2019-2020年高中英语 Unit12 SectionⅢ The New Australians课时跟踪检测 北师大版必修4.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit12 Section The New Australians课时跟踪检测 北师大版必修4.介、副词填空1Id grown fond of the city and it was difficult to leave.2Look out for the traffic when crossing the street.3I always mix him with his brother.They look so much alike.4Humans are social animals and most of us need to belongto some certain group.5No blame can be attached to Roy for the incident.6She didnt say she liked it; on the contrary, she hated it.7It seemed unfair for him that he did so much but got so little.8Ive tried to forgive him for what he said.单项填空1After searching through the mountain, they managed to_ the missing children.ApointBplaceCspot Dsite解析:选C。point “指出”;place “放置”;spot “认出,发现”;site“设置”。根据句意选C。2_popular belief that classical music is too plex, it achieves a simplicity that only a genius can create.ASubject to BContrary toCFamiliar to DSimilar to解析:选B。句意:人们普遍认为古典音乐太复杂,而事实正相反,它有着只有天才才能够创造出来的简朴。题干中前后两部分的意思相反,构成转折对应关系,只有contrary to “与相反”符合此题意。3She is a lovely girl_to all kinds of parties.Ais fond of being invited Bfond to being invitedCwho is fond to be invited Dfond of being invited解析:选D。_.parties作定语,修饰girl,可用定语从句who / that is fond of ., 也可以把who / that is省略,用形容词短语作后置定语。be fond of (doing)sth.喜欢(做)某事,a lovely girl与invite 之间为被动关系,故用动名词的被动形式。4The teacher_ the girl for her being late.Aapologized BforgaveCprevented Dallowed解析:选B。句意:老师原谅了这个迟到的女孩。apologize “道歉”;forgive “原谅”;prevent “阻止”;allow “允许”。根据句意选B。5(xx江西高考)Parents _ much importance to education. They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift.Aattach BpayClink Dapply解析:选A。考查动词辨析。句意:父母亲都非常重视教育。他们会尽自己最大的努力给予孩子们无价的馈赠。attach much importance to“非常重视”,为习惯搭配。pay“付出”;pay attention to“重视,注意”;link .to .“把与联系起来”;apply to“适应”。6Remember to put the book where it_.Ais belonged Bis belonged toCbelongs Dbelongs to解析:选C。句意:记得把书放在原先的位置。belong to 是固定搭配且没有被动语态。而本题belong 后不接物,且前面有副词where,故不用 to。7We_ the fact that we are Chinese.Aare pride of Btake proud ofCare proud of Dtake pride of解析:选C。句意:我们以我们是中国人而自豪。A、B、D项结构都不正确。“因而自豪”应是be proud of .或take pride in .8What surprised me was not what he said but_ he said it.Athe way Bin the way thatCin the way Dthe way which解析:选A。由语境可知,定语从句的先行词是the way,故关系词可以是 that, in which 或省略关系词。9Young people spend most of their time_, for they dont want to stay at home all day.Aoutdoor BoutdoorsCindoor Dindoors解析:选B。句意:年轻人花大部分的时间在外面,因为他们不想整天待在家里。outdoors “在户外”;indoors “在室内,在户内”。分析句子可知此处要用副词作状语修饰谓语,排除A、C;又根据后半句句意排除D;故选B。10What a pity! Ive not got a ticket for the football match.Dont worry.Itll be broadcast_.Alive BlivelyCalive Dliving解析:选A。句意:“真遗憾!我没有买到足球赛的票”。“不要担心。这场球赛将进行现场直播”。根据句意选A。live “现场直播地”;lively “生动的,活泼的”;alive “活的,没死的”;living “活的,健在的”。.阅读理解安徽、河南专用Do you know Australia? Australia is the largest island in the world. It is a little smaller than China. It is in the south of the earth.Australia is big, but its population is not large. The population of Australia is nearly as large as that of Shanghai.The government has made enough laws to fight pollution.The cities in Australia have got little air or water pollution. The sky is blue and the water is clean. You can clearly see fish swimming in the rivers. Plants grow very well.Last month we visited Perth, the biggest city in Western Australia, and went to a wild flowers exhibition. There we saw a large number of wild flowers we had never seen before. We had a wonderful time. Perth is famous for its beautiful wild flowers. In spring every year Perth has the wild flowers exhibition. After visiting Perth, We spent the day in the countryside. We sat down and had a rest near a path at the foot of a hill. It was quiet and we enjoyed ourselves. Suddenly we heard bells ringing at the top of the hill. What we saw made us pick up all our things and run back to the car as quickly as we could.There were about three hundred sheep ing towards us down the path.Australia is famous for its sheep and kangaroos (袋鼠). After a short drive from any town, you will find yourself in the middle of white sheep. Sheep, sheep, everywhere are sheep.语篇解读:本文主要介绍了澳大利亚的一些大概情况。1. Australia is_.Athe largest country in the worldBas large as ShanghaiCnot as large as ChinaDthe largest island in the north of the earth解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第一段“Australia is the largest island in the world. It is a little smaller than China”可知答案为C。2The government had made _.Atoo enough laws to fight pollutionBso many laws that can fight pollutionCenough laws that can hardly fight pollutionDenough laws because the pollution is very serious解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第二段的“The government has made enough laws to fight pollution”. 可知答案为B。3. Which of the following is NOT true?APerth is famous for its beautiful wild flowers.BPerth is bigger than any other city in Western Australia.CPerth lies in the west of Australia.DNo other city is larger than Perth in Australia.解析:选D。细节理解题。由第三段的第一句“the biggest city in .”我们可以推测出Perth是澳大利亚西部最大的城市,而选项D则说它是澳大利亚最大的城市,所以D错误。4. Which of the following is TRUE?AAustralia is famous for its sheep, kangaroos and wild flowers.BWe ran back to the car because we were in the middle of white sheep.CThree hundred sheep came towards us because they saw us.DIf you go to the countryside in Australia, you will see a large number of white sheep.解析:选D。细节理解题。从最后一段的“After a short drive from any town, you will find yourself in the middle of white sheep .”可以判断出选项D正确。福建专用A篇同安徽、河南专用B5. The main idea of this passage is_.Athe customs in Korea and China are exactly the sameBKoreans and Americans can never understand each otherCSouth Americans are more friendly than North AmericansDdifferent countries permit different amounts of touching in public places解析:选D。本文主要谈论了不同国家在公共场合下不同的接触,体现了文化的不同。6Chinese and Korean people feel surprised when they see Americans hug and kiss on the street because _.Athey never hug or kiss themselvesBtheir own customs usually dont permit such conductCthey are politeDkissing each other is not allowed on the street解析:选B。细节理解题。由原文中“.in Korea (朝鲜)and China, customs usually dont permit people to show affection in public places.”可知。7Which of the following is TRUE?AChinese people often kiss on the street.BIn all countries public affection is permitted.CIn many countries, men shake hands when they greet each other.DAmericans are not as polite as people in other countries.解析:选C。细节判断题。由文中“In most countries, men dont kiss .on the back.”可知大部分国家的男士的见面问候方式以握手或互拍背部为主。8. Which of the following is NOT true?ASocial customs are different in different countries.BCustoms in the United States permit public affection.CCustoms in some countries dont allow people to show affection in public places.DWomen in South America never touch each other.解析:选D。由原文知南美的女性朋友常常“walk arm in arm”。.选做题任务型读写(安徽专用)It is interesting to know what people of different nations like to do best.In France, when a woman enters a cafe or restaurant, she is freely discussed, not only about her appearance but about her past and future as well. She invites looks in the street whether she is beautiful or plain. There is no better way for a woman to get back her selfconfidence than a walk in the streets of Paris or Marseilles, and women really like that.In Italy, people love talking. They sit about in cafes, exchanging news and discussing politics. They do not hesitate to ask questions about the family, ine and private life of anybody who happens to be there.The Swiss eat as a pastime. Ladies walk into a teashop, eat a couple of ice creams and a large piece of chocolate cake, and then leave, plaining about their weight.For the Americans, the greatest fondness is said to be the push of buttons. You push a button in the lift, you push a button for cigarette, chewing gums, stamps, even for a life insurance. You can even push a button to get married and another button to get divorced.In England, waiting in a line is national passion. The English will form a line whether they have the opportunities. Long queues can be seen, for example, at stations when the train is practically empty and everybody can have a seat.In England, waiting in a line is national passion. The English will form a line whether they have the opportunities. Long queues can be seen, for example, at stations when the train is practically empty and everybody can have a seat.In different (1)_What people like to do best?In FranceDiscuss women in a cafe or restaurant.Women like to (2)_ in the street to get back selfconfidence.In (3)_(4)_with each other and even ask some (5)_ information.In (6)_(7)_a lot and then (8)_about their weight.In AmericaPush (9)_.In EnglandForm a (10)_ when everyone can have a seat in the train.答案:1.nations/ countries2.walk3.Italy4.Talk 5.private6.Switzerland7.Eat8plain9.buttons10.line/queue短文填词(福建专用)Schools should be clean and pure spots but now something bad happens.Everyone knows that some students _(作弊) 1._in examinations at school._students, we often 2._have examinations at school, but sometimes we have too many examinations _are too difficult for us. On the 3._other hand, some of the students are l_ and dont 4._work hard at their lessons. So when t_ 5._examinations, they are dishonest in order to get better results to p_ their parents and teachers. In my 6._opinion, it is wrong to be dishonest in examinations because it _(违反) the rules of schools. We students 7._should be honest and try to get good g_by studying 8._hard _of being dishonest in examinations. Whats 9._more, we should improve our study methods and get well _(准备) for exams.10._答案:1.cheat2.As3.which/that4.lazy5.taking6please7.breaks 8.grades9.instead10.prepared任务型阅读(河南专用)As we all know, sleep is very important and necessary. I would love everyone to form the habits below to have better sleep without needing the alarm wakeup call._1_ If you eat much food an hour before you go to bed, your body will hate you. Your body needs time to digest (消化) while you are still awake._2_Something that makes me very angry is when I hear on TV that people just need 30minute exercise a week. Thats funny. Every person should be getting 30minute exercise daily along with a healthy diet. When you do exercise, you use energy that your body has to recover from. _3_ The harder you push your body, the faster it falls to sleep and the better it sleeps.Turn the TV off. There are a few shows I watch still, but they will never get in my way of (妨碍) sleep. The bedroom is only for sleeping and a place of rest. _4_._5_ A question to ask yourself: If I didnt have an alarm, what time would I get up? If that time is the time you need to get up, you should probably throw away the alarm. If the time you actually get up is much later than the time you do get up, make great changes to your way of life and the time you go to sleep. No one should need an alarm.AExercise for at least 30 minutes every day.BEat right and no meals within 4 hours of rest.CThrow away the alarm.DSleep is one of the most important things in our lives.EYour body recovers when you are sleeping.FTry to get up as early as you can.GTake the TV out of your bedroom.答案:15 BAEGC短文改错(河南专用)It was a long time since we last saw each other. You can hardly imagine how I miss you. How are you getting with your first job? I remember you once tell me you were eager to graduate and to bee an English teacher. Now you must have many firsthand experience. How do you find your English teaching? Is teaching kids English as interested as you expected in college? And do your student enjoy your classroom teaching? Anyway, I believe you must very popular with the kids, for you are a born teacher. Hope you great success in your work! Yes, why not give me call and e for a gettogether this weekend?答案:第一句:wasis第三句:getting后加on或along第四句:telltold;去掉第二个to 第五句:manymuch第七句:interestedinteresting第八句:studentstudents第九句:must后加be第十句:HopeWish第十一句:call前加a


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