2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第三册:Unit4 Green world(第一课时).doc

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2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第三册:Unit4 Green world(第一课时).Brief Statements Based on the UnitThere are a variety of plants.How should we classify them scientifically?Who is the first to do this?We can find the answers in Unit 4.The unit begins with talking about four different kinds of flowerstulip,rose,sunflower and peony.The students are asked to give the names and tell the places they e from as well as what they are used for,etc.In Speaking Part,the students are given different topics to talk about.First they are asked to describe how to plant soybeans.Five pictures are given to show the whole process of growing soybeans.Even though you havent done this by yourself,youll have some ideas.As long as youve heard of such things as this,you can describe it without much difficulty.Then they are asked to talk about how to plant vegetables on condition that you have a small garden.If you cant do this successfully,you can choose a much easier topicdescribe the process of planting and growth of any plant which you are familiar with.In a happy and relaxed atmosphere,the students ability to speak English is improved.Listening asks the students to listen to a material about fruit and how to group different kinds of fruit.Besides,the material gives the reason why we eat fruit.The story about Captain Cook and his soldiers is also interesting and instructive.The teacher should ask the students to listen carefully so as to improve their listening ability.The author of the text describes three world famous scientistsCarl Linnaeus,Daniel Solander and Joseph Banks.They gave birth to a sciencebotany,or rather,Carl Linnaeus gave birth to it and the other two enriched it greatly.After they go through the whole article,the students will have improved their reading ability.At the same time,theyll be struck by the scientists spirit of devotion as well as learn more about the sciencebotany.In order to help the students to learn and master the useful words and expressions,exercises of different forms are designed in Word Study.The students can use these words and expressions in different situations.In Grammar,the students will review the Object.A lot of examples are given to let the students see their usageswhat can be used as the object,a useful sentence pattern:have something done,and direct and indirect object.The students will know the grammar item further after they have done all the exercises.In Reading,Intergrating Skills,another three scientists Charles Darwin,Gregor Mendel and Gote Turesson and their great scientific achievements are shown to the students.After learning the passage,the students will learn the same as they did from the text before.Writing is designed perfectly.In general,writing is hard to most students,expecially English writing.However,when doing the part,the students will perhaps feel different,as detailed information is given to them.How to apply the different information when they are writing is an ability we should pay attention to.If this can be done successfully,the students writing ability will be further improved.Teaching Goals1.Talk about botany.2.Speak about procedures.3.Review the Object.4.Write a description of plants.Background InformationThe Scientific AttitudeWhat is the nature of the scientific attitude,the attitude of the man or woman who studies and applied physics,biology,chemistry,geology,engineering,medicine or any other science?We all know that science plays an important role in the societies in which we live.Many people believe,however,that our progress depends on two different aspects of science.The first of these is the application of the machines,products and systems of applied knowledge that scientists and technologists develop.Usually aided by technology,science improves the structure of society and helps man to gain increasing control over his environment.New fibers and drugs,faster and safer means of transportation,new systems of applied knowledge are some examples of this aspect of science.The second aspect is the application by all members of society,from the government official to the ordinary citizen,of the special methods of thought and action that scientists use in their work.What are these special methods of thinking and acting?First of all,it seems that a successful scientist is full of curiosityhe wants to find out how and why the universe works.He usually directs his attention towards problems which he notices have no satisfactory explanation,and his curiosity makes him look for underlying relationships even if the data available seem to be unconnected.Moreover,he thinks he can improve the existing conditions,whether of pure or applied knowledge,and enjoys trying to solve the problems which this involves.He is a good observer,accurate,patient and objective and applies persistent and logical thought to the observations he makes.He utilizes the facts he observes to the fullest extent.For example,trained observers obtain a very large amount of information about a star mainly from the accurate analysis of the simple lines that appear in a spectrum.He is skepticalhe does not accept statements which are not based on the most plete evidence availableand therefore rejects authority as the sole basis for truth.Scientists always check statements and make experiments carefully and objectively to verify them.Lastly,he is highly imaginative since he often has to look for relationships in data which are not only plex but also frequently inplete.Furthermore,he needs imagination if he wants to make hypotheses of how processes work and how events take place.Teaching Time:Five periodsThe First PeriodTeaching Aims:1.Get the students to talk about botanyfour different kinds of flowers to train the students to learn how to make a description.2.Get the students to listen to a material to train their listening ability.3.Get the students to talk about procedures.Teaching Important Points:1.Improve the students speaking ability by describing flowers.2.Improve the students listening ability.Teaching Difficult Point:How to talk about procedureshow to describe something orderly.Teaching Methods:1.Talking method to make the students speak about what they want to say.2.Discussion method to give every student a chance to speak.3.Pair work or group work to make every student active.Teaching Aids:1.a puter2.a courseware3.a tape recorderTeaching Procedures:Step GreetingsT:Good morning,everyone!Ss:Good morning,teacher.T:Sit down,please.Step Warming Up (Teacher and students learn the new words of this period together.)T:Do you like flowers?Ss:Yes,very much.T:Now Ill show you four pictures of different flowers.(Teacher shows the pictures on the screen.)(1)(2)(3)(4)T:Look at the pictures and tell us their names,please.Who know the first flowers?Sa:They are peonies.Sb:The second are roses and the third are tulips.Sc:The last ones are sunflowers.T:Can you tell us something about each kind of flowers?Such as the place it es from,its use and something else.SD:Ill say something about the sunflowers.I once saw many sunflowers in a garden.Most of them are taller than me,about two metres or more.Their flowers are very big,like big plates and their leaves are like fans.Theyre beautiful.All of us like them very much.SE:I saw an article in the newspaper.It says that sunflowers e from North America,Indians there began to grow them some 3000 years ago.Their seeds can be eaten and their flowers can be viewed and admired.It is said that they can be used as medicine,too.SF:We can make cooking oil out of their seeds.The sunflower is out of the four important oil-bearing crops.The others are soybeans,peanuts and rapeseeds.SG:I went to see peonies last year in Luoyang.They are the most beautiful flowers Ive ever seen.There were so many that we found that our eyes could not take them all in at a time.The guider told us that there are 960 types of peonies in Luogang and hundreds of thousands of people e here to view and admire them every year.SH:The tulip is a kind of garden plant growing from a bulb in spring,with a large brightly-colored cup-flower on a tall stem.Tulips are beautiful flowers and people often send them to their friends as presents.Tulips in the Netherlands are the most famous all over the world.SI:Every year large quantities of tulips are exported from the Netherlands into the US,German and Japan.So a lot of money is made by the Dutch.T:Who can tell us something about roses?Which kind of flower is your favourite?SJ:I like roses best,which are the best presents to be sent to our friends.It is also very popular to send roses as love signal between young people.SK:Red roses indicate Warmth and love and white roses,purity and simplicity.Blue roses are a sign of honesty and sincereness.If my best friend has a new job in another place,Ill send him thirteen roses,expressing that our friendship will last forever.T:Thank you very much for giving us so much about flowers.Flowers can make our world beautiful and colorful,increase friendship between us and have an effect which anything else cant have.I hope some of you can bee experts in raising flowers.Next,well do listening.Step ListeningT:Please turn to Page 28.Before listening,we should go over the requirements.Please read the questions on Pages 28 and 29 and see what we should do after we finish listening to the material.(A few minutes later.)T:Have you finished?Ss:Yes.T:Ill play the tape now.Ill play it three times.When I play it for the first time,please do as much of the exercise as you can.Then Ill play it for the second time.This time,pay your attention to the parts unfinished.After that,you can have a discussion and check your answers with your partner.Next,lets check the answers together.At last,youll have a chance to listen to the material once again.Are you clear about this?(Ss:Yes.)Lets begin.Step SpeakingT:Growing plants in pots or boxes at home can be both fun and a useful experience.When we give our friends presents such as flowers or pot plants,we often tell them how to grow and take care of them.Besides,growing plants can also get us to learn some knowledge which we cant learn from books.It can make us value what the labouring people create.What did you ever plant and where did you plant them?Sa:Im a student from the countryside.I see my parents work in the field and green houses,planting crops as well as tomatoes,pumpkins,sunflowers and strawberries.In the summer vacation,I often do farmwork with them in the field.Sb:I live in town.We have a small garden behind our house.Every year we plant some flowers and some vegetables,such as tomatoes,cucumbers,eggplants and beans.Sc:I live in a building.Our apartment has a big balcony and on both sides of it we plant some flowers and vegetables,such as tomatoes and cucumbers.T:Who has ever planted soybeans plant?Sd and Se:We did.T:The pictures below show the stages of growing soybeans.Can you describe how to grow and take care of the soy bean plant?S d:Yes.First you should put some rich soil in a big pot or you can bring some soil from a field and then mix it with some powder,which is made from fish,blood and bones.Then put some seeds in it.The seeds should be big and round,chosen from the best seed-heads.Besides,the seeds should not be too shallow or too deep in the soil,two or three centimetres in general.S e:You should put the pot in a warm place.Water it every now and then.After a few days the young plants will e out.Be sure to keep the pot wet enough.When they are about three or four inches tall,put less water so that the roots of the young plants can grow deeper.Thus youll have big and strong plants.Sf:During the growing period of the plants you should put fertilizer twice or third in the soil.At last in the autumn youll get in a big harvest of soy-beans.Whats more,you should put up the seeds whenever possible.Good seeds,rich soil,plenty of sunlight and enough water are necessary for any plant.T:Do you want to have a small garden?Ss:Yes,we do.T:Which plants,vegetables or flowers would you grow if you have one?When to take care of them and when to harvest or pick them?Sg:I like tomatoes best.If I have a small garden.Ill plant some tomatoes.Clean the ground before planting.Transplant some young plants in early April.Ill give them enough water and fertilizer and remove the seeds whenever there are some.When it is in late July,Im sure I can get in good and ripe tomatoes.T:You give us a vivid picture of planting tomatoes.I think you are all sure to do the job well if you have a small garden.That experience must have a lot of fun.Step Summary and HomeworkT:In this class,weve talked about some flowers,done the listening and practiced describing how to plant some vegetables.What vocabulary will you need to talk about flowers and plants?How to talk about a procedure?S1:We use such words:words expressing different colors:red,yellow,blue,black,orange,purple,gray,etc.S2:Words like strong,weak,big,tall,beautiful,pretty,colourful,etc.S3:Brightly,coloured,cup-shaped and love,warmth,purity and simplicity.S4:Honestly and sincereness.S5:When we describe a procedure,we can describe it like this:First;first of all.;you should do.first;then.;and then.;at last.;finally.(Teacher writes the words above on the blackboard.)T:Now todays homework:Do Exercise3 on Page 30.Have a talk with your partner.Next class well have some students talk about it before class.Thats all for this class.Step The Design of the Writing on theBlackboardUnit 4Green worldsThe First PeriodWords used to describe flowers:1.Words expressing different colors:red,yellow,blue,black,orange,purple,gray,etc.2.strong,weak,big,tall,beautiful,pretty,colorful3.brightly-colored,cup-shaped,love,warmth,purity4.honesty,sincerenessWhen describing a procedure:First.;First of all.;you should do.first;then.;and then.;at last.;finally.Step Record after Teaching_


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