA:In the past,farmers grow crops in the traditional way:Use cattle to plough the field;farmers work in the field most of the day all year round,but they could not produce enough food for the whole population.Now they grow crops in the modern way.They use modern techniques in their fields,such as chemical fertilizers,greenhouses and so on.T:Who would answer the second question?SB:Ill try.The advantages are:chemical fertilizers,electronic pumps and other advanced technology are used.Farmers can spend less time on farms and much more grain is produced.The disadvantages are:the air,the water and the soil round us are more or less polluted.Sc:Ill say something about other changes that have taken place on farms in the last 100 years.In the past,we depended on heaven and we could do little when natural disasters happened.Now,we can do artificial rainfall.GM makes better seeds possible.In the same fields,better seeds can give us much more grain.Besides,all kinds of scientific ways of farming are used in farming.Farmers in our country are being richer and richer day by day.T:Very good.Step .Fast ReadingT:Now read the text fast and then answer the questions on the screen.1.When was more advanced technical information was brought in from abroad?2.What is important for future agriculture?What should future agriculture depend on?3.What does“which”refer to in the last two lines?(After a few minutes.)T:Are you ready?Ss:Yes.T:Please give us the answers to the questions.SD:In the 1980s,more advanced technical information was brought in from abroad.SE:Both food production and taking care of the environment are important.And future agriculture should depend on high technology as well as traditional methods.SF:I think taking care of the environment is more important.Because we have only one earth.Sa:In the last two lines,“which”refers to“golden rice”.T:What is the other name of “golden rice” in the text?Sa:GM rice.Step .ReadingT:Now read the text again and answer the questions in Post Reading.If you are not sure about your answers,have a discussion with your classmates.(After the students discussion)T:Please turn to Page 35.Lets answer the questions.SH,give your answers to the first five questions.SH:They are:1.D2.A3.C4.C5.CT:Is he right?Ss:Yes,he is right.T:Now lets do Part 2.SI:I want to change apples.I want them not only to grow bigger and more delicious,but also of the same size.Because some of the apples now are smaller and not delicious and the apples of the same size are popular in the market.SJ:I want to change fruit trees.I want them to grow shorter so that the fruits on them are easy to pick up.And they must give us more fruits so that the farmers can make more money and bee richer.T:Thats a good idea!I have the same opinion as you.SK:I want to change carrots.I want them to grow much bigger.Because the carrots our villagers grow are smaller.SL:I want to change the vegetables people usually eat.I want them to be better for peoples health.So they will spend less money on medicine.SM:I want to change cows.I want them to have more babies.So they will not be expensive to buy.If so,more farmers can buy them and bee rich.SN:I want to change fruit trees.I want to plant the trees growing in the south.So we will have more kinds of fruits than ever before.T:Youve done well.After class,continue to think about more good ideas.Now Ill explain some expressions and language points of the text to you.Please look at the screen.modernize v.to make(sth.)suitable for modern use or for the needs of the present time.e.g.He spent a lot of money modernizing his house.depend on:Health depends on good food,fresh air and enough sleep.short of:He didnt buy anything because he was short of money.control v.have power over(sb.or sth.),rule,directThe machine is controlled by this button.control ones angerstand for:USA stands for the United States of America.modify:to change(sth,such as a plan,an opinion,a condition,)To modify anything is to change it a little.T:(After explaining the words and expressions on the screen.)Now read the text and see if you still have something you find difficult to understand.(Teacher goes among the students to explain any questions raised by the students.)Step .Listening and Reading AloudT:Lets listen to the tape.Ill play it twice.The first time I play it,just listen.When I play for the second time,you can read the text after it.Then please read the text aloud after I play the tape.(While the students read the text,teacher goes among the students and corrects any mistakes the students make in pronunciation and intonation.)Step .Summary and HomeworkT:In this class,weve learnt the text“Modern agriculture”.It tells us about agriculture of our country,for example,its past and present,especially its future.Have you had a clear understanding about future agriculture?From now on,we should study hard and be ready to make greater contributions to our agriculture and farmers.After class,please read the text again and master the usages of the new words and expressions of the text,especially the following:modernize.You can make sentences with them in pairs or groups.Thats all for today.Class is over.Step .The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 19Modern agricultureThe Second PeriodNew words:modernize,control,modify.Useful expressions:depend on:Health depends on good food,fresh air and enough sheep.short of:He didnt buy anything because he was short of money.stand for:USA stands for the United States of America.Step .Record after Teaching_ _ _


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