2019-2020年高一英语下册 Unit14 Festivals(备课资料)教案 大纲人教版第一册.doc

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2019-2020年高一英语下册 Unit14 Festivals(备课资料)教案 大纲人教版第一册一、异域风情1.Valentines DayValentines Day(情人节)is named for Saint Valentine,an early Christian churchman who reportedly helped young lovers.Valentine was killed for his Christian beliefs on February 14 more than 1 700 years ago,but the day that has his name is even earlier than that.More than 2 000 years ago,the ancient Romans celebrated(庆祝)a holiday for lovers.As part of the celebration,girls wrote their names on pieces of paper and put them in a large container.Boys reached into the container and pulled one out.The girl whose name was written on the paper became his lover or sweetheart for a year.Lovers still put their names on pieces of paper and they send each other Valentines Day cards that tell of their love.Sometimes they also send gifts,like flowers or chocolate candy.Americans usually send these gifts and cards through the mail system.But some use another way to send this message.They have it printed in a newspaper.The cost is usually a few dollars.Some of the messages are simple and short,“Jane,I love you very much.”Others say more.This one,for example,“Don,roses are red.Violets(紫罗兰)are blue.I hope you love me as much as I love you.Forever,Mary.”Most of the newspapers that print such messages are local,but USA Today is sold throughout the United States and 90 other countries as well.This means someone can send a Valentine message to a lover in a far-away city or town almost anywhere in the world.These messages cost 80 dollars and more.An employee(职员)of USA Today says readers can have a small heart or rose printed along with their messages this year.Will this kind of Valentines Day message reach the one you love?Well,just make sure he or she reads the newspaper.2.Cluster-of-lights FestivalPeople travel enormous distances just to be home with their families for this happiest and most important of Hindu holidays.And the homes look inviting,too,throughout the late-autumn week of Diwali,especially at night,as celebrants line window sills,porches,and garden walls with long rows of tiny earthenware oil lamps,whose cotton wicks give off a soft,pulsating glow.Diwali is a sort of New Year,at which time people strive to settle old feuds and quarrels and,if they can afford it,buy brand-new clothes in which to celebrate.In the mountain region,bonfires devour the years accumulation of bustible garbage;in many cities,fireworks dance across the sky.The festivities honor the victory of Ramaan avatar of the love-god Vishnuover the ten-headed demon who had stolen Ramas wife,Sita.Devotional music and lamp-lighting ceremonies give way to vegetarian feasts,games of chance,and the exchanging of gifts,usually fruits or sweets.Some Hindu temples display towers of pastries fifteen feet high.二、知识归纳1.春节常用表达归纳春节the Spring Festival正月the first month of the lunar year除夕New Years Eve正月初一the lunar New Years Day元宵节the Lantern Festival过年celebrate the Spring Festival春联Spring Festival couplets剪纸paper-cuts年画New Year paintings买年货do Spring Festival shopping敬酒propose a toast灯笼lantern烟花fireworks爆竹firecrackers灯谜riddles written on lanterns灯会exhibit of lanterns守岁staying-up拜年pay New Year call;give New Years greetings;New Years visit压岁钱gift money辞旧岁bid farewell to the old year扫房spring cleaning;general house-cleaning年糕Nian-gao;rice cake;New Years cake团圆饭family reunion dinner年夜饭the dinner on New Years Eve饺子Jiao-zi;dumpling汤圆Tang-yuan;dumplings made of sweet rice,rolled into balls and stuffed with either sweet or spicy fillings金玉满堂Treasures fill the home.生意兴隆Business flourishes.岁岁平安Peace all year round.恭喜发财Wish you prosperity.和气生财Harmoney brings wealth.心想事成May all your wishes e true.吉祥如意Everything goes well.招财进宝Money and treasures will be plentiful.祝你一帆风顺!Wish you every success!事业成功,家庭美满!Wish you success in your career and happiness of your family!祝你在新的一年里快乐幸福!Wish you happiness and prosperity in the ing year!祝你幸福一年胜似一年!May each year bring you greater happiness!祝你新年快乐,万事如意!Wish you a happy New Year and the best of everything!祝你新年大吉!Wish you good luck in the New Year!祝你在新的一年里百尺竿头,更进一步!Wish you further progress in the New Year!愿数不尽的幸福和成功与岁同增!May each year bring you greater happiness and greater success!2.表示“目的”的方法归纳(1)用“介词或介词短语”来表示目的:A.用介词for表“目的”,因for有“为了”之意。e.g.go for a walk去散步run for ones life逃命read for pleasure读书以求乐趣Why do you e?你来干什么?For a dictionary.找本字典。B.用“whatfor”句型,表示“为什么,为何目的”?e.g.What do you study English for?你为什么学习英语?What didnt you e for?你不来的目的是什么?C.用with/for the purpose of,for the sake of,in the hope of等短语表示目的,因为这些短语本身就是“为了”之意。e.g.Todays advertisements often start with a question,or a puzzle,with the purpose of attracting the readers attraction.今天的广告常常以一个问句或一个谜语开头,目的是引起读者的注意。He therefore loaded the ship with liters of winegar for the purpose of cleaning the inside of the ship.因此,他在船上装了好几升的醋,用来清洗船舱内部。(2)用“不定式或不定式短语”来表示目的:to/in order to/so as to do sth.均可表目的,但in order to和so as to 比to语气更强烈,目的更明确。in order to可以放在句首,而so as to一 般不放于句首,若否定目的状语时,可在to 前加not。e.g.We got up early to catch the bus.为了赶车,我们起得很早。Soapy broke the window in order to/so as to/to run away.为了逃跑,苏比打破了窗子。In order to fetch wood,people had to walk many kilometres.要打柴,村民们得走好多公里的路程。(3)用“从句”来表示目的。so that 和in order that可以引导目的状语从句。从句中常用can,could,may,might等情态动词,两者常可互换,但in order that 可放于句首,so that不行。但so that后面不跟情态动词时,可引导结果状语从句。e.g.Speak clearly so that/in order that they may/can understand you.讲清楚些,好让他们听懂。She learns English so that she may get more knowledge.她学英语是为了获得更多的知识。Everybody lent a hand,so that the work was finished on time.人人动手,结果按时完成了任务。注:in order to/so as to作目的状语常可和in order that/so that引导的目的状语从句互换,但主语必须一致,如主语不一致,不定式就要用for引出其逻辑主语。e.g.He has to work hard so that/in order that hell be able to exam.=He has to work hard to/in order to/so as to pass the exam.她努力学习,以便能通过考试。Ill water the plants so that they will grow.=Ill water the plants for them to grow.我浇灌植物,以便他们生长。3.dress用法归纳(1)vt.A.给穿衣服。表示自己穿衣服这个动作时,接反身代词作宾语或者用作不及物动词;表示替别人穿衣服时,接表示人的名词或代词作宾语。构成dress sb./oneself结构。e.g.After the bath,he dressed himself.洗完澡后,他穿上衣服。She hurriedly dressed her son and took him to the kindergarten.她匆匆忙忙地给她儿子穿好衣服,然后带他到幼儿园。B.用过去分词作表语,表示穿着状况。e.g.He is well dressed.他穿得很好。The man is poorly dressed.那人衣衫褴褛。C.be/get dressed in表示穿着的衣服,后面接表示衣服或者颜色的词。e.g.She was dressed in white.她穿着白衣服。The two foreign students were both dressed in Chinese style clothes.那两个外国学生都穿着中式衣服。(2)vi.A.穿衣;穿(夜)礼服,后面常接副词或表示目的、场合的介词短语。e.g.Get up and dress quickly.快起床穿衣。Ill be ready in a moment;Im dressing.我一会儿就准备好;我正在穿衣服。Few people dress for dinner now.现在很少有人穿礼服赴宴了。They all dressed well(badly).他们穿得都不错(不好)。B.dress up穿上盛装,乔装打扮(指欧美人在化装舞会或演戏时穿的特殊服装)。e.g.Dont bother to dress upe as you are.用不着穿讲究衣服就穿平常的衣服来吧。(3)n.女服;礼服;服装dress作“女服”“礼服”解时是可数名词,作“服装”讲时,是不可数名词。e.g.At the palace ball,all the women wore their smartest dresses.在宫廷舞会上,所有的妇女都穿着最漂亮的衣(礼)服。In this old play,the actors wear the dress of 100 years ago.在这出旧戏中,演员们都穿着一百年前人们穿的服装。He doesnt care much about dress.他不太注意衣着。三、词语辨析1.allow,permit,let,promise(1)allow和permit都表示“允许某人做某事”,后面跟名词、动名词作宾语,跟不定式作宾补。但allow多表示“听任,不阻止或默许”,即主语对别人所做的事情置之不管,表示一种“消极”的概念。而permit多表示一种“积极”的概念,含有“给予某人某种权利”的意思,多用于正式场合。(2)let表示“让”,多用于口语,“允许”的意味较淡,后跟不定式作宾补时省略to。e.g.Please let them set off at once.叫他们立刻出发吧。Who let the man enter the room?谁让那人进来的?(3)promise“答应某人做某事”。e.g.I promise you to leave.我答应你(我)走。比较I allow you to leave.我允许你走。2.nation,country,statenation,country,state三词都有“国家”的意思,但侧重点不同。nation着重指人民。因此可译作“民族”“国民(总称)”。e.g.This is good news for the tobacco pany,but bad news for the health of the nation.这对烟草公司来说是好消息,而对全民的健康来说则是坏消息。The whole nation was in deep sorrow at this news.当全国人民听到这个噩耗时,都沉浸在深切的悲痛之中。the Chinese nation中华民族country着重指疆土、国土、家园,也可指一个人的祖国或国籍所在国。e.g.China is a socialist country.中国是一个社会主义国家。After many years abroad he wanted to return to his country.他在国外呆了许多年后,想要返回祖国。The soldiers fought bravely for their country.战士们为祖国英勇作战。另外,country还可指乡村,侧重点仍然是土地。e.g.We are hoping to live in the country.我们都想到农村去生活。state着重指政体、政权、政府和国家机器。e.g.a head of state国家元首Highways in China belong to the state.中国的高速公路属于国家。Scotland is a nation but not a state.苏格兰是一个民族而不是一个国家。另外,state还可指组成国家的州,特别是在美国。e.g.How many states are there in the United States of America?美国有多少个州?3.in a /one word,in other words,in words(1)in a/one word意思是“简言之,总之”。一般作插入语,通常位于句首,用逗号与句子隔开。e.g.In a word,we must learn English well.总之,我们必须学好英语。In a word,she is a good teacher.总之,她是一位好老师。(2)in other words意思是“换句话说”“换言之”,常位于句首,对前面所说的话进行解释。e.g.I dont want to go now.In other words,I prefer to wait a while.我现在不想去,换句话说,我想等一会儿。You failed the exam this time.In other words,you didnt pass the exam this time.你这次没有通过考试。换句话说,你这次考试没及格。(3)in words意思是“用语言,口头上”也可以写为with words,通常位于句末。e.g.I do not want you simply to promise me with/in words that you will be good.我并不要求你们只在口头上答应我你们要做好学生。I cant describe it in/with words.我无法用语言来描述。4.honour,admire,respect(1)honour指对某人或某物表示极大的敬意。e.g.Children should honour their parents.孩子们应当尊敬父母亲。We are gathered here to honour the memory of this great man.我们聚集在这里缅怀这位伟大人物。(2)admire指对某人、某物的仰慕或赞扬,有很深的情感。e.g.I admire your hard-working spirit very much.我非常钦佩你的刻苦精神。He admired me for my courage.他佩服我的勇气。(3)respect 尤指对年长或地位高的人表示的尊敬。e.g.We should respect our elders.我们应当尊敬长者。Carl is an officer vastly respected by the soldiers.卡尔是一位深受士兵敬爱的军官。四、能力训练(一)单句改错(make+复合宾语)1.He will make me to try again.答案:把to去掉。当不定式作make的宾语时,一般不能带“to”。2.I make the distance be about 40 miles.答案:把be去掉或者在be 前加to。当make作“估计,认为”讲时,宾补中的to be一般省去,有时也不省。但不可只省去“to”。如:What bird do you make that to be?3.He has been made recite the text.答案:在recite之前加to。make用于被动语态,其后的不定式不能省去“to”。4.A heavy rain made the river overflowing its banks.答案:把overflowing改为overflow。make后不能用现在分词作宾补。5.You must try your best to make yourself understand.答案:把understand改为understood。在复合宾语中的逻辑谓语应含被动意义,故用过去分词。6.She made a lot of noice go upstairs.答案:把go改为going。这里的make意为“发出(声音)”,后不接宾补。应改为现在分词going。这一分词短语作状语。可见,当make作“使役动词”时,后面才可接复合宾语。(二)句型转换(每空一词,前后两句意思相同)1.He often swam in this river when he was a boy.He_ _swim in this river when he was a boy.答案:used to2.He can speak not only French but also German.He can speak German_ _ _French.答案:as well as3.At the beginning,collect as many stamps as possible.At the beginning,collect as many stamps as_ _.答案:you can4.It seems that Jack is searching for something.It seems_ _Jack is searching for something.Jack seems_ _ _ _something.Jack_ _ _ _ _ _something.答案:as if;to be looking for;appears to be in search of5.Even his way of walking down the street could be recognized.Even his way_ _down the street could be recognized.Even his way_ _down the street could be recognized.Even his way_ _ _down the street could be recognized.Even his way_ _ _ _down the street could be recognized.答案:to walk;he walked;that he walked;in which he walked


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