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2019-2020年高中英语Module4FineArtsWesternChineseandPopArts单元加餐练一-二外研版.完形填空My son is fifteen years old. He was born with Down Syndrome. In the last fifteen years I have lost _1_ many times. However, right now I want to just stick to the topic of _2_.When Joshua was born the doctors _3_ us not to “waste our time, energy or money”. They said that our son would never _4_ anything. They told us he would never walk, talk or learn to use the toilet. _5_ for us and for our son we were not about to accept those words.When Joshua was four and a half years old, his younger sister, C. J, was three and _6_ the same preschool in a younger class. The school _7_ an art contest (竞赛) and all the children presented pictures. The pictures were _8_ on the wall and the president of the church, who was not personally familiar with the children, was the _9_.On the day of the contest I saw CJ.s picture _10_ it was being hung, but Joshuas class pictures were not yet up and I didnt think twice about _11_ his picture before leaving the building. You see, I had no expectation that Joshua would win; it was _12_ for me to know that he was able to _13_ a picture and have it displayed with those of the other children.Well, when I returned to _14_ the kids you can imagine my surprise when I discovered that Joshua was the _15_ of his class! He was so proud and excited. He told everyone, “I won the _16_! I made it! I made a tree!”CJ.kept insisting that she had won too, but it was certainly a _17_ feeling to know that Joshua had _18_ something. After that I decided to keep my expectations _19_. It seems that most people work to whatever expectations are set for them.Why should Joshua be any _20_?语篇解读:由于Joshua患有唐氏综合症,所以医生一开始就劝说我们放弃他,但是我们没有。虽然我对他没有太高的期望,但一次偶然的机会,他在绘画比赛中竟然得了第一名。1A.courageBheartCway Ddirection解析:选Blose heart“丧失信心”,符合语境。2A.expectations BexhibitionCencouragement Dinspiration解析:选Aexpectation“期望”;exhibition“展览”;encouragement“鼓励”;inspiration“灵感,鼓舞人心的事(物)”。由however一词可知,尽管有很多次我丧失信心,但还有所期望,最后四段中也有提示,故选A项。3A.suggested BwarnedCpersuaded Dadvised解析:选D没有suggest sb. to do sth.这一结构,故首先排除A项;warn sb. not to do sth.“警告某人不要做某事”;persuade sb. not to do sth.“劝服某人不做某事”;advise sb. not to do sth.“劝说/建议某人不做某事”。医生应是劝说或建议我们不要浪费时间、精力和金钱。4A.win BmakeCdraw Dreceive解析:选Bmake在这里是“成功做到”的意思。根据下文可知,医生认为“我”的儿子做不到常人能做的那些事情。5A.Hopefully BSadlyCLuckily DDoubtfully解析:选Chopefully位于句首时,意为“有望”;sadly“悲哀地”;luckily“幸运地”,常位于句首,作状语;doubtfully“怀疑地”。根据上下文理解,尽管医生那样说了,但我们没有接受那些话,所以孩子才有了今天,故用luckily。6A.attended BwentCjoined Dtook解析:选A“上学”的固定搭配是attend school或go to school,故选A项。7A.adopted BworkedCbuilt Dran解析:选D动词后面的宾语是an art contest,故只能用run“组织(比赛)”。8A.put BhungCplaced Ddrawn解析:选B状语是on the wall,孩子们的图画应是挂在墙上,故用hang“悬挂”,hung是它的过去分词。9A.parent BteacherCheadmaster Djudge解析:选D根据文意理解,举办画展需要的是评审,故选judge。10A.as BwhenCthough Dif解析:选A因为C.J.的画挂在墙上,所以我看到了。as表示原因,其他选项无此用法。11A.looking BfindingCseeing Dstudying解析:选Cthink about“思考”。根据下文作者的感想可知,“我”对能看到Joshua的画根本没抱什么期望,故选C项。12A.strange BenoughCfunny Dimpossible解析:选B承接上文的“had no expectation”可知,“我”只要知道Joshua能够画画,并能和其他学生的画放在一起展出就满足了,没有太高的期望。it is enough for sb. to do sth.“对某人来说做某事是足够的”。13A.draw BcopyClearn Dshow解析:选A根据上文的画展可知是他能draw“画画”。14A.take up Bkeep upCget up Dpick up解析:选Dtake up“拿起,占据”;keep up“坚持”;get up“起床”;pick up“搭载,用车接载(人)”。这里指到学校接孩子。15A.student BwinnerCpainter Dmonitor解析:选B根据下文可知,Joshua获得了成功,赢得了比赛,故他是班里的winner“获胜者”。16A.picture BclassCcontest Dsister解析:选C根据上文的“an art contest”可知,他赢得了比赛,win后面只能接物,不能接人。17A.special BusualCmon Dplex解析:选A根据上下文可知,Joshua本来是个有病的孩子,但他却赢得了比赛,所以这是一种特殊的感觉。18A.won BdefeatedCachieved Dreceived解析:选CJoshua取得了某种成就。achieve“获得,取得”。19A.low BhighCgreat Deasy解析:选B根据上文理解可知,本来“我”对Joshua没有抱太高的期望,但画画竞赛之后,“我”应是有了更高的期待。20A.valuable BhelpfulCclever Ddifferent解析:选D根据全文理解可知,因为Joshua天生患病,所以医生认为他连基本的生活能力都没有,但后来事实证明不是这样的,他也能取得某种成就,所以他并没有什么不同。.阅读理解A man in Indiana received the birthday surprise of his life when he opened up a card to find a touching handwritten message from his father, who had died 16 years earlier.Jace lost his father when he was just a teenager, so when his mother gave him the card on his 30th birthday, he believed it was from another relative. But when he opened it up and saw the signature (签名), he began to cry with joy.“I was really excited,” Jace told Buzzfeed, an Internet news media pany. “I burst into tears and it was hard to speak.” On the card was a simple cartoon dog with a speech bubble saying, “Youre 30? You know what that means,” with the inner message reading, “Time to remove dude from your vocabulary and turn your baseball cap back around.”“Its been so long that Ive been just kind of used to the idea that hes been gone,” Jace wrote on Reddit, where he posted a photo of the card. “Ive lived longer without him than I did with him. So to have these little moments when he kind of es back into my life again brings everything back in a rush. I cried, but I did because I was so happy.”Jace told Buzzfeed that this was not the first card hed received from his longgone dad; he said he also received cards on his 20th, 21st, and 25th birthdays all saved by his mother. But with the last being five years ago, Jace had forgotten about the possibility.But this may not be the last that Jace hears from his father. He added, “It makes me wonder what he may have planned for if I get married, have kids, or when I turn 40.”语篇解读:美国印第安纳州的Jace在30岁生日时居然收到了母亲转交给他的去世多年的父亲给他的一张生日贺卡,这让Jace热泪盈眶。1What was special about the birthday card Jace received this year?AIt had cartoon pictures on it.BIt had his dads signature on it.CIt was made by his longgone dad.DIt was the first card he had received.解析:选C细节理解题。根据文章第一段的内容可知,Jace收到的这张贺卡的特别之处在于给他写这张贺卡的人是16年前去世的父亲。2The card was probably made when he was _.A14B16C20 D25解析:选A推理判断题。Jace收到这张生日贺卡时是30岁,而他的父亲是16年前去世的,由此可推断出这张贺卡最有可能是他父亲在Jace 14岁时写的。3What Jaces longgone father wrote on the card was mainly to _.Amake Jace happy Boffer Jace suggestionsCpoint out Jaces mistakes Dshow his love for Jace解析:选B细节理解题。根据文章第三段中的“Time to remove dude from your vocabulary and turn your baseball cap back around”可知,在这张贺卡上,父亲主要是给Jace提出一些建议。4What does the underlined word “possibility” in Paragraph 5 refer to?ALiving with his father.BReceiving cards on his birthday.CReading his fathers handwritten message.DReceiving a birthday card from his longgone dad again.解析:选D词义猜测题。根据文章内容可知,possibility指的是再次收到去世很久的父亲的生日贺卡。.语法填空There are all kinds of festivals throughout the world. Festivals are held _1_ (satisfy) and please the ancestors (祖先), to honour some famous people or important _2_ (event), and to express peoples gratitude to the God for bringing them a year of plenty. For example, in India, October 2 is _3_ national festival to honour Mahandas Gandhi, the leader _4_ helped gain Indias _5_ (depend) from Britain. _6_ (tradition), in China the Spring Festival, which _7_ (celebrate) in January or February, is the most _8_ (energy) and important because it is a festival that looks forward _9_ the ing of spring. Why are all these festivals everywhere? Because during the festivals, people can get together to eat, drink and have fun with each other, _10_ (forget) all the daily struggle and demands for a while.答案:1.to satisfy2.events3.a4.who5independence6.Traditionally7.is celebrated8energetic9.to10.forgetting .短文改错I just e back from Britain last week. I was luckily enough to be one of the student from different countries to visit the UK from Feb.16 to 28. We paid a visit to many places, like London, Oxford or the Lake District. I learned much about British culture and history in London, where was my favorite. I also liked Oxford, in which I saw much more old buildings. The Lake District was beautiful, but it was pity that it rained heavily when they were there. The most excited thing for me in the Britain was that I made a lot of friends there.答案:第一句:ecame第二句:luckilylucky; studentstudents第三句:orand第四句:wherewhich第五句:muchmany第六句:在pity前加a; theywe第七句:excitedexciting;去掉Britain前的the.书面表达有的学校在临近考试的时候取消音体美课,改上语数外等。请你用大约100词,以“学校应不应该取消音体美课”为主题发表你的看法,并要包括以下的内容要点:1学校取消音体美课改上语数外的理由;2你认为学校应该还是不应该取消音体美课;3简要阐明你的理由。_参考范文:In some schools music, physical education and art lessons have been forbidden before the exams. They have changed these art lessons into Chinese, math or English ones because they hold the belief that students should spend more time making good preparations for the exam to get a good mark.In my opinion, however, a student should receive education for allround development. This is what modern society needs people with all kinds of abilities instead of those who know nothing but study. Besides, continuous study is easy to make us bored.What the schools have done is understandable, yet theyve forgotten the fact that we students are the ones who have the right to decide whether to call off music, physical education and art lessons.


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