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2019-2020年高中英语Unit2EnglisharoundtheWorld教案2新课标人教版必修1本单元介绍了世界各地的英语,并且主要介绍了英语是怎样经过多年以后发展到现代英语的。在授课前,老师要先了解学生对英语这一语言的了解状况,并且告诉学生世界上的英语是多种多样的。为什么是这样呢?这一问题引起了学生的好奇。进一步让学生根据自己所掌握的历史知识进行思考、讨论。学生的观点是否正确,让他们认真阅读课文。通过读课文使他们知道:在历史上移民和战争等使英语与各地文化交流并且不断发展变化而成为一种世界性语言,并且将继续发展变化。通过学习本单元,使学生了解英语的过去、现在,并且进一步认识英语的未来,为学生学好英语奠定了一定的心理基础。11对话模仿Listen to the tape again and again and try to imitate the dialogue. In this part, you will hear two persons talk about the rules of an apartment building. After hearing the dialogue, try to make up a similar dialogue with your classmates.A: Excuse me. Im new in this apartment building. Could I ask you some of the rules here?B: Yes, of course.A: First about the parking. Is it OK to leave my car behind the building?B: Sure. Youll see some parking spaces there for the people living in this building.A: And what about when I have guests?B: Well, guests arent allowed to leave their cars in the back. They have to park their cars in the guest parking area in the front.A: I see. And are there any rules about house pets? Am I allowed to have a dog, for instance?B: Yes, both cats and dogs are allowed.A: Thank you very much.12图表理解Listen to the passage and fill in the table with the answers of the questions. The passage will be read twice.1Who does the student think may notunderstand him?Americans.2Who says in hospital?Speakers of British English3What is the difference in pronouncingbird ?Americans usually sound r in theword while British people do not.4In how many ways are British andAmerican English different?Grammar, pronunciation, spelling andvocabulary.短文内容A student is learning to speak British English. He wonders if he can municate with Americans and if Americans can understand him. English learners often ask, What are the differences between British and American English? How important are these differences?Certainly, there are some differences between British and American English. There are a few differences in grammar. For example, speakers of British English say in hospital and Have you got a pen? while Americans say in the hospital and Do you have a pen? Pronunciation is sometimes different. Americans usually sound the r in the word like bird and hurt. British people do not sound the r in these words. There are also differences in spelling and vocabulary.However, these differences are not too important. For the most part, British English and American English are the same language.


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