2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第三册:Unit15 Popular youth culture(第一课时).doc

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2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第三册:Unit15 Popular youth culture(第一课时).Brief Statements Based on the UnitThe activities of this unit,including Warming-up,Speaking,Listening,Reading and Writing,center on the subjectpopular youth culture,which will certainly interest the students.By talking about popular youth culture and interests of young people,the students will know something about youth culture.After reading the passageYoung Volunteers,the students will learn something about voluntary work,which the students must be interested in.Besides,the students will learn some useful words and expressions.In the last period,the students will learn more about youth culture,after reading the passageDenim Jeans,they will also learn to conduct a survey and write a report about youth culture.After finishing each task provided in this unit,the students will improve their integrative skills greatly.Teaching Goals1.Talk about youth culture and interests of young people.2.Read about voluntary work.3.Integrative language practice.4.Conduct a survey and write a report.Background Information1.Webworms in ClassroomsStudents spend too much time on InternetChinese college webworms are finding that the Internet has one thing in mon with cheating during exams:they both can get you kicked out of school.Of the 237 students of East China University of Science and Technology who are dropping out of school or transferring to lesser colleges this year,80 percent blame their academic failure on excessive use of the Internet.At Shanghai Jiaotong University,some one third of the 205 school dropouts this year say the endless hours spent before puters have led to their failure in studies.Easy and fast Internet connections installed on college campuses in recent years have provided great convenience for college students.But many students are getting carried away by being obsessively fond of surfing the Webdays and nights.Apart from accessing emails and looking up data online,many students spend hours playing interactive games and chatting.Reading and posting articles on college bulletin boards(BBS) can also eat up hours each night.Similar problems have surfaced in Beijing,where Web connections in student dorms have so far been the privilege of a relatively small number of students,mostly postgraduate students from leading institutes.Some of them even have to quit school because of their obsession with browsing the Web.They skip all their classes at that time and sat before the puter for at least 10 hours a day.They spent most of their time online chatting with friends all over the country using the popular software OICQ,or visiting the college BBS.Internet cafes in Beijing usually charge between five and ten yuan per hour.Even for students from better-off families,spending a few relaxing hours at the cafe for several days could result in a heavy deficit on their monthly budget.And worse things are yet to e:several Internet bars in Beijing were fined in early November when police found pornographic content in the puters.Although many internet cafes prohibit their customers from visiting porn sites or playing games online,many customers,including college students,manage to do so for hours every night.Officials with the two Shanghai universities say school authorities are taking mild measures to deal with potential dropout students.They may consider giving them a second chance.But its basically up to the students themselves to avoid the addiction to the Web.Like any other new thing,it gives you a shock at first encounter.As we get more used to the Internet as part of our campus life,we tend to get more rational about it.2.How to solve the personal problemsSome people who find themselves unable to solve a problem react by just giving up.But it is not good to escape from problems by giving up or by making excuses for failures.You may be sure that all young people go through the same difficult process that you are going through;meeting new situations,developing new skills,and testing their abilities.If you are unhappy about something,face it.Try to state the problem in a few words,so that you will know exactly what you are up against.Then see if you can “put your finger” on the cause of your unhappiness.In many cases,we only “think” there is no solution to a particular problem.But often we can overe problem and achieve the goal by making a direct attack.For example,a boy wanted to be a debater(讨论家).When he tried out for the debating team as a freshman,the coach thought he was hopeless.He was shy;he had a high-pitched voice;and his posture was poor.Although he was given little hope of success,he took advantage of every opportunity to debate.He studied successful speakers and sized up his own weakness and assets.Then he spent many hours learning all the fact on the topics for debate,and worked at developing good posture and at speaking clearly.By his junior year,he made the school debating team,and in his senior year he was on the winning team in his state.He achieved his goal because he had made a direct attack upon his problem.Although direct attack is often the best way to meet problems,we have to be realistic(现实的) in judging situations.Sometimes it is necessary to change either the tactics or the goal.A boy who wants to be a great football player may be too light and not quite fast enough for football.In this situation,being a great football player may be an unreasonable goal for him.However,he may bee outstanding in tennis or golf,and satisfy his desire to take part in sports.A girl who has plain features may decide that she cannot win popularity(声望) with her face,and so she may try to develop an interesting personality,which eventually will get her much further.In this situation,she must change her method of achieving her goal.So,although direct attack is often the best way to handle problems,it is important to study the situation and make a wise decision about what to do.Teaching Time:Four periodsThe First PeriodTeaching Aims:1.Talk about youth culture and interests of young people to improve the students speaking ability.2.Do some listening practice to train the students listening ability.3.Learn something about “youth culture”.Teaching Important Point:Train the students listening and speaking abilities.Teaching Difficult Points:1.How to help the students improve their listening and speaking abilities.2.How to help the students understand “youth culture”.Teaching Methods:1.Discussion to make the students talk about youth culture and interests of young people.2.Listening practice to improve the students listening ability.3.Group work and pair work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids:1.the multimedia2.the blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step Lead-in and Warming upT:We know that everybody has his own interests.I like reading,gardening and swimming.How about you,Qin Li?What do you do in your spare time?S:I like listening to music,especially English songs.And sometimes I surf the Internet.T:I see.Please sit down.Wang Jing,what do you like most?S:I like designing and making ship models.T:Really?Why?S:Because my father is a sailor.He has bought many ship models for me.I like them very much,and I want to build my own ship models.T:Thats great.Please bring one to our class next time.I really want to have a look.So,you have many different interests.Now,please look at the pictures shown on the screen.(Show the following on the screen.)T:Which of the pictures are true for your life?Wu Bin,please have a try.S:I like fastfood,and I celebrate western festivals,such as Christmas,Volentines Day and April Fools Day.T:Good.Please sit down.How about you,Wang Ping?S:I like surfing the Internet,and Im learning to create puter programs.Im very interested in puter programming.T:Good.Thats very helpful.Now,have a discussion in pairs to think out what other activities and interests are typical of young people.(After a few minutes,ask some students to say their answers.)T:Whats your answer,Tian Jing?S:Young people of today like to make their own decisions and try to follow the fashion.T:Right.Please sit down.Who has anything else to say?S:They are interesting in sports and showing their individualities.They are self-confident.They like to try new things and want risk and excitement.T:Great.Please sit down.Nowadays people often talk about the “global teenager”.What do you think teenagers in China have in mon with those in other countries?You may have a short discussion in pairs.(A moment later) Lin Xin,please tell us your answer.S:I think teenagers in China and those in other countries are all self-confident,and they all like to follow the fashion.T:Thats quite right.Please sit down.Han Jie,whats your opinion?S:They all want risk and excitement.T:Good.Please sit down.We know that therere many different aspects of youth culture.Work in groups to design a poster to show what life is like for a modern teenager today.You can choose to include one aspect of youth culture or several.(Divide the students into six groups and give them enough time to design their posters.Teacher may give the students some help if necessary.)Step SpeakingT:(A moment later) Have you finished your posters?Ss:Yes.T:Good.Now,Group One,please e to the blackboard.Stick your poster on the blackboard and give us a presentation about it.Explain your design and content to us.Tell your classmates why you choose to include this/these characteristic(s) of teenage life.(One student from Group One es to the blackboard,sticks the poster on the blackboard and gives a short presentation.)T:Well done!Thank you!Please go back to your seat.Now,Group Two,please show us your poster.(Ask each of the six groups to show their poster and give a presentation about the poster.The students may design various posters about many different aspects of youth culture.)T:Now,weve seen all the posters that youve designed and weve also listened to all your presentations about the posters.Youve done excellent work!From these posters we know therere many different aspects of youth culture.Whats youth culture?Discuss this with your group and try to summarise the concept of “youth culture” in two or three sentences.(Give the students a few minutes to have a discussion.Then teacher asks some students to say their answers.The students may have various answers.Finally,teacher helps the students summarise the concept of “youth culture” and writes it down on the blackboard.All aspects that interest modern youth all over the world.)T:Well done!After class,try to collect some pictures showing different aspects of youth culture to help you understand the concept of youth culture better.Besides,try to find out if theres a bad side to youth culture.You can have a discussion with your classmates or friends.Step ListeningT:We know that more and more young people in China are doing voluntary work.Many college students go to remote areas to help children there receive good education after they graduate instead of applying for a job straight away.So do the youth in other countries.How about you?Do you want to do some voluntary work in your spare time?Ss:Yes.But we dont know what we can do and how we can get some voluntary work.T:Dont worry.Next,well listen to a passage.It is about a student named Danny.Danny is interested in volunteering to help children.He visits a Youth Volunteers Centre to find out more about volunteering.The officer tells Danny about three projects he could volunteer for.Listen to the tape,fill in the form on the screen and find out which project Danny is most interested in and the reasons he gives for not wanting to work on the other projects.(Show the following on the screen.)ProjectFor whom?What to do?When?Big Brothers and Sisters2-3 hours on Saturday afternoonschildren who have difficulty in learning and cant keep up in school(Teacher plays the tape twice.Pause for the students to write down their answers when necessary.Then play the tape again for the students to check their answers.Finally,the teacher checks the answers with the whole class.)Step Summary and HomeworkT:Today,weve talked about youth culture.Weve also designed our own posters and talked about them.Besides weve listened to a passage about volunteering.Next period,well read a passage about young volunteers.After class,try to collect more pictures and information about youth culture and voluntary work to help you understand the passage better.Thats all for today.Class is over.See you tomorrow!Ss:See you tomorrow!Step The Design of the Writing onthe BlackboardUnit 15Popular youth cultureThe First PeriodGroup Ones poster Group Twos posterGroup Threes posterGroup Fours posterGroup Fives posterGroup Sixs posterYouth culture:All aspects that interest modern youth all over the world.Step Record after Teaching_


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