2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1 Communication Workshop教案1 北师大版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 1 munication Workshop教案1 北师大版必修1Objectives To read a personal letter and match paragraphs and topics. To write a personal letter, using informal expressions. To listen for information to plete a table. To recognise and produce correct intonation of questions. To speak about leisure and free time. Resources used Cassette, Writing Help 1. Possible problems Some students may be less imaginative and so have fewer original ideas for the writing task. In the speaking tasks, some students may naturally be more reticent and so speak less than others in the group. Background The informal features found in the letter here are monly used in personal letters. Even more formal business correspondence is being more informalised. Routes through the material If you are short of time, omit the Talkback stage of the writing and speaking workshops. If you have time, choose one of the Options activities to do. Language Power: pages 62?C63. Writing: A Personal Letter Before you start Exercise 1 Ask students how often they write letters and who to. Do they find it easy to think of things to write about? When did they last receive a letter and what was it about? Do they write to penfriends in English? Students look at the photograph and discuss how old the children are and where they are. Remind students of the exercise they did in the previous lesson where they matched paragraphs to topics. Here they do the same thing with the letter. Students work in pairs, reading the letter and matching the paragraph. Answers a) 4 b) 2 c) 3 d) 1 Students close their books. Have a class brainstorming to see how much information they can remember about Wang Ying and Fang Lan. Students will probably be surprised at what they have retained even when they were not focused on the task of remembering. Exercise 2 Elicit what sort of “style” students use when writing informal letters to friends in Chinese. Explain that the three features here are used in informal letters in English. Revise the names of punctuation marks with the class by writing the marks on the board and eliciting their names: . full stop , ma ? question mark! exclamation mark ?C dash Students work in pairs reading through the letter to find examples of contractions, punctuation and informal words. Check answers by reading through the letter with the class, pausing to identify each feature. The informal words are: Remember me? Right? Anyway, guess what? Well. Stages 1?C3 Read through the three stages with the class so that students understand exactly what to do. Refer students to Writing Help 1, page 90, and look at the page with the class if you feel it will be helpful. You may decide that it will be better for some of the weaker students to do the task in pairs rather than individually. If the class has not had much practice in letter writing, it may be helpful to build up a letter on the board with the class so that students have another model to follow. Students go through Stages 1 and 2 making notes, before they write their letter in Stage 3. Students can write the letter in class or as homework. When marking their letters, pay particular attention to the use of contractions, punctuation and informal phrases. Talkback Students work in pairs, reading each others letters to find out two things that have changed. The pairs then report back to the class. Speaking: A Class Survey Before you start Exercise 1 Students read the Strategies and discuss in small groups which two they think are most important and why. Students then feedback to the class and see if there is any general agreement. Ask students how they can interrupt politely in English (“Excuse me/Do you mind if/Im sorry to interrupt but .”).Exercise 2 Students copy the table into their notebooks. Students listen to the cassette and plete the table. Play the cassette again, pausing for students to check their answers. Answers Favourite TV programme ?C nature programme Favourite music ?C dance, pop Favourite clothes ?C T-shirts and jeans Tapescript Girl 1: Hey, Debbie, can you answer some questions for this survey, please? Girl 2: OK. Girl 1: Do you watch much TV? Girl 2: Er, not really. Girl 1: How many hours a week do you watch? Girl 2: Well, about three or four, I suppose. Girl 1: What are your favourite kinds of programmes? Girl 2: I really like nature programmes. Girl 1: Do you like classical music? Girl 2: No, of course not! I cant stand it. Girl 1: What sort of music do you like? Girl 2: Er, I love dance music, pop music Girl 1: What are your favourite clothes? Girl 2: Er, T-shirts and jeans. I dont like formal clothes. Girl 1: Do you ever wear mini-skirts? Girl 2: Mm, sometimes, but not a lot. Girl 1: Thanks a lot. Exercise 3 Play the cassette again, pausing after each question for students to write the question down. When students have written the questions, play the cassette again so they can mark the intonation up or down. Answers The intonation goes up with Yes/No questions and down with Wh- questions Play the cassette again, pausing after each question for students to repeat the question with the correct intonation pattern.Stage 1 Look at the Key Words with the class and then read through the instructions for Stage 1 Key Words hobbies: collect (stamps/coins), paint/draw, make (models/clothes), play (chess/puter games), take photos sport: play (tennis/football), go (cycling/swimming), do (gym/kungfu) music: play (the piano/the guitar), favourite singers/groups, favourite styles (pop/classical) television: favourite programmes (sports/nature programmes), TV stars/actors/actresses going out: fast food restaurants, cinema, theatre, concerts clothes: favourite clothes, favourite colours, buying clothes, shopping In groups of three or four, students choose one of the areas from the Key Words and work out three questions. Each student writes down the three questions. Stage 2 Students form new groups. Each student asks his/her questions to every member of the group and records the answers in a table. Stage 3 When all the groups have finished asking their questions and recording the answers, the students go back to their original groups. Students pare their results in their original groups and produce a graph. Talkback Students show their graphs to the class and describe the results. The class discusses whether any of the results were surprising and votes for the most interesting survey. Options Practice Students look back at Speaking, Exercise 3 ? C the questions they wrote down from the cassette. In pairs, students ask and answer the questions, giving their own information about TV, music and clothes.


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