
上传人:tia****nde 文档编号:2400034 上传时间:2019-11-23 格式:DOC 页数:1 大小:14KB
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2019-2020年高中英语Module5NewspapersandMagazines单元小结教学案外研版必修The news that Chinas taikonaut successful walked in Feitianspace hit the headlinesat home and abroad. The photographs of Zhai Zhigang in spacesuit replaced other pictures in the newspapers. He became acelebrity overnight. All the chinese were very delighted at the good news and proud of our country. Foreign media also made different reviews about it. Mr Zhai walked in space for 20 minutes in total, marking a historicbreakthrough in our countrys ambitious space program. It was also a great achievement to our country.When Mr Zhai struggled out of capsule of the spaceship with a national flag, all the people watching him burst into applause. Zhai said in outer space, “I am proud of our motherland.” Chairman Hu sent message of congratulations.Mr Zhai with his two colleagues was warmlyweled on landing the ground. People watched them as if they were aliens. People treated them as if they were wellknown actors. Many teenagers, like film fans, longed for their autographs. A girl said, “I never believed in mans walking in space before. But now it has been successful.” A boy said,“Now thatwe have walked in space, I think a permanent space station will be foundedsoon.”中国的宇航员成功在太空行走这一消息占据了国内外报纸的头版。穿着“飞天”太空服的翟志刚的照片也替换了报纸上的其他图片。他一夜之间成了名人。所有的中国人都因这一消息高兴,为我们的祖国而感到自豪。外国媒体也对此作出了不同的评论。翟志刚在太空一共行走20分钟,这标志着我们国家的航天事业有了历史性的突破。同时这对我们国家来说也是一个巨大的成就。当翟志刚手持国旗努力地从宇宙飞船的太空舱里出来时。观看他的人都爆发出了掌声。翟在外太空里说:“我为我的祖国而自豪。”胡主席发来了贺电。他们一着地,翟志刚和他的两名同事立刻受到了热烈的欢迎。人们看着他们好像他们是外星人似的。人们对待他们就像他们是著名的演员似的。很多青少年,像电影迷一样,渴望得到他们的签名。一个女孩说:“我从未相信人类能在太空行走。但现在它已经实现了。”一个男孩说:“既然我们已经能在太空行走了,我想很快就会建起一个永久的空间站。”


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