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2019-2020年高中英语Module1MyFirstDayatSeniorHighPeriod4IntegratingSkills课后阅读训练外研版. 完形填空I had planted different hot peppers in my garden. A Mexican fellow called Sam worked for me. He1hot peppers, too. It was late summer and a beautiful sunny day. My son, Marcus, eight, and my daughter, Ellen, ten, picked several2hot peppers and entered our workroom with their3. They wanted to see if Sam could4more hot peppers than I. After a little joking with them we agreed to the contest but they had to5us, too. That was not6for them so they left the room. They7about an hour later with a new proposal and new hot peppers they had just picked. 8they had reasoned that when a pepper was9in color it was the hottest kind. Marcus and Ellen would eat the green colored peppers10Sam and I would eat the red colored peppers. Giving Sam a wink(使眼色), we11. Showing good sportsmanship(体育精神), I had the kids12the peppers that Sam and I would eat. They picked the largest two red peppers. Then they picked a13green one for themselves. Knowing what was going to14, I told them I would make it15for them. I cut one pepper in half and removed the16to reduce the heat a little. The contest was one of speed rather than17. Each child had pepper in hand and was18to start. Looking at my19I said, OK, on three. One, Two, Three. So much happened all at once. Tears, screams and spitting running around, the children20their mouth with fast waving hands. A short time later, Sam and I agreed that the red tasted better than the green. 【语篇概述】本文为一篇记叙文, 主要讲述两个大人和两个孩子进行吃辣椒比赛的有趣经历。1. A. boughtB. likedC. soldD. studied【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。由句意“我在园子里种了各种辣椒, Sam为我工作”, 说明我俩都对辣椒感兴趣。B项符合语境。2. A. heavyB. colorfulC. largeD. green【解析】选C。词汇复现题。后文提到比赛中Marcus和Ellen给我们选了两个最大的辣椒, 因此他俩肯定是摘了几个大大的辣椒。3. A. proposalB. trickC. imaginationD. plan【解析】选A。词语辨析题。从接下来一句看, 他们想看看Sam是否能比“我”吃更多的辣椒, 因此提议举行吃辣椒比赛。4. A. plantB. pickC. harvestD. eat【解析】选D。词语辨析题。既然是吃辣椒比赛, 只能选用动词eat。5. A. tasteB. joinC. attendD. share【解析】选B。词语辨析题。句意: 跟他们开了一会儿玩笑后, 我们答应举行比赛, 但是他们也必须要加入我们。从第二段两个孩子作了“妥协”, 同意与两个大人比赛来看, 应选B。join后可跟sb. , 而attend作参加讲不可以跟sb. 。6. A. acceptableB. fortableC. simpleD. lucky【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。从他们离开了房间来看, 两个孩子没有接受我们的条件。7. A. enteredB. returnedC. wentD. reached【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。他们第一次来没有答应我们的条件就走了, 大约一小时后, 带着一些新摘的辣椒又回来了, 想法也变了。根据“来去来”的情节, B项比A项准确。8. A. SomehowB. UnfortunatelyC. UnexpectedlyD. Anyhow【解析】选A。词语辨析题。不知为什么他们认为红辣椒应当比青的辣。somehow不知怎么地; unfortunately不幸地; unexpectedly未曾预料地; anyhow无论怎样。故只有A项符合句意。9. A. purpleB. greenC. redD. orange【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。从他们提出的条件来看, 他们自己吃青辣椒, 要“我”和Sam吃红辣椒, 由此可以推理出他们认为红辣椒是最辣的。10. A. whileB. butC. soD. if【解析】选D。词语辨析题。这里是Marcus和Ellen新提议中的条件: 如果“我”和Sam吃红辣椒, 他们就吃青辣椒。本题要理解这是在比赛前Marcus和Ellen提出他们自己参加比赛的条件。11. A. smiledB. understoodC. agreedD. jumped【解析】选C。词语辨析题。“我”知道这样他们是要吃亏的, 所以“我”给Sam使了个眼色, 同意了他们的提议。从下文看, 两个大人和两个孩子按照孩子确定的规则开始了“比赛”, 故此处选C项最为准确。12. A. prepareB. selectC. cutD. cook【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。从接下来孩子们为“我”和Sam选辣椒以及他们自己选辣椒的情节可知, 此处意为“为表现高尚的体育精神, 我让孩子们为我和Sam选择辣椒”。13. A. freshB. smallC. deliciousD. hot【解析】选B。逻辑推理题。两个孩子想在“比赛”中占优势, 给两个大人选了两个最大的红辣椒, 为他们自己选了一个小小的青辣椒。此处green同red相对, small同largest相对, 构成对比。14. A. take inB. take onC. take placeD. take out【解析】选C。词语辨析题。“我”和Sam种了很多辣椒, 所以凭“我”的经验, “我”知道(比赛中)将会发生什么。take in吸收, 理解; take on披上, 呈现, 具有; take out去除; take place发生。15. A. more convenientB. more interestingC. happierD. easier【解析】选D。背景常识题。从前文判断, “我”要表现高尚的体育精神, 而且知道孩子们一定会辣得难受; 从后文判断, “我”把一个辣椒切成两半, 去除了辣椒籽儿, 可知此处意为“我告诉他们我会让他们吃起来更舒服、容易一些”。16. A. seedsB. leavesC. skinD. flesh【解析】选A。背景常识题。去掉辣椒籽, 当然可以减少辣味。如果选D, 则成了去掉肉而吃籽, 与文意不符, 亦不合常理。17. A. timeB. skillC. qualityD. quantity【解析】选D。词语辨析题。两个大人每人吃一个最大的, 两个孩子共吃一个小的, 说明此处意为“这是速度的比赛, 而不是数量的比赛”, 即不论吃辣椒的多少。18. A. nervousB. eagerC. willingD. glad【解析】选B。词语辨析题。吃辣椒比赛是两个孩子提出来的, 宁可自己参加也要来一次这样的比赛, 又是按他们提出的条件来比赛的, 他们以为占了大便宜, 由此知此处意为“每个孩子手里拿着辣椒, 急切地等着比赛的开始”。19. A. watchB. childrenC. partnerD. pepper【解析】选A。背景常识题。因为是速度的比赛, 与时间有关, 故合适的意思是“我看着表”。20. A. openedB. coveredC. fannedD. washed【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。本段描写两个孩子的形象十分生动: 两个孩子辣得十分狼狈, 快速地挥动着两只手, 朝嘴巴里扇风(因为辣得难受而做出的一种本能反应)。. 短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号()并在其下面写出该加的词。删除: 把多余的词用斜线()画掉。修改: 在错的词下面画一横线, 在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。Jane and I had been friends since we are in kindergarten, but things were changed when we entered senior high school. Jane began to treat me in a unfriendly way, but she was very closely to some other girls. I kept wonder what was wrong with me. Then suddenly she started acting like my best friends again. Half of I wanted her back, but the other half said, “No, look at how she has done to you! ”I decided have a talk with her and tell her how I felt. She said sorry for me, and now we are best friends again. 答案: 1. 【解析】将第一句中的arewere。根据语境可知此处since引导的时间状语从句应用一般过去时。2. 【解析】将第一句中的were去掉。change是不及物动词, 没有被动语态, 应该用主动语态。3. 【解析】将第二句中的aan。unfriendly前应该用不定冠词an。4. 【解析】将第二句中的closelyclose。此处应该用形容词。be close to意为“与亲密”。5. 【解析】将第三句中的wonderwondering。keep doing sth. 意为“一直做某事”。6. 【解析】将第四句中的friendsfriend。best后面跟单数名词friend, 意为“最好的朋友”。7. 【解析】将第五句中的Ime。介词of后面跟代词的宾格。8. 【解析】将第五句中的howwhat。此处宾语从句中has done后面缺少宾语, 而不是状语, 所以用what引导。9. 【解析】在第六句中的decided后加to。决定做某事“decide to do sth. ”。10. 【解析】将第七句中的forto。向某人说对不起“say sorry to sb. ”。


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