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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习第一部分教材重点全程攻略Unit3TheMillionPoundBankNote讲义新人教版必修3话题词汇1masterpiece n. 代表作;杰作2vivid adj. 生动的;逼真的3creative adj.创造性的;有创意的4character n. 角色;人物5appreciate vt. 鉴赏;欣赏;感激6be adapted from 改编自7be set in . 以为背景8sense of beauty 美感9appeal to sb. 吸引某人10win the Nobel Prize in Literature 获得诺贝尔文学奖11have an effect on . 对有影响12leave sb. a deep impression 给某人留下深刻的印象13fall_in_love_with 爱上;喜欢上14be_based_on 以为基础15put on 演出;上演经典佳句1We cannot_emphasize the importance of reading too much. 读书的重要性,我们再怎么强调也不为过。2Some classic works not_only offer us joy and excitement, but_also encourage us to think critically.一些经典作品不但让我们喜悦和兴奋,而且鼓励我们批判性地思考。3Only when I went to senior high school did I bee interested in literature.直到上了高中,我才对文学产生兴趣。精美语篇I Like ReadingReading is my favourite hobby. I can never stop the love for reading because books are like wise teachers as well as good friends in my life. As we know, books are the source of knowledge. I benefit a great deal from reading.There are a variety of books for us to choose from, like history books, science books, literary books and so on. But what interests me most are literary books, especially those written by famous writers. For one thing, they help to improve my writing skills and broaden my horizons. For another, they can enrich my life and provide me with great fun. I really feel it a pleasure to have great calm in mind while I am reading.高频单词1birthplace (n.) 出生地;故乡birthday (n.) 生日2novel (n.) 小说;长篇故事 (adj.) 新奇的;异常的novelist (n.) 小说家3adventure (n.) 奇遇;冒险adventurous (adj.) 冒险的4phrase (n.) 短语;词组;惯用语5scene (n.) (戏剧)一场;现场;场面;景色scenery (n.) 景色6wander (vi.) 漫游;漫步;漂泊7permit (vt.& vi.) 许可;允许;准许 (n.) 通行证;许可证;执照permission (n.) 允许;许可permitted (过去式/过去分词)8ahead (adv.) 在前;向前;提前9stare (vi.) 凝视;盯着看10fault (n.) 过错;缺点;故障11spot (vt.) 发现;认出 (n.) 斑点;污点;地点spotted (过去式/过去分词)12passage (n.) 船费;通道;(一)段13account (vi.& vt.) 认为;说明;总计有 (n.) 说明;理由;计算;账目14seek (vt.& vi.) 寻找;探索;寻求sought (过去式/过去分词)15patience (n.) 耐性;忍耐patient (adj.) 耐心的;有耐性的patiently (adv.) 有耐心地16contrary (n.) 反面;对立面 (adj.) 相反的;相违的17believe (vt.) 相信;信任belief (n.) 信念;信仰unbelievable (adj.) 难以置信的believable (adj.) 可相信的18amount (n.) 数量19rude (adj.) 粗鲁的;无礼的rudeness (n.) 粗鲁;无礼20manner (n.) 举止;方式manners (n.) 礼貌;礼仪;风俗21indeed (adv.) 真正地;确实;实在重点短语1bring up抚养;养育;教育;提出2go ahead 前进;(用于祈使句)可以;往下说3by accident 偶然;无意中4stare at 盯着看;凝视5account for 是的原因;解释6to be honest 说实话7on the contrary 与此相反;正相反8take a chance 冒险9in rags 衣衫褴褛10as for 关于;至于热点句型1find宾语宾语补足语Well, towards nightfall I found_myself_carried_out_to_sea (发觉自己被刮到海里去了) by a strong wind.(教材P18)2had just done . when . “刚做完,这时”The next morning Id_just_about_given_myself_up (我正感到绝望的时候) for lost when_I_was_spotted_by_a_ship (这时一艘船发现了我). (教材P18)3强调句型: Itbe被强调部分that . And it_was_the_ship_that (正是那艘船) brought you to England. (教材P18)4主语从句:It is wellknown that . “众所周知”,it作形式主语,后面的that从句为真正的主语 Well,_it_is_wellknown_that (众所周知) Americans like to eat a lot. (教材P22)5wheneverno matter when,引导让步状语从句Indeed, sir, I hope youll e here whenever_you_like (您想来的时候就来). (教材P22)同步训练在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。1At this moment, they see a penniless young man _ (wander) on the pavement.答案:wandering2It is Henry Adams, an American businessman, _ is lost in London and does not know what he should do.答案:who3I wonder, Mr Adams, _ youd mind us asking a few questions.答案:whether/if4The fact is _ I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand, _ accounts for my appearance.答案:that; which5_ you dont mind, may I ask how much money you have?答案:If6We know youre hardworking. Thats _ weve given you the letter.答案:why7Its _ (amaze) how much pleasure you get out of the simple things in life.答案:amazing8Henry is surprised but the owner and the waiter are (shock)答案:shocked9Im so sorry, sir, so sorry, _ I cannot change this bank note.答案:but10You must e whenever you want and have _ you like.答案:whatever1 permitv允许;准许;许可n许可证;执照;通行证教材原句Permit me to lead the way, sir. (P18)先生,请让我来带路吧。(1) 允许某人(做)某事permit doing sth. 允许做某事a drivers/driving permit 驾驶执照(2)permission n. U允许;许可with/without ones permission 得到允许/未经允许ask for permission 请求允许用法和permit相同的其他动词还有:encourage, allow, advise, remend, forbid等。The rules of the club do not permit_smoking/permit_people_ to_smoke.俱乐部规则规定不允许吸烟。Time_permitting,_I expect to have more spare time to spend with my friends so that we can have a better relationship.时间允许的话,我希望有更多的业余时间与朋友一起度过,以便我们能有更好的关系。Without a_drivers/driving_permit,_you are not permitted_to drive the car.你若没有驾驶执照,就不允许开这辆车。Without_your_permission,_I will never carry out the project in so short a time.没有你的许可,我决不会在这么短的时间内执行这项任务。I need to call my dad and ask_for_permission before we go out.在我们出去之前,我得给我爸爸打个电话征得他的同意。2 accountvi.& vt.认为;说明;总计有n说明;理由;计算;账目;报道教材原句The fact is that I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand, which accounts for my appearance.(P18)事实上我靠做义工来顶替船费,这就是我为什么衣冠不整的原因了。(1)account for 解释;说明;占(比例)(2)on account of 由于;因为on no account 决不(置于句首时,句子用部分倒装)on any account 无论如何(3)take . into accounttake . into consideration 考虑(4)open an account 开设账户Lack of money accounts_for her not continuing her studies.因为缺钱,她不能继续学习了。He retired on_account_of poor health.他由于健康不佳而退休了。On_no_account should the house be left unlocked.离开住宅时千万要锁门。That might be OK, but we must take_everything_into_account.那可能是不错的,但是我们必须全面考虑。根据提示,在下面表示“决不”的短语中填入介词ain no case Bby no meanscat no time Din no wayein/under no circumstances3 seekvt.& vi.(sought/sought) 寻找;探索;寻求教材原句I went to the American embassy to seek help, but . (P18)我去美国大使馆求助,但是seek after/for sth. 追寻/追求/寻找某事物seek sth. from sb. 向某人寻求某事物seek ones fortune 寻找致富及成功之道seek sb./sth. out 找出或找到某人/某事物seek to do sth.(try/attempt to do sth.) 试图/企图做某事Our lives are busy enough doing homework, playing sports, making friends, and seeking_after our dreams.我们的生活足够忙了,要做作业、做运动、交朋友、追寻梦想。She managed to calm him down and seek_help_from a neighbour.她设法使他平静下来,然后向一位邻居求助。Half an hour later, he sought_out his friend in the crowd.半小时后,他在人群中找到了他的朋友。.单句语法填空1Since the new rules began to work, we students have been permitted _ (have) one hour for exercise every day.答案:to have permit sb. to do sth.其被动形式为sb. be permitted to do sth.。2She _ (patience) explained all the rules to the students and required everyone to follow them.答案:patiently此处应填副词修饰explained。3The thief had himself _ (spot) by the police when he was trying to break into the hotel.答案:spotted此处为“have宾语宾补”结构。himself与spot之间存在被动关系,故填过去分词。4Have you seen scenes _ people cross the roads together without observing the traffic rules?答案:where设空处引导定语从句修饰表地点的先行词scenes,且在从句中充当地点状语,故填where。5After work, he went to the _ (barber) to have his hair cut.答案:barbersthe barbers “理发店”。6The boy has good _ (manner), and always offers his help in a friendly way.答案:manners结合语境可知,manners此处意为“有礼貌;礼仪”,通常以复数形式出现。.完成句子1_ can we neglect the value of knowledge.我们决不能忽视知识的价值。答案:On no account2Young people should _ more challenges and opportunities.年轻人应该寻求更多的挑战和机会。答案:seek (for)3Dont always _ others. Youd better get along well with others.不要总是挑别人的毛病,最好与他人和谐相处。答案:find fault with4He is wealthy and _.他富有且彬彬有礼。答案:has good mannersbring up 抚养;培养;教育;提出;呕吐教材原句He was brought up in Hannibal, Missouri, along the Mississippi River.(P17)他在密西西比河畔密苏里州的汉尼拔长大。bring about 导致;造成bring back 带回;恢复bring down 降低;减少bring in 带来;引进;赚钱bring out 使显现;出版;阐明bring sth. to life 使复苏He left her to bring_up three young children on her own.他留下她独自抚养三个年幼的孩子。His singing brings_back my memories of my father.他的歌声唤起我对父亲的回忆。The new plan will bring_down the inflation rate.新计划将降低通货膨胀率。He does odd jobs that bring him in about 30 dollars a week.他做零工每周可赚得大约30美元。写出下列句中bring up的含义aThese are matters that you can bring up in the mittee. 提出bWe are brought up to respect others. 教育cHer parents died when she was a baby and she was brought up by her aunt.养育;抚养dHe was so sick that he brought up everything.呕吐 go ahead 前进;先走;(用于祈使句)可以;往下说;请说;请做;干吧;开始吧教材原句Go right ahead.(P18)请问吧。go ahead with . 开始/进行go against 反对;不利于;与相背go without 没有也行;将就go out 外出;(灯、火)熄灭go over 仔细检查;复习go through 仔细查看;遭受;经历go after 追求;设法获得go wrong 出毛病Do you mind if I smoke here?Go_ahead.你介意我在这里抽烟吗?请吧。Go_ahead_with your story; we are all ears.开始讲你的故事吧,我们洗耳恭听。The famous singers behavior goes_against social morality and law.这位著名歌手的行为违反了社会道德和法律。Theres no money for a holiday; well have to go_without.没钱去度假了,我们只好将就着不去了。You can have what you want, only if you will go_after it.你能拥有你所想要的,只要你愿意去追求它。take a chance 冒险;碰运气教材原句Well, well have to take a chance.(P22)哦,我们得冒点儿风险。take chancestake a chance冒险have a chance to do sth. 有机会做某事by chanceby accident偶然;碰巧The chances are (that) . 有可能。(that引导表语从句)There is a chance that . 可能。(that引导同位语从句)You should never take_a_chance/take_chances when driving a car.开车时,千万别冒险。Nothing happens by_chance or by means of good luck.没有事情是偶然发生或运气使然。The_chances_are_that shes already heard the news.可能她已经听说那则消息了。There_is_a_chance_that he will be admitted into Peking University.他可能被北京大学录取。.选词填空 account for; on the contrary; bring up; take a chance; stare at; in rags1This afternoon, just as I was doing my business, a man _ stepped into my shop and begged me for some money.答案:in rags2He thought his marketing plan was perfect, but _, it was not and it failed.答案:on the contrary3He was so happy to see me again and he talked a lot about my grandparents who _ my brothers and sisters.答案:brought up4He hurried to the front of the puter nervously, with his eyes closely _ the screen.答案:staring at5Not until all the employees were scolded did he _ his absence from work.答案:account for6Since there was no way out, the robber decided to _ on his luck to see if he could run away.答案:take a chance.完成句子1The police examined their car and allowed them to _.警察检查了他们的车后允许他们前进。答案:go ahead2_ whether you should be changing your jobonly you can decide.至于是否你要换工作,只有你自己作决定。答案:As for3_, I dont like him very much.老实说,我不太喜欢他。答案:To be honest4His family said he was innocent and merely on the spot _.他的家人说他是无辜的,只是碰巧在现场而已。答案:by accident/by chanceWell, towards nightfall I found_myself_carried_out_to_sea by a strong wind.(P18)哦,快到黄昏的时候,我发现自己被一阵大风刮到了大海上。 “find oneself宾补”结构,表示“发现自己处于某种状况中”,carried out为过去分词短语,在句子中作宾语补足语,表被动。(1)find宾语(2)可用于复合宾语结构的动词有:see, hear, watch, notice, have等。(3)findit形容词/名词to do (it是形式宾语,to do是真正的宾语)I suddenly found_myself_running down the street.我突然在大街上跑了起来。Suddenly they heard a womans voice ing from the wrecked vehicle.突然他们听到一个女人的声音从毁坏的车上传来。We came home and found_him_asleep on the sofa.我们回到家发现他在沙发上睡着了。She woke up and found_herself_in_a_hospital_bed.她醒来发现自己躺在医院的床上。.单句语法填空1A cook will be immediately fired if he is found _ (smoke) in the kitchen.答案:smoking此处为“find宾语宾补”结构的变式,即该结构的被动形式,smoke与he之间为主动关系,且表示动作正在进行,故用smoking。2The map is one of the best tools a man has _ he goes to a new place.答案:whenever结合句意和语法,可以判断此处表示“每当”。故用连词whenever (每当)引导时间状语从句。3_ is known to us all that the 2022 Winter Olympic Games will take place in China.答案:It分析句子结构可知此处应用it作形式主语,真正的主语为that引导的主语从句。4It was not until he came back from Africa that year _ he met the girl he would like to marry.答案:that此处为not until的强调结构:It is/was not until从句/表时间的词that . 强调的是时间状语。.完成句子1I _ by a group of children full of curiosity.我发现自己被一群充满好奇心的孩子围住了。答案:found myself surrounded2He _ the classroom _ the teacher came in.他刚跑进教室,这时老师进来了。答案:had just rushed into; when3Dont hesitate to turn to me for help _.无论你什么时候需要帮忙,不要犹豫,找我好了。答案:whenever you need it名词性从句宾语从句与表语从句宾语从句在句子中起宾语作用的从句称为宾语从句(Object Clause)。引导宾语从句的连接词主要有三类:连词that, whether, if等;连接代词what, who, whose, whatever, whichever, whoever等;连接副词when, where, why, how等。He told me that he would go to Guangzhou the following day.他告诉我他第二天要去广州。I dont know if/whether he will attend the meeting.我不知道他是否会参加会议。I want to know where she has gone.我想知道她去哪里了。(1)宾语从句的语序在宾语从句中需用陈述句语序。Where is the post office? He doesnt know.He doesnt know where the post office is.他不知道邮局在哪里。(2)宾语从句中的时态宾语从句的时态应与主句谓语动词时态呼应。(客观事实除外)He said that they were having a meeting at that time.他说他们当时正在开会。He said that light travels much faster than sound.他说光比声音传播得快得多。表语从句在复合句中作表语的从句叫表语从句(Predicative Clause),通常由连词that, whether;连接代词who, whom, whose, which, what, whoever, whomever, whichever, whatever等以及连接副词when, where, how, why引导。从句的语序用陈述语序。此外,表语从句还可用as if, as though, because等引导。if不引导表语从句。What he wants to know is whether we can finish our work by tomorrow morning.他想知道的是我们是否到明天早晨能完成工作。The patient looked as if he had been ill for a long time.这个病人看起来好像病了很长一段时间。The reason why he was so late was that he missed the first bus this morning.他如此晚的原因是他今天早晨错过了第一辆公交车。.单句语法填空1Jane moved aimlessly down the treelined street, not knowing _ she was heading.答案:where由句中的aimlessly可以判断下文是说“不知道要去何处”,故用where引导knowing后的宾语从句。句意:简沿着绿树成荫的街道漫无目的地走着,不知道要去哪里。2He asked me _ I could help him.答案:whether/if设空处引导宾语从句,从句中不缺成分,缺少语义“是否”,故填whether/if。句意:他问我是否能帮助他。3Please tell me _ my mother will return from abroad, so I can meet her at the airport.答案:when设空处引导宾语从句,结合句意可知,此处应填when,表时间。4It is the same old story of not being grateful for_ we have until we lose it.答案:what设空处引导宾语从句,作介词for的宾语。从句中缺少have的宾语,表示的语义为“我们所拥有的”,故填what。5After five hours drive, they reached _ they thought was the place they had been dreaming of.答案:what分析句子结构可知,they thought为插入语。设空处引导宾语从句,从句中缺少主语,故填连接代词what。句末的they had been dreaming of是定语从句,修饰the place。.单句改错1The problem is that who will be equal to the task._答案:去掉that2We cant imagine how the ancient life was like._答案:howwhat3Ill give her whatever much money she needs._答案:whateverhowever.完形填空From childhood, Moira loved to write. Throughout school she _1_ writing, but pursuing (追求) it _2_ was never a possibility. Her father was a doctor, her mother a nurse. “Medicine was a fairly _3_ option,” Moira says. “And writing was a career where it wasnt a _4_ that youd have high ine.”She became a doctor but still wanted to do some writing. However, being a doctor was so _5_ that she didnt take up writing until her thirties. She _6_ a novela fictionalized version of her travels in China after university. She got excellent _7_. Moira sent it off to as many agents as she could find, and found one who wanted to _8_ her. Suddenly, it seemed she was on her _9_ as an author. “I had one lengthy phone call with the agent where we _10_ all possible areas she thought needed _11_. I worked on those and sent it back to her but didnt hear anything.” It was not long _12_ Moira found another agent who was _13_ if she was willing to rewrite it from the first person to the third person. She did the hard work and sent it off again. “I got back a really brief letter:Thank you, Im no longer interested. It was really _14_.”A decade went by, and Moira found herself itching to write again, this time _15_ for her own enjoyment. She _16_ herself the challenge of creating a thriller and chose Western Australia as her setting.As she was writing just for herself, something surprising began to happen. “The characters _17_ a life of their own; they started doing things I hadnt thought about. It just _18_ out.” One day, an agent called from Australia. Three weeks later, Moira had a publication deal. Her novel, Cicada, was published in March. “_19_ it hadnt been published I still would have gained so much from the _20_,” says Moira.篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文,主要叙述了Moira的写作经历。Moira在最初写作时并不顺利,图书不被认可,屡屡碰壁。但当她转变心态,纯粹是为了自己的喜爱而写作时,她却收获了意外之喜图书得以出版。1A.learnt Bavoided Cconsidered Denjoyed答案:D根据上文中的“From childhood, Moira loved to write.”可知,Moira喜爱写作。2A.actively BprofessionallyCenergetically Dpermanently答案:B根据转折连词but及下文语境可知,尽管Moira喜爱写作,但是专职写作根本不可能。professionally “专业地”,符合语境。第4空前的a career也是提示。3A.influential Bexplicit Cterrible Dsafe答案:D根据语境可知,Moira的父母从事医学方面的工作,因此医学对于Moira而言是没有风险的选择。safe “安全的,没有风险的”,符合语境。4A.dream Bpurpose Cchoice Dcertainty答案:D根据语境及常识可知,写作不一定是一份高收入职业。certainty “必然的事”,符合语境。5A.promising BdiscouragingCdemanding Dinteresting答案:C根据下文“that she didnt take up writing until her thirties”可知,此处指当医生是一份要求很高的工作以至Moira直到30多岁才开始写作。demanding “要求高的”,符合语境。6A.produced Bintroduced Cbought Dreceived答案:A根据本句中的“a fictionalized version of her travels in China after university”可知,Moira创作了一部小说。produce “创作”,符合语境。7A.rewards Breaders Creviews Dpraises答案:C根据下文可知,她得到了极好的评论。review “评论”,符合语境。8A.employ Brepresent Ctrust Dguide答案:C根据上文中的“Moira sent it off to as many agents as she could find”可知,Moira把这本小说寄给了她能找到的尽可能多的代理商,(最终)找到了想要信任她的一家代理。trust “信任”,符合语境。9A.own Bfeet Cway Dbusiness答案:C根据上文Moira为自己的书找到代理商可知,此处指Moira走在了成为作家的路上,即指她就要成为作家了。way “道路”,符合语境。10A.took off Bwent throughCpulled down Dcame over答案:B根据语境可知,Moira跟代理商进行了一次时间较长的通话,在电话里她们仔细检查了代理商认为可能需要修改的所有地方。go through “仔细检查”,符合语境。11A.deleting Badapting Cpolishing Dcovering答案:C根据常识可知,写作通常需要修改和润色。polish “修改,润色”,符合语境。12A.before Bafter Csince Dwhen答案:A根据语境可知,此处指不久之后Moira找到了另一家代理商。固定句型It is not long before . “不久之后”,符合语境。13A.fascinated Binterested Canxious Damused答案:B根据第14空前的“Im no longer interested”可知,此处指Moira找到了另一家感兴趣的代理商。interested “感兴趣的”,符合语境。14Amon Babsurd Cterrifying Ddisappointing答案:D根据上文可知,代理商不再对Moira的作品感兴趣,这令Moira很失望。disappointing “令人失望的”,符合语境。15A.purely Bwonderfully Cinstantly Dsadly 答案:A根据语境可知,十年过去了,Moira发现自己仍然渴望写作,这次纯粹是为了她自己享受(写作这一过程)。purely “仅仅,完全地,纯粹地”,符合语境。16A.set Bfound Cmade Dpermitted答案:A根据下文中的“creating a thriller and chose Western Australia as her setting”及语境可知,Moira给自己设置了创造一个惊险小说的挑战。set “设置”,符合语境。17A.put up Btook on Cwent over Dgot down答案:B根据下文“they started doing things I hadnt thought about”可知,(小说中的)人物呈现出他们自己的生活。take on “具有,呈现”,符合语境。18A.flew Bbrought Cbroke Dcarried答案:A根据上下文可知,这次Moira为自己创作,意想不到的事情发生了。这次她的写作有了收获,并出版了小说蝉。由此可推知,此处指Moira在这次写作中冲出了原来的困境,获得了成功。fly out “冲出”,符合语境。19A.Ever since BAs if CIf only DEven if答案:D根据上文可知,这次写作Moira是为了自己;由此可推知,即使书没有出版,她仍然收获颇多。even if “即使”,符合语境。20A.adventure Bpractice Cprocess Dresult答案:C根据上文可知,Moira从写作的过程中收获颇多。process “过程”,符合语境。.阅读理解Axx全国卷In the ing months,


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